03x04 - Isolated in Cyber Space — Part 3

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x04 - Isolated in Cyber Space — Part 3

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on "yu-gi-oh!"...

Somehow, noah was able
to tap into our memories

And digitally replay
events from our past.

I liked the way it was
before we got here.


Kaiba: mokuba!


Don't let go!

Where am i? Huh?

What was that?
Oh! I'm surrounded!


It looks like
my associate mr. Gansley

Has almost won me
my first victory of the day.

Soon yugi
will become a permanent fixture

In my virtual universe.

I've rendered you so weak,

You'll be out of life points
before my next turn.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move! ♪

♪ Your move, your move!

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

♪ Yu-gi-oh
is in the game ♪

It's time to d-d-duel!

It's time to d-d-duel!

Big : let me guess.

You've had enough suffering,
and you want to give up.

Guess again,

Fine. You're only
life points away

From annihilation,

I've been
in tougher spots

Now make your move.

Very well.

Big , thinking: excellent.
Rainbow snake eingana.

It could wipe him out right now
with one strike,

But what fun
would that be?

I need to drag this duel
out a bit longer.

So let's see.

Ah, yes.

I summon melchid
the four-face beast
in attack mode!

My first order
of business

Is to take down
your obnoxious
celtic guardian.

My four-face beast
should have enough power
to crush it

And take a bite
out of your life points
in the process.


Now! Melchid
the four-face beast,

his obnoxious
celtic guardian

With quadruple
smash attack!






Oh, man,
this is definitely not my day.

How am I gonna
get out of here?

Wait. What was that?



Tea, thinking:
this virtual world

Is supposed to be
a total illusion.

That's why
I couldn't touch those flowers.


So why does my face hurt?


Oh, this place
is a little too real for me.

I hope the other guys
are better off than I am.


Big :
had enough, yugi?


What's that?

I couldn't hear you

With your face
in the dirt and all.


You got to hang
in there, guys...

Wherever you are
out there.

Looks like you're down
for the count.



You heard me.

I'll never give up.

As long as I have
life points,
it's on!

You're more foolish
than I thought.

Even the most
inexperienced people
in the business world

Know when it's time
to close shop.


Not that it matters
all that much to me.

Your life point account

Will be empty
soon enough, yugi.

Then I'll escape
to the real world at last

Once I take over
your scrawny body.

And it all happens
when I launch my next attack.

Yugi, thinking:
he's right.

I only have
life points left.

And as long as gansley
has at least monsters
on the field,

He can activate
reflector hole,

Bouncing all my att*cks
back at me.

All right, boy,
the time has now come

For you
to make your final move
of our virtual game.

Then I'll seal this deal
once and for all,

your inferior mind

Trapped here
in my place forever.

You'll have all the time
in the world

To contemplate
the grim horror
of your future.

Sounds like fun,


All right.
Here goes.

Yugi, thinking:
a rainbow blessing magic card?

That's not
gonna help me now.

I need something powerful
if I'm going to beat gansley.

Well? Stalling
won't help you.

Success comes
to men of action.

No one ever got ahead
in the corporate world
by just waiting.

That only leads to defeat,
which is where you're headed.

And to think
people call you
the king of games.

If only those folks
in the real world

Could see you
right now.



Not now. I'm trying
to concentrate
on this duel.

Yugi: hold on.

I think kuriboh's
trying to tell us

That rainbow
blessing may be able
to help after all.


Well, I have nothing
to lose.

I said I had faith
in my deck master,

So now it's time
to put that
to the test.

That's right.
Let's do it!

Now I place one card


It's your move.

Let's get
this duel on.

You suits
are wasting my time,

So show your faces!

Tea, thinking:
looks like they're getting ready
for dinner.



And I bet
I'm the main course!

I got to get out of here
or I'll be tea soup!

But how can I
get all the way up there?


Well, that can help.
Who's up there?



A penguin?
I've officially lost it.


Kaiba: I've got you!


Don't look down!

Too late!

I can't hold on
much longer!

[Both grunting]

You're safe.

Thanks, seto.

This place is more dangerous
than I thought.

Somehow, noah has accessed
virtual software

That can replicate
the sensation of touch.

I know
you can hear me, noah.

You won't get away with this,
you little twerp!

Hmph! You have
so much to learn.

I thought we had
the latest virtual
software, seto,

But this place
feels way more real

Than any
cyber environment

I've ever seen
in my entire life.

If you hadn't
grabbed my arm,

Who knows
what would have
happened to me.

Thank you, seto.

I don't know
what kind of game
noah's playing,

But it's not
duel monsters.

That punk.
He doesn't know
who he's up against.

You hear that, noah?

You'll never succeed!

I'll make sure of it!



What's up,
big brother?

No matter
what you see from
this point forward,

I want you
to realize
the past is over,

And I may not
be proud of every
decision I made,

But everything
I did, I did for us,

So we'd have
a better life.

let's move ahead
and don't look back.


I have a feeling
the worst is yet to come.

the end is near.


Big , thinking:
this will do nicely.

I activate my magic card
offerings to the doomed!

Its effect allows me
to destroy any monster

On your side
of the playing field.

Say goodbye
to chimera,

Your last line
of defense, yugi.


All your monsters
are gone.

You forgot about
the special ability

Of my
mythical beast.


I can bring back
one of the monsters

I used
to form my beast.


It makes no difference
to me.

The end result
will be the same
once I play this card.


I sacrifice
wall of illusion

And melchid
the four-face beast

To summon
rainbow snake eingana.


Now, mighty serpent,
put the bite on berfomet

And the squeeze
on yugi!

So much for your
defensive monster, yugi.

Your life points
are wide open.

I know it's a bit too late,
but here's some advice.

The next time
you decide to swim
with the big fish,

Pack a life jacket
because you're sinking fast...


Not that there's going to be
a next time.

Soon, you'll be
trapped here.

Tea, thinking:
I'm saved. The question is,
who is saving me?


Guess I'll find out soon.



[All growling]

Oh! I'm busted!


Time for
my finishing move,

Your life points
have finally expired.


And who better to deliver
the final blow

Than my favorite
reptilian beast?

Lucrumba, the spirit king,
free me from this prison

By striking yugi
down now!

This can't be!

He's through. Huh?


What's going on?

What's going on?


I've had enough!

I command you to destroy
his life points!



Nice job, kuriboh.


How is it
that you're
still standing?

Your life points
should be gone.

My deck master
saved me.

Thanks to his
special ability,

Kuriboh formed
a protective wall.


Yugi, why have you
taken over for me?

I just figured
you could use a rest.

You know, to recover
from all those direct att*cks.

One more blast
could have destroyed you,

So I jumped in.

Thank you.
You're very brave.

Don't thank me.

You should thank

Without his
special ability,

We both would've
been finished by now.

That's true.

Some things are
more powerful than
they first appear.

You can say that again.

Kuriboh turned out to be
the most valuable monster

On our side
of the field,

So getting him
as our deck master

Wasn't just some trick
that gansley played on us

In order to win.

No, you're right.

It was the heart
of the cards

That guided kuriboh
to us.



This duel
has affected
you, too.

Let me finish this.

All right,
gansley, this duel's
not done.

Big :
your furry little powder puff
blocks one attack,

And you think
you've won?

I'm afraid nothing
could be further
from the truth

Thanks to
the deck master rules.

Now that
you've activated kuriboh
to defend yourself,

You've introduced him
to the playing field.

That means
I'm now allowed to attack
your little fur-ball.

And according to
the deck master rulebook,

If your deck master
is destroyed,

You lose the duel.

And your kuriboh
is no match for my serpent,

So this duel
is over.

Last I checked,
it was still on.



I made it.




one-eyed freaks
are still coming!




Leave me alone!


This does not
look good!

Oh, great!

So now what?


They have me



But that
virtual bridge
couldn't hurt.

Oh! Huh?

Ok, that is not
a small drop,

And this thing's
not looking too sturdy.


But if I don't go,
I'm cyclopes-chowder.

I sure could use my friends
right about now.


Tea, thinking:
wait a sec. They are here!

We formed
a bond of friendship

That can't be broken
no matter what.

So we're never really apart
from each other.

I can feel them
cheering me on,

So it's time for me
to do this.

That's it--put one foot
in front of the other.

No big deal.
Just don't look down.


I looked down.


Ok, just pick up the pace
a little bit.

You can do this...


I think.


Tea, thinking: come on, tea,
you're half-way home.

You freaks!
Stay away!


There's no way
this bridge
can support us.

Someone, help!





let's just hope
those fellas

Won't be back
anytime soon.


I think I've had
about enough
of this place.

cyclops freaks,

Collapsing bridges--
no, thanks!

Make your final
pathetic move, yugi--

Not that you have
any options.

All you've got left
is your puny kuriboh,

And what can he do?

Wait and see.


Yugi, thinking:
I know kuriboh can do this.

He came through once,
and he can do it again.

I just have
to believe in him.

You like to do
a lot of talking,

Now it's my turn
to give the advice.

Misjudging the power
of the small can be
a big mistake

In business and
in duel monsters.


I guess they never
taught you that

On your way up
the corporate

So kuriboh and I

Will just have
to teach you this
lesson the hard way

By eliminating you
from this duel.

And then,
based on your own
twisted rules,

You'll be trapped
in this world
for eternity.

You're just bluffing.

It doesn't matter
what card you just drew.


Is that swift gaia
the fierce knight?


That's useless.

my special ability?

Attack me
with whatever monster
you like,

And it still
won't affect me.

I'll just reflect the attack
back to you.

With only life points
to spare,

You'll wipe
yourself out.

I wouldn't be
so sure.



facedown card.

the magic card--
rainbow blessing.

When this card
is combined
with kuriboh,

A great power
is released.



You expect to win
with rainbows and fuzz balls?

What kind of stunt
is this?


All right,
kuriboh, form
the rainbow arch!

What is he doing?

Maybe you should
check your deck
master rulebook.

But first
I shall summon

Swift gaia
the fierce knight
in attack mode!

And now, to put you
out of business,


I'm afraid
your monsters
are not my targets.

I'm aiming
directly for
your life points.

But how?
I analyzed every aspect
of this duel.

Well, you seem
to have missed
this one.

my fierce knight,

Follow the path
of the rainbow arch

And attack
his life points

No! This can't be!

My deck master ability
doesn't work on direct att*cks!

Yes, I know.
Thanks to kuriboh,

I was able
to figure out
your weakness.

to be crushed
by the competition.



You little brat,

I was so close
to winning your body

And leaving
this virtual nightmare
behind for good.




I'm glad
that's over with,
at least for now.

It's time to find
our friends.

There's no telling
what kind of danger

Noah may have
put them in.



Thank you, kuriboh.


It looks like yugi
was stronger than I thought.


Or perhaps the big
don't really have
the dueling skills

They claimed to have
when I hired them.

We'll just have to see
how well the others fare

In the coming duels,
won't we?


Looks like
a passageway.


Let's check it out.
We might find
the g*ng.

You're right. Hopefully,
that's where it leads.

Our friends could be
in grave danger.

Let's just hope
we're not too late.
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