02x14 - Sue Ellen's Lost Diary/Arthur's Knee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Arthur". Aired: October 7, 1996 - February 2022.*
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Arthur demonstrates to kids how to deal with challenges as homework, teachers and bullies.
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02x14 - Sue Ellen's Lost Diary/Arthur's Knee

Post by bunniefuu »

# Every day you walk down the street Everybody that you meet

# Has an original point of view

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart Listen to the beat

# Listen to the rhythm of the street Open up your eyes, open up your ears

# Get together and make things better By working together

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

- # And I say, hey!
- Hey!
- What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other

# What a wonderful kind of day - hey! What a wonderful kind of day - HEY! #

Hey! DW!

- Hey!
- Whoa!

Look deep into my eyes and I will read your mind.

Deeper, deeper.

Aha! I know what you're thinking. You want the show to start.

OK, so maybe I can't read minds.

But what if I COULD know exactly what people thought?

I wonder what's going on in DW's head.

I'll put you in one of my dolly's dresses, then we'll play house.

Help me! Help me!

Oh! Maybe I don't want to know after all.

- Huh!

Hey! I'll see what Pal's thinking.

I think I could have guessed that.

Mom and Dad! Now this should be interesting.

Arthur, what are you doing up? It's way past your bedtime.

Oh, sorry. I was just wondering what you were thinking.

Really? Honey, let's think the same thing and see if Arthur can guess.

OK, I'm going to bed. I think NOT knowing what people think is better.

- I see someone's going to be reading a lot this week.
- Oh, wait a minute.

I think I forgot something.

Oh! Oh, no!

But I must have left it here. It couldn't have just walked away.


Oh, no!

Pretty funny, huh?

Hey, Sue Ellen, this is really funny. Listen.

I know what's in it. I wrote it! It's not funny, stealing someone's...

Diary? Hey, this isn't my diary, it's a joke book.

- What would I be doing with your diary?
- Well, someone has it.

They're probably reading it right now.


And she seemed really upset.

- Why was she worried I'd read it?
- Maybe there's something about you.

Me? What would she write about me?

Maybe the mean things you've done to her, like pushing her in the mud.


Day .

Francine is getting meaner and meaner. It's time she got help.

But I didn't push her. She tripped.

Yes, but maybe she thinks you did.

I came to you, Dr Zimmer, because you're the expert in mean children.

I'm afraid your friend exhibits all the signs of acute ogreism.

Ogreism, Dr Zimmer?

A disease in which the victim cannot control being mean.

Notice the bossiness... and the pushing.

That's just like Francine!

Then I am afraid there is no help for her.

We must keep her away from children.

- Why can't I play with my friends?
- Sorry, ogreism is very contagious.

Besides, they probably don't want to play with you. You'd be mean.

But I'm not that mean. Really, I'm not, I swear.

- And I don't have ogreism.
- You don't have what?

- That disease Sue Ellen said I had.
- I said MAYBE you're in the diary.

You're right. I've gotta find out.

She probably didn't write about Francine at all.

I wonder what she did write about.

I'll help look for it, Sue Ellen.

OK, but don't read it if you find it.

Maybe it was put in these shelves.

If you told me what's in the diary, I'd know what section to look in.

- Just thoughts, ideas, the beginning of a story.
- About what?

A girl who's a princess and...

Hey, wait a minute! Nice try, but I'm not saying a thing! It's private.

Boy! She really doesn't want me to see that book.

Maybe it's because there's stories about ME.

There was once a rich, beautiful, smart princess named Millicenta,

- who lived in a tower with her lady-in-waiting.
- Oh, my princess!

You are so fair, while I am just...OK.

Ow! Watch it. You'll give me split ends.

Then, one day, a fire-breathing dragon came to the village

and caused big trouble.

Help us! Help!

Help us, rich, beautiful, smart Princess Millicenta!

- Lady-in-waiting, we've got to do something.
- Fear not, princess,

I'll handle it.

Oh, no! Help! Help!

To do something right, you have to do it yourself.


Oh, beautiful princess, thank you. How will I ever repay you?

Well, this perfume is a bottle. You can start there.

- Hey, space cadet.
- Huh?

You can't talk to me like that! I'm a princess.

OK, whatever, just quit blocking the shelf.

Oh, sorry, Binky. I was just thinking about Sue Ellen's diary.

She lost it and it had a wonderful story.

- A book? "Private" written all over the cover?
- Yeah, have you seen it?

- I thought it was just a book. I put it on a cart.
- What did it say?

- I don't know. I didn't read it.
- Come on, let's find it.

I have to read that story.

- It was right there. And the cart was there.
- It could be anywhere by now.

What's so important?

A diary is where people write how they really think about everything.


Yep, everything and everybody.

Everybody. That would include...me!

Dear diary, today was no ordinary school day.

It was the day I met the man of my dreams - Binky Barnes.

He's handsome...


and talented.


If only I can get him to notice me.

Dear diary, three months have passed

and Binky still doesn't know how I feel about him.

I've tried everything.

# 'Ay 'ay 'ay 'ay Binky, te quiero

# I love you, I love you Te quiero, I do

# I really truly love you muchisimo It's true. #

If she's written that, I'd better find that book before anyone else!

- Excuse me.
- Whoa!

Oh, great(!)

Hey, what's this?

She must have written about people she lov...thinks are cool.

Maybe she wrote down when we picked our noses.

Well, we'll never know unless we find it.

Anyone seen Sue Ellen? I've found her diary.

Wait. We shouldn't do this. Would you like someone to read YOUR diary?

- I don't have a diary.
- Don't you want to know what she's said about you?

- Kind of, but...
- OK, who's going to read first?

- Not me.
- Not me.

- Definitely not me.
- I don't wanna be first.

Maybe if we all read it together, that way everyone's equally guilty.

I've had that diary since I was little. No-one's ever read it.

Not even my mom and dad.

- Arthur! Why did you take it?
- I didn't. I found it on the book cart.

- I was going to give it back...
- Then we wanted to see what's in it...

- So we took it there...
- And couldn't open it.
- Here, it's still private.

I know what I'll write in it tonight.

ALL: What? I have the best friends in the world.

No, really, what will you write?

Allow me.

Sue Ellen, I'll be home tonight if you need any more ideas for stories.

I'll hold your book while you unlock your bike in case you get hurt.

- Arthur, are you sure nobody read my diary?
- No, it's still private.

Good. You may have been embarrassed, cos I said nice things about you.

- See you later.
- Huh?

Hello, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Arthur's heart.

I'm the guy who pumps blood through Arthur's body.

- Hey, are we late?
- No, come on.

- These are Arthur's lungs.
- Ah! Ah! Hey!

Without them, Arthur wouldn't get the air he needs to breathe.

Ah! That's right, Pumpy.

Don't call me Pumpy.

Did you miss us?

The twins - Arthur's kidneys.

- We keep his...
- ..blood clean.

Hey, dudes, where's the party?

- This is Arthur's intestine. He helps digest food.
- I'll be in the kitchen.

- Ah, here you guys are.

BELCH Ah! You don't sound too happy, stomach.

- Arthur eat too much candy again?
- Worse.

- Cake.

Ooh! Without a stomach, Arthur couldn't eat.

See how he treats me? No respect.

- Sometimes, Arthur forgets to use one thing.
- Aah!

- Hey, that's right, Pumpy. Where's Arthur's brain?
- Don't call me Pumpy.

- I haven't seen him. Maybe we should call him.
- Hey, brain.
- Where are you?

Brainy, where are you?

Sorry, folks. Looks like Arthur's forgotten to use his brain again.

- Yoo-hoo! Brain!
- Missed his morning brain food!

- What's that?
- The coolest ancient history project ever.

- Wrench.
- A chariot for Shakespeare's Julius Caesar.

- What's a...chariot?
- It's a replica of an ancient horse-drawn vehicle,

used in w*r and processions.

Done. Let's test it.

- But what...?
- This is how the ancient Romans used to get around.


Did the Romans need lots of bandages when they travelled?

I anticipated malfunctions like these. The bearing case is broken.

- We need a replacement wheel, but it's my lunch time.
- I can get one.

OK. We can put it on when I get back.

- Can I come?
- No.
- Why not?

- Because.
- Because why?

- Because I said so.
- Hey! Only Mom and Dad can say that. I'll ask Dad.

Wait! I'm going to the dump to find an old wheel.

You don't want to go to a dirty, yukky dump full of smelly junk.

Mom and Dad said you're not supposed to go there.

- I'm telling!
- OK, but then I'll have to tell on you for telling on me.

I'd tell on you for telling on me for telling on you.

Then I'd have to... Oh, never mind.

You can come, but you absolutely can't tell anybody.


- Ah!
- Ah! This isn't fun.

I said not to come. We'll go when I find a wheel. Help me look.

- Look, there's one.
- Down there?

You're going down there?!

Yeah, no problem. I'll climb down and get the wheel. Piece of cake.

Whoa! Let's see.

Here I go.

I can't look.



Eeeh! Oh!



Watch out for that.

Oh, no!


- You're bleeding!
- Ah! I cut my knee on that lima beans can.

I knew lima beans were no good!

Hurry up, Arthur. I can't wait to tell Dad lima beans are bad for you.

- He was wrong.
- You can't tell him. He'll know we were at the dump.

- What about your knee?
- A deal is a deal. No telling.

Coast is clear.

Argh! Ugh!


Red alert! Dad at five o'clock! Take evasive action.

Ugh! Argh!

Once I've cleaned my cut, I can fix my pants so Mom will never find out.

Tell her what happened. She'd fix it.

- That's what Moms are for - laundry and stuff.
- No! Argh!


Everything's just fine. I can handle it.

I can't read yet. What does this say?

It says, "I haven't told yet. Get well soon."

Maybe this is one of those times when you SHOULD tell.

I promised Arthur I wouldn't tell. We made a deal.

Maybe instead of telling on him, you can get Arthur to tell on himself.

- But how do I...?
- Where's Arthur?

Brain! Thank goodness you're here! Wait till I tell you what happened.

It's nothing to worry about. It's not that bad.



Ah! Watch out!

But you're really hurt, Arthur!

What if it gets even worse, and then...

And then I'll have to feed Pal and do all your other chores too.

She's right, you could get sick.

Your skin is your first line of defence against invading pathogens.

If it's breached by a cut, viruses and bacteria can get in your body.

Some cells send out messages warning other cells of the attack.

White blood cells rush in to destroy as many enemy cells as they can.

Your body temperature could rise in an attempt to wipe out the enemy.

In other words, you could get a fever and be really sick.

By not telling, you risk tetanus, encephalitis, conjunctivitis

- and all kinds of stuff.
- Yeugh!

Remember when I was a brave girl and told Mom about going up the tree?

Now it's your turn to be brave. You have to tell on yourself.

OK, OK, you're right. Go get Mom.

- Just about done.
- And how are we doing?
- It stings, but I'm fine.

Good. We'll give you a tetanus booster.

And you'll have to take antibiotic medicine for ten days.

- But the worst is over.
- What's a tetanus booster?

A shot, but it won't hurt as much as your knee and it'll protect you.

- OK.
- Great. I'll be right back, then.

You know, it's a good thing you came in when you did.

Injuries can get serious if you ignore them. They become infected.

That's what I said, Doctor.

I told him about tetrous, Indianapolis and all that.

Ha-ha! Good for you. Maybe you'll be a doctor too, some day.

- Then
- I
- can give Arthur his tetrous booster.
- Mom!

- I know it was hard to tell us about your knee, Arthur.
- And for me too.

To NOT tell.

Anyway, I'm proud of you for coming forward with the truth.

- Great! I'll call Brains to finish...
- Wait! I'm not finished with you.

- I can't practise pitching with you after all.
- C'mon, why not?

I've decided to stay in and help with some chores.

Huh?! Why?

I violated my parents' trust by going to the dump.

I should think about what I did.

Well, Arthur, that's really adult of you.

Since you're grounded, I've grounded myself too to keep you company.

We can read Martha Mealy Worm, then play Confuse The Puss.

You won't even miss Francine or the Brain or TV or baseball...

Cos you have me.

# And I say, hey!

# What a wonderful kind of day We can learn to work and play

# And get along with each other

# You gotta listen to your heart

# Listen to the beat Listen to the rhythm of the street

# It's a simple message And it comes from the heart

# Believe in yourself For that's the place to start

# And I say, hey! What a wonderful kind of day

# We can learn to work and play And get along with each other... #
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