02x15 - Bad Influence

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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02x15 - Bad Influence

Post by bunniefuu »

Male announcer: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

With elinor donahue, billy gray,

And lauren chapin...
In father knows best.

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Throw me a fish,
daddy! I'm a walrus.

Well, now, I don't have a
single fish in my pocket.

Would a kiss do instead?

You know, that's the first
time I've ever kissed a walrus!

How was it?

Fish?! Would you take those off!

Those aren't yours.
They're arty merrill's.

Who's arty merrill?
Another walrus?

No, these are part of
his "frogman" outfit.

He loaned them to me.

Hello, dear.

Hi, honey.

So, what's new in
your life today?

Uh, speaking of swim fins...

Who's speaking of swim fins?

Well, I am, and these are
exactly the kind I need.

They're bare necessities.

Anyone bring in
the paper? I'll get it.

Dad, you're not
listening. Mm-hmm.

I need fins, a mask, and I ought
to have one with a built-in snorkel.

"Snorkel"? Isn't that a german
submarine or something?

Oh, cut it out, dad. A
snorkel is a breathing tube.

Well, now, when we were kids,

We used to breathe
without any special tubes.

Got along fairly well, too.

Okay, forget the snorkel,

But I need fins, a
mask, a spear g*n,

And maybe a diving one. Why?

Mom, you don't get it.

Skin diving is opening
up a whole new world...

Fascinating, breathtaking
underwater beauties of nature

Never before seen by
the human hand of man.

Just where are you going to see
these breathtaking beauties of nature,

Unseen by the hand of man?

Well, next saturday,
me and arty merrill

Are going up to mud
lake and spear carp.

There's natural
beauty if I ever heard it...

Spearing carp in mud lake.

Bud, do you have to associate
so much with arty merrill?

Why, what's wrong with that?

He's not a bad kid.

And look here... Look at
this great knife he gave me.

Well, that's another thing...

These gifts he's
always bringing around.

You shouldn't accept them.

Oh, I don't want to insult him.

Dad, if you were to
lend me the money now...

No, bud. If you want
a frogman outfit,

You can earn it.

The fence needs painting,
the lawn needs mowing,

And I may as well be paying
the money to you as anyone else.

Oh, sure, expect me to get
all that done by saturday?

I've only got two
arms, you know.

What do you think
I am, an octopus?

Tough life that boy leads.

Bud, you're supposed
to paint the fence,

Not pace it off... We
know how long it is.

Oh, well, this puts
on sort of a base coat.

Then you go over it and fill
in any little cracks you missed.

Like this.

Now, look, the way
to paint is like this.

Hiya, buddy boy!


Hello, ms. Anderson.

Say, you're doing a nice
paint job, ms. Anderson.

Here's something I
picked up for you, boy.

Arty, you shouldn't spend
all your money on bud.

Aw, heck, I got these
for almost nothing.

They're practically giving them
away down at the dime store.

They'll be good on our trip
out to mud lake saturday...

Keep the sun out of our eyes.

Well, they look awfully nice

For some store to be
just giving them away.

Arty: yeah, they're not bad.

I'll, um, take this in the house

So that you won't
get paint all over it.

Hey, she's all right.

Is she always this nice to you?

Well, yeah. Yeah, she's okay.

And you can see for yourself

That it didn't come
from the dime store,

As arty tried to indicate.

The label says "gordmans,"

And gordmans don't
just give things away.

No, you're right.

I get proof of that every month

When the bills come in.

This would make
a good fishing cap.

I don't like it, jim.

Well, it's too small for me.

I mean, I don't like
the idea of our son

Going around
wearing a... A... Hot cap?

Well, i... I don't
know if it's true.

But mrs. Phillips says
that he's inclined to, um,

Take things that
don't belong to him.

Now, why would he do that? He
comes from a good home, doesn't he?

I don't know. I...

I don't think his parents
spend much time with him,

But, well, I do know

That mrs. Phillips has
forbidden joe to see him,

And I think we ought
to do the same with bud.

Oh, honey, I think you're
jumping to conclusions.

Chances are he has a dad who
gives him money all the time.

I know parents who think that
money is a substitute for love.

But why would he lie about
where the cap came from?

I don't know. I can't
figure that out.

Maybe... Hi, daddy!

Guess how much
money I got in here now?

Well, let's see, now.

Is it over or
under 10,000? Under.

Well, that narrows it down.

8,400? Not quite!


Well, I was close.

You know what I'm
gonna do with it? Huh-uh.

I'm gonna save some more
and go to a medicine college

And become a nurse,

And I'm gonna take care
of a lot of sick people.

And I'm gonna
marry a rich doctor.

Well, now, I'd say that
was $12 well spent.

Come on, let's
count it again. Oh, no!

You'll wear that
stuff out, counting it.

Well, it comes out
different amounts each time,

And I wanna take
the highest amount.

Dad, I got it all figured out.

Including the fence
and the lawn-cutting job,

I figured I got
six bucks coming.

Does that sound e-quit-able?

Yes, I'd say it was e-quit-able.

In fact, I'd even
say it was equitable.

I wouldn't go that far.

Some of the
painting isn't so hot.

Bud, guess who I'm gonna marry?

Davey crockett. Thanks, dad.

Nope, a handsome, rich doctor.

With money.

Is it all there? Yup.

Well, good, 'cause that's
just what you owe me.

Hey, wait! You can't do that.

Dad! I worked for that.

I know you did, bud,
and I hate to take it,

But I have to have it for
that camera I want to buy.

Dad, can she do that?

Yes, she can, but I
don't think she should.

Bud's working for
something, too, betty.

Can't you take part of it
now and maybe the rest later?

Gosh, I sure need it, but...

Oh, you're right.
I'll divide it.

Here's a dollar.

Oh, here. I can't stand that
tragic look on your face.

Look at that... Two bucks.

Two measly bucks.

Well, that wouldn't buy the
"orkel" in a secondhand snorkel.

Dad, why am I the
stepchild in this family?


Yeah. Why am I the one
that gets buffeted around

By the horny foot of fate?

Why do I always get served
the neck of life's turkey?

Oh, cut it out, bud.

I know what you'd do with
a thing like this frog outfit.

You'd use it once,
and then I'd find it

Lying out in back of
the garage someplace.

No, dad. If you want it
badly enough, earn it.

You still can do it.

Kathy here, practically
on her own, saved $12.

And it only took her, uh...

How long, kathy?

Three and a half years.

Oh, fine.

But I need it before saturday.

Brother, if that
isn't a motley...

Come on, bud, smile!

I told you, I don't
want my picture taken.

Take your ill-gotten
camera and scram.

How you can get any
enjoyment out of it...

There. Any camera that'll
stand a test like that

Must be strong and sturdy.

Boy, that does look
like a good little camera.

Bet you paid a lot for it, huh?

Mm-hmm. All blood money, too.

Want a jelly-filled bismark?

Uh, no, thank you, arty.

Say, if anything develops in
these pictures, I'll let you know.

Here, I brought these
for you, buddy boy.

No, thanks. I'm not hungry.

You notice that sister of mine

Can buy an expensive camera,

But I can't get a cent
for a frogman outfit.

Jelly-filled, huh?


Oh! Here, you want one, kid?

Ooh, thank you!

When mommy gets
home from the market,

Will you tell her I'm next
door playing with patty?

Yeah. Hey, kathy, wait a minute.

What do you want?

Uh, kathy, I've done you a lot
of favors from time to time...

Lent you different
stuff, fixed your skates...

Daddy said I shouldn't
lend you my money.

I know.

Well, that'll give you an idea
of the help I get around here.

I'll never be able
to buy a frogman...

Well, why don't you
just sort of, you know,

Borrow kathy's money anyway?

What kind of crazy talk is that?

Well, you could put it
back later. Forget it, will ya?

Sure. I was just
trying to help ya.

Don't have to get sore
about it, buddy boy.

And don't call me "buddy boy."

Well, sure. Okay, buddy...

Only don't get nipped at me.
I only wanted to help you...

As far as going out
to mud lake saturday,

You'll just have to
count me out, I guess.

Maybe we can still
think of some way to...

Say, do you still
have that catalog

Showing all the
frogman equipment?

It's upstairs in my room. You
can go up and get it if you wanna.

You better get it. I don't
know where things are.

Okay. Come on up. I'll show ya.

No, I'll wait here. I
wanna eat this bismark,

And I don't wanna
get crumbs all over.

I'll wait here.

Why don't you get joe phillips
to go up to the lake with ya?

I know he's got some swim fins.

Oh, I sort of dropped joe.

Hey, I just had a thought.

My aunt gave me some
money for my birthday

And it's just laying up in my
bureau drawer gathering dust.

Why don't I pick up
the equipment for ya,

And then you can pay me
back in easy installments.


Sure. What do ya
say, buddy b... Kid?

Hmm, no, I'd... I'd better not.

The money's just gatherin' dust.

You sure it'd be all right?

Sure. Now, what kind
of mask do you want?

I think this is a
pretty good kind here.

Yeah, that looks okay.

Okay, I'll get that one.

Well, I'd better
be scootin' along.

Boy, if that ain't
a crummy trick.

Now, wait a minute, bud.

If that ain't a crummy trick!

Look, who's this
outfit for... Me or you?

That's the crummiest
trick I ever heard of...

Takin' money from a little girl!

Okay, buster, hand it over.

I... I was just kiddin'. I
wasn't really gonna...

Okay, get down and pick it
up and put it all back in there.

Gosh, c-can't you take a joke?

I was just kiddin'.

I would never take...

Uh-oh, here comes mom.

Now, bud, there are a couple
of boxes of groceries in the car,

And i... Oh, hello, arty.

Hello, ms. Anderson.

And I wish you'd bring them in.

Yeah, okay, mom.

Well, bud, I asked you
to get the groceries.

Y-yeah, I'll get
'em in a minute.

No! I want them now.
There's some ice cream...

I'll get them for
you, ms. Anderson.

Don't trouble yourself, arty.


Well, yeah, I'll get 'em, mom.

I've got some
thinking to do first.

Bud, please.

Okay, okay.

What's the matter?
Does your stomach ache?

Yeah, that's it. I...

Thinking always gives
me a stomach ache,

But I'll be okay as soon
as I get some fresh air.

Wait a minute. What's...

Well, where in the world...

I'm sorry, mom. I
shouldn't have done it.

Oh, i... I just couldn't
believe it, jim.

I... I just couldn't believe it!

But there they were!

Kathy's pennies and
nickels all over the floor.

Oh, I knew something like
this would happen, I knew it!

If we'd put a stop to his
associating with arty...

Yeah, this is not so good.

I'm surprised it happened.

Well, I'm not.

Bud alone would never
do a thing like this, never!

Not our son!

No, he... Has his
share of faults,

But dishonesty's
certainly not one of 'em.

Two things, jim, two things...

One, bud must be
punished for this. Right.

And two, he must have nothing
more to do with arty merrill.

You're... Absolutely right.

You're right.

But darn it! Do you
know what bothers me?

Why must a bad influence
always be the winner?

"The winner"? What do you mean?

Well, when a bad influence and
a good influence come to grips,

Why do we always feel we
have to protect the good

To keep it from being
corrupted by the bad?

Why can't it be the other way?

Why can't the good have
an effect on the bad?

Well, have you ever seen
the good apples in a barrel

Make a spoiled one good again?


But people aren't apples.

At the core of a man,
there's a personality,

A... A soul.

Now, take this arty. There's a
reason why he acts the way he does.

There must be.

It's my hunch he sort
of feels he isn't wanted.

I think that's why he works
so hard at having a friend,

Why he keeps bringing
all these presents around.

Now, maybe if someone
were to demonstrate

Some genuine
affection for him...

Jim, it's... It's
wonderful of you

To be so concerned about arty,

But... But what about our son?

Don't forget we have
a problem with him,

And I think that's our
first consideration.

Well, you're right.

And as for experimenting...

Well, my boy means
far too much to me

To gamble his future
trying to prove a theory.

Oh, honey, I know how you feel.

I do, too.

But still we have
to have faith in the...

The... Well, the moral
training we've invested in bud.

Doesn't look like
much of it took.

Now, when you talk to
him about kathy's bank...

Which you're going to do...

Let him know we mean business.

Don't worry.

I'll let him have it.

Hiya, dad.

Bud... You don't
need to say it, dad.

I know every word
you're gonna say,

And you're right.

You didn't think I'd
pull a trick like that.

Well... As a matter of fact...

You didn't think your son
would do a thing like that.

You thought he had better sense.

I certainly did.

I... I... I couldn't believe...

I know, dad.

I know how serious this is...

And I feel awful.

But the circumstances...

Kind of got mixed up
with... With circumstances.

Well, it's hard to explain.

But even so, bud...

But even so, I
should've known better.

And I do!

I know you're gonna
have to punish me now,

And I suppose...

Oh, no, wait a
minute... Let me in here.

You're... You're
stealing my thunder.

And don't expect this device
to make me go any easier on you.

Oh, I don't expect that, dad.

I know I've got it coming to me.

I... Guess you'll say I can't
ever have a frogman outfit now.

Well, do you think that
punishment's strong enough?

It's pretty strong,
as bad as I want one...

But it's fair.

I guess you ought to
rule out the baseball game

You were gonna take me
to tomorrow night, too.

I think so.

Now, bud...

I know, you don't want me to
have any more to do with arty.

Well, don't worry about
that. I'm through with him.


I thought he was your big pal.

Well, i... I just don't wanna
have any more to do with him.

I see.


This is quite a
different conversation

Than I expected to have.

Frankly, I came up
here to read you up,

But good... And you deserve it.

But you seem to have a pretty
good idea of right and wrong,

So maybe I can enlist your help

In a little theory of mine.

You know, every
experience a guy has,

Whether it's good or bad,

He should try to
gain something from it.

Maybe we can gain
something here.

I'm going to reinstate
that baseball game,

But on one condition...

That you invite
arty to go with us.


I can see you don't quite agree.

But here's what we wanna do...

Make arty believe that we
really want him to go with us.

Well, that isn't gonna be easy.

No, but that's
why it's important.

It's easy to be nice
to people we like...

Anyone can do that.

What I'm asking you
to do is tougher.

But the rewards are greater.

So, let's try it.

You ask arty to
go with us, okay?

Well, okay.


I don't get it.


Your dad wants me to go
to the ball game with you?

What's the deal?
There's no deal.

Well, I mean, your dad
ain't gonna bother with us

Unless he's got
an interior motive.

There's no interior motive.

My dad takes me to
ball game lots of times,

And this time he just
wants you to go along.

And, well, I want
you to go, too, I think.


And you're sure he's
just not trying to find out

Who took the money
out of kathy's bank?

No, that's closed.

They don't know you had
anything to do with that.

But let's get one
thing straight...

On account of that
crummy trick you pulled,

I can't ever have
a frogman outfit.

I'm gonna make that
up to you, buddy...

Some way I'm gonna make it up.

Oh, just forget it. I gotta run.

Be over at the house
about seven tonight. So long.

Hi, arty.

Oh, hiya, buddy.

I got here on time. Do we
still go to the ball game?

Yeah. Dad will be
down any minute.

I gotta find my jacket.

Mom, do you...
Hey, wait a minute.

Got a little something
for ya... Electrician's tape.

They were having
sort of a sale on it.

Electrician's tape?

Yeah, boy, it's good for
taping up all different stuff.

Well, you can tape
up stuff with it.

Arty, I don't want
to seem unpolite,

But don't keep bringing
me all these things.

Well, gosh, you're
my friend, and i...

Just don't do it, see?

You're still mad, aren't ya?

'Cause I ruined your chances
for getting that frogman outfit.

Look, I don't even
want to talk about that.

Would it help square things if I figured
out a way for you to get an outfit?

Arty, you'll do yourself a favor if
you won't even mention it around me.

Mom, where's my jacket?

What about these?

I'll leave 'em here for ya.

Oh, hello, arty.

Oh, hi. I was just
looking at your camera.

Sure a cool one. And it
takes good pictures, too.

At least it will when
I learn how to use it.

Excuse me, arty. Mother, have
you seen my green sweater?

Hello, arty. Good to see you.

Certainly glad you're able
to come with us tonight.

Yes, sir, mr. Anderson.
Where's your pal, bud?

We'd better get
started or we'll be late.

Oh, he's out in
the... Bud: I'm comin'.

Bud: come on, arty. Let's go.

Well, I guess we're off, honey!

Well, I know one of you who is.

Maybe. Maybe not.

You can't blame
a man for trying.

See you later, honey.


Hey, bud! Buddy!

Keep your shirt on, kid.

Hiya, kid. Wanna see somethin'?

Go on, open it up.

You'll get a real charge
out of what's inside.

You open it.


Say, I sure had a swell time
at the ball game last night.

Your dad's okay.
I think he likes me.

He said he'd like to have
me go again some time.

Well, what do ya think?

Oh, my gosh! Where did
you get all this stuff?

Gordmans. They were having
sort of a sale on the junk.

Yeah, but where'd
you get the money?

My dad gave it to me.

Owed it to me for
some work I did.

Go on, try 'em on.

Oh, no, arty, I
can't accept these.

It's just a loan. You
can pay me back...

Easy installments.

Try 'em on. No, no.

Sure is nice of ya, but I'm not
supposed to have this stuff, ever.

Aw, heck, that'll blow over.

You can keep the stuff
over at my house if you want.

Then when we go
over to mud lake...

No, arty, I can't keep...

Boy, a built-in snorkel.

Sure would love to
have one of these babies.

Try the fins on.

I didn't know what size to get.

Doesn't matter what
size. I can't keep 'em anyway.

Boy, you sure look cool.

I'd put you up against a
man-eating carp any day!

That's my pop!

I'm not supposed
to have this stuff.

Here, put that under the sink.

Come on, we can get
out the front way.

Myrtle: oh, I really shouldn't.
Ed'll be home any minute,

And if he doesn't see the
table set, he starts to growl.

Oh, let him. Do him good
to miss you a little bit.

Well, let me call him
and see if he's home yet.

I'll put the kettle on.
Ruth, make yourself at home.

Margaret: hello, jim.
Jim: hello, honey.

I didn't know you were home.

Go away!

What's going on
here? What is all this?

Wait, where do you
think you're going?

I think ed's home. Would you
tell margaret I had to leave?

Wait, myrtle! I'm
going with you.

Bud. Bud, what's
all the commo...

For goodness sake. Isn't
this the frogman outfit

You weren't supposed to get?

Well, yeah, but I'm
not gonna keep it, dad.

You bet your life you're not!

Why did you do it? Where
did you get the money?

I'm just sort of trying 'em on.

Oh, sure. Then why
were you hiding?

And I still want to know,
where did you get the money?

I have a question, too... Does
anyone know where my camera is?

I've searched this house
from top to bottom.

You don't suppose anyone
took it. No, of course not.

No one would do a thing like...

No, it can't be.

Aw, now, wait a minute, dad.

If you're thinking I
took that camera...

Bud, I would never, never
think a thing like that

If you hadn't already been guilty
of that deal with kathy's pennies.

Now, here you are in this
ridiculous looking outfit,

In absolute defiance
of my wishes.

And no explanation of where
you got the money to buy it.

Listen, dad. I had a
theory I was trying out,

And its success depended
on my faith in you.

But now I can see
that... Arty: mr. Anderson.

Wait a minute.

You've got the wrong guy.

Bud didn't swipe that
camera, mr. Anderson.

He didn't break into
kathy's bank, either,

But... I let... I let him
let you think he did

Because I was afraid
you'd bust us up.

At the ball game, when
you were being so nice to me,

I had the camera right
there in my pocket.

I was figuring
how I'd sell it...

Buy all this swim junk for bud.

I figured it would
keep him for a friend.

Ol' bud there,

He's the only guy that's
ever stuck his neck out for me.

That's why I gotta
square things now.

I know... I know
it's a heck of a way

To repay the only people
that have ever been nice to me.

I know it's the way
guys go to jail, too.

I'll go try and get
the camera back.

Jim: wait a minute, arty.


I'm not always sure I know
what's right and what's wrong,

But I know this... You
don't buy friendship.

Real friends aren't for sale.

You only get them by
being the kind of fellow

The other guys
want for a friend.

You've been working
the wrong angle.

And I'll tell you
something else...

We'd like to have
you for our friend.

Yeah? Yeah.

And just to prove it, you
don't have to give us a thing.

If you hurry, you can return that
frog outfit before the store closes.

Then you'll have the money to
buy back the camera for betty.

Y-yes, sir. Okay.

And when you come
back, dinner will be ready,

And we'd like to have you
eat with us, if you can, arty.


I can't think of nothing to say.

Bud: here, buster.

You keep this up and
you'll need this snorkel

Or you'll drown yourself.

Come on. I'll get my
shoes on and go with ya.


I wonder who ever
thought up a word like that.
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