01x35 - "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 1" / "Final Duel! Yugi vs. Pegasus"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x35 - "Yugi vs. Pegasus: Match of the Millennium, Part 1" / "Final Duel! Yugi vs. Pegasus"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

This is it.

Just me and the deck
grandpa gave me
against pegasus.

Pegasus may have captured
his soul,

But his heart has always
been right here with me

In these cards.

Trust me, gramps.
I won't let you down.

[Thinking] you taught me
everything I know

About duel monsters--

About the rules, strategy,

And about stuff you can't learn
in any book.

If you only remember
one thing, yugi,

Remember this--
you must never lose
faith in yourself.

If you don't believe
you can win, then
you'll suffer defeat,

Not only in duel monsters,
but in life.


Believe me, that advice
is more valuable

Than any card
you'll ever own.

I should know.

I've collected
the best cards in the game.

and you gave them
all to me.

I'll use them
to win, gramps.

I'll rescue you
from pegasus!



Guys, what are
you doing--

Hey, yuge, we all
wanted to wish you well.

You're the best.

Look like
you finally made it.

You're goin'
all the way, buddy.

And once it's over,
we'll get
your grandpa home.


Thank you, téa.
That means a lot.

The time has come.

Would yugi moto
the challenger

Please enter
the duel ring?

Mr. Pegasus awaits you.

Joey: go get him, yuge!


let's end this, pegasus!

Téa: he looks
so determined.

take him down!

We know you can!

Put that slime bucket
in his place

Once and for all!

Croquet: the challenger
has entered the stadium.

And now,
for your dueling pleasure,

Castle pegasus
is proud to present

The creator of duel monsters
and all its wondrous cards...

[Thinking] and thief
of my grandfather's soul!

The undefeated, undisputed
ruler of duelist kingdom,

Maximillion pegasus!


[Thinking] at last,
I finally face pegasus!

It will take
all the wisdom
my grandpa gave me

And all the power
in my cards,

But I will defeat him!

Croquet: and now,
let the duel begin!

Hmm...[Clears throat]

So, yugi-boy,
you've turned out to be
quite the young duelist,

Battling your way past
all the other challengers,

Winning your way
into the castle,

Just to face me.


Before we
begin this duel,

I want you to agree
to keep your promise

That if I defeat you,

You'll release
my grandfather's soul
to me!

But of course.

I'm a man of my word.

And that's not all!

You must also free
the souls of seto
and mokuba kaiba!

What a strange demand.

I thought you hated kaiba
as much as you hate me, yugi.

Maybe I need to keep
a vow of my own, pegasus.


But then,
what can I do?

You can start
by trusting in me,

And together,
we will defeat pegasus.

[Thinking] I made
a promise to mokuba,

A vow that
I would reunite him
with his brother.

Ah, I see.

A vow to mokuba.

did he just read my mind?

Ok, yugi-boy, if it will
put your mind at ease,

I agree to your terms.

If you win
your battle with me,

I shall free these three
from their lonesome
prison of souls.

is up to something.

I know.

I think he planned
to take on yugi

In the final match
all along.

He's after something,
that's for sure.

I hope that yugi
can handle him.

the entire tournament,

Pegasus has
stacked the deck
in his own favor

Every step of the way.

You kiddin' me?
Yugi's gonna kick
his keister!

When this is all over,
yugi's gonna be
the undisputed champion.

Pegasus won't even
have a clue what hit him.

He's right!
I know it!

Hmm...bakura: I don't know.

You can't have such
a negative attitude, guys.

Yugi's countin'
on us, too.

But pegasus has
never played fair.

He started
by kidnapping
yugi's grandpa.

And goin' into
this final match,

We don't know
what kind of tricks
he'll pull.

Whatever tricks he tries,

Whatever card he plays,
yugi will overcome them.

Yugi hasn't come
all this way

To lose
in the final match.

Joey: look at him.

No way that
overdressed prima donna

Stands a chance
against our buddy!


Trust me,
yugi's no kaiba.

He's gonna beat this clown.

They're just about to draw
their first cards.

Let's head
to the upper gallery

So we can get
a better view.

Good idea, téa.

Guess there's
nothing we can do

But wait for the duel
to play out.

Pegasus holds
all the cards right now.

As long as he holds
his prisoners,

We're going to be
at his mercy,

No matter what
the outcome
of the game.


where are you going?

I'm gonna see
if I can find kaiba
or mokuba anywhere,

Because if I can
get 'em back,

Even without their souls,

Then pegasus won't hold
all the cards.

Evil bakura, thinking:
a search for their
empty vessels--

Not a bad idea.

Challenger yugi moto,

As per the rules
of the duelist
kingdom tournament,

Present the card that entitles
you to participate.

As per your rules,
here it is--

Glory of the king's
opposite hand.

So it is.

And so the stage is set
for the final and
deciding duel

Of the duelist kingdom

Just as the card you hold
is a blank slate,

There are no limits
to the prize you may request
of your opponent

If you are the victor.

You can decide if you wish
to take over his company

As your reward
for winning.


You can ask
for this entire island

Or demand mr. Pegasus's
millennium eye as your prize.

This is crazy!

Oh. Well,
where's tristan?

Oh. Tristan wandered off
somewhere by himself.

I'm not sure where.

Probably just
went to the john.

Forget him. This is
just gettin' interestin'.

Hmm? "Any request
will be honored"?

Wow. That's what
I call a prize.

Do I know how
to throw a tournament...

Or do I know
how to throw

A duelist kingdom

Promise me that you
will free the souls

Of my grandfather
and all the others.


But if I am the one
that defeats you instead,

You have to fulfill
your end of the bargain
as well.

Take a close look
at the card you hold
in your hand, yugi-boy.

There's a reason
that it's blank,
you know.

For if I win,
I claim your soul...


So you see,
you have much to gain...

But much to risk
as well.

It's a risk
I'm willing to take

To free the soul
of my grandpa
and the others.

But I don't plan
to lose.

We shall see.

We will indeed, pegasus.

So courageous.

So defiant.

Did you hear that?
If yugi loses,

Pegasus will steal
his soul, too.

What a creep.

But even knowin'
what's on the line,

Yugi still isn't
gonna back down.

True. He's betting
his own soul
on the outcome.

That's our yugi.
He'd do anything
for anybody.

Yes. But this
is the biggest gamble

I've ever seen anybody
take on duel monsters.


[Thinking] oh, yugi,
you just can't lose.

If you did, I'd--

You just have to win.
You have to!

I hate to disappoint
you, pegasus,

But I have no intention
of ever becoming

A part of your
soul card collection.

[Thinking] hmm. Not only
will you become a part
of my collection, yugi,

But by defeating you,
I secure my control
of kaiba corporation...

And all its inventions.

Big : the duel
is about to begin.

Pegasus has patched us in
via his satellite network.

That's excellent.

If he wins
against yugi,

broadcast this

And the publicity
will restore our
company's reputation

Among duelists.

[Chuckles evilly]

Our secret alliance
with pegasus

Will pay off at last...
Very handsomely.

Pegasus, thinking:
all of my plans have
come to fruition

In this one final duel.

And if all proceeds
as I have envisioned,

Yugi's millennium puzzle
will soon be mine.


The final duelist contest
will now begin.

The winner will be declared
king of games.

Now both of you
cut and shuffle
your opponent's cards.

It's good as is.

Croquet: now the cards
will be returned,

The scores reset, and...

Pegasus: duel!
Yugi: duel!

[Thinking] you have
come far, yugi-boy,

And learned much,
as I wished.

But you're still a novice
compared to me,

For I have mastered the power
of my millennium item.

[Thinking] I won't lose!

I can't lose!

Tristan: what have I
gotten myself into?

This castle
is humongous!

This is worse than tryin'
to find your friends
down at the mall.

There's no sign
of kaiba or mokuba

Or anyone else
down here.

[Low humming]oh!

I spoke too soon.[Humming]

Uhh, uhh,
uhh, uhh!


[Sighs with relief] huh?

to change shifts.

How is
the little twerp?

Guard: the same
as ever--

and glum. Ha!

You don't have to worry
about him runnin' off.

Of course not.
But you know,

We still
have to be careful.

He's pegasus's
pet prisoner.

Pet, schmet.
I'm outta here.
Catch you later.


I'm on the right track.


Boy, this armor's heavy!


the other guard go?

This is a dead end.
There's nowhere
he could've gone.

Wow. How strange.





A secret tunnel!

But where
does it lead?

Joey: I feel like
we're hangin' out
in the old west,

Waitin' for the first cowboy
to draw.


This is it.
Now we begin.

I lay one card
face down...

And throw
this monster card
in defense mode.

[Machinery hums]

Ooh, a sneaky play.

That wouldn't be
a beaver warrior,
would it?

Yugi, thinking:
is his millennium eye

Really allowing him
to read my cards?


Oh, this is so much fun.

Hmm...i'll lay one card
face down as well...

And throw this--
my own monster card.

I play red archery girl
in defense mode.

[Machinery hums]

Hee hee hee
hee hee hee!

Back to you,

red archery girl?

Why did he play
such a weak monster
in defense mode?

Is he trying
to draw me
into an attack?


[Thinking] yugi-boy,
I know all...
I see all.

[Thinking] the cards
you have face down are...

Beaver warrior
and horn of the unicorn.

In the next turn,
you plan to use these two
in a combination attack.

[Thinking] pegasus
seems so confident.

But that's always
been his style--

Never to reveal
his true motives.

His down card worries me,
but I can't pass up

This chance to gain
an early point advantage.

I have to take a chance
and strike!

[Speaking] I switch
the beaver warrior
I had hidden

To attack mode!

Ha ha!

And I activate
my hidden card,

The horn
of the unicorn,
as well.


Yugi: his electricity
powers up his sword,

Raising beaver warrior's
attack power by !

the archery girl!

You've made
a grave mistake,

You've activated
my trap card...

I should've known.

Tears of a mermaid!

Ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha!



What's happening?!

Unfortunately for you,
tears of a mermaid activates

The moment an opponent's
hidden card is put into play.

It blocks
all possible att*cks

By the opponent's monster.

The beaver warrior's
electric attack

Backfires against
the beaver itself,

And its attack power
drops to its original value.


Now that it's weaker,

I'll switch
my red archery girl
to attack mode.

Archery girl...

Turn that beaver
into road k*ll!

Archery girl...

Hee hee hee!attack!

Aah! Aah!

Beaver warrior
is eliminated.


Did you see that?
Yugi had
the upper hand,

But pegasus knew
exactly how
to counter.

But how could he?

Maybe pegasus
canread minds.

Hmm? Mmm. Huh?

And why the heck
hasn't tristan
come back yet?

We should all be here
supportin' yugi.

Beats me. Maybe
he got lost.

Good grief!

Don't he realize

He's missin'
the match of the century?

pegasus must be
reading my mind.

It's the only way
he could've been
so prepared

To counter my cards.

[Chuckles malevolently]

[Thinking] finally,
yugi-boy is a believer.

[Thinking] how can I win
against an opponent
who can know my cards

And sense my strategies
as soon as
I think them up?

How, indeed?

I think--oh, wait,
I know you're
just beginning

To comprehend my power.

Do you now realize
the magnitude

Of the jeopardy
you've put yourself in
by accepting this duel?

How can you defeat
not only the creator
of duel monsters,

But a duelist
who can read
your every thought?

I can see everything
in your mind--

Your hopes, your dreams,
even your fears.

And what you fear
most right now is me,
and with good reason.

You know
my mind-reading abilities

Give me
an unbeatable advantage.

This is just
a nightmare.

We all know yugi
can beat anybody
in a fair duel,

But if pegasus
is able to read
his mind...

It's what makes his eye
one of the most powerful
millennium items.

He can read
anyone's mind
he chooses.

Anyone who tries to oppose him
must use extreme caution.

I guess so.
You seem to know

An awful lot
about that eye,

Just a little.
One thing I don't know

Is if any mere mortal
can stand against it.

If not, there's no one else
who can save grandpa
and the others.

Uhh! With a secret
staircase and all,

They've gotta be hidin'
somethin' down here.

[Guard humming]


Man, this is, like,
the most boring detail

I mean, what's the point
of guardin' this kid?

Without a soul,
he's a total zombie.

Hmm! It's
a waste of time!

Wanna bet?huh?

Hunhh! Unhh! Uhhh...

Unhh! Ohh! Unh...unhh...


Sweet dreams.

And the victory
goes to sir tristan.




[Beep beep beep]


There's been a breach!

Yugi: no matter
what the odds,

I will never
surrender to you,

I play one monster
in defense mode
and end my turn.

Now, do your worst.

[Machinery hums]

[Chuckles evilly]

I always do.

[Cell phone rings]

What is it?

We detected
a potential problem
in sector .

I'm attempting
to verify,

But our guard down there
won't reply.

There appears to be
a breach, and there
could be an intruder.

Master pegasus asked
to be notified immediately
should anything--

Master pegasus
is currently dueling!

Then what are you
r orders, sir?

Listen. Secure
all the exits.

The boy must not
be freed.
Yes, sir.


You can do it!

Nobody's won this
yet, buddy!

closed off.

Just great. I guess
they must be onto me.

Could it be...my turn?

Joey: what's
that sleazeball
gonna pull this time?

It's the moment
you've all been
waiting for.

in defense mode.

[Machinery hums]

Not eggs-actly
what you were expecting,
is it?

And I switch
the archery girl
to defense mode, too.

Hee hee hee!




Another dead end.

This way's
no good, either.

Guard: over here!

Trapped. There's
nowhere else to run.

Your move, yugi.

I'll scramble your egg.
If that's the best
you've got,

I'll still defeat you.


[Thinking] yugi...
So full of banter

At this time
of dire peril.

I guess he needs
another demonstration
of my millennium magic.

All right, yugi...
First let's read your mind

And see what's in your hand.

Ooh...nice cards.

Now, what are you
going to draw?

Hmm. Hmm.

Could the card
you just drew be
summoned skull?

Yugi: curse you,

I think
the summoned skull
will go very nicely

With your celtic guardian,
spellbinding circle,
magical hats, and horn imp.

Téa: he's reading
all of yugi's cards!

Don't let him
psych you out,

That's right!
You can still
beat him!

[Thinking] how?
He knows all my cards
the instant I draw!

With that millennium eye
of his, he's unstoppable!

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Ha ha ha ha ha!
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