02x28 - Lightning Balls of Red and Blue! Jheese and Butta Attack Goku

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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02x28 - Lightning Balls of Red and Blue! Jheese and Butta Attack Goku

Post by bunniefuu »

What are you guys going to do!? Are you going to go back to your own planet now!? Or would you rather be knocked flat, like this guy!? Did you hear that, Butta? That manly-man is spouting that drivel again.

Yeah, he seems to be under the mistaken impression that he defeated ReaCoom by force.

It was just a strange coincidence, overlapping with ReaCoom letting his guard down.

Right? Yeah, of course it was just by chance.

His battle power rating barely changed at all.

W- what's going on with Goku being so self-possessed? F- Father The Ginyu Special Corps' Red Magma Jheese! And the Blue Hurricane Butta! So you ain't leaving, then? Kakarrot has them beat.

Here we go! Yeah! This is getting boring! He's not playing with us at all, is he? Are you sure he's not just too scared to move? Well, well, it turns out he's just a big idiot, full of hot air! I- it must be that their speed is so great that Goku can't move.

Hey, Jheese! You're playing around too much! What about you? You could stand to take a shot at him yourself! Gohan, get out of the way! I- it can't be! He's a sassy bastard! We're the Ginyu Special Corps! You can't go on mocking us forever- W- why, you! Whatever you say, but are you sure you guys ain't leaving yourselves open too much? What did you say!? W- Why, you! W- what was that!? What the hell did you just do!? A kiai shout He sent them flying with just a kiai shout.

I have finally gotten all seven Dragon Balls together.

Now I will be able to obtain eternal life.

How silly of me.

Who would have thought that I would need a passcode to have my wish granted? Be that as it may, we will see whether or not the surviving Namekians will be accommodating enough to tell me what the passcode is.

Grand Elder-sama Wrong! How many times do I have to tell you!? Huh!? Your right leg goes like this! Remember, I'm thinking up an ultra fighting pose that's far cooler than anything else up until now.

Freeza-sama will be seeing this, so be dependable practice dummies.

I know! If you can pull this off well, I'll give you this.

I'm so nice, aren't I? All right, let's go! R- ReaCoom! B- Butta! J- Jheese! G- Ghurd! Ginyu! Together we are the Ginyu Special Corps! " Smack" Don't touch the Dragon Balls! Those are the precious Dragon Balls that Freeza-sama has entrusted to me.

Why did you touch them!? W- well I, uh Why!? I see.

If you want to touch them so badly, then maybe I'll let you.

Go on, try to touch them.

If you are able to touch them, even a little bit, I will give you all two caramels each.

Come on, come on, what's the matter with you!? You won't become stronger warriors like this, no matter how long you work at it! K- Kuririn-san, do you get the feeling those two aren't as strong as we thought? They can't lay a hand on Father.

T- that can't be right.

They have about the same amount of Ki as ReaCoom, and not even Vegeta could do anything against him.

Maybe Goku is just so overly strong that those guys don't look all that tough compared to him.

I'm not so sure.

Father's Ki seems so much more smaller than theirs.

W- what's going on here!? His battle power is only 5000, no question about it! But my att*cks aren't even grazing him.

Kakarrot is sharply raising his battle power for the briefest instant, right when they attack.

Probably to avoid consuming any unnecessary energy.

It's such a brief moment that the Scouters probably can't pick it up.

H- he has an incredible battle power.

How does he have that kind of power? This is pissing me off! I'm not about to let that little fart make a fool of me! Hey, Jheese! Let's do the Purple Comet Crush! The Purple Comet Crush, huh? That sounds good! All right, let's do it, Butta! Yeah! What!? What's going on!? Geez! What could they all be doing, abandoning a fragile lady here like this!? That goes for Son-kun, too! Just saying he fell behind schedule isn't good enough! As soon as he gets here, I'll have to have him take me straight home.

If I have to stay here too long, my skin will be damaged, and my good looks will be ruined! I want to go home to Earth.

What in the world is this!? That bastard! Jheese! Huh? What, Butta? At this point, you should launch your Crusher Ball.

Knowing his speed, he'll probably dodge it and run away.

What are you going to do? lsn't it obvious? l'm going to smash him from the back as he's frantically getting out of the way.

However fast he might be, l'm still the fastest in the universe.

All right.

Although, why should we have to, against that scum? Dammit! Crusher Ball!! Come on, now What's wrong!? Why isn't he dodging it!? He deflected it! D- damn it! Huh? Dammit, where did he go!? Behind you, Butta! Yo.

Goku's power far exceeds that of the Ginyu Special Corps.

Has Goku become that legendary warrior, a Super Saiyan, after all?
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