03x46 - One for the Road

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters". Aired: April 18, 2000 – September 29, 2004.*
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Series revolves around a young high school boy named Yugi Muto who battles opponents in the Duel Monsters card game.
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03x46 - One for the Road

Post by bunniefuu »

previously on "yu-gi-oh..."

Roland: and the winner
of the battle city

Championship crown
is yugi muto!

That was amazing,

Joey: up high, pal!

Dat was truly your
best work, yuge!

Nice duel!
And as the winner,

You get to keep
the rarest card

From your
opponent's deck!

Take this,
my rarest card.

And remember,
you're going to need
this card, pharaoh.

Yugi: the winged
dragon of ra!

We have all three of
the egyptian god cards!

This victory celebration
has gone on long enough!

The battle city tournament
is over!

So if you'd like
a free ride home

I'd suggest you board
my aircraft right now,

Cause in one hour,
this island will explode!

Roland: prepare
the engines now!

Roger! Engaging
main engines!

We takin' off
or what?

We can't seem to locate
mokuba and mr. Kaiba.

Fuguta: oh no!
We have a problem!

Roland: the engines
are weak, right?

Worse, they're
completely dead!

This can't be!

Computer voice:

Duel tower will self-destruct
in minutes.

Evacuate the island immediately.

♪ Your move, your move,
your move, your move ♪

♪ Your move, your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ Your move

♪ Yu-gi-oh!

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

♪ It's time to d-d-d-duel

Tea: this is insane!

Why would kaiba
program his duel tower

To explode
then disappear?

Well he probably
knew our ride had
busted engines,

So he found his own way
outta dis junkyard!

We'll track him

Kaiba couldn't
have gone far,

But we
must act fast.

Can do!

I just hope
we're not too late!

Computer voice: warning...

Duel tower will self-destruct
in twenty-five minutes.

Evacuate the island immediately.

Soon this place will be
nothing but a bad memory.

The very site
where yugi disgraced me

By stealing
the battle city crown

Will be gone forever!

I was supposed
to win this tournament

And leave with
all three egyptian god cards.

But yugi had to step in
and ruin my plans once again!

Now the only way
I can move forward

Is by destroying the past,

Including the sight
where yugi robbed me
of my victory!

All of that nonsense
will soon be behind me.

Well bro, it looks like
all systems are set!

Hopefully the rest
of the g*ng already
left the island.

Duke: come on,
you rust bucket!

Start up already!

Fuguta: quiet back there!

The thrusters are
not responding at all!

Keep trying!


When this tower crumbles,

Battle city
will be behind me!

But more importantly,

The memory of
my step-father, gozaburo,

Will be buried forever!

Gozaburo: have a seat.

It's time for
a father and son chat.

In your dreams.

Seto, just give in now.

You'll make things
much easier on yourself.

Your little threats
don't scare me at all.

So why don't you
let us go

Before I really
get angry.

I have a life to live,
unlike you!

You haven't
changed a bit.

All right, I know
the perfect way

To settle
our differences.

Do you recall
the chess match we had

The day I met you?

Well I propose a rematch.

Another chess game?

What makes you think
I'm talking about chess?

Now I summon
my blue-eyes
white dragon!


And I'm afraid
that's check mate.

Now blue-eyes,
attack his
exodia necros!

You lose,

Even though I faced
my greatest demon and won,

I'm still haunted
by the memory of my step-father.

But once I destroy this tower,

Which sits at the very heart of
the island he once controlled,

Gozaburo kaiba will be
out of my head for good!

Maybe then I can start
to rebuild my life.

Seto, we have to
get out now!

With the destruction
of my past

Will come the rebirth
of my future--

The future I promised
mokuba he'd have.

Mokuba: awesome
sand castle, seto.

This is more than
just a sand castle,

an amusement park!

And someday
it'll be real.

A real theme park!?

Just for the two of us!?

Not quite.

First of all,
everyone's invited!

They are?

And there's more!

You and I
are gonna open up

A whole bunch
of amusement parks

All around
the world!

Every major city'll
have one!

We'll be
a household name!

These things'll
be huge!

Everyone on earth
will wanna vacation
at kaiba land!

You'll name a ride
after me right?

Soon this nightmare
will be over

And I can start
living my dream

And keeping the promise
I made to mokuba!

Seto, let's go!

Computer voice: warning...

Duel tower will self-destruct
in fifteen minutes.

Time to create
a new empire!

Talk about
cutting it close!

Computer voice:
warning...evacuate immediately!

Joey: how we doin' on time?

This tower will explode
in thirteen minutes!

Then what are we doing
standing here!?

You're kaiba's
right-hand goon.

You must know how
to stop dat ding!

So quit holdin' out
on us, roland!

Look, only
mr. Kaiba knows how,

And unfortunately
he's nowhere to be found!

Well if I find him,
he's toast!

With kaiba missing

And our ride home
on the fritz,

We'll never escape
that expl*si*n!

We've got to have faith!

You gotta
chill out, man.

It's important
to stay calm.

Stay calm?

This island is about
to blow sky-high

And we're stuck here
wit no way out!

Who knows,
maybe the ship's
engines are fixed.

Bakura: hey!

it's duke and bakura!

Joey: dis betta
be good news!

Well, guys?!

What's up
with the engines?

They're still
not working!

We need more time!

We have none!

There's only
twelve minutes left.

Lemme have a shot
at dese things.

Joey, since when
can you fix an engine!?

Please...how hard
can it be!?

Den again,
I don't wanna

Get my hands dirty
right now.

Tristan: call me crazy,
but couldn't we just take

That copter over there?

Joey: my thoughts

hello in there!!

Mai: all right!
Time to abandon ship!

Come on! Hurry!

There's only
a few minutes left!

Just think...
If you hadn't
passed out,

They never would have
sent this helicopter
to save you,

And we'd still be
stuck on this island.

Any luck?

No. We can't wait.

Take off now.

Let's hope mr. Kaiba
and mokuba found
there own way out!

Thirty seconds left.

Accelerate take off speed!

We're not a safe enough
distance from the tower yet!

Yami-yugi: kaiba...

Poor mokuba.

Ten seconds!

Let's move!


Oh, no!

I hope those guys
made it out.

Thar she blows!

This is awful!

Kaiba, how foolish.

Joey: maybe
he wanted to go down
wit his island, yuge.


Hey, what's dat?

It's blue-eyes
white dragon!

Joey: I don't get it!


Say whaaaaat!?

Hey! Surprise,

Where does he
get this stuff?

Oh, who cares?

You mean ta tell me
they were safe all along?

Oh, let's be glad
it's over.

Hey, why are they traveling
in the helicopter, seto?

Hmm. Oops.

I guess
the other ship
wasn't fixed yet.

Dat does it!

Put that down!

You dink it's funny

That we almost became
fish food down there!?

Wait 'til we land
dis ding!

Sorry joey,
but we're not
going back with you.

We've got important
kaiba corp business

To take care of.

Oh, yeah!?

What are ya plannin',
another tournament?

You'll just have to
wait and see, wheeler.

Just go.

Kaiba: don't worry.

You geeks haven't seen
the last of me.

Especially you, yugi!

The battle between us
will never be over!

Mokuba: all right,
let's move out!


Hold on, mokuba!

You got it! Let's go!!

Yugi: well, they're off.

I hope that kaiba can
put his anger aside

And move on, right?


Now it's time
for our next journey:

To discover
the pharaoh's secret.

All right!

What do ya say
we blow dis taco stand!

I can't believe
we're finally
gonna do this!

Ha ha! We're gonna
build kaiba land!

Kaiba: opening up
a chain of theme parks

Isn't all fun
and games, mokuba!

It takes hard work
and determination!

Some things
never change.

Pilot: we'll be landing
in the town of domino

Before nightfall.

Tea: oh, I can't wait!

Joey: home,
sweet home, baby!

Tristan: well, we made it home
in one piece.

Tea: barely!

Ishizu: pharaoh...
It is because of
your bravery

That my brother
marik was saved
from the evil

That once consumed
his heart.

How could I ever
thank you?

Now, the time
has come for you

To uncover
the great mysteries

That surround
your past.

Pharaoh you saved me
from myself.

You helped me
conquer the darkness
within my own heart.

I hope in spite
of all I've done

We can be friends.


Good-bye, my king.

I know that we will
meet again soon.

Marik: farewell
to you all.

bye, guys!

Yeah, take it easy!

Smell ya later!

Joey: who knew there was
actually a nice guy

Inside dat psychotic
evil nutcase?

Mai: you've certainly got
a way with words, joey.

It's a gift.

Ok, I guess that it's time
for me to say good-bye now.

why's that duke?

You know me.

I can't stay in one spot
for too long.

I've got places to go,

Hearts to break,
and dice to roll.

But don't worry...
I'll be back.

See ya round,

Bye, duke.


Hey! He slipped her
his phone number!

Real smooth, duke!

Like she's ever
gonna call you!


Yeah, much later,
dice boy.

Everyone's goin'
their own way.

Yeah...you know,
it makes me feel

Like I should have
some sorta plan.

There's still plenty
of time to figure it out.

It just
makes me think

What's gonna
come next for me.

Like tea said,

You'll find it
Just wait.

You're right.
I just have to
trust in fate.

Huh? What's this?



Ok. My turn.

what's that?

You're not leaving
too, are you, mai?

I'm a wanderer,

And I'm afraid
the open road calls.

I came here for
the battle city

But now that that's
over, it's time
for me to move on.

It's been real.

Oh, mai, don't go.

You were like a--
like a sister to me.

I have to say,
I'm surprised

A knucklehead
like joey has such
a sweet sister.

Then again, he does
have a soft side.

And he can be charming
when he wants to.

I first met him
on the way to
duelist kingdom.

All joey
could talk about

Was how he was gonna
win the tournament

So he could use
the prize money

For your operation,

I have to admit,
his story was touching.

Joey's the best!

I'd say it runs
in the family.

Thank you, mai.
You've done so much.

I should be thanking
you, serenity.

When I was trapped
in the shadow realm,

You took care of me

And you never
left my side.

Thank you. Yugi!

Listen, in the next

It's gonna be me
against you!

Yami-yugi: you're on!


i, uh--

What I'm trying
to say is...

Never mind.

Bye, guys.

See ya round.

Be good.

Good-bye, mai.

Joey, don't be
such a dork.

Do something right
for a change,
will ya?

Joey: uh...
Hey, mai! Wait!


Mai, i, uh...

Forget it, joey.

You don't have to say
anything mushy.

What you did for me
back there said it all.

You know...

My favorite thing about
this whole tournament

Was that I got to know you.


Thank you, mai.

Right back at 'cha.

But don't think
you're off the hook!

I still plan on
kicking your butt

In the next tournament!

Take care,
all right?

You bet.

I have to admit,
joey really surprised me.

When I met him, he was
an ok duelist with a big mouth.

Now he's a great duelist
with a big mouth...

And a big heart, too.

We may be taking
separate roads right now,

But our paths will cross again.

Yugi: it's definitely
nice to be home.

Yami-yugi: yes,
but we can't rest yet.

Joey's red eyes?


I can't wake grandpa.

Grandpa: yugi?
Where are you going

This early
in the morning?

Just taking
a walk, grandpa.

I promise I won't
be long, ok?

All right. Come back
soon, please.

I don't want you
skipping breakfast.


Battle city's not over yet.
I have one thing left to do.

Time for me to see
how far I've really come!

It's time for me to mop
the floor with you two.

And there's no one here
who can stop me!

I won't let you!

These guys
are my friends!


Yugi: my cards!

I'll get 'em!

Joey don't!

I promise ya,
I'll get dem yugi.

My puzzle. Can't leave
without my puzzle.

Ok, on .



Here you go, joey.

Take your red-eyes

Nah, yuge.

You hold on to it.

It isn't mine
to take, pal.

You won it
fair and square.

What are you
saying, joey?

I'm sayin'
you can think of me

Whenever you play
my red-eyes!

See, durin' duelist
kingdom tournament,

You taught me rules,
k*ller strategies,

And everything else
that I needed to know

To help me
get to the finals.

You've always had
my back,

So it's time I helped you
for a change!

That's why I want you
to keep my red-eyes
black dragon!

I know it's gonna
come in handy
for ya sometime.

Marik tried to
turn you against me,

But our friendship

Ended up being stronger
than his powers!

And giving you
my puzzle helped you
to break free.

my best friend, joey,

And no evil magic
can take that away!

And now I have to put
an end to this duel.

But remember...
We defeated marik
together, joey!

winged dragon of ra!

Destroy his monster
and drain his soul!


What's this!?

You should be
wiped out by now!

the iron knight.

Yami-yugi: hurry up
and call your attack, joey!


I won't give up
if you don't, joey!

Keep fighting
the shadows!

What's next?
It's so unclear.

It doesn't have ta be.

Just check your pocket.

Yugi: the millennium

This can show me
how it all ends!

We made it, joey,
but there's still
one thing left to do.

I still have
something of yours.

Yup, and it's time
for me to earn it
back, pal.

You're on.

Of all the battles
I've been through
in this tournament,

Dis one
means the most!

You betta watch out!

You taught me everything
you know about dueling!


Let's duel!
Let's duel!
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