02x09 - Breakthrough! The Shinigami's Encompassing Net

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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02x09 - Breakthrough! The Shinigami's Encompassing Net

Post by bunniefuu »

Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Scars that just refuse to fade from memory Sometimes the burden 's too much for one to bear Don't give up on me, please don't turn me away Whoa!
I'll hold your hand in mine Will I lose my hold on her someday?
Will her smile fade In a flood of tears Or can I keep the fears at bay?
Echoing, distant voices wither into silence.

But there is one thing that will never ever age my love for you is timeless Pain that won't heal Sadness you feel Smiles with hearts' bitterness replaced "I'll never smile again" "I'll never let love in" Don't ever say such things to me A future we cannot see All happenings Find meaning in the story In time the clouds will clear away, so just stay, please stay with me Whoa!
Who are we to pass through you?
That answer will find you someday Tsubaki!
"I reject!
" Tsubaki!
You fool You faltered!
That was the first time I've ever seen that technique.

There's no intent to k*ll in your attack.

Though you might k*ll Hollows with that move, it will have no effect on Soul Reapers.

Have you mistaken this place for a playground?
This is a b*ttlefield!
Without the intent to k*ll you'll never stop anyone!
So you want an attack with intent to k*ll?
Then fight me.

My bow is full of that intent to k*ll you love so much.

Hmm Very interesting.

Could you be a Quincy?
That's right.

Ishida's bow It's totally different from the one I saw before!
In its appearance and even in its spiritual pressure!
Those gloves He must have been training in order to use it properly.

This is interesting.

One uses an unfamiliar skill; the other is a Quincy.

And both employ projectiles And you've both come to fight me.

What a coincidence!
What a twist of fate.

Now I must show you.

The true form of my Zanpakuto.

Spread your wings!
What do you think?
Now, lament.

I am 4th Seat of Squad 7!
Jirobo Ikkanzaka!
Also known as Jirobo of the Wind Scythe!
The nickname, Wind Scythe, proves that I am the most skilled in projectile weapons.

My countless blades dance through space.

No one has seen my Tsunzakigarasu and lived!
Now, now How do you like it?
You can't even follow them with your eyes, can you?
As a fellow master of flying weapons, you'll fully regret having met me Huh?
How interesting.

Unlike the real world the strongest fighter seems to be the most long-winded whiner, here.

That was a fluke!
Don't be so cocky.

You still don't get it Sorry, but if you're supposed to be the strongest, I'll take back your nickname as Of today.

Where projectiles are concerned, I seem to be the better man.

Though the name, "Uryu of the Wind Scythe," doesn't sound too cool at all.

M-My hand My hand My left hand!
Amazing Ishida!
Compared to that time he was battling the Hollows alongside Ichigo He's become a completely different person!
Are you lamenting, just a little?
As a fellow practitioner of projectile weaponry Your misfortune of meeting me Me lament?
Damn you, brat!
You do realize that I missed on purpose.

And next time, I won't miss.

That was amazing!
The speed, power and accuracy of your technique All of which surpass mine.

To think that I should meet such a skillful practitioner I am utterly defeated.

Please, boil me, bake me, do whatever you want to me.

Why won't you sh**t me?
Could it be that you are letting me go?
I'm a Quincy.

I have no mercy for Soul Reapers.

It's just that I don't like bullying the weak.

Hurry up and get lost Before I change my mind.

It seems you are a kind-hearted person.

However that will be your undoing!
Since you couldn't beat me, you thought you could at least get Miss Inoue?
Or were you planning to take her hostage?
H-How did you know?
I don't like bullying the weak But I don't mind exposing cowards.

From the moment you showed up, you were targeting her, not me.

Most would find it beneath themselves to attack a lady when she's not looking.

An honorable person with a shred of pride wouldn't do such a thing; that's a coward's way of fighting.


And goodbye.

You don't even deserve the time to lament.

Thank you, Ishida I-It's okay, you don't need to thank me.

I "Didn't really do much?
" Did he die?
No I shot the Soul Chain and Soul Sleep, vital spots that control the generation of the spiritual energy.

He's not dead.

However, he'll lose his spiritual powers.

And once he awakes, he'll no longer return to being a Soul Reaper.

As a result of this battle that's sufficient.

Shall we go?

I heard from Mr.

Yoruichi, "A Quincy gathers the Reishi around them to fight.

" I'm sure he uses that glove to increase his ability to gather Reishi.

Because of its overwhelming power, in order to avoid harming us, Uryu trained by himself.

And he was able to master it to that degree In just ten days, all by himself.

You're incredible, Uryu.

What have I accomplished in those ten days?
Th-Thank you.


This isn't Miss Inoue!
Hang in there, Miss Inoue!
That's right-l made a promise Miss Inoue?
A-Are you all right?
Did you get hurt earlier?
Ah, oh no!
I'm sorry, it's nothing!
I just got teary-eyed looking at the sun.

Don't you get that sometimes?
You know, it feels like sneezing.

Or wanting to go to the restroom when you're at the bookstore, or when your gums bleed when you bite into an apple.

Anyways, let's go, Ishida!
I'm going to do my best too!
Miss Inoue What?
Are you sure you didn't hurt yourself earlier?
How come?
Well Why am I the only one getting chased around over and over?
Hey stop, you side-burned monkey!
Stop squirming, you lower eyelash!
With the ugly face!
W-What did you say?
That other guy was kind of good-looking, but no matter howl look at it, you have no place to comment on my looks!
What did you say?
We're going to eat you, Ugly!
With this many On my tail, I can't even win an argument!
Just in time Or not!
Hey, Ganju--!
H-Hold on a minute!
Why are you getting chased around too?
It makes no sense to converge!
Stop waving at me!
You're riling up the guys running after you!
I said don't come this way Let's go, Ganju!
This is Lemura.

Squad 4, Unohana Relief Crew, Groups 1, 6 and 14 are approaching enemy position.

Let's hustle!
This is not a drill!
Yes, sir!
That was dangerous, you fool!
Why'd you swing that blade out of the blue like that?
Are you dumb?
I told you to duck, didn't I?
The problem is that the time between warning me and doing it was too short, too fast!
Well, you should have reacted right away!
Like I could have, you moron!
Let's see So, now what?
We got away with a surprise attack just now, but it's just 'cause we showed them some muscle These guys don't look like the type to back off.

I'm totally late.

What should I do?
Should I go back?
But if Mr.

Lemura asks, "Where'd you go?
" it'll be hard to answer.

Oh, but if I don't go, he'll get even angrier Anyway, where did everyone go?
I wonder Oh yeah!
I'll ask those people up ahead!
Ah, umm Excuse me, I'm from the Squad 4 - W-What are you doing, twerp!
- Excuse me!
Damn it, stay away!
- Who the heck are you?
- E-Excuse me!
What's the commotion?
O-Ouch That was terrible Ichigo I've got an easy plan to get us out of here.

What a coincidence.

Me too.

A-Ah A plan to get out of here?
Ah, umm c-could it be that you two are the alleged Ryoka?
Open up a path, you punks!
If you punks value your friend's life!
No way!
It's them!
Aren't we there yet, Yachiru?
Is it really this way?
I'm sure, I'm sure.

I'm positive it's this way I think.

"I think"?
Did you just say "I think"?
Oh, be quiet.

Then, this way!
Did you just say "then"?
Why are you always complaining?
You decide then!
I don't care anymore!
Ugh This way, right?


this way, this way!
You're positive?
You're absolutely positive, right?
Open up a path, you punks!
If you punks value your friend's life!
No, let me go!
Let me huh?
Let W-What's with this vibe?
Maybe they didn't hear us Wanna try again?

Hey-Open up a path, you punks If you punks value your friend's life Hey!
Oh yeah - What - are you jerks doing?
Well, umm, taking a hostage?
And he looks like our friend to you?
You're not?
I-I'm from the Squad 4.

These guys are from Squad 11.

So, what's the difference?
Heh, I guess it's true these Ryoka are outsiders.

I don't want you to lump us together, so I'll tell you.

Clean out your ears and listen carefully!
There are a total of 13 Guard Squads that protect the Seireitei.

We, Squad 11, are lead by the strongest of the 13 captains.

As such, we are the strongest in battle of the 13!
Now that you mention it, these guys all have weird hairstyles, but yours is normal.


So, you're from where?
I-I'm from the Squad 4.

The Squad 4 is the rear echelon - that specializes in relief and aid.

- Owie, owie, go away!
A bunch of wimps that can't - even wield a sword properly.

- Yay, he's all better!
They're the weaklings out of all the 13 squads.

Oh boy, it's heavy To be honest, I don't know why they even exist.

Hip, hip, hooray!
We can't stand them!
They annoy us!
Therefore, we, Squad 11 Hate Squad 4!
So if you want to k*ll him, go ahead!
You'll be doing us a favor!
W-W-Wait a minute!
Isn't it too cruel to say you don't care what happens to him just because you don't like him?
Huh, you guys?
Oh, that's a rational argument.

Let's go!
Go get them!
Damn, I guess we're going to have to muscle our way out of here.

W-What was that?
I-I don't know Anyway!
I'm certain that it halved our enemy, so this is our chance now!
Move it, move it!
I thought I sensed Ichigo's Spiritual Pressure I must have missed him.

Hey, you there!
Did you just do that, you jerk?
What's with the weird get-up?
Are you a friend of those guys from earlier?
"Guys from earlier?
" Probably, yeah.

You think you can make fun of Squad 11 and get out of here alive?
We'll crush you in five minutes!
Sorry, but I can't accommodate your wishes Huh?
What did you say?
It won't take five minutes.

I'll be done in two minutes.

FOURTH SQUAD GENERAL RELIEF STATION So, you're not going to say anything no matter what?
Ikkaku Madarame Why don't you say something?
Please sir!
Captain of Squad 12!
Such interrogation is prohibited on these premises.

Shut up!
Lord Mayuri You too Nemu, be quiet!
Just shut up, okay?
DO you want to be pulled to pieces again?
No, sir.

Forgive me.

It's not that I don't want to say I really don't know.

I don't know the Ryoka's objective, destination or anything, for that matter.

Then, what?
So you're saying that although you've met and fought these Ryoka, you were just defeated in battle and retreated simply without gaining any information?
Is that it?

Furthermore I have not seen the enemy's face, nor heard his voice.

So, I don't have any information to give to you.

Fine Then you shall receive a punishment befitting your failure.

I'm surprised.

Since when did you get so powerful that you can punish people from other squads?
Humph, well, if his captain is here, then there's no need for me to interrogate him.

I'll withdraw for now.

Let's go, Nemu!
Stop stalling, you dullard.

Yes, sir.

Captain You got yourself pretty beat up there, huh?
Are you just hereto visit me?
Nope, we got lost on our way!
Oh, the Lieutenant is here too?
It's just coincidence that we wound up here, but we were worried about you.

Are you okay, Baldy?
I told you not to call me that, you brat!
Then, Shiny Baldy?
You heard me, didn't you?
Shiny, shiny, shiny, Baldy!
I heard that you lost.

My deepest apologies.

I've come back despite the shame of my defeat.

Is he strong?
Yes, indeed.

He appears to be a Soul Reaper.

He wears a Shihakusho, short orange hair, with a body-length sword without a guard or grip.

He is headed towards Senzaikyu Shishinro.

That maximum-security prison.

I gave him your description, and told him to be on the lookout for you.

If he heeded my words you will surely enjoy an excellent battle, regardless of where you meet him.

He's strong, and I fear that strength is still growing.

By the time he meets up with you, he will probably be stronger I see And what's his name?
I'm Hanataro Yamada.

It's hard to remember!
Everyone tells me it's an easy name to remember!
Oh, yeah?
I get "Taro Yamada" or "Hanako Yamada," but "Hanataro" is so hard to remember yep, hard.

Gosh Besides, aren't you our enemy?
Why are you so laid back and why are you introducing yourself?
Ah, I guess so.

Now that you've mentioned it Why did we bring this guy with us?
Couldn't help it.

He was nearby, so I accidentally brought him with us!
What do you mean, accidentally?
Do you pick up whatever is lying on the ground?
Shut up!
You didn't notice him yourself until just now!
P-Please, you two.

Stop fighting over me!
Who's fighting over you?
But, if you raise your voices, someone might find us!
Are we all right?
It seems so.

But still, if it's true what that bald guy said, and even if Rukia - is in that white tower, - Oh!
The problem is which road to take to get there.

Oh, that's right.

I have a map.

We wouldn't want to run into any Captains along the way, huh?
If we only knew the enemy's positions By the way There are no roads on this map What?
The hell is this?
Did you draw this yourself?
It's better than having nothing.

Umm Shut up, we're in the middle of strategizing.

Don't butt in.

Actually, you can go home already.

You're not going to be of much use anyway.

I swear Rukia Are you talking about Rukia Kuchiki?
Just as I thought It's her, isn't it?
The younger sister of the Captain Kuchiki of Squad 6, currently held in maximum security Then that "white tower" you referred to is the Senzaikyu.

I I know the secret way into that tower.

Kenny, you seem pretty happy.

Are you talking about me?
I haven't seen you this happy in a while.

Is that so?
You might be right He survived against Ichimaru.

He defeated Ikkaku.

And, Ikkaku said he was strong.

Ikkaku said he would become stronger Where?
Where are you?
I, Kenpachi Zaraki, am waiting for you!
Come out!
Ichigo Kurosaki!
I looked up into the night sky and saw a comet!
I want to see you right now, but I can't fly If I could become a comet I would fly across the sky I'm sure With this instantaneous light that will definitely reach you I would circle the skies and shine over you If I could become a comet I'm sure I'll always stay close to you Now and forever Hey!
How's everyone doing?
This is everyone's idol, Kon!
Why isn't it my turn yet?
I've been ready and waiting over here!
Hey, are you listening to me?
If you make too much of a fuss, you may never get your turn.

Oh, yes.

I will wait patiently.

So please be nice to this stuffed toy.

Captain of Squad 9, Kaname Tosen!
You kidding me, that hair style?
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