02x18 - I'm Back to My Old Self Again!! Goku Under 100-Times Super-Gravity

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x18 - I'm Back to My Old Self Again!! Goku Under 100-Times Super-Gravity

Post by bunniefuu »

G- Goku! No matter how strong Goku-san may be, if it takes an hour to get through that magnetic storm, he won't last! Can't you do something? I'm completely like this.

Huh? I give up.

l- l'll cut the chain! Kamehame-Ha!! Go, Kamehame-Ha! T- this is the worst! How is this the worst? He's a pretty nice-looking man, isn't he? P- please don't go judging people by their faces at a time like this! But usually, the handsome guy fights for justice.

This isn't Earth, it's Planet Namek.

Yeah, I understand that.

Bulma-san, you don't understand anything.

You've managed to mock me pretty good, haven't you, Vegeta-san? I see.

I recall seeing that runt over there holding the Dragon Ball before.

You guys have joined forces, have you? Yoo-hoo! Yoo-hoo, yoo-hoo! Beat up Vegeta! I don't care about them.

None of that matters.

Vegeta, where have you hidden the remaining Dragon Balls? You're going to stand before Freeza and tell us.

Try and make me.

You'll never learn.

Come on, why don't you transform, already? What!? Zarbon, until you change into that hideous form of yours, you can't fight toe-to-toe with me.

To someone like myself, who prefers beauty, those words are the greatest insult! Vegeta, you have gotten me genuinely angry.

But you can relax.

Freeza ordered me to bring you back alive.

You're too soft, Zarbon.

That softness is what has restored me back to life.

Shut up! How handsome! Bulma-san Bulma-san, now's our chance! Let's get out of here! But he said he'd k*ll us if we ran! He'll k*ll us even if we don't run! I won't let you do that! Damn! He doesn't miss a single thing! Don't you sell me short! You are prepared to answer for this, yes? If you are unable to bring Vegeta back here in one hour lf this keeps up You've finally made up your mind, have you? H- he's a villain, all right! W- what was that!? He turned into a monster! What's more, his power shot up like mad! Vegeta, you're the only one who has seen this form twice! I wonder why it was at the bottom of that lake.

I know! The villagers might have been in a rush to hide it.

There are two incredible Ki! They're coming from where Bulma-san is waiting! Whichever one of them wins, it's bad news for us.

S- Son-kun, hurry and get here! What are you doing, Goku!? Stop that! I ain't about to die here! Goku, it's no use! You can't cut that chain! G- Goku! Goku-san! It's designed so that it won't break when you do that! Kaio-ken!! He did it! He did it! What a guy! That was amazing! Damn that's 100-times gravity for you The bones throughout my body are broken to pieces Goku! Goku! Goku-san! Goku-san! l know I can't die here l've got bones broken all over Vegeta, just you wait! Goku-san! Goku! Goku! Don't worry about your face! Hang in there! He did it! He did it! He did it! Whew, that was a close one.

A little bit more, and I would have been dead.

But still, I did it.

I experienced 100-times gravity.

At this point, I can go right to training at 100-times.

You fell for it, Zarbon.

Dammit! You planned that! Vegeta! How dare you! Looks like that hurt pretty bad.

Your strength has dropped quite a bit, hasn't it? Zarbon-san, it appears your death is near.

My death is near!? Don't make me laugh! My battle power is higher than yours! Zarbon-san, aren't you supposed to be well informed about Saiyans? Carelessly treating me after I was near death was a bad idea, huh? Isn't that right? lt's a good thing l brought these Senzu l'll have to thank Yajirobe Yahoo! Ups-a-daisy! All right, I'm back to my old self! Now for some 100-times training- Before I do, maybe I'll go have something to eat.

Saiyans are able to increase their battle power dramatically every time we recover from the brink of death! So that's it.

Now that he mentions it, Goku got stronger every time he had a fierce battle.

Damn, so that's the reason why Vegeta's Ki has risen like crazy, huh? Listen, even if your battle power has risen, there's still no way you can beat me after I've transformed, and can exhibit my true power! The Saiyans are a fighting race! Don't underestimate us! V- Vegeta I was only acting under orders from Freeza-sama Let me go please After as much as you've worked me to the bone, don't you dare go asking for anything for yourself! I know The two of us could team up If we did we could even beat Freeza If I could defeat Freeza just by teaming up with you, it wouldn't be very sporting.

Now then I don't know how you did it, but you've raised your battle power a bit since we were on Earth, haven't you? But you're still not at the level where you can fight me on even terms, are you? What will it be? Would you be inclined to hand over that Dragon Ball to me nicely? I- I doubt it will do any good to make any agreements with you, but if I hand this over, do you promise to leave here without any trouble? A promise, huh? Well, all right.

As long as I have the Dragon Ball, there's no sense in playing around with you, small fry.

Y- you mean it? What a pest.

If that's how badly you want to live, then hand it over before I change my mind.

K- Kuririn You guys are lucky.

I'm in a good mood, since I have now found all of the Dragon Balls.

Now I can attain eternal life, which will allow me to rule the entire universe, instead of Freeza! W- we're not about to let Vegeta get all seven of them! C- come on, Gohan! At length, six of the Dragon Balls had fallen into Vegeta's hands.

All that remained was the Si Xing Qiu Ball being held by Gohan.

Will Gohan be able to protect it?
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