01x43 - "Legendary Heroes, Part 1" / "Big 5's Trap – Duel Monsters Quest"

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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01x43 - "Legendary Heroes, Part 1" / "Big 5's Trap – Duel Monsters Quest"

Post by bunniefuu »

[Echoing in]
your move, your move,

Your move, your move,
your move...

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh

It's time
to d-d-d-d-d-duel!

♪ yu-gi-oh

Big two: mr. Kaiba.
Uh, welcome back, sir.

Big one: what an
unexpected surprise!

yes, I'm sure it is,
you treacherous snakes.

You see, I know all
about your partnership
with pegasus

And the scheme
you had to take over
my corporation.

That's right!

What you guys
did was really


Mokuba: working
with that creep

To try and get rid
of my brother
and me.

You guys are sick!

Kaiba: you're all fired,

And I suggest
you leave now

Before I really
lose my temper

And take more
than just your jobs.

But let us explain!

Don't test me,
you slime.

Seto, if you simply
let us speak,

You'll understand
why we did what we did.

That I doubt.

The sole reason
we formed this
so-called partnership

With master--
pardon--mr. Pegasus
was to rescue you.

Yes, johnson here
is absolutely right.

Pegasus was the one
who wanted your company,

And we thought
that perhaps

If we had some sort
of phony alliance
with him,

It would lead us
to you!

You expect us
to believe that?

Seto, we had no intention
of taking over kaibacorp.

In fact, we've been waiting
for your stamp of approval

Before we send out
our latest product.

It's your virtua-pod.

We've readied it
for market distribution.

You have?

But don't think
that that means
you're off the hook.

Any of you.

Yeah, you tell 'em!

At last, mokuba,
my virtual adventure game
is ready to be tested.

wait, seto!



You just got back.

Why do you have
to try it out
right now?

You don't need to worry
about it, mokuba.

But it could be a trap!

You're forgetting,
little brother,

I designed each
and every program
in this game myself.

[Elevator dings]

You know how long
I've been waiting
for this moment,

And now it's finally here.

[Flips switches]


Isn't it beautiful?

And it's finished
at last.


Female computer voice:
insert dueling deck
into the drive recognizer.

Female computer voice:
all systems go!
Virtua-screen closing.

get ready, mokuba.

Female computer voice:
virtua-screen locked.
Reality uplink loading.

Big brother, are you
positive about this?

Now start it up.

Ok then.

I won't be long,

oh, I hope he knows
what he's doing.


[Power generator hums]

Be careful!

[Thinking] hmm, this
mind transport portal

Has certainly
been smoothed out.

I can hardly even
feel the separation
from my body.

Now, let's see how
the virtual world
itself is.

[Electricity crackling]

Kaiba: visuals, check.
Sounds, check.

Life points, check.

So far, so good.

Maybe I was wrong.
He's ok...

So far.



[Thinking] excellent.
Just like I programmed.

I summon the blue eyes
white dragon!


White lightning attack!


The armed ninja?

I didn't design this.




A dragon capture jar?!

No! Someone must have
reprogrammed the game's
combat protocols.

My blue eyes! No--



Something's wrong!





Big brother!

Are you ok?
Say something!


Big one: your brother's
obsession with technology

Has always been
his greatest weakness.

What did you do?

Seto should have
heeded your warning,
little mokuba,

But now it's too late,
and his mind is imprisoned
in his own game.

Big one: yes, thanks
to a few technical
modifications we've made,

And with you our prisoner
once again,

There'll be no one
to stop us from
taking over kaibacorp.

[Big ones laugh]

Big brother.


Enter the access code.

[Computer beeps]



Hmm. Hmm?

Where'd that brat go?


Man: he went through
the ventilator shaft!

Second man:
kid thinks fast!

Mokuba's escaped.

What? Escaped?

Well, find him,
you idiot!

Big three: relax.huh?

We don't have
to find little mokuba.

He'll come back to us
soon enough.

Why is that?

Because we have
his brother,

And if mokuba
wants to save him,

The only way is
to use the virtua-pod

And beat the game
he's trapped in,

A scenario that,
I assure you,
is quite unlikely.

[Sinister laugh]

Joey: I'll take it.

Put it on my tab,

Grandpa: your tab's
past due, joey.

Then put it
on tristan's.


[Door opens]all: huh?


Please--please help me.

[Gasps] mokuba!

So you're saying
the only way
kaiba can escape

Is by winning the game?

But if those
creeps reprogram
the entire adventure

Just to keep
kaiba trapped there,

How is that

I don't know,
but I thought...

I thought
you could help.

calm down, mokuba.

We will, we will.

Now tell us some more
about this virtua-pod

Your brother
was designing.

I don't know much.

I was pretty young
when he started it.

I remember him spending
endless hours working
on the prototypes,

Trying to
make it perfect.

So there are other ones?

Mm-hmm. In his lab.

It was my brother's
dream to create

The world's
ultimate virtual
adventure land,

But those corporate
jerks turned it
into a nightmare.

Eh, eh,
lousy suits.

We'll show them
like we did pegasus.

Mokuba and téa: huh?

That's right!
We'll use those
pod prototypes,

Go to that virtual world,
and rescue kaiba!

Thanks, guys.

Yugi: we'll be
back soon, grandpa!

You be careful!

Yugi: we will!

Wait up! You guys
don't even
know the way!

Just when I think
I can't be any prouder
of those kids.

Mokuba: this is it.
My brother's
personal laboratory.

He doesn't like anyone
messing around in here,

But I used to sneak in
all the time.


Mokuba: this way!


Mokuba: this is
where seto keeps
his most secret stuff.

There they are.

Joey: those are
the prototypes? Wow!

Now let's see here.

Yep, just like the model
my brother's in.

Only pods.

I guess someone's
staying here.

I say tristan.

And I say you.

I know I'm going.

[Grunting] mokuba.

You're the one
who knows how to
work these things.

You should
stay here.

Yeah, but I also
know the most about

The virtual adventure land
that we're going into.

Good point.

So then get in.

Take care
of my gorgeous
bod, pal!


You guys had
better be careful.

We'll be fine, téa.

Yeah, don't you worry
about a thing.

We'll have kaiba
rescued in no time.

let 'er rip!

Here we go.

Virtua-upload, now!

[Power generator hums]

Looks like
it worked.

Big one: ah,
the kaiba lab's building.

Big three: you see?
Mokuba came back just
like I said he would.

Big one: yes, but
he brought yugi moto
and those others with him.

Don't worry. Once kemo
goes down there
and unplugs those pods,

They'll have no way
of returning,

Not with anyone.


I'm glad I've got my
dueling deck with me,

But this
life point count
makes me a bit nervous.

I mean, I know what
happens in a video game
when you lose a life,

But I wonder
what happens here.

Kind of
a scary thought.

No joke, yuge.

Mokuba: whoa!
Speaking of scary.

It's hard
to believe all
of this is virtual

And not real.

Joey: yeah, well,
it looks plenty
real enough to me.



[Stone breaking]

Aah! Aah!


Aah! Zombie alert!




Joey: wait a sec.

These zombies
are nothing but
duel monsters.

So if I just
draw a card,


Then I really
don't know what.


Mokuba: let me show you
how it's done.

I summon
the rude kaiser!



And I summon
the dark magician!

Hmph! Ah!



Both: attack!

So that's how ya do it
in virtual world.

Mokuba: they're back!

I got 'em.

Hmph! Ah!


I summon
the flame swordsman!

Go flaming sword
of battle!

Joey, cancel your flame
swordsman's attack! Hurry!


Joey: that dragon's
reforming again!



What is goin' on here?

Every time
we slay one of these
zombie monsters,

They come back
even stronger.

That's true, but
no matter how strong
their att*cks get,

They still have
one major weakness.

Just think
about it, joey!

Remember, you've
defeated them before.


Huh? Oh, yeah!

Zombies have
defense power.

So by activating
shield and sword...

I can reverse
their attack
and defense points,

So their attack
becomes !

Ok, they're
all yours, yuge!

Go dark magic attack!

All: all right!

yugi! Check this out.

Hey, what do
you think it is?

It must be part of some
kind of scoring system.

Joey: hey, my life points
aren't going back up.

That sure can't
be good, can it?

Man, I guess these
virtual monsters
are playing for keeps, huh?



Mokuba: what is
that thing?

Hey, I bet it's one
of them fairies

That they put
in these games

To help
the players out!

[Fairy giggling]


Joey: quick!
Let's follow it!


Joey: ah,
I can't keep up.


That slippery
little sprite.

Ah! Look!

Joey: what is it, mokuba?
Did you find him?

Mokuba: no,
but I think I found

What it was trying
to show us.

Joey: whoa!

Yugi: it's an
entire virtual town.

Let's go
explore it.

Ugh! I'm glad
we all ate
before we got here.

Yugi: check this out, joey.huh?


Hey, this might come
in handy here.

We'll take it.

I don't think that
it works that way.


Ugh! Well,
we must have scored

At least that many
from those zombies.


Not even close!

Come on, guys.

Let's concentrate
on finding
my brother first.


Ok, you're right.

Let's split up
and comb this town
for clues.

Yugi: search every street.

Question every
virtual person you see.

Somebody must have
spotted him

Or know something about
what happened to him.

Someone somewhere
can help us.

That's the way
these games work.

When we're done,
let's meet back
at the water fountain.

Yugi: so, joey,
did you find out

Yeah, I found out
I hate virtual dogs.

You guys!
I got a great lead!

See that mountain?

Well, an old woman
I was talking to

Said that she saw a man

With a prisoner headed
there this morning.

Supposedly, there's some
kind of ancient temple
at the top,

And the only way
to get there

Is by crossing
this desert.

Great. So where's
our ride out?

Huh?wait for us!


Hey! Us includes me!


Joey: I gotta hand it
to your brother.

This virtual sand,
it tastes just
like real sand.

Yugi: we should
go back!

It's too rough!

No! We can't!

We have to
keep going!


Joey: it's
a sand twister!

Brace yourselves!

It's coming
right towards us!


Joey: yugi!

Yuge! Wake up, pal!

We're alive!


What happened?

That sand twister blew us
back into town.

I think it shook
the little guy up
a bit, too.


He'll be ok.

[Old man laughing]

That ain't no way
to be crossin' no desert.

Wait, are you
saying you know how
to cross it then?

No, it's not me who knows.

It's them desert-crossin'
niwatori chickens.

Them what?

Oh, you mean
the niwatori card!

Thanks, mister!

Could you please tell us

Where we could go
to get a card?

I wish I could,

But they can't be got.
They can only be won.


Man, this guy's
an odd bird.

You say prized bird?

It sure is,
especially around here.


I can't figure out
what he's trying
to tell us.

Mokuba: maybe one
of the card stands

We saw on the way in
has one.

Joey: yeah, maybe!

It's worth a try.

There certainly are
plenty of card stands
in this town.

Surely one of them
has to have it.

This is it, men.

Kaiba's private lab.

Now it's just a matter
of pulling the plug
on those brats.

They've been
gone a long time.

I hope they're ok.

Don't you worry.

I once saw joey
play a video game
for days straight

Without blinking
or nothin'.

Really? Figures.

Oh, téa, I know what'll
make all this waitin'
around go by faster.

A game, and it's called,
"guess my facial hair."

Go right ahead.eww.

Uh, I think
I'll pass.

Aw, come on!

Don't tell me
you haven't noticed
my fine beard growing in?

I've got like whiskers!

Here. Take a feel.

Tristan, please!

Why don't you
just go and take
a nap in the corner?

[Door slams open]

Thug: yeah, we'll
get a bonus for this!

Looks to me like
we got some company
headed our way.

Quick. Let's
lock the door

And set up some
kind of barricade
to hold 'em off.

Hmm. Good idea.

I can't believe it.

We checked
every stand in town,

And not one of them
has that
niwatori card.

No wonder it's
such a prized bird
around here.

Wait, prized!
That's it!



Yugi: that's what
the old man meant!

Huh? Say what?

Yugi: come here! Look!

It's an announcement
of a contest!

Mokuba: fame, glory,
and the prized
niwatori card

Await the heroic
warrior who can beat
our champion.

Signed the
grand battle chief

And combat outfitter
of shadow coliseum.



Let's sign up!

I always wanted
to be a warrior.

Man: one of you as
a coliseum warrior?

I don't know.

This city takes its
gladiator matches
quite seriously,

But if it's a shot
at the champion
you desire--

One moment.

All: ugh!


Far be it from me
to stand
in your way.


Your battle mask
and combat cape.

Wow! Is all this stuff
really necessary?

Yes, if you're
going to lose all
your life points,

You may as well
look like a hero.

All of my life points?

Joey: give that stuff
to me, yuge.

What do you
mean, joey?

I'm not letting you
risk all your life
points for this, pal.

I'll fight
that champion.

Yugi: but, joey,
you already have
less life points

Than both mokuba
and me.


Well, looks
like I'm just
gonna have to be

Extra careful
then, huh?

But so will
the champ
once he sees

The skills
that I have.


Hey, thanks, joey.

Forget about it.

Being a hero
is what I do best.

Bring it on!
Come on!
Let's see it!

Ladies and gentlemen!

We have, at last, found
a soul brave enough

To challenge
our champion.

I present to you
the purveyor
of poundings,

The picture
of pugnacity,

The pig
that packs a punch.

the challenger
that I've dubbed

Señor porky!

Man: more like
señor dorky to me!

Second man: no joke!

The champ'll have a field
day with this oinker!

[Thinking] heh heh heh.
Better than being
called a lap dog.

Come on, joey!
You can do it!

Now introducing
our undefeated champ!

The monarch of mayhem!
The queen of mean!

Madame butterfly!

[Crowd cheers]

Whoa! The champion's
a girl!

And from
the looks of it,

She's ready to rumble!

Man: roast that pig!
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