05x03 - Kamehame-Ha!? The Monster Who Possesses Goku's Ki

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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05x03 - Kamehame-Ha!? The Monster Who Possesses Goku's Ki

Post by bunniefuu »

"Kamehame-Ha!? The Monster Who Possesses Goku's Ki" So, you've shown yourself, you beast.

Save me! W- what's this? What sort of Ki am I sensing from him? I- impossible! H- how can it be!? Mister Popo scared.

Kami-sama and Piccolo united, got strong.

But still feel he not able defeat monster.

Kami-sama Help me! I am the wealthiest man around here! I'll give you whatever money you want, save me! Hey! How about it, you!? I don't expect you can understand what I'm saying, but release him.

Even a life such as his is still a life.

S- save me My mon- ey The next one to end up like this will be you, Piccolo Daimao! W- what!? What's this!? What's the matter, Gohan? I can feel Piccolo-san's Ki, but twice over! Eh? Piccolo's? What's this? W- who are you!? Why do you know the name Piccolo? I am your brother.

What!? Hey, what's going on!? This Ki It's Freeza's, and his father's Ki as well! I can feel others.

Piccolo-san, Freeza and his father, and now Dad! So many Ki, all gathered in one spot.

What's going on here? This is impossible! We're feeling them, all right.

But this cannot be happening.

Freeza and his father are supposed to be dead.

This direction It's coming from the direction of Gingertown, where those incidents were reported! That's impossible! Now there's even Goku's Ki Father is definitely sleeping up here.

Sector 1051 West.

Right near where that egg and carapace were located.

There's no doubt about it now.

Now then, what exactly are you? Tell me! Let's have it all.

That won't be necessary.

See, you are about to become my meal.

So, you don't intend to tell me, then.

In that event, I'll just have to squeeze the life out of you not knowing any more than I already do.

Does Piccolo Daimao plan on k*lling me, then? For whatever reason, you apparently know who Piccolo is.

However However, unfortunately for you You're mistaking me for him.

What!? I'm mistaking you for him, you say? Are you saying you are not Piccolo Daimao? That's what I am saying.

Thank goodness, I made it.

You may be everything you are, but this unknown monster may be too dangerous for even you.

There's another incredibly powerful Ki.

Someone else has appeared.

Yeah, just now.

Just what exactly is going on? That has to be Piccolo! But isn't this Ki too far different from Piccolo-san's Ki? Awesome, man! He really has united! United? With Kami-sama, like you were saying? They're back together now, after having been apart? Right.

And since Piccolo was so incredibly strong to begin with and all This is the Ki of a Super Namekian! T- this is amazing.

He was able to power up that much? Your having extinguished all the people of this city actually works in my favor.

What's that? What do you mean by that? It means I can go all-out.

What!? That shockwave just now Over there.

It's started.

There was a definite atmospheric vibration a moment ago.

Could you tell? Yeah.

I wonder if a volcano just exploded somewhere.

Or perhaps At any rate, it's far from here.

The suburbs of Metro West.


16! There are two giant powers there, likely battling each other.

You've got power radar installed? How come you haven't said anything about it until now? You didn't ask.

I suppose not.

So then, can we have you tell us who is fighting whom? I don't know.

I have no data on either one.

However, one of the powers is large enough it even rivals your levels.

What!? Chalk up yet another "miss" to Doctor Gero.

That radar of yours is malfunctioning.

There's no one in this world who has the power to rival mine.

Utterly ludicrous.

Let's go, No.


T- that was So that's what you've got, is it? I had you sized up as quite an abominable monster, and it looks like I was right.

You do pretty well yourself.

No matter that I have not achieved my perfect form yet P- perfect form? You don't mean So that's why you've been preying on these people!? I take them as the energy of life for myself.

Answer this! Who was it that sent you to this era in that time machine!? Some ally of yours? I was the one who sent me.

That time machine was too small for this body, you see.

I had to revert myself back to my egg form in order to fit.

In any case, it surprises me that you would even know about me and the time machine.

But I doubt you already knew about this No way, this can't be right! It's Goku-san's Ki again! Ka me ha me Impossible! F- Father W- what is this? Can this monster even perform a Kamehame-Ha!? How can this be!?
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