01x08 - The Great McCarthy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Miami Vice". Aired: September 16, 1984 – January 25, 1990.*
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Sonny & Rico, two Metro-Dade Police Department detectives working undercover in Miami.
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01x08 - The Great McCarthy

Post by bunniefuu »

What's goin' on?
It's called a bank robbery.

I'll be damned!

There, goin' into that building!
Let's run him down!


Okay! All right, all right, all right!

Come in.

No, wait. You think
this is money dye, right?

No, man, you got it all very wrong. You
jumping to a very big "inconclusion" here.

I get it. I'll bet your old lady made
that for you in batik class, right, Moreno?

No, my old lady's on the Menudo
tour. I picked this up at Calle Ocho.

What's that, huh?

Just another little accessory you picked up
along the way, huh? I hate to carry a wallet.

It ruins the flow of my trousers.

Hey! All right.

What kind of practical joke
are you guys pulling here?

Get out of there. I've never
seen that money before in my life!

Yeah. Dear diary,
what I did on my day off.

It's Moreno's fourth felony fall.

He's given up everybody
he's known since the sixth grade.

So what else is new? That wet rag
dried up a long time ago, Lieutenant.

Well, he said he's made
a new acquaintance.

A Louis McCarthy.


So, today, there I was,
a starter p*stol in my left,

bag full of dough in my right,
in the van,

ready to roll,
and the battery goes dead.

Hey, life is hard, then you die.

I can deal with that.

But then the dye bag
explodes all over me...

turning me into bad modern art.

Hey, dress for success,
look what happens to you.

All this off the money.

You know what? You're gonna get all the soap
and water you need in the joint, Moreno.

Hey, you guys gotta give me
some rhythm here.

I didn't wanna do that lousy job.

I made a mistake.
I'm not perfect.

First time I heard him
tell the truth.

Let's get to it here, Izzi.

Louis McCarthy!

Right, Louis McCarthy.
We're like this.

We move in the same social matrix.

The dude is known
as the Tintoretto of smugglers.

Once, he got a load in
by having his mule ladies...

dress up like nuns.

He even had one of 'em k*lled
because they were holding out on him.

He tell you this himself?

I do some occasional driving
for the man.

You're his chauffeur?
- I moved 74 keys
up to Pittsburgh for him once.

You can't count to 74, Moreno.

This is a waste of time.
Let's get outta here.

McCarthy's got a shipment
coming in this weekend.

Wants me to swing by on Monday. He'll
tell me then where to make the pickup.

On my mother's life.
Let me out of here!

I'll help you.
Your preliminary's Tuesday, pal.

If it works out,
we'll have another conversation.

Let's give him three days.

Go ahead.

Has it ready now.

Looks great, Louis.
- Looks great is right.

All flash and no dash.

Are you talking about my boat?

The boat's okay,
but the setup's wrong.

Oh, really?
- You're usin' 22 pitch props.

Now that's very impressive
in the marina.

Out there,
that boat has no top end.

Now that boat is set up right.

- Yeah.

I see you've got yourself
a hotshot driver.

He's crazy.

Wild and crazy, totally insane,
but he wins.

Louis McCarthy.

But you already know that.

Yes. Yes, I do.

Richard Taylor.


Thank you.

I like your style, Mr. Taylor,
but the answer's "no."

Are you sure you know
the question?

Why to race?
That is why you're here, isn't it?

I'm here for a lot of reasons,
Mr. McCarthy.

I have many wants,
and even more needs.

As do we all.

But I did hear about
this little winner-take-all race,

and, uh, from the looks of things,

the pickings are easy.

Like taking candy from a baby.

I'm so sorry,
but it's a closed race. No ringers.

I'm surprised.
I heard you were a sportin' man.

Where did you hear that?

A guy named Wilson, in Philly,
the Mole of Westchester.

They must've been talking
about my daddy.

He was a sporting man.
I'm a businessman.

Uh-huh. So am I.

If you're not doing anything, why don't
you come by Sunday and see our little race.

It's Bimini and back.

I might do that.

Look forward to seeing you then.
Have a fantastic day.

Maybe you could do
some business with him, Louis.

Were my eyes deceiving me?
Nope. It was Gifford.

Maybe we're gettin' somewhere.
Maybe we should pay him a visit.

Guess who?
You deserve a raise.

Hello, Giff, baby!
How are ya?

You have to come here?

Why not here? Young Giff is
worried about his reputation.

As what, a financial consultant,
or as our informant?

Oh, no. His reputation as a first-class
weasel is still very much intact.

Uh, Giff, we was wondering, how come
you didn't tell us about Louis McCarthy?

I've given you people plenty.

Four... Four of my clients in the last six
months, all of them you've made good on.

That's why you're still
in this office, Gifford,

and not punkin' with
the brothers up in steel city.

You know, launderin' money can still
get you a few years. Remember, chump?

I never offered you McCarthy because
as far as he's let me see, he's clean.

Let's see the books.

$ 1,200 on shoes,

2,300 on restaurants.

That's for a week.
One week.

McCarthy spends more in a month
than I make in a year.

You got the I.R.S.
to buy this package?


You're good, Giff.

And they believed that all this
income is from a men's clothing store?

A very exclusive,

very expensive,
profitable men's store.

And what is this item?

Uh, that, uh... that's...

Giff, you're skimming
from Louie McCarthy.

I am not. That's not for me.
That's for... Vanessa.

That's McCarthy's, uh, girlfriend.

She runs the store for him.
That's her account.

Does, uh, Louie know about this?

How much is in
that account, Gifford?

With investments, uh...

200,000... 250,000,
something along that order.

Tony, come here.

If everything's okay, there's a
customer upstairs. Fix him a drink.

And show him the new cashmeres.

Fix your tie.

Mr. Taylor.

I'm Vanessa.

It's so lovely of you to fit me in
on such short notice.

My associate, Sonny Burnett.

It's a pleasure.

Let me guess.

The closet is about
the size of this store.


And, uh, you're in desperate need of
about three or four more sports jackets...

to fill out the back rack.
Preferably linen.

He hasn't bought anything in about
four hours. He's startin' to get dizzy.

Follow me.
We'll fix you right up.

Do I detect an accent?

I'm from a little place north of here.
You may have heard of it... Manhattan.

Is that near the Hamptons?

I love to see good clothing
worn right.

What do you think?

I'm overwhelmed.


Julio, uh, fix
Mr. Burnett here a drink.

Anything he wants.
- Bourbon, Julio.

I could use a drink myself.

What do you say the two of us
get out of here?

Well, uh, it's a little difficult
just now for me to leave.

What time does the shop close?
How about dinner?

Tonight's impossible.


All right.
Brunch at my place.

Mr. Burnett,
you're welcome to come too.

Uh, he has other plans.

No. I love brunch.

Then it's a date.

This Mavrodaphne is sensational.

I have to import that.
You can't find any down here.

There was this one restaurant in
New York where I was able to get it.

It's a lovely, lovely wine.

Well, if it's that lovely, may I?

Lovely, lovely indeed.

Let me give you a tour.
- Perfect.


I'm so glad you could come.

You wanna let me in on this?

This little scene we're playing.

I mean, you're diggin'
on me and him.

You gettin' off on it?
Is this what turns you on?


I hate to talk business
after such a lovely lunch.


We've been left
about 30 keys short...

from a longtime supplier up north.

That's why we came down here.

Somewhere along the way,
my name just happened to come up.

I wouldn't waste your time
for 30 keys.

We brought cash for 150.

I don't know you.

Is there anything we can do
to change that? References?



both of you,
stop by my party tonight.

McCarthy won't do business with us.
- The man's got character.

Yeah, right.

Everyone knows he's usin'
powerboats to bring the stuff in,

but no one knows how.

Then let's go boating.

Can you get in the race?

McCarthy is a rock. He just doesn't
want us racing with him, you know?

And if we do get in the race,
it's a $25,000 ante. Winner take all.

You let me worry about the
money. You get in the race.

There's not an inch of hollow space.

My hunch was that McCarthy
built in some extra compartments.

I don't see any.
Maybe it's underneath.

Nah. These hulls are out of
the water two-thirds of the time,

plus the drag coefficient.

Okay, okay.

Maybe I'm not a powerboat aficionado.

So he's not smuggling on this boat.
Let's get the hell outta here.

Hey, you gettin' anxious
to see Vanessa?

What's that supposed to mean?

I see it in your eyes.

Don't go gettin' involved.

Are you forgettin' I'm a cop?

I'm not gonna cross over the line.

From what I've been seeing
from you and Vanessa,

I've got my doubts.

I'm just usin' her to rattle him.

Are you sure?

Look, pal, it's getting late,

and the king's got a date.

♪♪ All right!

♪ Some guys have
all the luck ♪

♪ Some guys have
all the pain ♪

♪ Some guys get
all the breaks ♪

♪ Some guys do nothing
but complain ♪

♪ Alone in a crowd
on a bus after work ♪

♪ And I'm dreaming ♪

♪ The guy next to me
has a girl in his arms ♪

♪ My arms are empty ♪

♪ How does it feel
when the girl next to you ♪

♪ Says she loves you ♪

♪ Seems so unfair
when there's love everywhere ♪

♪ But there's none for me ♪

♪ Some guys have
all the luck ♪

♪ Some guys have
all the pain ♪

♪ Some guys get
all the breaks ♪

♪ Some guys do nothing
but complain ♪

♪ Oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

♪ Oh, whoa, oh, whoa, oh ♪

What the simple people do.
At a few grand a whack.

It's not polite to talk money
at one of Louis's parties.

What does one talk about at
one of Louis's parties? Louis.

How about some champagne?
I'd love some. Yeah.

To new friends.


I don't know what it is,
but I have this happy feeling...

that I've known both of you
for a long time.

I like that.

Tell me, does Louis always lay it out
this grand every time he entertains?

Oh, he's cut back considerably.
He's down to one band.


Dale. You're looking delicious,
as usual.

Thank you. Dale Gifford,
this is Richard Taylor,

and this is Sonny Burnett.

Yes, we've met.
How do you do?

It's a pleasure.

May I borrow you for a dance?

Sure. The drinks are here.
Louis is in the back holding court.

I'll see you soon.

Come here.
I wanna talk to you.

Well, look who made the guest list.

Busy Izzi.

McCarthy probably keeps him
around to offend his friends.

Remember Manny?
Manny Rojas?

Tall, kind of handsome,
very, very double-knit.

Looked like
an insurance salesman.

Actually, Manny owned a chain
of jewelry stores throughout Dade County.

Anyway, Manny always wanted to be exciting,
so he got into racing.

Laid out a hundred grand
for a boat,

found a crew from who-knows-where...
Somewhere in South Podunk,

and bought into our very first race...
Bimini and back.

The race starts,

and Manny's guys take off.

I mean, take off.

They never came back! Poof.

One hundred grand worth
of Manny's boat.

Despite Manny's assertions that it
got sucked up in the Bermuda Triangle,

the Coast Guard came up with it two years
later in Galveston, completely stripped.

- I didn't even get a sh*t.

Glad you could make it.
- Thank you.

This another one of
your high-stakes enterprises?

As high as you want to take it, man.
Oh, really?

How about that race of
yours tomorrow? I want in.

And if you lose?

I have a Ferrari parked outside.

I can win a ride in his Ferrari?

No, you can win a ride
in your Ferrari.

I'm the host.

I'll break.


♪ Two kinds of people
in this world ♪

♪ Winners, losers ♪

♪ I lost my power in this world ♪

♪ 'Cause I did not use it ♪

♪ So I go insane ♪

♪ Like I always do ♪

♪ And I call your name ♪

♪ She's a lot like you ♪

♪ Two kinds of trouble
in this world ♪

♪ Livin', dyin' ♪

♪ I lost my power in this world ♪

♪ And the rumors are flying ♪

♪ So I go insane ♪

♪ Like I always do♪♪

You obviously had
a wasted youth.

Oh, I won a free lunch
every now and then.

Well, if you'll excuse me,
I think I'll go, uh,

hunt up a low-mileage "pit woofy,"
maybe to crew for me tonight.

Remember, we're racing tomorrow.

That's wonderful!

Would you like to dance?
Let's dance.

Let's dance.
Let's dance.

♪ In the night, no control ♪

♪ Through the wall
something's breaking ♪

♪ Wearing white
as you're walking ♪

♪ Down the street
of my soul ♪

♪ You take my self
You take my self-control ♪

♪ You got me living
only for the night ♪

♪ Before the morning comes
the story's told ♪

♪ You take my self
You take my self-control ♪

♪ Another night
another day goes by ♪

♪ I never stop myself
to wonder why ♪

♪ You help me to forget
to play my role ♪

♪ You take my self
You take my self-control ♪

♪ I ♪

♪ I live among the creatures
of the night ♪

♪ I haven't got the will
to try and fight ♪

♪ Against a new tomorrow
so I guess I'll just believe it ♪

♪ That tomorrow never comes ♪

♪ A safe night ♪

♪ I'm living in the forest
of a dream ♪

♪ I know the night
is not as it would seem ♪

♪ I must believe in something
so I'll make myself believe it ♪

♪ That this night will never go ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh Oh,
oh, oh Oh, oh, oh ♪

♪ Oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh♪♪

Get out of here.

I gotta talk to you. Zip it,
Moreno. You don't know me.

No, you don't understand.

Thank you.

Mr. Taylor.

Are you trying to get over
with my woman?


It's Gifford.

Somebody call the police!

What was Gifford doing
to get himself k*lled?

He was a snitch and a thief.
And he went to Yale.

McCarthy had all kinds of reasons.
One...Gifford was an informant;

and two... he was puttin'
the make on McCarthy's old lady.

Vanessa and Gifford?
No way. You must be crazy.

Come on, man. How do you think she got
Gifford to fatten her private bank account?

By sayin' "pretty please"?

You gettin' twisted
by this lady, Tubbs?

Hey, man, you got any other way
of seein' things except cynical?

I just call 'em the way
I see 'em, pal.

Gifford was hit with a single .25 caliber
hollow point in the back of the head.

Left-hand twist rifling.

A Beretta?

How does this affect your cover?

We think we're still pretty secure.

McCarthy expects us
in his race tomorrow.

Yeah, you're lookin'
at Miami Fats here.

How we doin' on the money?
We're not.

Downtown doesn't have enough
confidence in your racing abilities, Sonny.

That hurts.

Why don't you guys give Gina and Trudy
a visit? Maybe they'll give you the money.

They're bringing down...

a moonlighting college professor
on a one-key deal.

I like this man's style.

See you later, Lieutenant.

Okay. What do you think?
Does it show?

What, the extra five pounds?

No, you're fine.

ladies? What the hell are you doing here?

We got a deal goin' down in five minutes.
It never hurts to have extra backup.

We have plenty of backup,
Crockett. Now, get outta here.

Now look, I'm just a fellow officer
concerned for your well-being.


You want exotic? You got it.

I wonder how much it would cost
to join a club like this?

It's goin' down any minute.

Where is Zito? I haven't seen him
yet. He told Castillo he could swim.

Oh, man, we should never
have put him on the beach.

He could blind someone.

You think you had a crazy,
unbelievable day?

I would up saving...
three lives that day.

I didn't see you here on Monday.

Wait, did I say...
Did I say Monday?

I meant Sunday. Sunday,
early in the morning. Hmm.

I was the one on
the high school swim team.

Game time.

Hi, there!

It's snowin' in Miami.

This stuff here is guaranteed
to keep your tamale waggin'.

I'm gonna make it a requirement
in my Philosophy 101 class.

That's better than reading Sartre.

Hey, pump some of that into you, and you know
the true meaning of being and nothingness.

Oh, you two girls aren't gonna have any
problem passin' my class this semester.

Hey, Trudy, this beats
erasing blackboards, huh?

Well, uh, where's the cash?

Oh, uh, I don't know how to break this to
you, Professor. Not a problem with the money?

No. You're under arrest.


Hey, man, you watch out.
- You knucklehead!

Take over for me,
will you, Heather?

Cuff him, Switek.
Get up here!

Gimme that bag.
Nice work, ladies.

Very nice.

Hey, you all look b*at. Why don't
you take the rest of the afternoon off,

and we'll tie this up for you.
What's up, Crockett?

All right. Look, we need a little
good-faith money on short notice.

I'll have it back in the office
in a couple of hours.

Come on. Trust me.

I'm responsible for this money,

My salary for the next 10 years
might cover it.

I know that.

Just make sure you get it back.

Ah, thanks.
I'll take care of everything.


Now all we gotta do
is win the race, champ.

Got that covered. I had Sammy pick
up a turbo that'll fit the mill perfectly.

Should give us another 20 knots.

You think he'll be able to
have it together by race time?

I'm betting 25 grand on it.

Hey, there's our hero!

All right, Mr. McCarthy!

You see 'em?
I don't see anything.

All right, now, the race
will begin with a flying start.

Anyone crossing the line early
by so much as an inch...

will have to circle back
and start again.

Uh, where's the number five entry?


Start without 'em.
All right, gentlemen, ready?

Boats ready?

♪ Get your motor runnin' ♪

♪ Head out on the highway ♪

♪ Lookin' for adventure ♪

♪ And whatever comes our way ♪

♪ Yeah, darling
Go make it happen ♪

♪ Take the world
in a love embrace ♪

♪ Fire all of your g*ns
at once and ♪

♪ Explode into space ♪


♪ Heavy metal thunder ♪

♪ Racin' with the wind ♪

♪ And the feeling that I'm under ♪

♪ Yeah, darling
Go make it happen ♪

♪ Take the world
in a love embrace ♪

♪ Fire all of your g*ns
at once and ♪

♪ Explode into space ♪

♪ Like a true nature's child ♪

♪ We were born
born to be wild ♪

♪ We can climb so high ♪

♪ I never wanna die ♪

♪ Born to be wild ♪

♪ Born to be wild ♪

♪ Get your motor runnin' ♪

♪ Head out on the highway ♪

♪ Lookin' for adventure ♪

♪ And whatever comes our way ♪

♪ Yeah, darling
Go make it happen ♪

♪ Take the world
in a love embrace ♪

♪ Fire all of your g*ns
at once and ♪

♪ Explode into space ♪

♪ Like a true nature's child ♪

♪ We were born
born to be wild ♪

♪ We can climb so high ♪

♪ I never wanna die ♪

♪ Born to be wild ♪

♪ Born to be wild♪♪

Hey, he can move faster than that.

Why is he giving this race away?

Hey, he's not there!
He disappeared.

He's not there because he's there!

He didn't pass us.

How the hell did he get out in front?
- Two boats.

Two identical boats.
Two number sixes.

The dope is in that one.
It's gotta be.

And Louis himself McCarthy
is drivin'.

Then somebody else was drivin'
that boat on the way out.

Hey, Castillo, this is Tubbs.

- They've got it!

It's on the boat! Thank you,
Tubbs. They got it.

We got these suckers.
Let's win the race.

Watch this. We got 25
grand on the line. Hit it, Zito.


Come on! Come on!

Come on! We're doing it!
We're doing it!

Go! Come on! Come on!

Come on! Let's go!
- Whoo-hoo!

I thought you were a pretty good
pool player, but this was embarrassing.

Just not your lucky day.

Next time.

The dr*gs are on that boat.
Seize it.

All right, stand back.

Two goblets.
You were expecting me.


What the hell?
Get outta here, weasel!

We'll talk about your plea bargain
in the morning.

Do I look worried?

I just handed you the biggest
smuggler in Dade County.

But that's not the reason
I came by on my day off.

Tomorrow, Moreno. Tomorrow.

No, I think you wanna talk
to the D.A. tonight...

when you see what I got.

This is the g*n that k*lled
the accountant Gifford.

I saw her do it, man. They were arguing
because she wouldn't see him anymore.

He threatened
to go see McCarthy.

I didn't hear the rest.

Where to?

Beretta, left-hand twist.
Two rounds fired.

It's the g*n that k*lled Gifford.
Just got confirmation from the lab.

He found it last night at the party.

Fragments of palm and thumbprints.
Says it's Vanessa's.

Where is she, upstairs?

I'll do it.

Your g*n, Vanessa.

I'm a cop.

I've gotta take you in.
You can't do it.

Yes, I can.

I've got to.
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