10x08 - Byakuya's Bankai, The Quiet Anger

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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10x08 - Byakuya's Bankai, The Quiet Anger

Post by bunniefuu »

Ichigo won his battle with Grimmjow.

However, Espada Number , Nnoitora, suddenly showed up

and overwhelmed Ichigo with his great strength.

Nelliel, who regained her powers in her attempt to save Ichigo,

reverted to her former child form on the very brink of victory.

Once again, Ichigo found himself in a pinch while facing Nnoitora.

However, he was saved by someone he never expected.

What is this?



Come on.

You're next, right?


Why are you here?

I thought the Soul Society pulled out of this fight.

Kisuke Urahara.

That guy was given a bunch of orders from the old man

when the showdown was set for winter.

One of those orders was to stabilize

some sort of underground cavern called a Garganta,

and once it was totally secure, make it possible

for captain-level personnel to pass over to Hueco Mundo.

For crying out loud

I said I could handle this by myself.

So you finally att*cked.

We have only come to heal everyone's wounds.

We have no intention of fighting with you.

Arrancar Arrancar Arrancar

Hueco Mundo is quite a treasure trove of riches!

Are you the one who fought with her?

It was not me.

However, I was about to administer the finishing blow.

I see.

Among the Espada, my Sonido is the fastest.

And by a adding a small step,

I've completed something resembling a pseudo clone.

You might say

It's like playing with magic.

Too bad.

Gemelos Sonido isn't limited to two bodies.

Farewell, captain whose name I don't even know.

The reason for your defeat is

the arrogance of not even stating your name.


You are the arrogant one, Espada.

But do not fret.

The reason you will lose is not because of your arrogance.

It is simply

a difference in skill.

It's cold.

I should've worn something warmer.

That wasn't nice of Captain Kuchiki.

He disappeared the moment he arrived.

Before we departed,

I thought I made it clear to him that I can't use the Flash Step.

That hurt.


Which way should I go?



Why do you believe that?

You are an enemy, but you are a captain.

I consider you to be my equal,

and I have conducted myself in that manner.

I have no arrogance.

An Arrancar

considering himself to be my equal

I'm saying that in itself is already arrogant.

I see.

It would seem

arrogance is part of your nature.

Very well.

Then I shall crush your hubris

and your very being, turn them into pulp.



What's the matter?

You sensed that I was about to unleash an attack,

but nothing happened.

You seem to want to say that you don't get it.


Something has already happened.

Your left leg has become mine.

What is this?

All things are subject to control.

Subordinates are under the control of their superiors.

The masses are under the control of their king,

clouds are under the control of the wind,

and the light of the moon is under the control of the sun.

The power of my Brujeria is the ability

to take control of whatever my eye stares at.

I call this power œAmor.

You still look like you want to say you don't get it.

I sympathize with you.

It must be difficult when you're not too bright

and there are many things you don't get.

Even if you don't get it,

if you experience it with your body, you will understand.

Now then Left leg come here.

It's meaningless to resist.

Your control does not extend to your left leg.

Now, take another step.


You instantly slashed your left leg muscles and tendons?

Indeed, now I cannot move them.

A swift decision and immediate action. Magnificent.

All right then.

How about this one?


You're able to move that well, even on one leg?

I have to hand it to you, Captain.

I am truly impressed.

Damn you.

Oh, there he is! Thank goodness.

I finally caught up with you!

It was mean to leave me behind, Captain Kuchiki!

Didn't I tell you that I can't do Flash Step!

I'm not very quick, and I felt uneasy in an unfamiliar place,

and the inside of the building was freezing cold,

and I was hungry, and I didn't know my way,

and I almost got lost.

Captain Kuchiki!

Your leg is badly hurt!

And is this Rukia?!


Quite the chatterbox has arrived.

Hanataro Yamada.


Stay back.


I'll move back right now! I'm in the way, aren't I?

I'll say it once more.

Stay back.

In my present state,

I cannot guarantee that I can fight without getting you involved.

Captain They both appear to be stable now.


Isane, we must be vigilant.

If we had been even a little later with our treatment,

their lives would've been in danger.

And, this place is Hueco Mundo.

We are right in the middle of the enemy base.

There's no telling what might happen,

so we must be cautious.


This Spiritual Pressure! It's Captain Kuchiki's!

It's not only Captain Kuchiki.

Captain Kurotsuchi and Captain Zaraki

have also begun fighting.


The three of them have

their Spiritual Pressure at full strength from the very start.

The Arrancar The Espada are that sort of enemy.

Will they be all right?

Let's have faith.

Then, when they are done fighting, we will heal their injuries.

That is our job.

You're quite tough.

You too.

Where is all that brute strength coming from?

Captain Kuchiki, what is that?!

Captain Kuchiki!

C-Captain Kuchiki! What are you ”?!



The ice

Stay back, Hanataro Yamada.


I see.

R-Rukia! Rukia!

You immediately discarded not only your left leg,

but your left arm as well.

You instantly regarded the objects whose control was taken away

from you as your enemies and slashed them.

Even if they were your own body.

So fierce.

An icy cold decisiveness toward yourself.

However, that decisiveness,

to my eyes, appears slightly imprudent.

Rukia, get a hold of yourself!

I'll treat your wounds right now!

Of your four limbs,

only your right arm and right leg remain.

You are indeed overly arrogant to challenge me,

an Espada, with only one arm and one leg.

Don't you agree?

As I told you

Between you and me,

our powers are as different as heaven and earth.

This talk is tedious.

I discarded my left arm.

I discarded my left leg.

Even then, we are still far from equal.

How unfortunate.

You appear to have even less of an understanding

of your own abilities than I thought.

There was one thing I forgot to tell you.

These eyes of mine control one object per eye.

I'm glad you realized what that means so quickly.

Earlier, I released Amor using two eyes.

In other words

Rukia, you just have to

“ hang on a little longer. “ In addition to your left arm

I have control of something else.

I am able to control one area per eye.


If I control the head, control extends to the entire body.

My control is not affected by the person's injuries.

Don't move!

Throw down your sword, nameless captain.

You have lost.



What is this?!

Damn! Move! Move!


Damn! Damn! Move!

Control, you say?

Such a thing

holds no meaning at all against me.


Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.

W-What is this?!

Curse you

Damn this!

I will control everything using the Amor of my entire spirit!

Forget it.

You can control one object per eye. That's what you said.

The number of eyes on your body, including your own two, is fifty.

With just those fifty eyes,

which of the hundreds of millions of swords

covering the sky do you intend to control?

You told me it was useless.

That there was nothing I could do.

Let me tell you something now.

The state you are in now

That is what you call œuseless. 

Damn it!

Move as I command!

Move as I command!

Gokei, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi.


That guy, Zommari, resembles a pumpkin.

Your captain wears a tube of fishcake on his hair.

Pumpkins and fishcake are both foods. They are equal.

Fishcake is a processed food.

It is on a different level than pumpkins.

Illustrated Guide to Soul Reapers.

There seem to be fewer carp lately.
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