02x18 - Mime Control, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x18 - Mime Control, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on yu-gi-oh...

Breeding machine,
create the final
slime token!

Now I have enough monsters
for my ultimate sacrifice.

Slifer the sky dragon!

Man: mr. Kaiba.
An egyptian god card

Was played exactly
five minutes ago!

We'll fly you to it!

I summon...

Dark magician girl!

You've activated
my dragon's
special ability!

Slifer will
automatically attack

Every monster
you summon

With its second
set of jaws.

And from now on
thismagic card
will also be in play.

Infinite cards
lets me exceed
the six card limit

And hold as many cards
as I wish in my hand!

Since slifer gets
attack points

For every card
in my hand,

My egyptian god card
will continue
to grow stronger.

Every monster has
a weakness, marik,
and I'll find yours!

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move,
your move! ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

It's time

To d-d-d-duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Kaiba: yugi! Prove
that you're worthy
of your reputation

And take down
his egyptian god card.

Unless you don't
have what it takes.

Maybe your duelist kingdom
championship victory

Was just a fluke!

I will
defeat him, kaiba...

I assure you!

Marik, it's over!

Ha! My egyptian god card
is unstoppable!

And you're
my next victim, kaiba.

Ha ha ha!

Once slifer the sky dragon
annihilates yugi

I'm coming after
youregyptian god card!

Save your breath,
your empty threats
don't scare me.

They will,
in time, fool!

Thisduel isn't
over yet, marik!

Yugi, thinking:
I've got to figure
out a way to defeat

His egyptian
god card.

But it has ,
attack points.

None of my monsters
even come close
to that!

Plus it grows
stronger with
every card he draws.

But it must have
and I'll find it!

I draw...

Yugi, thinking:
hmm...monster reborn
could come in handy.

Yami-yugi: I place
one card facedown.

And I summon
big shield gardna
in defense mode!

Don't tell me
you've forgotten

That by summoning
a monster

You activate my
dragon's special ability?

Let me remind you...

By blasting your monster!

This surge of energy
from my dragon's
second mouth

Will drain your
big shield gardna

Of two thousand
defense points!

Yugi won't last
much longer!

He better last
long enough
for me to learn

the sky dragon's

So ican
defeat it later

And add it
to my collection.

How's he gonna
do that?

That dragon's power
keeps growing!

Wait! Check it out!

Yugi's monster
survived the attack!


Marik: your big shield
has been cut down to size.

And my egyptian god card
will continue

To automatically
devastate your monsters

As soon as they're
summoned to the field!

Ha ha ha!

Just one more attack,
and your only defense

Will be demolished,
leaving nothing

In between you and slifer!

Where's your faith
in the cards now, pharaoh!?

Now observe!

While I draw!

And as you know
slifer gets
attack points

For every card
in my hand.

I count ...

Giving my dragon
, attack points!

Ha ha ha!

Wow! Eleven thousand

That's already more
than three times

The attack strength
of your blue-eyes
white dragon, seto!

And it'll
only get stronger!

Yugi's opponent has
infinite cards
in play,

Allowing him to
hold as many cards
as he wants.

And the more cards
in his hand,

The more attack points
his dragon has.

That means there's
no limit to how strong

His egyptian god card
can grow!

or is there?

Wait, slifer's
power depends on
how many cards

The player has
in his entire deck!

That's it!

the sky dragon
has one fatal flaw.

Now let's see
if yugi is
duelist enough

To figure it out!

Now, my sky dragon,

Eradicate his shield,
the only thing that stands

In the way
of his destruction!

Soon that puzzle
and the world
will be mine!

I know exactly

How to defeat this
egyptian god card.

But let's see if
yugi'ssmart enough
to figure it out.

you're completely
defenseless, pharaoh!

The next time
my sky dragon att*cks...

You'll be finished!

It's undefeatable,
you fool!

Yugi, thinking:
I can't let marik
win my puzzle!

But I've never
faced anything
so powerful!

And the more
cards he draws,

The stronger
it gets!

Yami-yugi, thinking:

And that'show
I'll defeat it!

I will make slifer
destroy itself!

About time!

What's he mean?

What makes you think
you can!?

a simple matter
of common sense.

If all of
are too weak...

Then I must use
to destroy itself!

Haven't you realized yet
that an egyptian god card
cannot be controlled?

It's much too powerful,

We'll see!

Perhaps you don't
have as much

About the
egyptian god cards
as you think you do!

How dare you
challenge my wisdom
of the ancient ways.

I know all!

We'll find out
how much you know

Soon enough, marik!

I'd like to see you try
to turn slifer against me!

what's yugi
talking about?

I mean sure he's
a great duelist,

But how can he make
that egyptian god card
destroy itself?

That dragon seems
way too strongto control.

It sounds crazy ta me.

What's going on?

It's quite simple,

The dragon's
greatest strength

Is also its
greatest weakness.

Seto, I stilldon't get
what's going on!

Time for you
to make your move!

I promise it will be
your last!

Ha ha ha!

Is that so!?

We'll see, marik!

Yugi, thinking:
if I don't draw
the right card now,

His sky dragon
willcrush me!

But I know the heart
of the cards
will guide me!



Well, what is it!?

Just what I need!

To take you down!

looks like yugi
got his card.

But that's only
half the battle.

This strategy
perfect timing.

It's not over yet.

Time to lose!

I reveal
my facedown card!

Monster reborn!

What good will thatdo?

This magic card
allows me

To bring back
one monster
from the graveyard.

And I choose
to resurrect

My mighty
buster blader!


What? My dragon's
already destroyed
that monster once.

Plus summoning it
to defend your
life points

Will only delay
your ultimate defeat!

It's not defending.

Take a closer look,

Buster blader
has been summoned
in attack mode!

what a thoughtless move.

With his buster blader
in attack mode,

My dragon's blast
will not only
annihilate his monster,

It'll wipe out the rest
of his life points!

Winning his
millennium puzzle

Was a simpler task
than I thought.

I know I can't win
by just defending
my points...

That's why
I'm risking
this entire duel

On one final
sword attack
by buster blader!

You're moreof a fool
than I thought!

Ha ha ha!

You've left yourself
wide open

For my egyptian god card
to defeat you!

Have you forgotten
about my five card
combination that makes

Slifer the sky dragon
completely indestructible?

Perhaps you need
a reminder, pharaoh.

First my card
of safe return

Allows me to draw
three cards whenever
a monster is revived.

Since you resurrected
buster blader

I can now draw
three more cards
from my deck

To increase
the number of cards
in my hand!

Yes, and the more
cards you hold,

The stronger
your dragon becomes.


So slifer gains
three thousand
additional attack points!

Giving it a total
of , attack points!

Ha ha ha!

Fourteen thousand
attack points?!

That's nuts!

And then...

You forgot that bringing
buster blader back
from the graveyard

Activates slifer's
second mouth!

Blasting attack points
away from your monster!

Buster blader's
strong enough

To survive
your attack!


This is the beginning
of the end for you, pharaoh!

My egyptian god card
has weakened your monster

Into the pathetic mess
barely standing before you!

My next attack will
finish you off forever!

Your buster blader

May have survived
that blast,

But it's still
no match

For my egyptian
god card!

Your reign as pharaoh
is almost over,

So prepare to surrender
your puzzle!

In my next turn
your monster
and your life points

Will be completely
wiped out!

I'm afraid
that there

Isn't going to be
a next turn for you!

Once buster blader
att*cks your
egyptian god card,

You'llbe defeated,

Now watch as
my plan to slay

Your so-called
dragon begins!

has yugi lost it?

His buster blader
won't even scratch
slifer the sky dragon!

if yugi's plan

My suspicions about
how to defeat slifer
will be confirmed!

Time for me to win
this duel right now.

I'm ready for
your pathetic attack!

this is it.

to losethis duel.

Buster blader,
attack slifer
the sky dragon

With your
powerful blade!

Watching your puny warrior
try to take down

My unstoppable
egyptian god card

Is actually quite amusing.


Have you forgotten
that my sky dragon

Is protected
by my ultimate defender

The shape shifting
revival jam!?

Your attack's
been blocked,

And my revival jam
will reform itself now.

After that I can draw
yet another cards

And slifer's power
will grow even greater!

Preparing itself
to destroy you
once and for all

With a force
more intense than
anything you've ever seen!

I'm afraid that
it's still my turn,

But before I make
my next move

I need revival jam
to revive.


And now
the stage is set
for this card.

The magic card
brain control!

Now I'll control
your monster!

I think I get
yugi's plan!

He must want to use
brain control

To take over
the dragon's mind,

But I stillthink
slifer's way too strong
to be controlled!

Ha ha ha!

It's not quite
that simple.

Sorry, yami.

I'm afraid
allmagic cards

Are completely

Against egyptian
god monsters!

And now you'll pay
the price for making
such a foolish mistake!


Don't be so sure.

Who told you I was
after your dragon?

You're not?

No, marik, there's
another monster

On your field
I'm after,

Aaand I'll
control him!

My brain
control card

Will seize
your revival jam!

What can you possibly do
with my revival jam card?

It can't hurt my dragon
so it's of no use to you!

You still
don't get it?

Since revival jam

Draw your three
new cards, marik!

I will, which raises
my egyptian god card

attack points!

With every card I draw
my monster will get
even stronger!

One. Two. Three...

That brings slifer's
attack points to , !

And now pharaoh,
the time for me
to destroy you

Has finally arrived!

Slifer, wipe out his
buster blader

Andhis life points!

Hold on, marik!

Your sky dragon's
special ability

its second mouth

Has to attack
any new monster

That appears
on my side
of the field!


That means
before you
can destroy me

Your monster
must attack
myrevival jam!

You know
what happens now.

Revival jam...

Revives itself again.

And each time
a monster

You have to draw
three more cards

From your
dueling deck!

Marik, thinking:
this can't be!

Whenever revival jam
reappears on the field,

My dragon
automatically att*cks it.

And since yami
controls revival jam

It will revive itself
on his side of the field...

Which makes me draw
three new cards.

Then my dragon
will attack again.

Each event triggers the next
in a never-ending cycle!

First attack...

Then regenerate...

Then draw!

My egyptian god card
will continue

To grow stronger
with each cycle

As I draw more cards,

But it doesn't matter
because I'm trapped!

Grr! Aah!

There's no way out!

That's right, marik.

Once you run out
of cards to draw

You will
lose this duel!

No, this can't
be happening!

As powerful as
your egyptian
god card is,

No monster is
without weakness,

And the sky dragon's
flaw lies

Within its
special ability...

Its second mouth

I have no control
over my egyptian
god monster!

As long as yami's
brain control
is in effect,

My dragon will keep
attacking revival jam

And my mind-sl*ve will
keep drawing cards until...


I turned yourdragon
against you,

Causing you to
use up all the cards

In your
dueling deck!

No! Ohh!

That means I win!

It's over!


It can't be!

How could I lose

With an egyptian
god card in my deck!

You'll pay, yami!

You may have
defeated slifer,

But I hold another
egyptian god card--
a much more powerfulone!

So savor this victory
while you can.

For it will be your last!

Yugi won the duel!

What a totally
awesome comeback!

Hand over
your egyptian
god card to yugi,

Tournament rules!

snap out of it!

I mean no one
likes to lose,

But rules are rules
ya know?

Hey, don't
be so hard

On yourself, mister,

It's just a game.

Oh, thereit is.

the sky dragon's

I wish seto and I
could keep it.

But as commissioner
of the battle city

I have to hand
this card over
to you, yugi,

And you earned it!

And that's not all!

You get his
locator card also.

Just don't get
too attached

'Cause my brother's
got his eye
on that dragon too.

So watch out!

I must be careful
with this.



So you figured out
how to defeat

the sky dragon.

Well done.

It's a real shame
you won't have it
for too long.

Why not?

Because you and I
are going to

Duel for it
right now!

Then, when I defeat you,
slifer the sky dragon

Will be where it belongs...

In mydeck!

You see I'm already
in possession

Of one egyptian god card,

And I plan to win
the others.

Now it's time to duel.

Once I win slifer
from you

I'll only need one more.

Then I'llbe the number one
duelist in the world!


Ha ha ha!
Silly fools!


I've had enough

Of your mind tricks,

It's time for you
to show yourself!

Not to worry, pharaoh,

You'll meet me
sooner than you think.

I'm on my way
to battle city
as we speak.

Once I'm there
the next phase
of my plan begins.

I assure you the power
of the pharaoh
will be mine!

My loyal mind servants
are preparing

For my arrival
right now.

Where are they,

I have rare hunters
everywhere in battle city.

And I can see all!

I see the millennium puzzle
that will be mine.

I see a defenseless city
waiting to be conquered.

And I see potential
mind-slaves in every crowd...

I'm always searching
for new servants

To add to my army
of rare hunters.

I wonder who
will be next.

Joey: ah, man,
I was dis close

Ta kickin' kaiba's butt
in a duel!

So why did you look
so relieved

When he had to
suddenly take off?

What!? I'm not afraid
a dat punk!

Oh right.

so tell me, pharaoh.

Which of your friends would
make the best mind-sl*ve?

Tea?...joey perhaps?

You leave
them alone.

I'm warning you!

Well it appears I've hit
your sensitive spot,

Haven't i, pharaoh?

Perhaps I can use
your friends

To get what I want from you,
namely your puzzle...

And the egyptian
god card you've won.

I told you,
leave my friends
out of this!

Or else you'll what?

Your friends are
meaningless to me.

Besides I have
nothing to lose

And the whole world
to gain!

Ha ha ha!

Do nottest me!

If any harm
befalls my friends

You will
regret it, marik.

They did
nothingto you

So you settle
your score with me!

Just as my dragon's
one weakness destroyed it,

Your loyalty
to your friends
will soon destroy you.

Marik! No!

I must save them!


Hey, get back
here right now!

Our duel will
have to wait, kaiba.

My friends are
in great danger,

And their safety is
more important to me

Than anything
in this world!

Good luck.

Running away
from a challenge

Is against
tournament rules.

Marik, thinking:
finally I have arrived!

I may have lost one
of my two egyptian god cards

To yami, but no matter.

With the power
of the millennium rod in my hand

And his precious friends
at my disposal

I'll get
everything I desire.

Ha ha ha!

Yugi, thinking:
I gotta find my friends

Before marik gets to them!

this time the pharaoh's

In a battle he can'twin.

Soon the egyptian god card
he took from me

And his millennium puzzle
will be mine.

Then I'llbe pharaoh,

And the world will
cower at my feet!

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