02x38 - The Fifth Hokage! A Life on the Line!

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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02x38 - The Fifth Hokage! A Life on the Line!

Post by bunniefuu »

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh! Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)

Down a difficult road
filled with endless struggles

Where do you think you are going
following someone else's map?

An insightful crow comes along
to tear up the map

Now open your eyes and
take a look at the truth (Yeah!)

There's nothing to lose,
so let's GO!!!

We are Fighting Dreamers aiming high

Fighting Dreamers
don't care what people think about them

Fighting Dreamers
follow what they believe

Oli Oli Oli Oh!
Just go my way

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best!

Right here right now (Bang)
Hit it straight like a line drive!

Right here right now (Burn)
We're gonna do it and do our best! BANG!

As for me...
I stand by my words.

That's... my Way of Ninja!

If you die, there will be no dreams,
no nothing!

Just get out of the way!
Run away!

Just like our wager,

I will definitely win
that unlucky necklace from you.


I will absolutely not die
until I've become Hokage!

This way, I can hold on to you.
Here I go!

I-It can't be...

The Fifth Hokage!
A Life on the Line!


This is...?!

Way to go, Naruto.

That Nine Tailed Fox kid...

a kid like that,
doing a technique like that...

I-It can't be...

He can't be, really...

In only one week,
that Rasengan...

You... Even after you received
that Jutsu?!

I gathered the Chakra in my stomach,

and before I received the Jutsu
I had started healing.

The reason why Orochimaru favors me...

is not because of my use of Jutsu
or my sense for Jutsu...

It is because my recuperative power.

The power to energize cells
and make new cells.

On the other hand...
I've used up almost all of my Chakra.

That Jutsu...
seems it was Naruto's last effort...


I-It can't be...

Even with my powers of recuperation,
this much damage.

I don't...have...enough Chakra.


Drats! His heart muscle is in tatters...

Why did that happen...?

That moment?!

At that moment of release...

did he shred the muscles
around his heart...?

Stop shaking!

Hey, Big Brother Gamakichi.

Are we really getting a snack?
That guy looks like he's going to die.

You're annoying! Be quiet!

It's all over... for Naruto.

I... cut... his heart's Chakra Network
which restores the strength...

through the Nine-Tail's Chakra...

With all my strength.

In order to eliminate the possibility
that he would heal with his own power.

There's no way he can recover...

Even with you.

Shut up!

I'll k*ll you later...

He's stopped breathing...!




It's dark...


Why is it getting dark?

My strength is... Why...?


Don't die...

Don't die!

Don't die!

Don't die!

Don't die!

The bet...

I won it.

I-It's impossible...

Hokage is... my dream, eh?

For the last time...

For the last time...

Just one more time...

I want to bet on you...

That child, he's not well...

Tsunade is a medical specialist.

Don't worry, there's no need to
worry about Naruto's body.

That's not what I meant.


Your battle is with me,
there's no time to look away.

Who would have imagined this?

If that child is found by the Akatsuki,
there will be trouble.

In other words,
if I'm to k*ll him...

now is the time!


He's aiming at this child!

Tsunade... You're the only one
I wasn't going to k*ll...

If that child lives,

there will be trouble in the future
on a variety of levels.

Don't get in my way.

This is one child...

This is one child...
I will absolutely protect!

Trembling at the sight of blood,
why would you, one of the Sannin,

risk your life to protect that Genin kid?

To protect...

my hometown... the Leaf Village...!

To protect the Leaf Village...?

Because... because...

this small child...

is the kid who will become
Hokage some day...

What utter nonsense...

By the way...
to hell with Hokage!

Only a fool does that job.

To hell with Hokage!
Only a fool does that job.

The wishes of the two...

More importantly, Lady Tsunade,
your wish...

Have you forgotten your dream?

The successive lines of Hokage
have protected

the Leaf Village and
and those living in it.

They brought troubled times under control
and helped the village to prosper.

They risked their lives
for this dream, this ideal!

Anyone who makes fun of the old man
and the Fourth Hokage...

It doesn't matter if
you are a woman!

I'll clobber you with all my might!

And now,
I also will put my life on the line!

If your life is worth throwing away
for a kid like him...!

Then dying now would be
a fitting end!

All that's left... is Naruto.

Lady Tsunade!

Make it in time!

She's still able to move even
after I pierced her down to her lungs!

You mean you'll still protect that kid?!

That's what I said...

From now...

I'm putting my life on the line!

You, half dead corpse!

No matter how cool you try to be,
your trembling doesn't stop.

You can't get away from
the curse of hemophobia.

And yet, why would you
take the blows for that kid?

Why would you battle for the Leaf?

No way!

Tsunade's trembling has...

has stopped?

That is because... I am...

the Leaf Village's... Fifth Hokage!

That sign is?!

Lady Tsunade has conquered
her fear of blood,

but that's...

What are you saying you'll do,
after all this time?

You can't fight with that wound
even if you've conquered your fear.

W-Wait! I'll treat that wound.
So don't release that seal!

Release the Secret Seal!

Ninja Art. Mitotic Regeneration!

What is this Jutsu...?!

It looks like I'm not the only one
who develops new Jutsu.

What in the world is this Jutsu?


For many years I've stored Chakra
in my forehead.

The mass of Chakra stimulated
a variety of proteins.

The number of times my cells divide
speeds to a dizzying rate...

The cells rebuild...

and all the organs and body systems
are revitalized.

It's not the ability to restore,
it's the ability to reincarnate.

That means I won't die... from battles.

But the number of times a person's cells
divide in their lifetime is fixed...

If that is sped up,
it essentially shortens the life!

Lady Tsunade!

That action is...

Lord Orochimaru!

Come out!


Ino, inu, saru, tori, hitsuji!

- Summoning Jutsu!
- Summoning Jutsu!

I believe your promise,
its a true heart give me courage

Always I feel it
the precious time with you

On your still shoulder

I feel the wind that blows
towards tomorrow

The city lights are like pieces of stars

That hold us together

"Each one of us glows differently,"

you say laughingly

but you look most dazzling

Like a comet,

like the rainbow after the storm

You bring light into my heart

Being lost can be the answer

Let's promise we won't cheat

Uh...like a sh**ting star,
we do go ahead.

The time to conclude this long, fateful
confrontation has come, Orochimaru.

You have sunk too deeply into vice.

You are no longer a comrade!

Comrade? How odious.

That word makes me shiver.

I will bring you down!

Today is the last day that
we are called Sannin!
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