07x04 - Final Round of Flame!! Goku or Paikuhan!?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x04 - Final Round of Flame!! Goku or Paikuhan!?

Post by bunniefuu »

The Final Round! Goku vs.

Paikuhan! Go get him Goku.

Bring him down with a blow that will catch him by surprise! Maraiko, don't hold back.

You're too strong for that kid! The new kid is in the semi-finals.

But he won't win this time.


He may become the first to be trained by Dai Kaio-sama.

Is that so? We will now have the first round of the semi-finals in the tournament held in commemoration of North Kaio's death.

Maraiko and Goku, please begin! They're both really good.

I'm getting excited.

Goku was thrown into the sky and hasn't stopped.

It's dangerous.

Will he be safe? Okay, now we have the winner.

What? Maraiko! Goku! Take this! Where's Maraiko? Over there! Ma-Maraiko has fallen out of the ring.

Son Goku has won! Well done Goku! That kid is much stronger than when we first met.

Has he grown that much in such a short time? Yeah, thank you! This is fun Goku is in the finals.

He can't lose now.

That's impossible.

What? You'll be happy just for the moment, idiot.

What? Don't you understand? He won just because he got lucky.

He'll have to fight Paikuhan in the finals.

He won't be able to win.

You're wrong.

Goku will win.

I know how strong he is.

It's Paikuhan that will win.

Goku will! Paikuhan! Goku! Paikuhan! Goku! Paikuhan! Goku! Paikuhan! Goku! Paikuhan! Goku! Paikuhan! Goku! Let's have a bet.

A bet? If Paikuhan loses, I'll give you the West Kaio planet.

What? You'll give me your Kaio planet? What if Goku loses? Okay, then I'll have to give you the North Kaio planet.

North Kaio Planet has already exploded.

What now? It blew up? So you have no confidence? That's not true at all.

Okay, if Goku loses, I'll be your servant.

That's good.

Okay, if Goku loses then I will win your life, but you're already dead, eh? In that case, I'd like you to be my servant.

And I get your Kaio planet! Great fight.

Thank you, but But what? What's that noise? It's from my belly Is Goku-chan always like that? I have food ready for you.

I'm starving! Dai Kaio-sama! Wait just one minute What's the matter Kaio-sama? This isn't the time to eat.

Paikuhan is in the next fight.

You should be watching.

The following fight is Tolby versus Paikuhan.

No need to watch.

No need? What arrogance! I already know who will win.

You already know? Who will win? I can't wait any longer! It's time to eat! One, two, one, two Why are you running in such low spirits? None of you made it to the semi-finals! You made me lose face! You better not perform like that tomorrow! What are you idiots doing? Paikuhan has won.

We've come to the last round.

It'll be fought by Paikuhan from the West Milky Way and Son Goku from the North Milky Way.

Son Goku, please get in the ring if you're here! Stop eating! You're in the final round! So, Son Goku is eating? How silly! What a strange guy! Wait, I haven't finished yet! Is he just being calm, or is he an idiot? -One, two, one, two.

-Go, go, go! The finals seem to have started.

Keep running! You'll be punished if you stop! Please start the fight! Why didn't you dodge? I see.

You don't think my punches are strong enough? But I haven't used my real strength yet.

We'll see.

Alright! Paikuhan, don't fall out of the ring! Be careful! Defeat him quickly Goku! What a fight.

Is that all you can do, Goku? What? Now it's my turn.

Here I come.

He won't budge.

This is impossible You're stronger than I expected, Goku.

So are you.

I'm happy and excited.

Paikuhan has taken off his head-dress.

What's he up to? This is So that was just for warming up? You're like Piccolo.

Piccolo? Yeah, a martial arts expert who excites me as much as you.

What strength.

Here I go Alright, I'm ready.

Let's fight.

What? Paikuhan has not used his full power yet? Goku turns into a Super Saiyajin, with Paikuhan using his full strength who do you think will win this time?
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