07x09 - Gohan, Scramble! Save Videl!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Dragon Ball Z". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Follows the adventures of Goku who, along with the Z Warriors, defends the Earth against evil.
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07x09 - Gohan, Scramble! Save Videl!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Gohan, you must move quick! Save Videl! Bye.


Have a nice day.

Goten, you've learned to ride Nimbus pretty good.

Brother, you look cool! See ya! Bye bye.

Thank goodness for this transformation device.

Now I don't have to worry about being late for school.

What's that? That's the Great Saiyaman.

That's Videl-san.

I can't let her see me fly to school dressed like this.

Oh well.

I won't let you get away! What are you thinking Videl-san? Can't you leave me in peace? I'm going to find out who you are today! She chased me pretty far from school.

I'll be late if I don't hurry.

Good morning.

Good morning Videl-san.

How did you find me? It was easy to spot that bright costume.

Who in the world are you? I thought I'd already told you.

I am the hater of evil, the Champion of Justice The Great Saiyaman! Don't screw with me.

I'm not.

You're costume is pretty ugly, but you can fly and you are strong.

I don't think you're a normal human.

Now that I live with normal people, I can't let my real identity be discovered.

Is it a secret? It is.

That just makes me want to find out who you are even more.

Hey you! Sorry.

What are you doing? What do you think you're doing? I'll leave it here.

See ya later.

No, uh, farewell.

I'm going to find out who he is.

Teacher, I'm sorry that I'm late.

No problem Videl-kun.

You've got so many other things to keep you busy.

Please take your seat.


Did an incident happen this early in the morning? Something like that.

You can't help being late, but it's rare that Gohan's late.

Gohan-kun was late too? He just got here.

I slept in too late.

The Great Saiyaman was heading towards the school.

I'm suspicious.

Again, due to the Great Saiyaman's actions, the train station was saved.

He is Satan City's new hero, the Great Saiyaman.

What's he talking about? A new hero? Compared to me, he still hasn't done anything.

What's wrong!? Bro, Satan City's police are nothing.

If our boss shows up, the police won't be able to do a thing about him.

Let's make our report to the boss.

Hey guys, you shouldn't drive wild like that.

What are you talking about kid? Bro, it's a high school student.

You're pretty rude for a kid.

I'll teach you not to mess with the Red Rock g*ng.

Gohan-kun! You can't drive like that.

Shut up! Too bad Videl-san sh*t.

Bro! That's You're going to pay! Gohan-kun, are you okay? You idiots! I'm fine.

But you took that punch right in the face.

It looks like he didn't hit with full force.

I'm sorry.

I thought that if you were the Great Saiyaman, you'd easily be able to defeat them, so I stayed back and watched.

Me!? I was mistaken.

If I was a little later, you could have been in a lot of trouble.

But I'm happy you're okay.



She almost figured me out.

Bro, that girl is Mr.

Satan's daughter.

I've heard she's incredibly strong.

I've heard about that girl too, but I think I broke my hand when I hit that brat.

Damn, that bastard's got a tough face.

and then he went to the same store I always go to, and then those boys Yes, this is Videl.

t*rrorists have taken the Mayor hostage.

Hurry and bring Mr.

Satan here.

If you don't, the Mayor will die.

What do you want with Mr.

Satan? Our boss wants to fight him.

Fight him!? I don't care if that damned Mr.

Satan is the hero that saved the earth or not.

But he can't be the strongest fighter forever.

I'm going to b*at the sh*t out of him.

Then this city will belong to our Red Rock g*ng.

We'll change the name of this city to Rock City.

What do you think Mayor? If you don't want your Mayor to die, you'll bring Satan here to fight me! Have you contacted Mr.

Satan yet? We've tried, but we still haven't gotten in touch with him.

When you become famous, those kind of creeps come out of the wood-works.

I want to b*at the crap out of them, but they have weapons.

Facing danger like this is part of being a hero.

Too bad, but I'm going to have to sit this one out.

If Mr.

Satan doesn't come here, we'll k*ll you too! I'm sorry, but I have to leave.

Do your best.

Be careful.

Teacher! Sorry, but I have to go to the bathroom.

Not again.

Son-kun, you've done that a lot and have never come back to class.

I don't care how good your grades are! I won't let you do that today! Too bad Gohan-kun.

Here he is.

Let the Mayor go.

Boss, that's Mr.

Satan's daughter.

I've heard you're pretty strong, but I don't want to fight Mr.

Satan's daughter.

I came here to defeat Mr.


There's been a lot of people like you.

They try to b*at papa and make a name for themselves.

He's too busy for you now.

He'll fight you if you b*at me first.

What? That's right.

Videl-san is almost as strong as Mr.


So if I b*at this girl, it's the same as if I were to b*at Mr.


Okay, this is changing the subject.

But you're pretty cute for being Mr.

Satan's daughter.

I won't hold back.

You're a little stronger than the other people I've had to fight.

I'm going to scar up your pretty face for saying that! Her enemy's pretty strong.

Videl-san is in danger.

But how can I get out of class to save her? Isn't there anything I can do? Earthquake! Everyone hide under your desks! Now.

Transform! You're not bad.

Videl-san! That's not fair.

Who the hell are you!? I am the hater of evil, the Champion of Justice! I am.

The Great Saiyaman! Videl-san, that's my line.

Hey you! This is my job, so stay out of it.

I never asked for your help.

But What are they doing? Get out of here.

That's mean Videl-san Stop this! Hey, k*ll that masked freak too! Damn you! Are you okay Mayor? Thank you.

Die! You bitch.

Videl-san! I guess I didn't have to worry.

She's pretty strong.

Get inside the car! Farewell Videl-san.

Wait! Thank you.

It was nothing.

Now I want to know who you are more than ever.

I'm going to find out one of these days.

Go ahead and try.

Gohan-kun did that? Then there was an earthquake scare and that's when he disappeared.

He came back just shortly before you did.

I thought so.

Gohan-kun! He was just there behind us.

He's a genius at getting away.

Today, the Great Saiyaman defeated a great evil.

But Gohan is starting to realize that even invincible super heroes have opponents they'd rather not face.
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