12x10 - The Most Evil Tag!? Suì-Fēng & Ōmaeda

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Bleach". Aired: October 5, 2004 – March 27, 2012.*
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Japanese anime follows Ichigo who becomes a Soul Reaper, dedicating his life to protecting the innocent and helping the tortured spirits themselves find peace.
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12x10 - The Most Evil Tag!? Suì-Fēng & Ōmaeda

Post by bunniefuu »

Other than being able to see Spirits,

I, Ichigo Kurosaki, was a very ordinary high school student.

When I met Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki,

I obtained Soul Reaper powers that allowed me to protect people.

As I began my work as a Substitute Soul Reaper,

I was sucked into a maelstrom of battle.

Orihime Inoue was taken away

by the treacherous Soul Reaper, Aizen.

Together with Chad and Ishida,

I headed into Hueco Mundo to rescue Inoue

and began my battles against the enemy, the powerful Arrancar.

In order to stop Aizen, who invaded the World of the Living,

the Thirteen Court Guard Squads moved into action.

An all-out w*r was about to begin.

In order to prevent Aizen from wiping out Karakura Town,

the Soul Reapers used four pillars to move Karakura Town

to safety in the Rukon district.

Kira, Yumichika and Hisagi, who defended the pillars,

faced Fracciones sent by Barragan, with each emerging victorious.

The final pillar, though,

was destroyed in the battle between Ikkaku and Poww.

However, Iba managed to prevent the return of Karakura Town

by using emergency stakes,

and Komamura, who rushed to the scene,

defeated Poww, putting an end to the battle.

Okay, shall we get on with the real battle?

Don't let a single ant escape alive.

There's no place for you to return as losers.

Don't disappoint me.

k*ll them.


Put your entire spirit on the line and crush them here!

Even if your flesh is torn from you,

use pieces of your bone to form an ironclad wall!

We mustn't let them step even one foot into the Soul Society!


This is a joke!


Aren't you worried?

Your second-in-command is getting his butt kicked.

I don't care.

He's a fool who only thinks about

money, food, and the family business.

That's pretty cold of you.

Is that how things work between you two?

I don't like a cozy atmosphere within my squad.


Damn it!



It's over, Arrancar.

I didn't even have time to ask your name.

k*ll all enemy with your venom,


Nigeki Kessatsu

That is the power of my Suzumebachi.

What do you mean?

Are you saying if it stings twice, I'm done for?

Get stung, and you'll know.



You're awfully soft!

If that is truly a w*apon that kills an enemy in two strikes,

if you had used Flash Step to approach me

at the moment you stopped me, the contest would have been over.

That's what I would have done.

He's fast!

One more!

You're completely on the defensive now!

What's the matter? No way to attack?

You sure talk a lot

What, are you tired?


It'll only take me one strike to finish you off.

I recommend you hurry up

and use your k*ller or best move before that.


What the hell are you talking about?!

Let me tell you!

I'll settle this contest

without even using Shikai or my k*ller move!

I'm getting tired of this.

You're still alive?

Oh boy

You know

Truth is, I wanted to fight that blonde chick

I have absolutely no interest

in a lumbering fatso like you.


What're you talking about?

Is something wrong with your eyes?

Or is it

I know. It's jealousy, isn't it?!

Certainly, you are fat, and you look bad!

And there's no denying you look shabby.

But that's not my fault! Don't take it out on me!


Look, you!

No matter what someone who looks bad

says to someone who looks good,

no matter how much someone with no money

complains to someone who does,

it just sounds like an inferiority complex.


Who is this guy who looks good and has money?

Are you an idiot on top of being ugly and fat?

An idiot?

Who are you speaking with right now?

There's nobody else here besides you and me.

In other words it's me, of course!

My looks leave nothing to be desired!

And what's more, I am a man of enviable wealth!

And look at this sense of style!

I talk a lot?


Do all Arrancar talk that much during a fight?

I have a tendency to become talkative

when the battle looks so easy.

I see.

Then to make you talk less,

I just have to make it difficult for you?

Unfortunately, my second in command is quite annoying.

I'm afraid I have all the talk I need.


All I'm saying is to be quiet for a while.

I'll fix that wise-ass mouth of yours so you can't talk!

I don't think so.

I have him!

You think I can't keep up with that level of speed?!

Sorry, but I'm still talking!

Looking at your uniform,

you're the captain of Squad , aren't you?

What they call the Stealth Force.

I heard the Stealth Force was comprised of assassins,

but your way of fighting is awfully soft.

Or is this level of fighting

what the Soul Society considers an assassination?

Which reminds me,

earlier you said you didn't have time to ask my name?

Lucky you.

Now you have time to hear it.

I am His Majesty Barragan's Fracciones, Ggio Vega.

And while I'm at it, I'll tell you the other name, as well.

Bite Off, Tigre Estoque!

A good-looking man is bred from

good lineage and a good environment.

It polishes the senses.

Oh, a pauper wouldn't understand the sense of a hot man like me!

I got it, I got it. Shut up already, fatso.

I don't want to be called "fatso" by a fatso!

And besides, I'm not fat!

I'm full-bodied! A symbol of abundance!

It's different from how a pauper like you bloats up for no reason!

So there!

Man, you are such a pain. A real pain in the ass.

Moron! I think you're a real pain too, you know!

I've made up my mind.

I'm going to put an end to this right now.

What is that now?

In the first place, those clothes you're wearing aren't cool!


Stomp Down



Damn it!

These guys use sneaky transformations!

Becoming huge like that!

I'm only fighting with my sword!


In my Resurreccion, my movements become slower the bigger I get,

but for a fatso like you, it's just right, isn't it?

How's that?!

Once more!

Hey, fatso!

If you can't keep up with this movement,

you really are a slowpoke!

I'm not fat!

I'm "full-bodied," I said, you're the real fatso, you!

You're not exactly fleet of foot either!

This coming from a guy who's running away?!

Even being rich doesn't make you a fast guy.


Like hell I'm going to fight you head on!



In a street battle, legs aren't important, savvy is!

With that body, going down is easy, but climbing is tough!

If you can follow me to this height

Sorry to keep you waiting!

Okay here I come!

His att*cks are sharper!

Hey, how long do you plan on analyzing my moves like that?

The same could be said for you.

No doubt.

But don't think you'll have that sort of leeway forever!

He's increased his destructive power, as well!

There's no time to rest!

Oh not bad!

Then, how about this?!

I see

Resurreccionn increased his attacking power by several levels!

Take this!

And his speed has increased!


That's not enough to k*ll me!

Now that's more like it

N-N-No fair, you!

You can't have awesome jumping ability with that size of yours!

How strong are your legs, anyway?!

Don't you know?

It's not good to judge a person by appearances.

Take this!

Running away isn't getting us anywhere!

You can't keep running with that huge body.

If you had the choice,

maybe you should've spent your money on becoming more agile?

You're mine!

I'm not just running away, am I?

How did you?!

Who do you think I am?


I am lieutenant of Squad , and concurrently leader of

the Stealth Force Second Unit, "Patrol Troops," Marechiyo Omaeda!

That's the "Stealth Force."

There's no way I'd be slow.

You were putting on an act? You mocked me!

Smash 'em,


Let this be a lesson.

It's wrong to judge others by appearances.

The same technique again

Well, it looks like the att*cks are starting to have an effect.

I fully understood that you were not attacking me all that time,

watching how I would make the first move.

I knew, too, that you were doing that

because you felt inside that you still

had the leeway to field my att*cks.

But unfortunately, this is still not everything that I have.

I think it's to your benefit

to discard that sense of having leeway as soon as possible.


All right!

You fool! I won! Serves you right!

Talk smack to me, will you?!

Look at you now, pauper!

Hopping like a bunny with that huge body of yours!

You've got no substance!

You've got a face like a vacuum cleaner, you bastard!

Shall I tear off this funny nose of yours?!



I uh

Sorry I was so obsessed with this nose that I

I've always admired a long,

good-looking nose like this, you know

Is that so?

Then I will extend your nose, too?

Uh, no, I'm sorry!

I was just kidding! Just kidding! I said just kidding!

Let go! You're going to stretch it!

Like this?

Uh come on!

Give me a break!

Oh Ow ow ow!

My nose is still here, right?

What?! What just happened?!

What the


An Arrancar's Resurrecion form sure is difficult to pronounce.

“ Tigr “ That's Tigre Estoque!

Written with the Chinese characters for tiger, fang, swift, wind

and read Tigre Estoque!

Save stuff like that for the Arrancar Encyclopedia.

Shut the hell up! The powers that be won't let me!

Today's Zanpakuto is

my younger sister, Rukia Kuchiki's "Sodenoshirayuki."

Dance, Sodenoshirayuki.

It is a snow and ice type Zanpakuto.

Sodenoshirayuki's blade, guard and hilt are all pristine white.

It is said to be the most beautiful Zanpakuto

in the Soul Society today.


My Zanpakuto, the most beautiful I don't deserve such praise!

I'm just stating the facts.
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