01x31 - Dig Those Diglett!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Pokémon". Aired: April 1, 1997 – present.*
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Japanese anime follows Ash a young trainer of fictional creatures called Pokémon.
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01x31 - Dig Those Diglett!

Post by bunniefuu »


I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all


NARRATOR: Several months
have passed since Ash left

his home town of Pallet
on his Pokémon journey.

After lots of adventures
and discoveries,

the g*ng finds themselves
somewhere in the mountains.

We sure have traveled
a long way.

Yeah, we've seen tons of places.

I wonder where we should go now?

That's easy.

We have to go to the next gym
so we can get another badge!

Well, Fuchsia Gym
isn't far from here.

Where is it?

Over the mountain.

Uh, Brock, over which mountain?

The map says the Fuchsia Gym's
on the other side

of one of those mountains
right over there.

Is it this way, or that way-
or maybe it's that way?

Oh, great.

We're surrounded by mountains
on every side.


-Don't tell me.
We're lost again.

Okay, I won't tell you.


Wait a minute.

It looks like there's
a road here!

Well, let's hit it!


I'm having
some lovely Chinese food.

It's tea and crumpets for me.

Nothin' for Meowth;
I'm gettin' a gut.

Work that body!




I wonder what that was.

I didn't get a taste.

I didn't get a sip!

That's the breaks.

But I wonder where
that big blast came from?


It's over there!

My lunch break is ruined!

No tea party for me.

Someone's gonna pay for this!

Hey, wait for me!



This place looks
like a battle zone.

Maybe we're being att*cked
by aliens from another planet.

What planet are you from?



What a wreck!

This is terrible!

Oh, the destruction!

And we didn't cause it.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig,

diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig!


Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig.





So that's it.

I just can't take it anymore!

Are you all right?

It's the Diglett!

They're destroying everything!

The Diglett?

See they're right over there!

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig,

diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig!

Oh, look how cute!

You think they're cute, do you?

Thanks to them we can't finish
building that dam!

I hate Diglett!

I hate 'em!



The movement of these
ground Pokémon

can be easily detected by
their tracks of upturned earth.

I don't see any upturned earth.

That's because the ground here
is covered by concrete,

but if you look closely...

They're underneath.

It looks like a mini-earthquake.

And it looks like we'll never
be able to accomplish our dream

of building the great Giva Dam
here in these mountains.

Giva Dam?

Over there.

-All right!
Let 'er rip!


That blasting is part
of building a dam?

Yes, the blasting
is part of building a dam!

But we can't get supplies
through because of Diglett!

That is a problem.

We even created a special
division for developing

strategies to fight off
the Diglett.

We're calling
for any able Pokémon trainer

who's traveling
through the area,

somebody with real Pokémon

who can help us get rid
of these Diglett.

The reward's a six-night,
seven-day stay

at the famous Giva Hot Springs

If you know any-

-We're three able Pokémon
trainers at your service!

Oh, so you're the first squad
of the trainers we called in!

Well, uh, we weren't exactly
called in.

The first Pokémon trainers
have arrived!

The rest are in these buses.

It's Gary!

Who are-

Well if it isn't little Ash
from Pallet.

What are you doing here?

It must just be
an unlucky coincidence.

Only the best were invited,
like me,

Gary from the town of Pallet,

the number one trainer.

Ash is fourth.

I'm fourth?

I'm better than that!

You're the fourth to leave home,

but as a trainer,
you're dead last.


Now watch as I step up
to the plate

and hit a Pokémon grand slam!

Hooray, hooray!

-He's very-

So, Ash, have you picked up
any good Pokémon?

-Of course I have.
Do you wanna see?

No thanks, Ash.

Only amateurs show off
their Pokémon.

If I were gonna show
something off,

it'd be my personal fan club.

Gary Oak, Gary Oak.

He comes through
when others choke!

Are they Pokémon?

Don't be dumb.

So who are the girls?

Oh, they're just my friends
of mine.

They're nice friends.

How would you lovely young
ladies like to get together

with me sometime?

-Yes, sir.
That would be fine.

Yes sir?

Brock's over the hill already.

Okay, so they think
I'm an old man,

but I don't care, I'm desperate.

Could I have somebody's
phone number, please?

Maybe an address?

Can we please get back
to the business at hand.

Somebody's got to get rid
of these Diglett!

Don't forget: a resort vacation!

Don't give it another thought,

Those Diglett are as good
as gone,

now that Gary Oak
is on the case.

So long losers!


What about those numbers?

We're losers?

I can't let him beat me.

I can't!

We're Pokémon trainers,
aren't we?

Why don't we try to win
that reward?

That's a brilliant idea, Jessie.

If we get rid of the Diglett,

we spend a week
at that hot spring resort.

I could use a rest!

I could use a little
relaxation myself, Jessie.

I'll get rid of those Digglet!

Don't forget, James:
we're a team.

-You're right.
I almost forgot that.

And our team is...

Team Rocket!


I wonder if it's possible
to get traded

to a less embarrassing team.

It sounds like those...

Aliens are back.


We greatly appreciate all
of you talented Pokémon trainers

interrupting your training
to come here and help us

get rid of the Digglet.

There sure are a lot
of people here!

with the Pikachu on your head,

listen with your ears,
not with your mouth!

You'd think the least
he could do

is yell at me by name.

Don't be mad.

He doesn't know what
your name is.

My name is Ash Ketchum,
the loser from Pallet.


Don't listen to Gary.

You can still catch up.

My name's Jessie.

Look at all those punks.

Each outfit
is more dreadful than the last.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Jessie, there's no need
to be catty!

What's wrong with catty?

I just thought of something:

with this many trainers,

imagine how many Pokémon
they must have.

Let's see.

If each of them has six,

there'd be six times
that many Pokémon!

You can do the math.

I just wanna grab
all those Pokémon.

It's a Pokémon bonanza!

All we have to do is...

Forget it.

Let's just give up now.

-James what's the matter?
What's wrong?

How can we possibly defeat
all those Pokémon

when all we've got are...


And Koffing.



Another sneak attack!

They've never worked
in the past, have they?

-How 'bout plan "b!"

You know what this would mean.

Let's try it!

It's the...

Principle of induced Evolution!


ALL: Who's that Pokémon?

It's Diglett!


Pokémon trainers,
here you see Diglett,

the greatest parasitic bug
Pokémon of this century.

Just a minute.

Technically Diglett
is not a bug Pokémon.

As a matter of fact,
the term "mole Pokémon"

would be more appropriate.

With a height of inches
and a weight of pounds,

they're hardly candidates
to be called

the greatest anything
of this century.

That show off thinks he knows

They may seem to be weak,
but together, they can destroy.

It's the Diglett!
It's the Diglett!


I'll take care of this.

Gary doesn't dig the Digletts.

Now everyone will be able to see

the top Pokémon trainer
in action!

This should do the trick!


Hey what?

It won't come out.

What's wrong?


Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig.


Oh thanks.

This can't happen!

Okay, I can take care of this.

I'll just bring out
my best Pokémon!

You can handle it!

Go get 'em!


What's going on here!

All right.

I'll show 'em.

I'll use every Pokémon I have!

Please, somebody stop them!

Stop the Diglett!

-All right, go!
-Go, Zubat!

-Hypno go!
-Wigglytuff go!

-Haunter go!
-Farfetch'd go!

-Porygon go!
-Arcanine go!

-Magikarp go!
-Vileplume go!

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig,

diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

-Uh, thanks.
-Thank you.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig.

Thank you.

At least they're polite.

Yeah, and unstoppable.

-All right.
Now it's my turn.

As long as they're underground,
I'm gonna use Squirtle.

I choose you!


I can't stop now!


It almost came out.

They won't come out.


For some reason,

the Pokémon don't want
to battle the Diglett.

Why wouldn't they battle?

I just can't figure it out.

Is that right, Pikachu?


You won't get away with this!

Go away!

That won't work.

Diglett can pull their heads in

at , miles per second.

What's that?

The speed of light.

Diglett aren't very strong,
but they can move super fast.

Wow. You've been studying,

Yeah, I've been studying,

unlike you.

-Well that's it.
I'm gone.

Look, since no one's Pokémon
will come out and battle,

there's no reason
for any trainers to be here

unless they want to watch
this arcade game.

I, on the other hand,
must continue my journey

to become a Pokémon master.

Hasta la vista, Poké people!


C'mon fans, get in the car,

and let's hit the road,
shall we?

Good luck!

I don't like him.

Girls, those numbers?

Ah, there's nothing
like a hot bath.

But something doesn't feel
quite right.

Don't complain.

We got into this place
for free, didn't we?

No, it's not that.

Then what's wrong?

I can't understand
why the Pokémon

wouldn't come out
of their Pokéballs.

Oh, yeah.

Why was that, Pikachu?




Ash, shouldn't we put
some clothes on first?

Hey, Pikachu!

I'll get you!

I'll get you!




Some "Principle
of induced Evolution."

It says here,

"Pokémon need to have a certain
degree of experience points

before they can
successfully evolve."

Our experience
is nothing but losing.

But here's something
to think about.

When they finally do evolve,

Pokémon become entirely
different Pokémon.

-We've known Ekans for so long.

-Koffing too.

How could we ever...

Evolve them!



Was it...

Something we said?

It could be!

They're evolving for us!

Their time to evolve
just happens to be now.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig,

diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig.


Diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig,

diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig, diglett, dig,

diglett, dig, diglett, dig,
diglett, dig.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

-Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.


The evolved form of P.

No specific information

Oh, now I get it.

This must be Diglett
and Dugtrio's home.

Their home?

Yeah, they work
and live here together.

Diglett plows the ground,

and Dugtrio plants the trees.

And not just here.

This whole mountain range
is their backyard.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

ASH: All of these mountains?

BROCK: Yeah. Maybe.

Probably all the forests
in the whole entire world are-

MISTY: Beautiful gardens made
by these little guys.

And if we complete the dam,

this whole mountain forest

would be completely covered
with water.



Then nothing could live here.

All of our Pokémon realized
that before we did.

That's why none of them
would leave their Pokéballs,

even when their masters ordered
them to.

I guess we humans still have
a lot to learn

from the ways of the Pokémon,
right, Ash?

I guess so, huh, Pikachu?


This project's canceled.

I won't build the dam.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Well, I think I learned
my lesson, Pikachu!

Your lesson is just beginning!

To protect the world
from devastation...

To unite all peoples
within our nation...

To denounce the evils
of truth and love...

To extend our reach
to the stars above...



They know the rest!

Oh, Team Rocket.

I forgot about them.

Sorry, guys,

but we're not in the mood
for you right now, okay?


But we're in a good enough
mood for everyone.

and we never even had lunch.

But now we have a special treat
for all of you!

A treat with a sensational
and exciting new flavor!

For the first time on TV!

We're proud to present...

Our new Pokémon.

Our Ekans has evolved
into Arbok!



And Koffing is now Weezing!



Arbok! Maximum power!


-Ah, we can handle this, right?




Everyone go!

-Weezing, Smog!

Pikachu, use your Thunderbolt!


Arbok! Dive underground!

-Weezing, follow it!


Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.



What happened?

I know what's coming!

Me too!

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.

Diglett, dig, diglett, dig.

Trio, trio, trio.



We-we're surfing.

Yes, we're curling the sh**t!


Hang ten, baby, yeah!

Hey, what's that thing up ahead?


The dam!

Maybe it won't hold!

ALL: Looks like Team Rocket's
busted up again!

Gee, those guys never seem
to catch a break, do they?

And they never learn
their lesson.

Not like me.

I definitely learned my lesson.

So our stay
wasn't a waste after all.

That's right.

And we're in luck.

Fuchsia Gym's
just over those mountains.




"-Construction of
the Giva Dam-canceled?"


NARRATOR: And so the Diglett
and Dugtrio were left in peace,

and everybody learned that,
when you do a little digging,

you can find something good
wherever you look.

And now it's on
to the next Pokémon adventure!

Don't go away.

The Pokérap is next.

Okay, guys,
we got to rap some Pokémon.

You just do the singing.

I'll take care of the hard part.

Let's get it on.

I want to be the best

There ever was

To beat all the rest

Yeah, that's my cause.

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all

I'll search across the land

Look far and wide

Release from my hand

The power that's inside

- down.
That's it for now.

Tune in tomorrow.

We'll rap at you some more.

There's ,
so watch Monday through Friday.

You'll catch 'em all!

-Catch 'em, catch 'em

Gotta catch 'em all,
gotta catch 'em all



-I want to be the very best

Like no one ever was

To catch them is my real test

To train them is my cause

I will travel across the land

Searching far and wide

Each Pokémon to understand

The power that's inside

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

It's you and me


I know it's my destiny


Oh, you're my best friend

In a world we must defend

Pokémon, gotta catch 'em all

A heart so true

Our courage will pull us through

You teach me and I'll teach you


Gotta catch 'em all

Gotta catch 'em all

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