03x06 - The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation

Episode transcripts for the T.V. show, "Naruto". Aired: October 3, 2002 - February 8, 2007.*
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Anime series follows the adventures of Naruto Uzumaki, a young ninja of the Hidden Leaf Village, searching for recognitions and wishing to become the ninja by the rest of the village.
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03x06 - The Last Leg: A Final Act of Desperation

Post by bunniefuu »

Connecting old words
that have been used up

I just want to convey
my simple thoughts

That day's faint wind blows away

at the castle ruins of yesterday

I'll laugh with you
and live for the moment

Still that incident
will continue to trouble you, right?

That's why it must be good bye

Leaving nothing behind,
let us share what is left

In time, we'll realize
that it was everything

And sadness will touch our cheeks,
creating a river of tears

Trembling thoughts swept into a vortex
and melting away

Not yet? Idate hasn't come, yet?

My lord, we finally found evidence

regarding the matter
we were investigating.

Oh, I see.

Mm, good work.

My lord, is there something amiss?

No, it's nothing

Concentrate on my Chakra.

We're saved.

Sasuke, are you okay?

Naruto, I'm counting on you.

Protect Idate.

The Last Leg.
A Final Act of Desperation

Poison needles won't work on me.

How dare you do that
to Sasuke and Sakura?!

Rest easy.

I'll send you to the place
where they are real soon.

I won't go so easily!


But what do I do?

The Rasengan
won't work on his sword.

It doesn't matter.

Those two are waiting for my help!

Saving each other again, huh?!

They wouldn't survive
falling off this cliff.

Shut up!

Multi Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Oh... you're going to run away
from here using such a diversion?

Don't mess with me!
Who's going to run away?

Naruto, it's futile.
That technique won't work on that sword!

It's futile!


Just like the Uchiha loser earlier,

why is it that each and every
Leaf Village Ninja is an idiot?

Shut up!

I'm going to save those two!

Are you seriously thinking
they're alive after falling off this cliff?

You should've gotten out of here.

As if...

I'd abandon my comrades
and run away!

That's my answer to the tenth problem!

What're you saying?

One more time.

Eat this.




You still don't get it?!
You don't have a chance of winning!



the damage Sasuke inflicted.

That's it!

If I aim for that...

I can win!

You saying you still want to fight?
Give it up, already!

Shut up! Shadow Clone Jutsu!


Sasuke gave me a chance!
I won't waste it!


Stay still!

Sasuke! They're using
the Water Clone Jutsu!

I know!

Trust us, Idate!
We'll protect you, no matter what!


Go on ahead.
We'll be right behind you.



I hate people who don't know
when to quit.

This is the end.

A foolish cheap trick.


I'm saying I can't stand this
saving each other business.


Your opponent is over here!




It can't be!

Naruto, you did it!


You're really something.

Yeah, well...


Naruto! Idate...!


She's okay?

Sasuke's okay, too.

I'm coming to save you now,
believe it.

Idiot. Forget about us and
get going to the finish line, quick!

Oh, that's right.

But what should we do about this?

Leave it to me.

We'll cut the rope and go
to the opposite bank in one swing!

I get it!

I thought the worst of myself.

But Boss Jirocho trusted in me.

I trust you more than anyone.

It was the first time
I was trusted by someone.

So I wanted to win this race
for the boss, no matter what.

But in reality, I can't win
just with such feelings.

So many times along the way,
I felt like giving up.

Watch out!

But each time,

you guys risked your lives
to save a lame duck like me!

Naruto, I'm sorry.

I should've trusted you guys
from the start.

What're you saying?

Say stuff like that
after winning the race.

You're right.



Okay, do it!


Boo! Boo! Boo!

Now that's a rousing welcome.

Naruto, at this rate,
we'll crash into the rocks!

I know. Leave it to me!

Release Chakra from
the bottom of my feet.

It's the very last Chakra!

Then stick to
the rocks with Chakra!

All right, Naruto!

Now dash to the finish line!

Sakura, I'll come back
to help you right away!

Okay. Let's go, Idate.


Run steady, Fukusuke!

Stay sharp until the end.

Shut up! I know.

Geez... spoiling my good mood.

I can see the Todoroki Great Shrine.


Blast it!

Good, good.


- Hey!
- Oh!

Hey! What's that?

Here he comes!

Idate of the Wasabi Family's here!


You can still catch up!




What're you doing, Fukusuke?! Run!

Damn it!

I won't lose.

I will not lose!

I won't give up until the very end!

Like heck. I won't be passed up
after I've come this far!

- All right!
- He caught up.

Blast this guy...!

I won't lose, you little...!



Come on, Idate!


Go! Idate...!

All right!

I did it!


You ran a fine race.


You did well.

Boss, I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry.

You fool. What're you apologizing for?

You won.

No, please let me speak.

I really want to apologize now.
I'm truly sorry!

You're making no sense to me.
What a totally weird guy.

Well done, Idate.

I was wrong about you.

Okay, Idate.
Go receive the winner's blessing.


Hey, Idate!

Hey, you idiot!

Bringing shame upon the boss!
You're prepared, aren't you?

I-I'm sorry!

The winner!

Idate Morino of the Wasabi Family!

He finally did it.

Hey, hey... Just a minute.


Along the way, he rode
on the back of a hired Ninja.

This is a violation.


There's proof.

Look at this photo.

Racing until the end on your own strength
is the rule of this race.

Therefore, Idate is disqualified.

The winner is Fukusuke Hikyakuya
of the Wagarashi Family.

No way.

H-Hold it. That was...!

I'll hear no excuses!
Jirocho, it's a promise.

I order the Wasabi Family
dissolved immediately.

Just a minute.

There is no such rule anywhere.
Do not speak nonsense!

M-My lord!

Or perhaps...

you have a reason for wanting
the Wagarashi to win at all cost?

No, nothing like that.

Could it be because you would
not be able to do things like this?


You fool!
Retire and enter the monastery!

Yes, yes, my lord!

Kyuroku Wagarashi.


Word of your evil deeds
has reached my ears as well.

Your sins against the people
of Degarashi Port are severe.

Therefore, the Wagarashi Family
is to be dissolved as of today.


Y-Yes, sire.

Today is an auspicious day.

With this, the matter is settled.

Thanks for the help, Naruto.

Idate, this is good bye, huh?

I've come to get the wounded.


B-Big Brother!

Where are the wounded?

Over here.

Okay, get him on the boat, quickly.


Um, excuse me.

What is it?



Wait, Big Brother!

Who are you?

The man who called me
Big Brother died three years ag

Big Brother... I figured out
the answer to the tenth problem!

I'll never betray a comrade again!

I can trust others now!

He's looking good now.

'Bye, Idate. Let's meet again.

Good bye. See you around.

Yeah. You guys come again, too, okay?

I wish you good health, Boss!


See ya!

Take care!

An interesting guy as always.

No wonder the Fifth Hokage
sees potential in him.

Naruto! Thanks!

Idate! Next time,
it'll be a battle with me, believe it.

Sasuke, does it hurt?


Thank goodness.

Those wounds will heal immediately
once we get back to the village.


The rumors were true.

The survivor of
the village's honorable Uchiha Clan...

is just a good for nothing kid...

I couldn't beat him!

And yet, he...

that Naruto...!

Once in a long while, once in a while

The remnants of a person
broken by dreams

Look like a mountain

Clinging to the Divine,
clinging to Buddha

The remnants of a person crying

Look like a mountain

Rendezvous with a happy dance circle

This is my victory pose, round and around
(round around)

Shake shake shake
Let's look

With a bye bye rhythm that never ends

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Look like a mountain

Hey Sasuke and Naruto,
what's happened to both of you?

This is a hospital,
and Sasuke's still recuperating!

Even you should know better, Naruto.

Stop the antics already!

Why, why's this happening?!
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