04x25 - (S) His Start

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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04x25 - (S) His Start

Post by bunniefuu »

"Fujiya Hospital"

I'll leave a change of clothes and
something to keep you warm over here.

Thanks, as always.

It looks like it'll get
chilly starting next week.

I'm glad.

I like the cold.

Yeah, we don't like to be too hot, huh?

Natsu, you look well.

Ever since going to college,
he never comes home.

Says he met a girl at a seminar.

Sis! I do stay in touch, don't I?

M-Mom, you look good, too!

Your complexion! Your complexion looks good!

Did something good happen?


Shoto's been writing me letters.

He said the supplementary training
for the provisional license is tough,

but he's working hard
to catch up to his friends.

Huh. Shoto corresponds frequently.

Between living at the dorms
and his supplementary training,

he hasn't been able to come
around as much as before.

Don't you think it'd be okay
for you to have a cell phone now?

Writing letters is tough, isn't it?

You're right. I wonder
what the doctors will say...

Can I see the letters?

Sure. Don't tell Shoto, though.


He officially became number one yesterday.


The world doesn't know what
he did to you and our siblings--

how he's treated his family.

He doesn't go on talk shows or anything either.

Hey, don't talk about Dad--

It's fine, Fuyumi.

I don't really have many memories of him,

and he's basically like a stranger to me,
so I don't care what happens to him.

But I can't allow him to act like
nothing he did to you guys ever happened.

It's already been about ten years.

He hasn't even come to apologize to you, right?

He wants to leave the past
and his blood ties behind.

That's not true.

Why do you protect him, Mom?

Those flowers...

I told him that I liked them.

Around when we first met, just one time.

Dad's been here?!

He's come many times, apparently.

I haven't seen him.

I'm still afraid...

And the doctors also say that's not a good idea.

I don't know what he's thinking deep inside.

There might be an external reason for it.

But, he's not leaving them behind.

He's definitely trying
to face his past and his family.

Endeavor, you can fly?!

"Pro Hero - Endeavor - Quirk: Hellflame"

I'm just not falling!

Stay sharp!

This thing can still move.

Y-You didn't think you...
c-could k*ll me... w-with this f-fire...


The one at Hosu could do that, too.

A power I didn't see with the white ones...

Does that mean the black ones are special?

If that's the case, then this
one's special even among them.

Because... it can talk!

...did you?

In that case!

I'll take it alive to get information!

Flashfire Fist...

...Hell Spider!

Right after being charred...

Hey, hey... Come on,

"Pro Hero - Hawks"

Number One...!

It overcame my propulsion.

It's above me in both speed and power?!

Are you kidding me?

It's falling!

Sense them, Fierce Wings.

Screams, breaths, clothes rustling,
the vibrations people produce...

I can't get everyone in the building out.

I don't have enough feathers...

I have to limit myself to
the people in the damaged part!

"Hawks - Quirk: Fierce Wings"

Hawks. Quirk: Fierce Wings!

He has tough yet supple feathers!

He can control each one as he wishes!

Seventy-six people in the damaged part...

...all evacuated safely!

Flashfire Fist...

...Hell Spider!

Is that the best you've got?

Of course not!

I'll cut it into bits and burn them off!

You've never cooked before, have you, Endeavor?!

Your "bits" are chopped too roughly!

You need to cut them into even pieces.

You should stop talking and
save your strength for moving.

Well, when I lose too many feathers,
it makes it harder to fly.

Sorry about that.


Endeavor! Hawks!

We'll back you up!

Y-You're in the way!

It split itself?!

The colors are different...

Were they stored inside its body?

I'm starting to overheat...

Who strongest?

If we take those words at face value,

then its goal is to fight against the strong.

A very villain-like train of thought.

So in order to continue its fight with me,
it's splitting off my backup, huh?

This Nomu... is thinking.

Get away!


Okay, get back until
you can't see what's going on.

To be frank, I'm pretty
helpless against power types.

My back won't be enough to let you feel safe.

You... a-aren't firing... anymore?

Th-Th-The heat rays.

Or you can't fire?

If that's the case...

You're perceptive, too, huh?

Flashfire Fist compresses and
contains flames under super-hot temperatures

and releases them in
a single-blow ultimate move.

If I use it recklessly,
my body temperature rises,

and my bodily functions deteriorate.

But, on top of having
less speed and power than it,

I also don't know how many Quirks it has,
so not using it would be fatal!

My body continues to fill with heat.

That was the reason...

That was the reason...

That was the reason...

Oh, just now! Can you see it?

Endeavor! He's so bright, even at this distance!

He's discharging intense flames!

Let me t-try out my power...
m-my new strength on you!

Burn up in a purgatory where
you can't run or regenerate fast enough

and be quelled!

Prominence Burn!

Just watch me.

I can't look pathetic...

...right now!

Too bad.


It tore off its head and threw it?!


Boring. A-Aren't there
any stronger heroes around?

I'll become a hero that you can be proud of.

Proud that your father is the number one hero...

...the most powerful man.

"Quirk: Fierce Wings"
"He can manipulate the feathers on his back at will. He can also sh**t or transform them."

"Affiliation: Pro Hero"
"Birthday: / "
"Height: cm" "Blood Type: B" "Likes: Yakitori"

"Quirk: Hellflame"
"He can produce high-temperature flames with his body."

"Affiliation: Pro Hero"
"Birthday: / "
"Height: cm" "Blood Type: AB" "Likes: Kudzu Mochi"

The villain that appeared suddenly
is trampling the city all by itself!

I can't confirm this,

but it seems that many bioengineered
human Nomus have also appeared.

Currently, the heroes are fighting them
and evacuating people.


Endeavor, who was the first
to respond, has been wounded...

This scene...

I can't help but remember the
nightmare at Kamino three months ago...

Too slow.

More... m-more... power...

What is that guy doing?

If you can't win, then wait for reinforcements!

You're the one who knows best

that you can't be like All Might, right?

That's why you gave up so early and went crazy.

Neglecting your kids,

running down Mom until she got sick...

Give up and run away...


Some things,

you know but can't accept, right?

He never gave up.

No one is more stubborn than he is.

It's all right!

Calm down!

Please, don't push!

Everything's fine!

Please, give me a ride!

Stop pushing!


Humans... over there...


There's no Symbol...

This is what it means to have no Symbol...

You've got to be kidding me...

Everyone's panicking! This is bad.

Todoroki... You already saw it?

Mr. Aizawa!

Don't just say whatever you want!

What are you looking at
to come up with that, TV?!

Stop that! It's not the time for it.

Look at that!

The flames are still burning, see?

You can see that, can't you?

Endeavor's still alive and fighting!

Stop letting something
that isn't there get you down!

You're taking this too seriously! Stop it!

Let's hurry up and get out of here!

Right now, who's the man...

...risking his life for our sakes?


Can you also... also regenerate?

Don't lump me with you.

I haven't been able to move my body for a while.

Propel your body onward with heat!

I'm grateful!

I can stay conscious thanks to the pain.

Don't let yourself go down!

Fix your eyes growing dim
on the chance at victory!

Turn up the heat!


Even more!

Hey, bioengineered human!

It'll be bad if your head gets injured, right?

Stop seeking live capture!

Go beyond!

Beyond its reaction time!

I'll go beyond,

and I won't go down
until I turn its ugly mug to ash!

That's it, Endeavor!

With just my feathers,
I don't have enough destructive power.

But I'm equally matched in speed.

You know,

I was watching, so I know.

There wasn't a single person
who was seriously trying to surpass him.

You were the only one.

The only one seriously trying to surpass him.


just how awkward can you get?

I sent off a few of my feathers ahead of time.

I'll add my speed to your firepower!

Let me give you a push, Number One!

I wanted to become stronger than anyone.

My back isn't enough to let them feel safe.

That's why...

It's suddenly acting like a wild animal!


Even though it's being
burned from inside its mouth,

the regeneration's still keeping up?

Not enough firepower is being released!

My feathers...

I've already sent almost all of them!

They're about to burn up and disappear!


Bioengineered human... Nomu!

You, who have been
created to have multiple Quirks--

who are obsessed with strength--

E-Endeavor is fighting...

Even as he suffers... and struggles...

He's fighting!

...who's the man risking his life for our sakes?


Old Man...

I'm watching!

I'm watching!

My feathers are basically cinders!

I can't help you much!

It's enough!

Higher! Higher!

Way up high, where I won't have
to worry about people or buildings!

I see. Up there, you can
release everything freely, huh?

Bioengineered human...

...you... are me...

...from the past...

...or from another future...

Burn up... and be put to rest.

I've always hated this school motto...

Plus Ultra...

Prominence Burn!

Endeavor is standing!

He's standing!

Standing...with his fist raised high!

A sign of victory--no--

of his start!

Even with All Might effectively retired,

heroes cannot stop moving forward.

And, who will carry on his will...

...is us!

"His Start"

So you're...

...the ninth...
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