01x29 - Lucy and the Runaway Butterfly

Episode transcripts for the TV show "The Lucy Show". Aired: October 1, 1962 – March 11, 1968.*
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Widow Lucy Carmichael raises her children and shares her home with divorcee friend Vivien.
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01x29 - Lucy and the Runaway Butterfly

Post by bunniefuu »

Starring Lucille Ball.

Costarring Vivian Vance.

The Lucy Show is
brought to you by

new richer-tasting Dream Whip.

The light, fluffy dessert
topping that won't wilt.

Did you get the kids
to school on time?


Did you get the kids
to school on time?

Yeah, I just made it.

Viv, we have got
to get up earlier,

so the kids don't keep
missing that school bus.

Either that, or sleep
with our clothes on.

I was never so
embarrassed in my life.

What happened?

A little girl asked Jerry
if I was his mother,

and he said "No, I've never
seen that woman before in my life."

How do the mothers of
other kids get out of bed

in time to get
them off to school?

Those mothers have husbands
who push them out of bed.

Yeah. That's true.

Well, tomorrow morning,
we get up earlier.

That's what you said
yesterday morning.

Well, this time, I mean it.

You said that
yesterday morning, too.

Well, Viv, we've got
to start someplace.


Who could that be?


Oh, hi there!

Yes, she's here.

It's Howard McClay.

He must be very
interested in you

to be calling you at 8:00 a.m.

Boy, I'm glad it's
not Phone-o-vision.

Uh, hello, Howard.

Oh! Fine, thank you.

Oh, I always get up early.

Yeah, I like to be up and
dressed and look pretty

for the children before
they go to school.

Oh, I had a good time
Saturday night, too.

Oh, but then, I always have
a good time with you, Howard.


Well, I'm glad
you liked my dress.

Thank you.

Oh, tonight?

Oh, I'd love to.


Uh-huh. 7:30.

Oh, wonderful.

All right, Howard.


Well? Well?

He wants me to
go to dinner tonight.

Oh, good.

Let's see now... what'll I wear?

Viv, he asked me to dinner.

I mean, to your wedding.

Oh, really, Viv.

Just because I've gone
out with Howard three times

doesn't mean that
I'm serious about him.

Anyone who giggles
and talks mushy

at this time of the morning
has got to be serious.

Oh, for heaven's sake!

Where you going?

Some romantic spot
for a candlelight supper?

No, nothing like that.

Dinner at the boss's house.

Aha! That's it!

Aha? That's what?

Once you get the boss's okay,

the ring is practically
on your finger.

Congratulations, Mrs. McClay!

Oh, will you stop?

This is nothing but
a social evening.


What's that "aha" for?

Didn't you tell me

that they were thinking of
making Howard a partner

in his law firm?

Yes. Aha!

Don't you ever
run out of "aha's"?

Before they make him a partner,

the boss wants to see what kind
of a woman he's going to marry,

and believe me, Lucille,
you could do a lot worse

than to marry an attractive,
intelligent, well-to-do lawyer

like Howard McClay.

You know, Viv, every
day, in every way,

you sound more and
more like my mother.

I only tell you these
things for your own good.

Yes, Mother.

Now, Lucy, I mean it.

Howard's a very attractive man,

even if he is a
little, uh, stuffy.

He isn't stuffy.
He's conservative.

Aha! You're defending him.

That proves that you're serious.

Oh, Lucy...

I can see it all now.

"Yesterday, in a
simple ceremony,

"Mrs. Lucille Carmichael became
the bride of Howard McClay,

"well-known attorney of the firm

of Donohue,
Pomerantz, Lombardi..."

and... if this dinner tonight
goes like I hope it will... "McClay."

Well, I'm sorry, I wouldn't
want to leave you waiting

at the church and
I wouldn't want

to cheat you out of
singing "Oh, Promise Me,"

but I am not going to
marry Howard McClay.

I am merely going to
dinner with him and...


I forgot something else
I've got to do tonight.

Well, I'll just have to call
Howard back and cancel.

Over my dead body.

But I promised little
Jerry I'd help him

with his nature project
for the Cub Scouts tonight.

Oh, dear!

Now, couldn't you do both?

Well, maybe I could.

Yeah. Yeah. I'll give
Jerry an early dinner.

I'll help him with the project,
and then I'll go on my date.

Yes, you do that.

Yeah, that'll
work out all right.

♪ La-la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la-la-la ♪

♪ La-la-la-la-la,
la-la-la-la-da-da ♪

♪ La-la-la-la, la-da-da-da... ♪

Okay, Mom, I'm ready.

All right. I'll be
right down, dear.

Eesh! What do you
do with all those bugs?

This is my nature craft project.

Those creepy things?

I told you I was
collecting bugs.

Oh, bugs! I thought
you said, "buds."

You know, like rose buds,
camellia buds, magnolia buds.

Mom, I'm a Cub Scout,
not a Camp Fire Girl.

All right, dear. What
do you want me to do?

First, we have to
put the bugs to sleep.

How do I do that? Sing
them "Rock-a-bye, Baby"?


First, you take
a piece of cotton.


Then you put some alcohol on it.


Then you drop it in the jar.

Oh, alcohol. Well,
that's not so bad.

At least they'll go with
a smile on their lips.

Now, after you've k*lled them,
I'll mount them on this board.

Oh. Well, why don't you
let me put them on the board

and you put them to sleep?

Okay. How do I mount
them on the board?

You stick pins through them.

I stick pins through them?!

Oh, dear!

I think I'd rather send them
to that final picnic in the sky.


Let's see here, now.

"Cicindela limbata."

Yeah, that's what
you are, all right.

More commonly
known as a tiger beetle.


Here. Take a good look.


My, he has a face only a
mother tiger beetle could love.

Well, let's get at it.

Sorry to do this, old man.

There you are.

"Stagmomantis carolina."

Isn't he a beauty?

Yeah, if you say so.

That's another name
for a praying mantis.

Oh, a praying mantis.


What's the matter?

Shouldn't we wait till
he's through praying?

Oh, come on, Mom.


Oh, he was a
brave little rascal.

He didn't even ask for
a cigarette or a blindfold.

What's this?

A Lepidoptera blancus.

That's my prize. It's
a royal white butterfly.

My, he's tiny.

I was sure lucky to find him.

They don't usually fly any
further north than Virginia.

Well, your little
wings must be tired.

What's this? Where
are all the flowers?

Oh, I made a mistake, Viv.

Uh, Jerry's project
was not buds; it's bugs.

Bugs?! Yeah, well,

it's very fascinating.

See, now, for instance, here
we have a "Lepidoptera blancus."

Uh-huh. It's very rare.

Oh... It took me
three weeks to find it.

It'll take me three weeks
to learn how to pronounce it.


Oh! What?

He got away! Oh, no.

He got away!


Careful, Mom! You'll crush him!

Well, how else am I
going to catch him?

I'll go get my net. You
keep an eye on him.

All right! Where'd he go, Viv?

I don't know. I don't see him.

Oh, dear! Here,
uh, here, lepe...

leppedopper... uh...

Here, leppie!

Here, leppie!

Come on, leppie.
Oh, Lucy, you can

stop calling him. Why?

He just flew out the door.

Oh, no! Oh...

Oh... Here's the net, Mama!

Oh, I'm sorry,
honey. It's too late.

He got away.

Oh, Mom!

Well, I'm sorry.
Now, don't worry.

I'll find you another butterfly.

You won't have it in
time for the den meeting.

When's the den meeting?

The day after tomorrow.

Well, honey, that
gives me 48 hours.

Now, I'll find you
another one. I promise.

Oh, no, you won't.

Where you going?

To bed.

Aren't you going
to finish the project?

What's the use, without
my prize butterfly?

This is the most blackest
day of my entire life!

Oh, dear!

He's really taking it hard.

Oh, I feel awful.

Oh, I'll get him
another butterfly

if I have to go all
the way to Virginia.



Oh, that must be Howard.

Wait a minute, now.

Wait a minute. Let's
see how you look.

Straighten that
dress. Oh, your hair!

What's the matter with it?

Well, it doesn't look very good,
but don't worry about it, dear.

Can I answer the door?

Viv? Yes.

Oh, Lucille! What?

Maybe you should have
worn your blue dress.

It does so much
more for your eyes.

Oh, really, Viv, if
you keep this up,

I'm going to make you a
present for Mother's Day!

Straighten up. Don't slump!

Oh, for heaven's sake!

Good evening, Howard.

Good evening, Lucille.

Won't you come in? Thank you.

Hello, Mr. McClay.

Good evening, Mrs. Bagley.

I'll get my coat.

Oh, allow me to help.

Oh, thank you.

There we are.

Doesn't Lucille
look lovely tonight?

Lucille always looks lovely.

I must say, you two make
a very handsome couple.

Well, thank you.

Excuse us for
rushing off like this,

but Mr. Donohue's a
stickler for punctuality.

Oh, you don't want to keep
your senior partner waiting.

That's right. Good night, Viv.

Have a good time.
Good night, Mrs. Bagley.

Thank you. A wonderful time.

Thank you. Oh, Mr. McClay...

Don't worry about
getting Lucille home early.

Don't wait up, Mom.

I have my own key.

Oh, what a charming
patio, Mrs. Donohue.

Well, thank you.

I thought, because the
weather had been so warm lately,

it would be nice
to eat outdoors.

Oh, it'll be delightful.

Mrs. Carmichael... Thank you.

Allow me, Mrs.
Carmichael. Mrs. Donahue.

Oh, thank you,
Mr. Donohue. Not at all.

Well, I suppose you've heard,

I'm thinking of making Howard
a full partner in my law firm.

Really, sir?

Well, you couldn't
find a better man.

Frankly, I think you'd make a
pretty good partner yourself.

Oh, now, Mr. Donohue,
are you proposing?

Speaking of proposing, I
propose we have dinner.

Oh, uh, by the way, sir,
have you read my brief

on the Webster case? Excellent.

In fact, it's so good, I'm going
to let you go to court with it.

Well, thank you, sir.
Th-That's quite an honor.

You'll deserve to be a partner

if you can pull that
one out of the fire.

Anything wrong?

No, no, just a bug.

Oh, well, if they bother you,

we can eat inside.

Oh, no, no, no, no.

I-I like it out here
with the bugs.

She likes bugs?


Wrong bug.

Well, uh...

uh... do you always
look for bugs?

Oh, no, not always.

It's just that earlier
this evening, I lost one.

Well, we certainly hope
you find it. Don't we, Howard?

Yes, yes, by all means.

Missed it.

Oh, I'm sorry. Ella!

Please be more careful.

Oh, it wasn't Ella's fault.

Really, it was my
fault. I'm terribly sorry.

That's... I was trying to
catch that little butterfly.

Really, Mrs. Carmichael.

I'm terribly sorry.
That's quite all right.

Don't blame Ella.
Sure, Mrs. Carmichael.

It's the first time you've
come to our house...

Well, that's all right. It
was entirely my fault.

Well, Ella, be a
little more careful.

Well, I must say,
Mrs. Carmichael,

you're, you're
quite a bug lover.

Oh, it's not me, it's my son.


You see, uh...

he's a Cub Scout.

Here, bug, bug, bug,
bug bug, bug, bug, bug.

Here, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug.

He's a Cub Scout and
he has a very interesting

insect collection.

And I'm helping him with it.

Here, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug.

Here, bug, bug, bug, bug, bug.


See, he lost a
Lepidoptera blancus,

and I'm trying to
help him find it.

Oh, get away from here.

You're not a Lepidoptera.
You're an impostor!

Yes, he has a very
interesting insect collection.

He has flies and beetles

and spiders and caterpillars,

and he sticks pins in them.

I-I'm sure that... that
must be very fascinating.

Oh, it is, it is!

In case you see a
Lepidoptera blancus

be sure and let me know.

Uh, that's a little
white butterfly.

Oh, my goodness!
I was afraid to ask.

No, it's a little
white butterfly,

and it has blue
markings on the wings.

And... just like...

Don't move!

Oh, oh... I must say,

your Ella serves
piping hot soup.

Oh, I'm terribly sorry. Well...

Oh, I'm so sorry.

And you know what?
This is not a Lepidoptera.

It's an entirely different bug.

Well, those things will happen.

I tell ya...

Hurry up, now.

You've already
missed the school bus.

We know that, Viv.

Lucy, you've just got
a few minutes now.

Do you think you can get
the kids to school on time?

Well, I can if I don't have to
stop and answer your questions.

Boy, what a grouch!

Well, if you're so worried,
why don't you drive them?

Nothing doing. It's
your turn this week.

I'll wait in the car.

Hurry up, everybody. Okay.

Bye, Mom. Good-bye, honey.

Wipe those scrambled
eggs off your face.

How come you're always

the last one to finish eating?

I have the smallest mouth.

Come on, you'll
be late for school.

I'm not going to school today.

What are you talking about?

All right, Chris,
lay off that horn!

All right, young man,
what's this all about?

If I go to school,
I'll have to go

to the Cub Scout
meeting this afternoon. So?

I told everyone I had
this white butterfly.

I can't turn in my
project without it.

And if I don't
turn in my project,

I won't be able to
go on the field trip.

What field trip?

We're going to spend a whole day

at a herpatorium.

What's a herpatorium?

It's a snake farm.

Oh, a snake farm!

They've got rattlesnakes,

cobras, copperheads...

Yeah, well, it'd be a shame
to have you miss seeing that.

I'll say! Yeah, well,
come on. Come on.

I-I'll get you a white butterfly

by the time you get home today.

Come on. Hold it, Mom!

What? That's what
you said yesterday.

Well, I spent all day
yesterday alerting everybody

and tacking up signs saying:
"White Butterfly Wanted."

Mom, butterflies can't read.

Oh! Come on, come
on, you'll be late.

All right, all right!

Oh, listen, Viv...

Yes? If that's Howard McClay,

tell him I'll call him back.

Is he still speaking to you
after what happened last night?

Oh, yes, he recovered.

I'm having dinner

with him Saturday night. Aha!


Hello? Yes, she is.

Wait... hold it, Lucy!

Yeah? Yes?

You did?!

Oh, thank you so much.

Yes, I'll tell her. What?

That was Mr. Hofstetter
at the drug store.

He just saw a white butterfly

in that park across the
street from the courthouse.

Good! I'll pick it up

as soon as I get
the kids off to school.

Oh, wait a minute, Lucy!

Wait a minute!

Lucy! You can't go running
all over town in your...


Balloon, mister?
No, thanks, buddy.

What's the matter?

I'm, uh, I'm looking for
a Lepidoptera blancus.

Of course you are, yes.

Yeah, it's a little
white butterfly

w-with blue markings.

Mr. Hofstetter said
it flew into the park.

Of course it did. You didn't
happen to see it, did you?

Oh, no, no, no!

Oh, you don't have
to be afraid of them.

They're perfectly harmless.

You are? I mean, they are?

Yeah, it's a... There it goes!

And here we go!

Let's get away from this woman!

Sorry. Lady, look what you did!

I'm terribly sorry.

No! My balloons!

What happened? Right...!

My balloons, come back here!

Come back! Come back!

Not again, lady!

I'm sorry.

There she is!

Look! Watch where you're going!

Oh, I'm terribly sorry.

I-I got to get a butterfly.

He's got to go to
the snake farm.

Hey, lady, come back here!

Who's going to pay for these?

There she goes
to the courthouse!

Maybe she's going
to turn herself in.

Let's get her!

Thank you, Mrs. Wickenhauser,

for your eyewitness account
of the accident to my client.

Surely. You may cross-examine.

Mrs., uh, Wickenhauser, you
say that you were in the lobby

of the Danville Bank building
at 10:00 in the morning

when the accident
presumably occurred.

That's right.

And isn't it true that
you were dressed

in your bathrobe and nightgown?

That's right.

Your Honor, I object.
I'm only questioning

the credibility of the witness.

Objection overruled. Proceed.

I've never seen a woman
in downtown Danville

at 10:00 in the morning
in her nightclothes.

Mrs. Wickenhauser,

would you like to explain
why you were so dressed?

Well, I drove my
husband to work.

He left his lunch in the car
and I was taking it back to him.

If he doesn't get his
corned beef sandwich

and some of my
homemade coleslaw,

he's in an awful snit.

And this witness expects
the court to believe

that the women of
Danfield have so little pride

than to appear in a public
building in nightclothes?!

Your Honor, I fail to see
what the witness's clothing

has to do with this case.

Objection sustained.


Now, uh...

Mrs. Wickenhauser...

you said that you were standing

right next to the plaintiff.

Were there other people around?

Oh, yes.


How many? Hello, Howard.

Oh, hello, Mr. Donohue.

Pardon me, I've
got to get that...

Oh, I missed it!

Order in the court!
Order in the court!

Bailiff, remove this
person from this courtroom!

Order! Order in the court!

McClay... Mr.


This is nothing more than
a cheap theatrical stunt

to prejudice the jury!

Your Honor, believe me...

Mr. Donohue...
Mr. Donohue, I'll expect you

in my chambers immediately.

Order! Bailiff, remove this
woman from the courtroom!

Order in the court!

I got it! I got it!

Oh, he's a beauty!

I'm sorry, I'm
sorry, Your Honor,

but I promised my son
that I'd get this for him.

Wait a minute
now... let me get him.

I don't want to injure him.

Oh, isn't he a beauty?!


This happens to
be a court of law!

And... And would you be so kind

as to remove this
net from my head?!

Yes, sir.

I declare a mistrial!

Jury is dismissed!

Court is adjourned!

Mrs. Carmichael...
I'm terribly sorry.

We had this case
won until you walked in!

Oh, Mr. Donohue,
I'm terribly sorry,

but I just did it
for my little boy.

Weren't you ever a Cub Scout?

And didn't you ever lose
your Lepidoptera blancus?


Oh, I'm sorry.

Oh, Howard, I...

I guess our-our Saturday night
date is more or less off, huh?

All right! All right!

Point her out to me.

She ought to be put away!




Howard, even if you
couldn't think of me as a date,

do you think... do you think
you could think of me as a client?

The Lucy Show
was brought to you by

light, fluffy Dream
Whip dessert topping.

Another fine product
of General Foods.
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