02x35 - The Dark Spirit Revealed, Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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02x35 - The Dark Spirit Revealed, Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Narrator: previously
on yu-gi-oh...

Ladies and gentlemen,
and fellow duelists,

The creator of duel monsters,
mr. Maximillion pegasus!

who are you?

My name is shadi.

Be on your guard.

For whoever the thief is

Who stole pegasus'
millennium item,

He'll also come
seeking yours.

it's time! Go!

the sky dragon,


♪ Your move, your move,
your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh, yu-gi

It's time
to duel!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

Man on p.a.: Attention
battle city finalists...

With the completion
of the opening duel,

There will be a half
hour intermission.

At the end of this intermission,

All remaining finalists
are instructed

To report to
the main concourse

For the selection of the next
battle city finals match-up.

We have to help,

And...land this thing!

So, let's find kaiba.

He must be in one
of these rooms!

You guys, this is
a restricted area!

hey, mokuba!

Where is
your brother?

That's his room.

But you don't want
to disturb him.

Hey! Open the door!

Let's go, kaiba!

Are you nuts!?

He's preparing
for a duel!

Stop it!

I'm talking
to you, kaiba!

Get out here now...

If it isn't wheeler.

You're lucky to even
be in my tournament,

And yet you insist on making
a nuisance of yourself

Over and over again.

That did it!

Hey, this is no time
to pick a fight,

So just
calm down, man!

Yugi: kaiba, you've
got to help us!

Now what?
Bakura's hurt.

We have to land now!

He needs to see a doctor
right away, kaiba!

You're asking me to
do the impossible.

We can't make
an unscheduled stop.

Don't you understand,
bakura needs help!

Tristan: he's been

Since losing
his duel!

And if he gets any worse
than he is right now,

You'll be responsible!

That's a risk
I'm willing to take.

Please, kaiba.

This is really

Show some compassion.

Pretty please.

Duke: how can you say
no to that face!?


He shouldn't have
left the hospital

In the first place.

This is bakura's
own fault.

Kaiba, please!

Isn't someone's health

More important than
your silly game?

Tristan: listen
to her, will you!

She's got
a good point!

What's wrong
with you?

Joey: I've had enough
of this attitude, kaiba!

Find a way to land
this blimp pronto,

Or get ready to say "hi"

To the business end
of my fist!

I told you we're not
landing, wheeler.

Then let's dance!

Hey, come back!


What gives?

Send a medical team
to bakura's room.

Good call, seto.

Kaiba corp's on-board
medical staff

Has better training
than the doctors

At most
hospitals do.

Bakura's in
good hands here.

Serenity: I hope mokuba's right
about the doctors onboard.

Tristan: hey, it
was great how you

Stood up to
kaiba, serenity!

I felt the exact same
way you did back there!

And I have never been
so moved by a speech

In my life, serenity,

It's like your words
came right out of
the mouth of an angel!

So, do you think that
bakura's gonna be ok

In the hands of kaiba's
quacks or what, yug?

I hope so.

Hey, we still
have to find

Bakura's missing
millennium ring.

It shouldn't be
that difficult

If we split up,

Don't you guys
worry about it.

Just leave
the millennium ring

To me and devlin.

You two should
stay focused

On the next round
of the finals.

It's ok,
tristan, really.

No, I'm not gonna let my
friends get distracted

Before the biggest duel
of their lives.

Plus, it'll give me
and duke something to do!

Perfect, serenity and I
will search upstairs!

forget it!

You're coming
with me, devlin.

But I was a--zip it!

That millennium ring's
not gonna find itself,

So you and I have to
work together, dude!

Come on, we got
work to do!

serenity! Serenity!

It's nice
to see them
getting along,

You know?yeah, sure.

I just hope
they have luck

Finding bakura's
millennium ring.

Duke: I don't see a thing
up here, let's move on.

Tristan: why don't you
stop complaining

And check in
that corner.

There's nothing up here
but hot air.

And all of it's coming
from you, tristan!

So, lay off!

Listen, lover-boy,

You've been a pain
in my neck

Since the day
we ran into you!

It's time for you
to chill out

And remember why
we're here, ok?

What's that supposed
to mean, tough guy?

I'm telling you to lay
off serenity, devlin.

Give the girl
some space!


Do you know what
your problem is, tristan?

You're afraid.

Afraid that serenity
might like me

Instead of liking you.

Huh? No, I'm not.

It's not my fault
if the ladies can't
resist duke devlin...

I guess I could turn
the charm down...

Don't push me!

But what do you expect?

You're not even a duelist,

Just some wanna-be

Who's always yelling
from the sidelines.

"Go, yugi!
Go, joey!"

It's really
kind of pathetic!

Girls dig men of action.

And you, well...

You're no man of action.


I'll show you action!

So, let's go!

[Both screaming]

Oh, no!


Tristan: gotcha!

Whatever you do, duke,
don't look down!

Hold on, duke!
I gotcha!


You got me here
in the first place!

Relax, I have
a plan, no joke!

I can't wait
for this one!

Someone! Anyone!

Help us!

That's your plan?!

We need help!

Anyone out there?

Help! Please!


We better hope
somebody hears us

'Cause it's
a long way down!


How's your grip?

Well, now that you
bring it up...

...not good!

My hand's gone numb!

Don't give in!

Fight it!

I'm trying!


I'm sorry, duke!

Don't let go!

Too late...

My hand
is slipping!


What's going on up there?

Someone's got me!


Can you pull us up?

Thanks! I owe you one.

We're gonna
be ok, duke!

[Both groaning]

Duke: that
was not fun!

Who are you?

You saved our lives!

How can we repay you?


Where did he go?

Something wrong,


The guy in
the white bathrobe

Who just saved
both our hides!

What are you
talking about?

The guy who--
oh, never mind.

Let's go find the rest
of the g*ng.

Yugi, thinking: well,
I won the first duel

Of the battle
city finals...

Thanks to my
egyptian god card,

Slifer, the sky dragon.

But I still need to
be careful with it.

It seems like it
has real powers--

Beyond this game.


I remember you,
you're shadi!


And you've learned much

Since we first met
in duelist kingdom, yugi.

You're beginning
to understand your fate,

And its relation
to the past.

A fate that intertwines with

That of the spirit who dwells
within your millennium puzzle.


I know
a little bit...

Like yami was
an ancient pharaoh.

That is correct.

And together you must
save the earth.

From an ancient
evil, I know.

But are you here
to explain how?

'Cause I'm
still confused.

I am but the guardian of
the millennium items.

I am here because I sensed

A disturbance in the mystic
alignment once again.


All items are
on board this vessel,

As well as the
egyptian god cards--

Which means
all of the objects

Capable of saving
and destroying the world

Are right here.


And the earth's safety
rests with you, yugi.

Heed my words:

If the wrong
individuals were to

Gain control of any of
the millennium items

Or one of
the egyptian god cards...

The results could
be catastrophic.

It nearly happened
once before

When pegasus created
duel monsters.

It did!?
But how?

Well, it all began when
maximillion pegasus

First arrived in egypt.

He was searching for a method of
reuniting with his lost love.

His quest brought him to me,

And I presented him
with the millennium eye,

For he was destined
to possess it.


Soon after,
he discovered the origins

Of the ancient egyptian
shadow games.

Pegasus became obsessed
with these games

And decided to dedicate his
life to recreating them.

He sought to resurrect

The ancient mystical
powers he had discovered,

But much to his surprise
it almost destroyed him.


Pegasus didn't know his limits,

But he would come to discover

He'd unleashed a power
far beyond his control.

Please tell me more!

Shadi, how did duel
monsters start?

Pegasus grew
more obsessed.

Determined to recreate
the shadow games,

He discovered
the egyptian god monsters.

And that almost
destroyed him?

It all began during one of
his early research trips

To the ancient pyramids
where pegasus planned

To locate the stones depicting

The egyptian god monsters
he'd read about.

You call yourself
an archaeologist?

Find me these
egyptian god stones,

You fool, or you're fired!

I'm trying sir.


They must be
here somewhere,

And I won't rest
until I find them!

These monsters
are an essential
part of my game!

Shadi: maximillion pegasus.


It's you!

What do
you want?

If you are searching for
the egyptian god monsters,

You'll never find them alone.

They've been sealed away
in a pharaoh's tomb

That no mortal can penetrate.

Please, go on!

All right.

I possess the power to
uncover the hidden secrets

Of these ancient beasts,

I must see them,

You have to take me
there immediately.

Shadi, narrating: so,
I guided pegasus and his
team of archaeologists

To an underground chamber
hidden beneath the desert sands.

Pegasus: this is it!

The secrets of the most
powerful shadow monsters

Are at my fingertips!

No, our journey
is not over yet.


An entire
underground city!

Make sure you're getting
all of this on tape.

Let us proceed,

What you seek
lies this way.

This seems simpler than
you described, shadi.

Shadi, narrating:
little did pegasus know
that the pharaoh's tomb

Has been carefully
guarded for millennia.

someone else is here!

How will we get
past these men?



The power of my millennium
key will protect us.

Now then, if you gentlemen
will follow me.

Why aren't they
stopping us?

We're invisible, cloaked
in the magic of my item.


This is incredible!


Shadi, narrating: and after
traveling by foot for hours,

Our journey was over.

Stop. We're here.

The creatures you seek
lie inside this chamber.

Finally, after
, years,

The egyptian god
monsters will awaken!

Please proceed
with caution.

You can take as many
photographs as you'd like,

But you mustn't remove
anything you find within!

Pegasus: this one moment

Will make my entire
trip worthwhile!

Shadi, narrating:
pegasus entered the dimly
lit chamber first,

And his team soon followed.

As promised, I brought him

To the ancient resting place
of the egyptian god tablets.


Inside, pegasus found
what he came for,

Never knowing he
was about to unleash

A devastating force
like no other.

Ha! The winged
dragon of ra!

Obelisk, the tormentor!

The slifer,
the sky dragon!

Hello, my ancient friends!

It's a pleasure
to meet you!

At last I can unlock
the secret powers

Of the egyptian
god monsters!

Once I immortalize these
beautiful creatures in print,

My duel monsters card
game will be complete!


Shadi, narrating: triumphant,
pegasus returned to america

To design his cards
based upon the images
he found on the stones.

Whether he could control
their incredible power,

I did not yet know...

You see, he was destined

To awaken
the egyptian god monsters,

But at a great cost--

As pegasus was about
to find out.

Pegasus: so, let's see if I
understand you correctly...

You say everyone involved in
my egyptian god card project

Has met with disaster?

Um...yes, sir.

Man: these photographs are
like none I've ever taken!

It's almost as
though the camera

Captured the very power
of these monsters

Through the carvings.



Hmm, that's strange.

No, it can't be!


No! No!

Stay away!


At last, I can unlock
the secret powers

Of the egyptian
god monsters!


Once I immortalize these
beautiful creatures in print,

My duel monst--

In all my years
of research

I've never seen hieroglyphs
quite like these...

But if I don't
decipher them,

Pegasus will be furious!


What's going on here?!


What on earth is that?!



Each one has disappeared, sir,

And I mean completely gone
without a single trace!

I can only think
of one solution.

You must stop production
of these monster cards.


The production of
the egyptian god cards

Is integral to the game
of duel monsters

And to my entire

We can't let these little
"incidents" stop us!

We're on the verge of making
history here, croquet!

I don't care if
the cards are cursed!

I'll do it myself,

Under the protection
of my millennium eye!

Yes, my amazing creatures...

I am honored to bring you back
to life after all these years!

I'll spare no detail
in your recreation...

There we go.


I don't seem to be
mysteriously disappearing

At the hands of these
creatures now, do i, huh?


They're almost complete.


Shadi, narrating:
but pegasus would soon learn

That fate had other
plans for him...

And for the egyptian god
cards he'd begun to create.

For, by that time,

I had realized that
he was not destined

To control their
powerful magic.



What's going on!?

And where am i?


Shadi: hear me, pegasus.

By attempting to
recreate the images

Of the egyptian
god monsters,

You've unleashed
a dangerous force

Far beyond your

And put
the world at risk!

Even if it is true,

I'll accept the burden
of these cards

As my own, and I'll contain
their great powers.

But I must bring
the legacy of duel monsters

To a new millennium.

It is clear to me now

That you were not meant
to control these monsters.


Your only hope
is to return them

To their resting place...

If not, their darkness
will consume you...

And the entire world.




I've angered
the egyptian god monsters!

And I felt their rage!

That wasn't a dream!

Their powers are very real!

Shadi's words were true!

Now I must
lock the cards away

Or face destruction!

Shadi, narrating:
although maximillion pegasus

Had already completed
the prototypes

Of the egyptian god cards...

He immediately flew
to egypt to seal them

In the tomb alongside
the original carvings...

And spare the world
their absolute power.


Woman: I've been
awaiting your return

To the land of
the pharaohs.

I am ishizu ishtar.

Now come with me....

Shadi, narrating: and with
the help of ishizu,

Pegasus sealed away
the cards.

Then marik tried
to steal them!?


And if he were to get
his hands on all ,

The results would
be devastating!


I can assure you...

Marik will never hold all
egyptian god cards!

My pharaoh...

It is an honor for me to be
in your presence once again.

And I have great
confidence in you.

I know that you will restore
order to the world

And put an end to this chaos

Just as you did
, years ago.

My complete faith
lies in you.

Man on p.a.:
All remaining finalists

Must now report to
the main concourse!



He's gone.

P.a.: The next two duelists
will now be chosen!

It's time!

Let's go join
the others.

All right.

The future of mankind
is depending on us.

P.a.: This is your
two-minute warning.

All finalists must be on
deck in two minutes!

Tristan: no joke!

There was this freaky guy
in a white robe!

He saved our lives!

Just ask duke!

Well, I didn't
actually see him,

But someone had
to pull us up!

Knock it off, you guys.

If you're trying to
distract me before my duel

It's not gonna work.

Joey, what if
there really was
some kind of ghost?

Come on,
ghosts don't exist.


Yugi: are you ready
for the next duel?

Don't sneak up
on me like that!

Tristan: ok, here's
what happened...

I'll save you, marik.

I know there's still
good within you.

for you!

Shadi: ishizu,

It's happening.


With so much at stake,

I should have known
you'd be here.


Evil once again
walks the earth,

Bringing madness
in its wake.

I just never
thought my own brother

Would be the medium
for this evil.

Oh, marik.

The world must be saved,
but at what cost?

I don't want to
lose my brother!


Marik: I'll keep bakura's
millennium ring for now.

And I'll also
maintain occasional
control of tea's mind.

My key shields me
from her sight.


The mystic disturbance
that brought me here

Is strongest
in this room.

I feel that the destinies
of certain millennium items

Are being manipulated.

And until harmony
is restored,

The world will be
in grave peril.

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