06x04 - The Man

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dynasty". Aired: January 12, 1981 – May 11, 1989.*

Moderator: infinitebabbler

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Follows the gloriously over-the-top trials and tribulations of the fabulously wealthy and none-to-nice Carrington and Colby clans.
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06x04 - The Man

Post by bunniefuu »

I've gotta run, darling.

I've got a :
I can't afford to be late for.

Krystle, you've been up half the night
worrying about Sammy Jo.

You've got to accept the fact
that no matter what you do,

she's never gonna change.

I can't believe that, Blake.

You've done everyhing you could
to help her.

Blake, I remember a little girl,
just years old,

with a yellow dress
and black patent leather shoes,

running to me,

holding me
as if I was the mother that she'd lost.

Now, she's no longer a little girl.

Because she had to learn
to survive on her own.

All right.

I won't tell you not to fly to New York,
but please, darling, please be careful.

- Morning, Adam.
- Morning.

- Off to Los Angeles?
- Yes.

I've set up a meeting
with a Colby Enterprise lawyer.

Good. Remember,
I want a thorough investigation.

- Of course.
- Go over every document twice.

Add up all the figures three times
if necessary.

Ha, ha. Yes, sir.

Is there anything else
I should know?

Nothing concrete.
Just don't take anything for granted.

Especially anything
that Jason Colby says.

I'll use a microscope if I have to.

I'm gonna stop in San Francisco
on the way back.

- Yes, the refinery.
- There's a problem I have to check.

- Have a good trip, son.
- I will.

Mr. Carrington, Jason Colby is waiting
for you in the dining room, sir.


Thank you, Gerard.

Morning, Blake.
Join me for breakfast?

Thank you very much, Gerard.
Elizabeth, thank you.

- What the devil do you want, Jason?
- Your answer.

Do we build that pipeline to Chicago,
or don't we?

I told you yesterday I'd need time
to study your proposal.

Fine, you've got time. A week.

- You're giving me an ultimatum?
- No, no, just a...

A deadline.

A week, or I go elsewhere.

You came here personally
just to tell me that?

That's not like you, Jason.

Let's say I like the coffee here.


Before I go into any deal with you, I'm
gonna look it over very, very carefully.

Now, if you can't wait,
then you go to somebody else.

You need my tankers to get your oil
out of the South China Seas.

I've got an exclusive contract
with the Chinese

to use only my tankers
to carry that oil.

But if I don't get
your answer next week,

you can ship your oil out
in rubber rafts.

I'll get somebody else
to build that pipeline with me.

I'm making no promises.

Good breakfast, Blake.

One week.


I called the house.

They said that you were away
on personal business.

I knew that you'd be here.

I just came to say goodbye.

Goodbye? Where are you going?

San Francisco.

It's partly business.

And it's partly
just to get away and think.

There's so much to think about.

What's the matter, Claudia?
What's happened?

It's Adam and me. It's over.

I wanted you to know.

There's a current in him that pulls me.
It takes my breath away.

I guess I just need some time
to catch my breath.

Running away
isn't going to solve anything.

Oh, but I'm not running away.

I've spent my life leaning on people.

On Matthew, on you, on your family.

Maybe in San Francisco by myself,
I can find what I really need.

- What I want.
- You will, Claudia.

But if you need me, I'm here.

I know that.
You're the best that there is.

I'm so sorry
that our marriage didn't work out,

but I'm so glad
that we stayed friends.


- I never meant to hurt you.
- But you didn't.

You were hurting yourself.

We find love where we can,
if we're lucky.

We found each other.

And for a while it was very good.

I'll always love you.

I'll always love you too.



I had lunch
with Amanda the other day.

I expected to find a girl
who was excited and full of love.

Instead she was cold, distant.

I think it's something
between her and Michael.

They've both been through
a terrible ordeal.

Michael's lost his country,

- He's lost his father.
- No.

Michael may have lost his country,
but not his father.

Galen is alive, Blake.
Krystle saw him.

Now, we've got to do something
to help him.

Alexis, you know I would do anything
for our daughter.

But trying to keep the ghost
of King Galen alive...

Is that going to help the marriage?

I mean, they need time.

Time to work out their problems.
On their own.

We've got to do this for her.

For her? Or for you?

What do you mean?

We both want
to help Amanda and Michael.

But are you trying
to save their marriage or...?

- Or save King Galen?
- Galen isn't just a king, Blake.

He's a human being.
God knows what condition he's in now.

He could be starved,
he could be tortured.

Are we just going to stand back
and let that happen?


I'm sorry to interrupt,
Mr. Carrington.

Excuse me.

- Yes, Barbara, what is it?
- Jason Colby just called.

I told him you said you were not to be
disturbed, but he left an odd message.

- Oh? What was that?
- He said,

"A Colby-Carrington pipeline

beats shipping your oil to Chicago
by mule train,"

Is that all he said?

Only that he'll be at
the Brown Palace Hotel until tomorrow,

in case you decide
before he leaves for Los Angeles.

Thank you very much.

Alexis, it just seems to me

Michael has accepted the fact
that his father is dead, as I have.

Are you going to risk the lives
of other men just to chase a dream?

It isn't a dream, Blake.
And I'll prove it to you.


Mr. Jason Colby is on his way up,
Mrs. Dexter.

Thank you, Lin.

- Oh. Jason.
- Alexis.

Oh, it's so good to see you.

They told me
you were as beautiful as ever.

And you are as gallant as ever.
Please come in.

Come and sit down.

- Do you still drink single malt?
- That's it.

Ah. Well, you see, I never forget.

I must tell you, Jason,

that the Colby family
has always been very important to me.

Is that why you asked me
to come see you?

Yes, that and, uh, I think
we can help each other.

I didn't know I needed any help,
but I thank you.

I know all about
your pipeline proposal to Blake.

It must be very important
for you to come here yourself.

- I can deliver him.
- Oh?

Yes, but in return
I want something for myself.

What might that be?

You know about the coup
in Moldavia?

Yeah, they assassinated the king.

Oh, no, he's not assassinated.
He's still alive.

And someone has to go in
and get him out.

Alexis, they've just about boarded up
that country.

Nobody gets in,
and damn near nobody gets out.

Economics, Jason.

They need supplies,
they need equipment.

If you prevented your tankers
from going into that country,

if you supported
an economic embargo--

And in return you'll persuade Blake
to accept my pipeline proposal.


You two are still that close?

Let me put it to you this way.

Between us,
we control half of Colorado.

We own all
of the South China Sea oil leases.

We have four children together.

I would say there's a bond between us
that nobody can ever break.

Yeah, I believe that.
You are quite a woman,

but, uh, in the first place, you only own
percent of those oil leases.

In the second place, you went to w*r
with your ex-husband years ago,

and there is still no sign of a truce.

One of the reasons I came to Blake
is he's his own man.

You can't buy him,
you can't scare him.

Well, you can't buy me, Jason.
And you can't scare me either.

So don't underestimate me.

I'm not the same naive little English girl
fresh out of boarding school

that you met all those years ago.

I'm a very respected businesswoman,
and if you don't wanna do business,

there are plenty
of other people who will.

you can't deliver Blake Carrington.

And I can't put
a whole country out of business.

Not even a little one.

I'm, uh, really sorry, but l--

I can't accommodate you,
but I do give you credit for trying.

And if, uh, you ever get to
Los Angeles, you look me up.

You are a very entertaining lady.

Mr. Jeffrey Colby has arrived.

You are not Jeff Colby.

you're certainly Aunt Constance.

Oh. Ha, ha.

I used to have to bend down
to hug you.

Well, I may have gotten a little taller,
but any time you want a hug,

you just let me know.

Tell me something, is...?

Is that little boy
still in there someplace?

- Only when no one's looking.
- Well, I am looking. Ha, ha.

Come here.
I wanna show you something.

Now, if you don't remember this,
I will be shattered.

- You saved it?
- I always save things of value.

I used to get into arguments with him.
He wouldn't beat the drum fast.

Yes, you used to say,
"Faster, faster. Beat the drum faster,"

And I used to say,
"Don't rush, your time will come,"

- I've missed you, Aunt Constance.
- Oh, no, no, no.

My best friends call me Connie.

Now, this is for your son.

I have another gift for you.
A special gift.

I wanted to give it to you in private.


Because l--
I'm giving it to you with love.

My entire holdings
in Colby Enterprises.

- What?
- Fifty percent of the voting stock.

- Connie, are you leaving it to me?
- No, I am giving it to you, now.

- That's gotta be worth...
- Over $ million.

I told you it could change your life.

- You and Jason built this company.
- And damn well too.

Now it's your turn to start building.

Yes, well, I hardly know anything
about Colby Enterprises.

- I could lose everyhing for you.
- No.

No, Blake Carrington would never
have had you as his right-hand man

unless you were the best.

If your father had lived,
all this would have been his.

I'm not giving you anything
that isn't rightfully yours.

Take it.

- What about Denver-Carrington?
- I'm not asking you to give that up.

You can stay in Denver
and simply vote the stock,

or you can take charge here.

And lock horns with Uncle Jason.

Jason's in Denver.
He'll be back tonight.

Tomorrow I want you to meet with him,
talk with him.

And then you will make
your decision.

The beat's still a bit slow.


[SlNGlNG] Where is that worn-out wish
That I threw aside

After it brought my lover near

Oh, it's funny how love

Becomes a cold, rainy day

It's funny

But my rainy day is

Is here


I usually give at the office,

but after hearing you, just tell me
to whom I should write the cheque.

I don't allow an audience
during my rehearsals, Mr., uh, Lake.

Even to a man
who owes you his life?

You know, Mr. Lake,

being mysterious
will get you no further

than being rude and demanding.

I am very busy. Please excuse me.

It was in Paris, Miss Deveraux.

I was undersecretary
at the embassy there.

You know
how wonderful Paris can be.

Maybe you also know
how terribly lonely it can be.

My wife died while we were there.

Oh, I am sorry.

I fell apart.

I was working
on a major peace treaty.

I couldn't get it done.

I felt I had the fate
of the world in my hands,

and I was gonna blow it.

That's where you came in.

Me? I don't understand.

I was contemplating
a rather melodramatic leap

into the River Seine.

I walked for hours
working up my courage.

And I thought I'd stop
for one last glass of wine.

Stepped into the first place I saw.

You were singing.

- My place?
- You were singing "La Vie En Rose,"


I'll never forget it.

Something about you,
about your song.

I knew that life was worth living,
that I could go on.

I'm very pleased
that you've shared this with me.

The Chinese have a saying.

They say if you save a man's life,
you're in his debt forever.

Oh, really?

And just how do I go about
repaying this debt?

Let me take you to dinner tonight.

How about it, Dominique?

You know something?

One look at you,
my thoughts could be arrested.


I think you've spent too much time
with the boys in the field.

Yeah? Ha, ha.

Mm. Do I sense the sweet smell
of profit?

Mm-hm. What came in today
will send that stock up tomorrow.

Oh, wonderful. Let's go celebrate.

Let me grab a shower,
but first I definitely need a drink.

I heard
that Jason Colby stopped by today.

Yes, he did.

You've talked to Blake?

- What about?
- The pipeline.

You were gonna talk to Blake about
Dexter lnternational building it.


Let's not talk about that now.

I wanna take you upstairs and give you
one of my world-famous back rubs.

Well, you did talk to him, didn't you?


- Didn't you?
- I forgot.

I had something
very important on my mind.

- Like what?
- Like a man's life or death.

Oh, yes, your precious King Galen.

Even before we arrived in Moldavia,
all you could think of was Galen.

- Galen, Galen.
- That's not true.

You're just jealous.

You don't want
a mere husband in your bed,

what you want is a king.

Good night, lady.


You better get her under control.


She's in pain, Sammy Jo.
And she's scared.

She has the right to be.

Unless you come up with the answers,
this production could close out of town.

Way out of town. Like prison.

- I'm telling you everyhing I know.
- Well, I wanna know more than that.

Your aunt has juice for breakfast.
Drinks her coffee black, no sugar.

I need to know the whole script,
the subtext.

What Mrs. Carrington thinks,
how she feels.

- I am not her shadow.
- Well, become her shadow.

Rita and I have given
everyhing we've got.

We need some help from you.

Now, what about this Steven?

What was her relationship to Fallon?

- She-- She was very close to Steven.
- Speak up!


Steven has always confided in her.
They trust each other.

Now you're talking.

And, uh, Adam? What about him?

I'm not sure.

He's Blake's son, so she--

- She--
- She what?

Take it easy, Joel.
This isn't easy for any of us.

You think the pressure's on now?
Let me tell you something.

Every film I ever directed
before I walked on set, I was prepared.

I knew every shot, every angle.

I knew the motivation behind every line
of dialogue, every pause.

I was prepared.

But this
is gonna be my masterpiece.

And I'm not gonna let anything get
in the way of it.

You understand?

You did what?

I gave him my shares
of Colby Enterprises.

- Do you realise what you've done?
- Of course I do.

My gift to Jeff is a gift to you as well.

Well, big sister, that is something
you are going to have to explain to me.

Oh, Jason.

You have worked hard
to build Colby Enterprises.

I've been with you every step.

- Yeah, I know that.
- I've shared your life, and now--

I'm sharing your death.

But if I'm going to lose you,

I will be damned if I'll see
all your hard work die with you.

You're right,
I did build this company.

Do you think
I plan to let it die when I go?

No, I think you're planning
on leaving it to Miles.

Miles is my son.

I know that,
and I love him as much as you do,

but Miles is not interested
in running this company.

As a matter of fact,
he doesn't have the integrity to run it.

He's still young, he's bright.
He'll grow into it.

And I'm damn well gonna stay here
until I'm sure he has.

Good, good.
Then you give him your shares.

Divide it between Monica and Miles.

Jason, I've made my decision.
Can't you accept it?

Accept Jeff Colby as my partner?

That boy? Why?

Because he married
Blake Carrington's daughter?

I don't even know
if he can pour beer out of a boot

with the directions printed
on the heel.

- Who is he?
- He's our flesh and blood.

- He's one of us.
- He's his father's son.

I loved Philip.

Our brother was an escape artist.
He ran from his wife, from his life.

And you wanna give everyhing
you've got to his son?

I've already done that.

All right.

It's your choice.

Jeff and Miles
will be head-to-head now.

But I'm telling you now,
I'll be in Miles' corner.

Well, you're his father.

That's where I would expect
to find you.

Well, Jeff is waiting outside
to see you.

For heaven's sakes, try and be civil.



This may come as a surprise to you,
but I love you very much.

You're on your own now, Jeff.
Good luck.

If it's any comfort,
I'm as surprised as you are.

I've never looked for comfort,
and I've learned to deal with surprises.

Also, I do relish a challenge.

You don't know me.

Well, I can guarantee you I know you
a hell of a lot better than you know me.

That may be so.

Well, that's an oversight
I'll have to correct.

Fine, let's get acquainted,
Uncle Jason.

- You know what Aunt Connie offered.
- I think she made a mistake.

Well, she doesn't think so.

And I respect her judgement
a great deal.

I expect you do.
Not to mention her generosity, huh?

But you still know nothing
about this company,

and damned little about
this family.

I didn't turn my back on this family.
You turned your backs on me.

You knew where I was, yet I never
saw you, never heard from you.

I don't have much opportunity
to get to Colorado.

Not even
to visit your own brother's grave?

Your father and I were never close.
That's no secret.

Not even one visit.

I mean, what did he ever do to you?
What did he ever do to deserve that?

He didn't do anything.

- He wasn't really a Colby.
- Oh, what is that supposed to mean?

That my father cared more about
his family, his country,

- than he did the Colby fortune?
- His country?

The Army
was just a convenient excuse for Phil.

A way out.

Truth is, son,
your daddy ran out on all of us.

On me. Your mother.

He left her with no one. No one.

Now, that's a lie.

- He loved my mother.
- Yes.

I'll give him that. I believe he did,

but he still left her.

He was my brother.
I never knew him.

In the crunch, he cut and ran.

Is that why I make you so nervous?

Afraid I'm gonna come in here,

run your company into the ground,
then take off?

I don't know what you'll do.

What you can do,
and neither does Connie.

But she still gave you her shares.
Now, I can't talk her out of that.

But I can buy them from you
at a very fair price.

These shares are a gift, Jason.

What kind of a man
would sell a gift?

All right.

Take your shares back to Denver,
vote your proxy,

and keep clear of me.

Like my father?

Look, Jeff.

If you stay here, we'll just keep
digging up these old bones

and fighting over them
like a couple of junkyard dogs.

When I came in here,

you might have persuaded me
to sell out,

but as I see it now,
it's not that simple.

You can't bury the past with a cheque
or with years of silence.

You have to learn to live with that.

Now, instead of buying me out,

you just bought yourself a partner.


Adam, Blake told me
I might run into you here.

Yes. Sorry we don't have time
for a drink, Jeff,

but after this, I go to San Francisco.

Didn't know we had business
in San Francisco.

Trouble with our refinery.

Oh, really? If there was trouble,
I would have heard about it.

Don't worry, Jeff, if there is a problem,
I can take care of it.

Or be the cause of it.


- Excuse me.
- Excuse me.

Look at the signature again, Rita.

Krystle Carrington.
I've signed her name a hundred times.

And it's getting better every time.
Now again.


- Who is it?
KRYSTLE: Sammy Jo, it's Krystle.

Oh, my God.

Just a minute.

- Quick, in the bedroom.
- What's the matter? What's going on?

- Just don't ask questions.
- I'm doing something.

It's-- It's Krystle.

Oh, my God.

Auntie Krystle.

I have to talk to you.

You came all the way from Denver
to give me a lecture.

You could've saved yourself a trip.

I just want us
to sit down for a while and talk.

We're family,
and I care what happens to you.

Just as long as I do exactly what you
say, and act the way you want me to.

I know what it's been like for you.

Losing your mother and moving
from town to town.

- Never knowing a real family.
- It's a real hard-luck story.

But I just don't have time for it now.

I wanna help.

Not just approve cheques,
but be a part of your life.

Why do you think Daniel made me
executrix of his estate?

- Obviously because he didn't trust me.
- No, that's not the reason.

Your father wanted us
to be a part of each other.

Now, he knew
that you'd been alone too long, and--

And in spite of our differences,
he knew that I love you.

Look, I'm late for an appointment,
and I've gotta change.

Maybe another time.

Couldn't you change
your appointment?

When I get to Denver,
I'll give you a call.

We can meet whenever you want,
wherever you want.

Just not now.

I-- I came so far to see you.

If you'd only called, Auntie Krystle.
I just can't see you now.

Uh, when I get to Denver,
I'll call, I promise.

All right.

That's quite a lady.

Don't let her kid you. It's an act.

- Maybe.
- What's gotten into you?

Krystle Carrington.

That's some act to follow.

That's not just a signature, or money.
That's real flesh and blood.

And by God,
I'm gonna do justice by her.

Let's go to work.


- Who's there?
MAN: Room service.


You can't stay hidden
in this hotel room forever.

Adam, I came here to be away.

To be alone.

You don't wanna be alone
any more than I do.

I missed you.

- Adam, please.
- Please what?

Please let you run away?

Who are you afraid of, Claudia?
You or me?

I'm afraid of us both.

I think
that we're wrong for each other.

We're right for each other.
When are you gonna realise that?

Adam, look,
I've make a lot of mistakes in my life.

I've hurt people, I've been hurt.

I just need some time to think.

- I need time to be alone.
- Claudia.

I lied to my father to track you down.

I said there was trouble
with the refineries.

Then I called every hotel
in San Francisco until I did find you.

No matter where you go,
no matter how many lies I have to tell,

I'll always find you.

In spite of yourself,
you'll be waiting for me.

Oh, Adam.

It is in spite of myself.

I can't deny what I feel for you.

I don't even know
if I can fight it any longer.

I just know I'm afraid to give into it.

there's a feast waiting for us.

Oh, Adam.


- Now.
- What?

Don't let it go to waste.


- Together we can have it all.
- Oh, Adam.

You saw her?

- She was here and you saw her?
- Yeah, that could have been her.

Didn't know who she was,
or how she got here.

Why didn't you check?
You've a read-out of missing persons.

Their pictures, their histories,

I understand your frustration,
I really do, but understand mine.

Not talking about five people who
happen into this office any given time.

Talking about hundreds
in Los Angeles,

thousands across the country.

Should've kept her
until you found out.

Take a look around this place.

We got guys strung out on PCP.

We got gangs k*lling each other
for control of a street corner.

This girl, I'm to drop everyhing,
she doesn't know what she's doing?

- She was here for help.
- Everyone needs help.

Now, look, you filed
a missing persons report in Denver.

It's on the computer.

She'll show up again someplace.

FALLON: You're beautiful, aren't you?
MlLES: So are you.

I've never seen her take
to a stranger like that before.

- She does trust me, doesn't she?
- Horses know by the touch.

They know whether you're nervous
or insecure.

Oh, but I'm not. I don't know why.

The stables, the feel of it.
As if I've been a part of it all my life.

- I wanna ride her, Miles.
- Wait a moment.

You don't know
whether you've been on a horse.

Well, there's one way to find out.

I gotta know, Miles.

Randall, slow down. Be careful.

- Pull her up.
- Let's see what we're made of, girl.



- Are you all right, Randall?
- I'm all right.

I fell, but I knew how to ride.

I've ridden before, Miles.
I know horses.

I know how they move,
how to move with them.

And now what?
You move on to find another clue?

Oh, Miles,
you really are the only one who cares.

But I've gotta find out who I am.

If you do, I've got news for you.

I'm not letting you go. Ever.

Darling, if Sammy Jo agreed to sit
down and work out your problems,

even if it's here in Denver,
and not in New York,

well, it seems to me
the trip was worthwhile.

She agreed, but, uh,

I had the feeling she would've agreed
to anything just to get me out.

Well, the next move is hers.

- I'm just glad you're here.
- So am l.

But I can't help thinking
that something was going on.

Not just an appointment
she was late for,

but something she was hiding.

It doesn't take this long
to remove a few bandages.

And she had an appointment
at the hairdresser's three hours ago.

Where is she?

Why? Why didn't you go with her?

She wouldn't let me.

She went to get her hair coloured,
and you weren't here.

I mean,
I can't force her to let me go with her.

You'd better learn to force her.

We can't have
a Krystle Carrington look-alike

window shopping in a dime-store.

Rita? Are you all right, princess?

- Where have you been?
- Window shopping.

You know, one of the things
you see when you look in a window

is your own reflection.

Well, I kept going from store to store,
looking for myself,

but I couldn't find me, Joel.

Rita doesn't exist anymore.

This is you, Rita.

What you've always dreamed
of becoming.

Tell me what you see.

It's perfect. Perfect.

Same engine,
but a brand new chassis.

Now the glasses.

Go ahead, Rita.
Take a look in the mirror.

- Go on, go on.
- I'm afraid.

It's a miracle.

Our miracle.

I told you we could do
the impossible.

And now no one...

No one can take it away from us.

Michael, come to bed. It's late.

I can't sleep.

Well, there's other things
to do in bed besides sleep.

Amanda, I'm sorry,
but I've got things on my mind.

Well, then share them with me.

You know, living here like this,
we're like exiled children.

Like husband and wife.

Michael, I love you.
And I want to help you.

Then just accept the fact
that we're not mere husband and wife.

My father is dead.

And we have responsibilities
to my country and its people.

And what about us?

I feel as if I'm locked in a tower,

waiting for you
to grant me an audience.

If we don't have love between us,
what do we have?

Oh, God, Amanda, I don't know.

But until my country is free,
and we're back where we belong,

I don't know what we've got.

- Oh, look, those are good.
- Yes.

Little face all...

Blake, that necklace.
Amanda would love it.

Yes, it would be pretty on her,
wouldn't it?

What is it, darling?
What's the matter?

- That man.
BLAKE: What about him?

I've seen him someplace.

Not here in Denver,
but someplace else.

I can't remember.

If we're gonna make
that dinner date tonight,

I suggest that we go up--

What is it? What's wrong?

That man, Blake,
the one I saw on the street.

I saw him outside
Sammy Jo's apartment in New York.

You're sure?

That look he gave me,
as if he knew me.

It was him, Blake.

He frightens me.

- Oh, Joel, it's beautiful.
- It's perfect for her and you.

Looking at you
is like looking at our future.

Oh, it will work.

And Sammy Jo will get her money,
and we'll get our cut.

We're not settling for a cut.

- But we made a deal.
- We'll keep our deal.

Sammy Jo can have her money,
she can have all of it.

We're going
after Carrington's money.

All of it.
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