01x13 - Mystery at the Lighthouse

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x13 - Mystery at the Lighthouse

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Teach Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all
It's you and me ♪

♪ I know it's my destiny
Pokémon ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all
Our hearts so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you ♪

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Pokémon ♪

The road's got to be somewhere.

Everything's somewhere.

Ash, have you gotten us lost again?

[Pikachu whimpers]

[narrator] Well, here's a familiar scene.
Wandering in a forest,

it appears our friends
have once again lost their way.


[narrator] It's been quite a while since
Ash left his home in the town of Pallet,

and a lot has happened
since he began his Pokémon journey.

He's already earned two
of the qualifying badges

for participation in the Pokémon League,

a boulder badge
and a cascade badge.

Pretty impressive, huh?

You didn't earn those badges.

You got them just because Brock
and my sister felt sorry for you.

-I did too.

Chill out, guys.

Either way, Ash here has two badges
and six Pokémon.

He needs those six Pokémon
to compete in the Pokémon League.

[narrator] That's right, Brock.

In the league, a trainer is allowed
to carry six Pokémon at a time.

What are their names again, Ash?

Their names are...

-[Ash] Pikachu,

-[Ash] Pidgeotto.

-[Ash] Butterfree. Bulbasaur.

-[Ash] Charmander.

-[Ash] Squirtle.
-Squirtle. Squirtle.

And I caught them all fair and square.

[Misty] Caught them?
Ash, all your Pokémon followed you.

Well, heh, they're all mine,

and that's all that really counts
for a Pokémon trainer.


This may come as a surprise to you,

but real Pokémon trainers
actually catch Pokémon on their own.

[sighs] You never give me a break.

That's because you keep bragging
about those two badges.

It's really not unusual for most trainers
to capture 20 or 30 Pokémon.

You're lucky
your Pokémon follow you around.

[all chirping]

And don't forget, Ash,
you had our help too.

[all chirping]

Yeah, don't forget about that, Ash.

[all chirping]

You're always putting me down.

But I'll show you.

I'm going to prove to you
that I can do it.

I'm going to be a Pokémon master.

Stand back and watch me work.

Mystery At The Lighthouse


[narrator] Ash finds his way
out of the woods,

and discovers a beautiful beach
and a sparkling blue ocean.

But he seems disappointed.

[sighs] I don't want to watch the sunset.
I want more Pokémon. Huh?

Hey, wait. Stay here.
Don't go. Come back.

It's a Pokémon.

Krabby. Lives near the shore.

Its average height is about 16 inches.

A Pokémon's a Pokémon, I guess.

But this Krabby sure is shrimpy.


Uh, I didn't mean to insult you, Krabby.

You're a cute little--

[Ash shrieks]


Showdown time.

Tiny or not, you are a Pokémon,

and I'll show Misty and Brock
that I can catch you.

Poké Ball, go!



Now, I really caught one.

Good try, Krabby, but not good enough.



What happened?
Where'd my new Krabby go? Aah!

I don't see it anywhere. Where'd it go?

[Misty] Didn't you know that a trainer
can only keep six Pokémon?


Trainers can only have six Pokémon,
and the rest are transported.

Yeah, but you can switch one Pokémon
for another

by pressing the white button
inside your Pokédex.

-Uh... you mean this button?
-[Brock] Right.

It sends a signal to activate the system
that makes the exchange.

But I don't want to exchange my Pokémon.

Then shut your Pokédex and quit whining.

I wasn't whining. I just wanted to know
where my Krabby went.

Oh, you don't have to worry about that.

Your Krabby got transported
to a place for safekeeping.

Where does it get transported to?

Your Pokémon gets transported
to wherever you got your Pokédex from.

Then that means Krabby must be with...

Here's your Pikachu!

It's with Professor Oak.

That's right.
Krabby just got transported automatically

to Professor Oak's Pokémon laboratory,
so don't worry about it.

So, Krabby's with Professor Oak, huh?

Oh, now, I'm doubly worried.

Isn't there any way
I can make sure it's okay?

We could call Professor Oak
to check on it.

But we haven't passed a phone all day,

and this beach
is pretty far out of the way.

There's got to be a phone
around here someplace.

I've got to check on Krabby.

I'm more worried
about having to camp out again tonight.

I'm sick of sleeping in sleeping bags.

I'm just worried about finding a way
to find out if poor little Krabby's okay.

Pika! Pika!


[Ash] What's that?

[Misty] It's a lighthouse.

[Ash] A lighthouse!

Every lighthouse has to have a keeper,
and he'll have a phone.

And I'm going to use it
to call Professor Oak.

And there'll probably be some extra beds.

A sleeping bag is no way for me
to get my beauty sleep.

Yeah, and there'll be somebody there
to tell us where we are.

Let's go!

-All right.

Whew. That was farther than it looked.

This lighthouse looks weird.

-Guess we better ring the bell.
-I got it.

[bell tolling]

[all whimpering]

[man] Who's there?

Uh, excuse us, sir,
but we're travelers, and we're lost.

We've got a small emergency here,

and we need to use your telephone,
please, sir.

We've been camping out for quite a while,
and I'd sure appreciate a nice, comfy bed.

And I wonder if I could use your kitchen

to make some bacon double cheeseburgers
for our group.

And I'd be more than happy
to make something for you.

That's great.
Can you cook without using tofu?

Oh, sure, I can cook lots of things
without using any tofu.

That's good.

I've been eating nothing but tofu
since my cook went on vacation.

Come on in.

[Ash] Would you mind
if I borrow your phone?

[man] There's a phone right near you.


Hey, it's a videophone. Oh, that's cool.

I'll call Professor Oak now,
and see if he has my Pokémon.

I'm sure Krabby's in great shape.

The professor won't mind
if I call him collect.


Well, hi, Ash.
You caught me cooking dinner.

My cook is on vacation,

and I've got to fend for myself
till she returns.

Wait a minute, professor.
You're not eating my Krabby, are you?

Don't worry. I'm taking good care
of your Krabby. It's right here.

Anyway, that Krabby of yours is too small
to make a very hearty meal.

On the other hand, the Krabby that Gary
caught would make an excellent dinner.

Much better than tofu.

What? You mean Gary caught a Krabby too?

Yes, it's quite a catch.

Take a look for yourself.


-[Ash groans]

I want you to know that my grandson Gary
has already caught 45 Pokémon.

Forty-five Pokémon? [whimpers]


By the way, Ash,
just where are you calling me from anyway?

We're at an old lighthouse
way up on top of a cliff.

Oh, that must be Bill's lighthouse.

He's a young Pokémon researcher
who knows even more than me.

See what you can learn from him.

He could teach you just about everything
about Pokémon, and then some.

[Bill] This is Bill, Professor Oak.
Good to hear from you.

Hello, Bill. Please give my friends
a crash course in Pokémon.

Uh-oh. Tofu's done.

Well, there's no way I can ignore
a request from the great Professor Oak.

[Ash gasps]

I am Bill of the lighthouse.

[pincers clashing]

[all gasping]

According to the phone book,

that lighthouse belongs to Bill,
the famous Pokémon researcher.

Then I guess we've come
to the right place, huh?

There must be zillions of rare Pokémon
stored inside that lighthouse.

Then there's only one thing for us to do.

Right. Sneak in
and take everything we can grab.

How shall we sneak in?

We could take the road, or risk our lives
by climbing up the cliffs.

-Well, we certainly can't take the road.
-We have to climb up those cliffs.

'Cause we're the bad guys

and the bad guys always got to sneak in.

It's time for us to rain
on someone's parade again. James!


[both] We're back-to-back,
so prepare for trouble.

Watch your step or we'll make it double.

To protect the world from devastation...

To unite all peoples within our nation...

To denounce the evils of truth and love...

To extend our reach to the stars above...

-Jessie! Ha!

Team Rocket,
blast off at the speed of light.

Surrender now or prepare to fight.

Meowth! That's right.

To be truly great criminals,
we have to do things the hard way.

And then we'll become hardened criminals.

But it will be tough to reach the top.

Because we're afraid of heights!

It can't be.
That's a Kabuto, an extinct Pokémon.

I wonder what it's doing here.

No, I'm not a Kabuto.

I'm Bill, the Pokémon researcher.

Wait, are you a human being or a Pokémon?

[man] This is a costume.
I'm stuck inside it.

Do you need help getting out?

-Yes, step up here.
-Tell me what to do.

Push that button.

-This one here?
-[man] Yes. These arms are too short.

[man] I tried to get out,
but I couldn't reach the button.

Thanks for helping me get out.

I've been stuck in that costume for hours.

Did you come from a costume party?

No, it's not for a party.

This is a special costume
that I use in my research.

Getting inside its skin
helps me get inside its head.

What do you mean?

[man] There are many kinds
of extinct Pokémon,

and I want to understand
how they lived.

Putting on a costume is one way of trying
to figure out what they were like.

You can understand what a Pokémon was like
from wearing a costume?

Yes, indeed. Or I'm beginning to.

This planet was created
4.6 billion years ago.

During that time,
all kinds of Pokémon existed.

They had many ways of living.

All kinds of Pokémon? How many?

[man] On this planet, there are more than
150 known species of Pokémon.

[Ash] Over 150?

You're lucky to be Pokémon trainers.

Your goal is to catch
all of these different kinds of Pokémon.

That's a great task.

Yeah, but so far I've only gotten seven.

There sure are a lot of--

Of course, these are just the Pokémon
we know about.

There are still many Pokémon
that have never been discovered,

so we need to keep searching.

How many could there be?

No one knows exactly.
The search goes on.

There's always something new to look for
in our lives and in ourselves.

Something to look for?

Yes, there's a lot for us to look for,
inside and outside ourselves.

There's meaning for every creature,

a meaning for all the Pokémon,
and a meaning for all us humans too.

A meaning for all.

Sometimes, I wonder
what the meaning of it all is.

Why do I go to all this trouble
just to be bad?

It's so we can get other people's Pokémon.

I'm all for it, just as long
as there's something in it for Meowth.

Keep looking for new Pokémon to catch.

It's something that's very important
for Pokémon research.

It's as vital to me as it is to you.

Right now, though, there's only one
Pokémon I'm searching for.

What kind of Pokémon?

It's probably the biggest Pokémon ever.

Bigger than all of the rest.
And no one has ever seen it.

[man] It's been wandering the world
for years and years,

looking for friends.

But doesn't that Pokémon have any friends
or family?

The Pokémon wanders because it's alone.

It's the only Pokémon of its species,
one of a kind.

One night, I heard this very strange sound
coming across the ocean.

[melodic wailing]

"I want... I want to meet you."
That's what it said to me.


Some time ago, I recorded a similar sound,

and played it from the lighthouse
towards the ocean.

[melodic wailing]

"Let's be friends. I want to meet you."

One day, I heard the same voice
calling back to me from over the ocean.

[melodic wailing]

"I want to meet you too.
I want to be friends."

[man] It was answering me back.

Some foggy night,
that Pokémon might come here

to meet a friend it's been seeking
for a very long time.

I would be so happy to meet that Pokémon.

But will you try to capture the Pokémon?

Why do I need to capture it?

Meeting it would be enough for me.

Just a chance to study it
would make my long wait worthwhile.

-[plaintive wailing]
-Hmm? Huh?


[distant wailing and humming]

It's here. The signal.

[melodic wailing]

[gentle humming]

[gentle humming]

It sounds like it's singing.

-Would you care to dance?
-Oh, thank you.

♪ Pikachu... ♪

[both gasp]

[ghostly wail]

-What beautiful music.
-it's very haunting. Yet so sweet.

Look! It's coming from that thing!

[humming loudly]

-That's a big Pokémon.
-So size does matter.

Something so rare and unusual.

You know what that means.
Let's grab it for ourselves.

Quite right. I'll attack it at once.

But it seems a shame to aim
at such a sweet creature.

Of course it's a shame.
We built our fame on shame.

Go on! Fire! It's all the shame to me.


[both yell]


-[Brock grunting]


Please don't go, Pokémon!
Please stay with us!

I've waited so long
for a chance to see you here.


Pokémon, wait!

Do we always have to mess up
everyone's plans?

Even I think this is rotten.

Quit complaining.
We could score big with this Pokémon.

[both screaming]

[Team Rocket]
We're blasting off again!


What kind of Pokémon was that anyway?

Who knows?

Pokémon live in more ways and places
than humans may ever learn.

What in the world was that?

One of the rarest Pokémon around.

It's exactly the type
we've been trying to capture.

We missed our chance,
but we can keep dreaming.

When our Pokémon dreams come true,
it's going to be somebody's nightmare.

After all, tomorrow is another day.

[Team Rocket laughing]

I think looking for and catching Pokémon
should help bring all of us together.

Learning to raise Pokémon is another way
of understanding how to live with them.

And Pokémon are always lots of fun
to play with.

Meanwhile, I'll stand watch
for the giant Pokémon

to appear at my lighthouse again.

[Ash] Bill, do you think we'll ever find
all the Pokémon there are?

No, Ash, there are probably as many
as we can imagine. Maybe many, many more.

Maybe there's no limit to the Pokémon
we can actually find on this planet.

Ash, you're a Pokémon trainer.

I'm a Pokémon researcher, seeking out
all kinds of life on this planet.

Even if our paths are different,
I think our goals are the same.


[narrator] Over time,
we uncover new information

about the mysterious ways of the Pokémon.

The more knowledge we gain,

the more we realize
how little we actually do know.

And so the journey of discovery

in the incredible world of Pokémon.

♪ Pokémon ♪

It's that time again.

150 Pokémon, five days a week!

That's about 30 or so each day.

It's not too hard. Just listen real good.

♪ Alakazam, Doduo, Venonat
Machoke, Kangaskhan, Hypno ♪

♪ Electabuzz, Flareon, Blastoise
Poliwhirl, Oddish, Drowzee ♪

♪ Raichu, Nidoqueen
Bellsprout, Starmie ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Metapod, Marowak, Kakuna
Clefairy, Dodrio, Seadra ♪

♪ Vileplume, Krabby, Likitung
Tauros, Weedle, Nidoran ♪

♪ Machop, Shellder
Porygon Hitmonchan ♪

♪ And there's 150 or more to see ♪

♪ To be a Pokémon Master
Is my destiny ♪

Okay, so today was pretty easy.

But you got to put all five days together.

It's the only way to name all 150.

Catch you here tomorrow.

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Oh, gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ Catch 'em, catch 'em
Gotta catch 'em all, Pokémon ♪

♪ I want to be the very best
Like no one ever was ♪

♪ To catch them is my real test
To train them is my cause ♪

♪ I will travel across the land
Searching far and wide ♪

♪ Each Pokémon to understand
The power that's inside ♪

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all
It's just you and me ♪

♪ I know it's my destiny
Pokémon ♪

♪ Oh, you're my best friend
In a world we must defend ♪

♪ Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all
Our hearts so true ♪

♪ Our courage will pull us through ♪

♪ You teach me and I'll teach you
Pokémon ♪

♪ Gotta catch 'em all
Gotta catch 'em all ♪

♪ Pokémon ♪
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