09x16 - The Darkness Which Moves! Kibune's True Colors

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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09x16 - The Darkness Which Moves! Kibune's True Colors

Post by bunniefuu »

connected to the Kasumiohji Clan.

the captain was acting on his own,

of Ichigo Kurosaki and the others?

Ichigo and his comrades enter the Soul Society in pursuit of Rurichiyo

and disrupt the marriage ceremony being held in the Kasumiohji Clan.

However, they fall into Kumoi's trap and

end up surrounded by Soi Fon and Squad .

In order to find the real Rurichiyo as soon as possible,

Ichigo gets away from Soi Fon and escapes into an underground passage,

but he is discovered by Squad and

gets into a fierce fight with Amagai.

However, Shu Kannogi throws himself

between them to stop the fight,

and upon learning of the Kasumiohji Clan's dark secrets,

Amagai declares that he will support Ichigo and his comrades.

Move quickly!

This is such a pain.

Lieutenant Omaeda!


The security group has been deployed!

What is your next order?

Maintain present status.


Besides us and Squad ,

all squads have been marching around since this morning.

Now, the Punishment Force has joined them.

Which means there's nothing else for us to do

but to stay put for now.

If they were to harbor Kibune,

this would be the most suspicious place.

But if the Court Guards keep coming and going,

the chances are low that he'd approach.

I have to search somewhere else.

This is

Captain and Ichigo Kurosaki have

The possibility of a conspiracy inside the Kasumiohji Clan?

So what'll we do now?

I have several places in mind. We'll check those.

Just us?

I'm helping you due to my personal feelings.

I cannot involve my squad.

So I sent them back to the barracks.

Aida and a few others have agreed to help out though.

Say Why have you decided to help us so easily?

You may end up making enemies of other Soul Reapers.

I told you, I have some issues too.

Please tell me your reasons.


First, let's get away from here.

I'll explain while we move.



Oh, yes!

We'd better report this to Captain Komamura!


There's a man named Kibune

who is a Third Seat in my squad.

He's extremely skilled.

But it seems he's somehow connected to the Kasumiohji Clan.


Furthermore, it seems he's hiding that connection.

Having ties under current circumstances is one thing,

but he's had connections long before you guys stirred up trouble.

You think it's connected to this incident?

I don't know.

In any case, I've been having Kira watch him.

And now Kibune has been missing since this morning.

Kira is searching for Kibune's whereabouts now.

So that's why he wasn't around?

It's difficult to suspect a comrade.

But I have a bad feeling about this.

Then rather than coming with us,

shouldn't you report this to the higher-ups?

Kibune is a man I chose personally.

If it's proven that he's been dishonest,

it's my responsibility.

When that happens, I'll deal with him myself.

Also, you should know this.

The Thirteen Court Guard Squads are very stubborn.

It'll take too long to run things by them first.

That's for sure.

You said you had an idea about where Ruricchi might be?

First, we'll check out relevant areas inside the Kasumiohji mansion.

That is the end of Captain Komamura's message.

Fine. You may go.

Yes, sir!

Head Captain, what will you do?

Make it known to all squads.

Captain of Squad , Shusuke Amagai,

is suspected of grave offenses!

He is to be pursued immediately!

Yes, sir!

I am calling an emergency Captains' Meeting!


Amagai did what?!


Squad members witnessed Amagai

collaborating with Ichigo Kurosaki.

I see. And that's why we're being called out?

What's going on?

Just what's happening?

Who knows? Just

Right. We can't avoid a disturbance.

Hey guys! We're the ones who first uncovered this.

Don't lose to the other squads!

“ Right! “ Right!

Guys, it was around here?

“ Y-Yes, sir! That is correct! “ Y-Yes, sir! That is correct!

But why Captain Amagai?

What are you doing there?


Can't you see?

I'm looking for someone, just like you.


But you're awfully far from your assigned positions.

I hear your men were the first

to find Ichigo and Captain Amagai.

So it wouldn't be strange if they were still in the area, right?

You're right.

But this is our assigned section.

Go back to your section, as ordered.

What do you think you're doing, Abarai?

I said to go back. Can't you hear?

Sorry, Iba.

Don't get in my way.


Let's go!

I don't give a damn about some Substitute Soul Reaper

or the new captain of Squad .

But if there's gonna be a fight, Squad will be there first!



Lieutenant Hisagi of Squad .

This is Squad 's area.

Go back to your barracks.


Are you looking for a fight, sir?!

Don't order us around just

because you're a lieutenant, or we'll get you!

Don't take us for fools!

I was a fool for trying to reason with you.

I should have used force from the start.

That's just fine with us!

Hold it!

I'll take you on, Hisagi!


I don't know what this Captain Amagai is thinking.

But one thing is certain

I know Ichigo and Rukia better than anyone else!

So Iba, let me through.

I don't want you guys to get involved.


That's true.

You know that Substitute Soul Reaper very well.

However, this is an order.

I cannot abandon my mission.

The same goes for you.

So get rid of your own personal feelings

and act as a lieutenant should!

If you can't

I'll have you leave, even if I have to k*ll you!

I see.

I thought you'd be a bit more understanding.

If that's what you say, then I have no choice.

I'm passing through, even if I have to use force!

What a problem.

You guys.

Don't interfere.

How was it?

No good.

No one's seen anyone suspicious.

I see.

But there's something even worse!

Word has already spread of

Captain Amagai going with the Substitute Soul Reaper!


Inose, how did you talk to the head of security

in this current situation?

They seem to have concluded that the captain was acting on his own,

so our squad isn't under suspicion.

I see.

Captain Amagai seemed to be

totally trusting of that Substitute Soul Reaper.

I wonder if he'll be okay though.

We can't say anything certain about that.

Up until now, we've left that sort of thinking

to Lieutenant Kira and Kibune.

Speaking of which, where's Lieutenant Kira?

He's been out all morning, acting on the captain's orders.

Cripes. What's going on anyway?

I guess it's useless to search at random.

Still, why did Kibune choose this moment to go into hiding?

Is it connected with the appearance of Ichigo Kurosaki and the others?


In any case, I have to find Kibune quickly.

Where could he have gone?

Now that I think about it, I know so little about Kibune.

I guess he was closer to Inose and Aida.

They used to talk about things only they would know.

I knew of its existence,

but this is the first time I've ever entered this place.

Me too.

Well, people don't use fighting arenas anymore.

But since we have access to it,

Mr. Kibune felt we could use it for our training drill.

A place to hide without anyone noticing.


That is all!

In summary, capture Ichigo Kurosaki and Rukia Kuchiki.

And quickly restrain Captain Amagai

who is suspected of aiding these two.

Head Captain!

If I may say so,

Captain Amagai's actions are unclear.

There are also puzzling aspects

of the actions of Ichigo Kurosaki and the others.

First of all, what reason would

they have to infiltrate the Kasumiohji mansion?

I can't believe they would act without good reason.

I think it's necessary to investigate the Kasumiohji Clan.


I forbid any investigation into the Kasumiohji Clan!

All squads! Carry out my orders!

I don't understand this.

Yes. The Kasumiohji Clan are high-ranking aristocrats.

However, it's probably safe to say they are at

the root of this disturbance.

Yeah, you're right.

At this rate, the chaos may

even spread to the Court Guard Squads!



There's a squabble in the courtyard!

Man, you're so stubborn!

Abarai, you haven't changed at all.

What about you, Iba?

Orders, orders Are orders that important?!

That goes without saying.

Covering yourself is the one thing you're good at, Hisagi.

Madarame Damn you!

Split apart, Hozukimaru!

Weren't you going to capture Ichigo, Hisagi?!

Damn you!

You don't give a damn, do you, Abarai?

That's because you're in my way!

I see.

Then what you're doing is disobeying orders.

No! I will stop them.

That's all.

What's the difference?

Listen, Iba.

I can't understand why

Ichigo and Rukia

would act so recklessly without a good reason.

But Ichigo won't stop until he gets his answers

That guy.

What are you thinking, Madarame?

Take your squad and return to your position!

Cripes. You're so stubborn as usual.

Think a little, will ya?

They're on to something we haven't noticed!

That's why Ichigo and the others are taking action!

Can't you understand?!

No, I don't!

That's no reason for them to disrupt the order!

You've met him before, haven't you?!

That's got nothing to do with this!

Jeez. That's why you're such a loser!

That's none of your business!

What's the matter?

“ Lieutenant Kira! “ Lieutenant Kira!

This is

It's Sugama, the one who's been missing since last night.

The one who went after Third Seat Kibune last night?

Captain Amagai ordered us to return to the barracks,

and the squadsman who stayed back found him.

You can return to the barracks.

“ Huh? “ Huh?

Oh, it opened.

Anything is worth trying after all.

It is just like Ichigo said.

Thank goodness, no one seems to be around.

It seems nothing ever goes the way you want it to.

Who are they?

And that girl.

That's Princess Rurichiyo of the Kasumiohji Clan.

Just what is going on?

I'd better let Captain Amagai know.

Still, the fact that the princess of the Kasumiohji Clan is here

That means

Who are you?

Don't underestimate me.

You chose the wrong opponent.

Now you will tell me what you're doing here.

What's so funny?

You're the one who chose the wrong opponent.


Why you ”

What's with their power?

Their speed and Spiritual Pressure rose suddenly.

Let me go! I said to let go of me!

You are from the Kasumiohji Clan, aren't you?

I am Rurichiyo! You are being insolent!

“ Hold it! “ Let me go!

You're in my way!


It's not just us.

In various places, Spiritual Pressure is going every which way.

All this chaos resulting from just one order.

This is most unusual, isn't it?

So let me go!

I'll prove their innocence.

If you're going so far as to promise that

Well then, I'll believe in Ichigo Kurosaki too.

You're not the only one. It's likely we all do.

Most men have faith in that fellow.

However, we have to carry out our orders and

find those two and Captain Amagai.

In order to prove their innocence, as you say.

If you cross swords with Ichigo,

you'll understand why he's raising hell like crazy.

Until then

I won't let anyone get in his way!

So what'll you do?

And if they're really doing something wrong?

We'll deal with it at that time!

I will definitely

“ k*ll him! “ k*ll him!

Damn! Can I catch up?

I must say, everything you do is always too late.

The princess left long ago, Lieutenant Kira.

As I thought.

Everything that's happened is your doing

Third Seat Kibune.

Hisagi, you saw a lot of action today.

Well, it was like this until recently

when Squad started getting all the attention.


I'd better do my best here.

It's been bugging you, hasn't it?

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers.

Man, I'm hungry.

Want to go eat something?

All right!

I'll take you somewhere you can eat free, good food.

Come with me!

What? You came again?

Just in time.

Want some leftovers from lunch?



But free, fancy foodsall you can eat!

Don't complain.

Don't you have any pride?
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