02x03 - (S) In Their Own Quirky Ways

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x03 - (S) In Their Own Quirky Ways

Post by bunniefuu »

The world has become a superhuman society, and about 80% of the world's population now has some kind of special trait.

In this world swirling with chaos, the profession that everyone once dreamed about and admired came into the limelight.

Heroes of justice fighting villains and saving people from distress.

Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero.


I'm going to beat you.

The students from the other courses are aiming for the top with everything they've got! I can't afford to fall behind.

I'll be going for it with everything I have, too.

"In Their Own Quirky Ways" The U.


sports festival first-year stage qualifier! The first game is an obstacle course race! It's a cruel chicken race where anything goes as long as you stay on course! Hey.

--We'll bring you the exciting scenes -with camera robots set around the course! --You don't need me, do you? Now then-- Can the golden eggs aiming to be future heroes get through the mass of Robo Infernos?! If they went through all this trouble, I wish they would've prepared something better.

Since my stupid old man is watching.

He stopped them! Between their legs! We can get through! I wouldn't if I were you.

I froze them when they were unbalanced.

They'll fall over.

The first one through the first barrier is Shoto Todoroki from Class 1-A! Hey! Someone's trapped underneath! Wouldn't that k*ll them? Will people die at this sports festival?! Like I'd die! Kirishima from Class 1-A was underneath! That's crazy! That bastard, Todoroki! He timed it on purpose so it'd be right when they fell.

If it hadn't been me, someone would've died! "Eijiro Kirishima" "Quirk: Hardening" Eijiro Kirishima! Quirk: Hardening! His body can get super hard! He can become the strongest spear, or the strongest shield! That Class A really is filled with bastards! Tetsutetsu from Class B was also underneath! That's crazy! If it hadn't been me, someone would've died! "Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu" "Quirk: Steel" Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

Quirk: Steel! His body can become like steel! He can become the strongest spear, or the strongest shield! Our Quirks are pretty much the same?! I have a hard enough time standing out as it is! Wait, you little--! Those guys are lucky They can get through without being afraid of getting crushed.

Anyway, let's work together for now to clear a path! Bakugo?! Like I'd let you get ahead of me! Class 1-A's Bakugo! Since the bottom's blocked, he goes overhead! Clever! You seem like you'd be the type to plow straight through, but you can go around when you need to, huh? I'm going to hitch a ride! "Hanta Sero" "Quirk: Tape" Hanta Sero.

Quirk: Tape! He can sh**t tape-like material from his elbows! He can also wind it up and use it to move! Or cut it off and use it as a trap! Land! Aye, aye! "Fumikage Tokoyami" "Quirk: Dark Shadow" Fumikage Tokoyami.

Quirk: Dark Shadow! He's got a shadow-like monster living inside him that can materialize and change shape elastically! As expected, most of the group that's gone ahead is from Class A.

Class B and the other courses aren't bad, either! It's just Class A doesn't spend a lot of time standing around.

Those who experienced firsthand that world above them through the incident at USJ Release! Those who had fear planted in their hearts Those who dealt with it and pulled through They all used that experience to drown out their hesitation.

I can't rely on One For All this early in the competition! It's the armor of the one Todoroki defeated! That robot will lock onto the target and track it.

I'll make it build up momentum And then-- It won't be able to stop suddenly! Move! Move! This can be a shield, too! It'll be useful! Yaoyorozu! A piece of cake.

The path is clear! She defeated those zero-point villains so easily? No wonder she got in through recommendations.

During the entrance exam, they were there to be avoided.

If you see them as things to be defeated, they're dumb hunks of metal.

You'll start to see openings.

I want you to tell the world "I am here!" I told him that even though I knew it'd be unreasonable.

It doesn't matter if it's close! Just get to the next round! Hey, hey! The first barrier's a piece of cake? Then what about the second? If you fall, you're out! If you don't wanna fall, then crawl! It's "The Fall"! When did they build this stage? Tsu? Ribbit! Ribbit.

This is like a glorified tight rope.

She's fast! Glitter.

Here it is! Here's my chance to show off! It's time for my support items to be in the limelight! "heh heh heh heh heh " Look, all you support companies across the country! Wire arrows and hover soles! Glitter! You're from the support course? What? It's okay to bring in items? The hero course undergoes combat training regularly, right? In order to keep things fair, we are allow to equip items and costumes, as long as we developed them ourselves! Or perhaps I should say for those of us in the support course, this is the place where we can show off our ideas and skills to companies! Come, take a look, all you companies! Especially the big ones! Look at my super cute babies! Wow.

That's so annoying I can't lose! That's some misplaced equality! Nice A lot of different people are working hard for their chance, huh, Eraser Head? What are you idiots stopping for? And now, the leader of the pack is easily getting through first! Looks like he's getting fired up.

A slow starter? Damn it! My older brother is probably also watching.

I can't let him see me act uncool! That's so uncool! That guy in first place is way ahead! His Quirk is really strong, but his natural athletic ability and judgment are also a cut above everyone else's.

Of course it is.

That's the Flame Hero, Endeavor's son.

No wonder! The blood of the guy second only to All Might, huh? There'll be fighting over who gets him as a sidekick! The lead pack is a step ahead, but below them, everyone's clumped together! They haven't announced how many people will make it through, so you can't relax! Push forward! Izuku And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! The reality here is that it's a minefield! It's set up so that you can tell where the mines are if you look carefully! So you have to exploit your eyes and legs! By the way, these landmines are for games, so they're not that powerful, but they're loud and flashy enough to make you wet your pants! That depends on the person.

First place is already there? Faster Faster! I see.

This is an obstacle that puts those in the lead at a disadvantage.

Trying to make it entertaining, huh? This doesn't affect me! Bastard, don't declare w*r to the wrong person! And now, we've got someone new in the lead! Rejoice, mass media! It's the kind of development you guys love! Hey, hey, hey, the rest of the pack is also speeding up! However! Even as they push and pull at each other, can the two at the top remain in the lead? It It's far! But there's still stuff I have to do! "Boom~" I'm gonna borrow your idea, Kacchan! There's a huge expl*si*n at the back?! What's with that force?! What?! Was it an accident, or did he do it on purpose? Class A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with that blast! Landmines used for games The type with fuses that go off if you step on them.

They're not that powerful, but if I lose my balance and set off a bunch of them, I'll lose a lot of time.

If I take injuries and stamina into account, it'd be better to slow down and avoid them.

The jumpers can't jump carelessly either, and the further ahead you are, the more landmines you'll have to avoid.

They probably can't go very fast with all the obstacles.

Look carefully! The places where those in front avoided Everyone was the most careful around the entrance.

There are a lot of landmines left.

It'll be fine.

--What's Midoriya doing? --Don't be impatient here! In the lead are Bakugo and Todoroki! They'll get through the last barrier soon! All right.

I'm gonna borrow your idea, Kacchan! Super expl*sive speed turbo! That's! Class A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with that blast! Actually, he's taken the lead! I flew just like I'd planned, but there's so much force! And I didn't think about landing! Deku! Don't go ahead of me! This'll give those in the back a path but I don't have time to worry about what's behind me! The two formerly in the lead have stopped trying to slow each other down and are chasing Midoriya! Now that they have a common enemy, they've stopped fighting! The fight's not over yet, though! What are you saying? Oh no I'm losing speed! That's not surprising They'll overtake me in an instant! Thinking about the time I'd lose landing, there's no way I'd be able to take back the lead.

Damn it! No! Don't let go! Grab hold of that chance you got to get in front of these two, and don't let go! If I can't take back the lead, then I can't let them get ahead of me! Midoriya swiftly blocks those behind him! Would you believe it? He cleared the minefield in an instant! Eraser Head, your class is amazing! What're you teaching them?! I didn't do anything.

They got each other fired up on their own.



sports festival, first-year stage! Not listening?! Who could've predicted the developments at the beginning or this conclusion? Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man Izuku Midoriya's made a huge splash! Izu! Hey, that kid's Oh yeah.

If I remember correctly, he's from last year "Authorized Personnel Only" This brat is This sports festival is a competition where they have to aim for the top, even if it means defeating their friends and classmates.

Modern heroes depend a lot on their popularity, so they need to have that desire to be above all the others.

At your core, you are a hero who wants to help others.

That is why I chose you, but I thought that was also your weakness.

I was worrying over absolutely nothing! Sorry! You should still try to stop being such a crybaby, though.

What do you think? First of all, Midoriya's stock will climb fast.

However, he still has not shown his Quirk yet, so it's hard to predict what will happen.

If you took on management of an agency, how would you market him? Opinions? What do you think? His appearance is out.

If he were particular about his abilities or aesthetics, we could highlight those parts, but without the raw material to work with That business course! They never change, huh? "Business Course" The business course! There is not really any benefit to them participating in the sports festival! --Therefore, they cultivate their instincts by selling things or doing marketing simulations! --Get your bentos here! Get your bentos here! "noise noise talk talk" They've got a lot of free time! Again Damn! Damn it! And now, they're finishing one after another! We'll make a list of the results later, but for now, good work! Deku! You were amazing! --Uraraka? --I can't believe I fell behind with this Quirk --First place is amazing! --I can't believe I fell behind with this Quirk --That's so frustrating, dang it! --I still have a long way to go! --I-It was just --I still have a long way to go! I was just lucky! I just happened to be able to use something I thought I could use.

What's amazing was my luck.

It was a lucky punch.

My real ability will be tested after this This isn't how it was supposed to I k*lled two birds with one stone! I'm a genius! You're the worst! The first game of the first-year stage is finally over.

Now, take a look at the results! "Class A: Izuku Midoriya" "Class A: Shoto Todoroki" "Class A: Katsuki Bakugo" "Class B: Ibara Shiozaki" "Class B: Juzo Honenuki" "Class A: Tenya Iida" "Class A: Fumikage Tokoyami" "Class A: Eijiro Kirishima" "Class A Hanta Sero" "Class B: Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu" "Class B: Yosetsu Awase" "Class A: Mashirao Ojiro" "Class A: Tsuyu Asui" "Class A: Rikido Sato" "Class A: Ochaco Uraraka" "Class A: Mezo Shoji" "Class A: Momo Yaoyorozu" "Class A: Minoru Mineta" "19th: Mina Ashido" "20th: Koji Koda" "21st: Kyoka Jiro" "22nd: Sen Kaibara" "23rd: Kosei Tsuburaba" "24th: Denki Kaminari" "25th: Kojiro Bondo" "26th: Reiko Yanagi" "27th: Hitoshi Shinso" "Dang it" "Class A: Yuga Aoyama" The top 42 made it through to the next round.

It's unfortunate, but don't worry even if you didn't make it! We've prepared other chances for you to shine.

The real competition begins next! The press cavalry'll be all over it! Give it your all! Now then, here is the second game.

I already know what it is, but what could it be? What could it be? I just said it, and now here it is A cavalry battle? I'm bad at those --It's not an individual event, so I wonder how it'll work --Cavalry battle! Let me explain.

The participants can form teams of two to four people as they wish.

It's basically the same as a regular cavalry battle, but the one thing that's different is based on the results of the last game, each person has been assigned a point value.

A point-based system like the entrance exam, huh? That's easy to understand.

In other words, each team is worth different points depending on who's on the team! I see! You guys don't hold back even though I'm talking, huh?! Yes, that's right! And the points assigned go up by five starting from the bottom.

So 42nd place gets five points, and 41st gets ten points! And the point value assigned to first place is ten million! T-Ten million?! Ten million, huh? In other words, if you take down the first place player's team you can stand at the top no matter what place you're in! That's right.

It's survival of the fittest, with a chance for those at the bottom to overthrow the top! "Preview" Let's talk about the next episode, Deku.

The second round is the cavalry battle! Usually, four people fight as a team, but no one wants to be on my team! Deku, you're lonely, huh? Did I get labeled a loner without knowing it? Deku, you're lonely, huh? She said it twice! Next time, "Strategy, Strategy, Strategy"! Deku's tears will sh**t out like a geyser! Go beyond! "Next time: Strategy, Strategy, Strategy" Plus Ultra!
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