03x16 - State of the Union

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Growing Pains". Aired: September 24, 1985 - April 25, 1992.*
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Series followed the misadventures of the Seaver family, Jason & Maggie and their three children Mike, Carol, and Ben.
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03x16 - State of the Union

Post by bunniefuu »

Mike: Ah, Dad, we don't want to disturb you.I've known the school night.We know we should be in bed.But would you mind that Ben and I sit up to watch the late movie on cable tonight?It's hard to abolish too.Thank you, dad, you are very understanding.

Maggie: Hi, guys.

Mike and Ben: Mom.

Maggie: Oh, now you are going to bed because it's so late.

Ben: Not.

Maggie: Oh, honey, that's so sweet of you to wait up for me again.

Jason:'Cause we will have a lot to talk about.This is the only time we have.

Maggie: Oh, honey, I am sorry, work was so late again.But this feature series turn into more work than I imagine.

Jason: What feature series?

Maggie: Jason, you don't have a clue what I am talking about?

Jason: Of course I did.You told me all about it last week.

Maggie: Last night.

Jason: Ah, indeed.Last night.

Maggie: No, no.wait a minute, you couldn't possibly listen.

Jason: I did, I swear in Mike's life.

Maggie: No, I just remembered that I fell asleep before I told you.

Mike: Hum hum, as going to break the news to Mike.

Maggie: I am so sorry; I am so befuddled these days.

Jason: It's ok.It's ok.The important thing to remember here, sweetheart, is I wasn't in the wrong at all.

Maggie: You are mad at me.

Jason: No, come on, why was I mad at you?I don't mind doing all the cooking and cleaning and laundering.

Maggie: Oh, Jason, I didn't know this job would be so demanding.

Jason: Did I mention the laundering?

Maggie: twice.

Jason: Yeah, I must take the chance to tell you.Getting the roof fixed.

Maggie: I love you.

Jason: Hum, not distract me.

Maggie: I won't.

Jason: We have a plenty of options to discuss.

Maggie: Oh, it sounds interesting.

Jason: Well, yes.There is a handy man, who is, by the way, is far cheaper, and...

Maggie: Oh, It's 11.

Jason: Let's go to bed.

Jason: I think we were about to have a conversation.

Maggie: Hush...the feature series is next.

Jason: Hush...

Doctor: Yup.

Maggie: Doctor, don't you think we should have it even we feel being healthy?

Doctor: Yup.

Maggie: And all this week, you will see how the physicals on wheels works as this report undergoes a complete compelling and riveting series.

Jason: Well, Maggie, wake up.

Maggie: Oh, I am sorry.What will we say?

Jason: What have you assumed if you fell asleep when I was talking?

Maggie: I am sorry.

Jason: Well, the last thing I remember, we were watching your news feature.

Maggie: That's right.Oh, no.we fell asleep during my news cast.

Jason: Honey, it happens.

Maggie: It was boring, wasn't it?

Jason: I don't know if it was boring, I fell asleep.

Maggie: Turn out the light?

Jason: Only God can turn out the light, Maggie, it's morning.

Maggie: Jason, Jason, I am late.I cannot be late.

Maggie: Honey, You just don't get it, do you?I am still new one on this job.I've got to improve myself constantly.That's not easy either.TV news is a man's world.

Jason: Well, in that case, you want to hit your boss with my boxy shirt?

Ben: I want my breakfast, Where the hacker mom and dad?

Mike: We are not kids anymore.I mean, how hard could it be to make breakfast?Ha ha, all right, Ben, you've got the pizza from last night.What do you want, plain or Anchovy?

Ben: Anchovy.

Carol: Cold pizza for breakfast I see is disgusting.

Mike: Yeah, you are right, we'd better heat it.

Maggie: I'm just saying I am competing with men who don't mind working long hours because his wife divorced him years ago for working long out.

Jason: But that explains everything.

Carol: Mom and Dad, I had nothing to do with getting breakfast this morning.

Maggie: Well, you could pitch in your help, Carol.

Carol: What?

Ben: That was my pie, Mike.

Jason: Pizza for breakfast?

Mike: Yeah, well, Carol wouldn't show little Ben and me how to make eggs.

Carol: What?

Jason: I'll show you.A good breakfast are today, right?

Jason: Eggs, Maggie?

Maggie: Just a thought of eggs makes me sick.

Ben: How about pizza?It's Anchovy.

Maggie: That does sound good.

Jason: Honey?

Maggie: Is there some peppers and cheese?

Mike: Now, you've done Ben, you give mom right over the age.

Maggie: Got one.

Jason: Maggie?Honey?

Maggie: Yeah?

Jason: I have an idea.Since we cannot find a time to talk at home, when will we have lunch today?

Maggie: I don't know, I haven't had that much appetite really.

Jason: Well, a lunch will give us a chance to catch up on things, just a lot going on around here, such as leaky roof.

Maggie: The roof leaks, why didn't you tell me?

Jason: I did, last night.

Maggie: Yeah, that roof leaked.

Jason: We definitely should have lunch.

Maggie: Sure, I can pencil you and at....One?

Jason: Pencil me?I have to have an appointment?

Maggie: Jason, don't be silly.This is not an appointment.Or we have lunch tomorrow at 9.

Jason: Hey.....Today at one is fine.

Ben: Hi, dad, you want just a slice of pizza or you escape breakfast?

Maggie: Delmar, I've been waiting for Mr.Sid Sidlevich all morning.Where is he?

Delmar: Racket ball.If anyone unimportant asks, He is meeting with the mayor.

Maggie: Well I only need 5 minutes this time.I have to talk to him.

Delmar: What about?

Maggie: Did you happen to see part one of my health series last night?

Delmar: I am sorry, I fell asleep.

Maggie: I wouldn't be surprised if I put all of long islands sleep.That was one I take a physical all week?

A Man: Is there any sign sheet on this?

Maggie: No.

Delmar: Maggie, Mr.Sid Sidlevich will be back any minute.If he won, he will be in terrific mood.

Maggie: Oh, Mr.Sid Sidlevich, could I talk to you for just several minutes?

Sid Sidlevich: Doctor Clite, get your crug bug my office now, Mr.Weather Mister.

Delmar: You'll win next time, sir.

Maggie: I am not going anywhere.I've got to talk to him before lunch.

Sid Sidlevich: A long pressure, friend, does not roll across the mat like an army on the march, well, how were you thinking?

Maggie: After lunch is good.

Sid Sidlevich: Do you have that?

Doctor Clite :...

Maggie: Mr.Sidlevich, I've just to talk with you.

Sid Sidlevich: Maggie, this is going to have to wait, I've got to go somewhere.

Maggie: I'll go with you.

Sid Sidlevich: Fine.

Maggie: I can wait.

Delmar: Doctor Buhl.

Sport Reporter: A ball control is everything.

Sid Sidlevich: Look, you call yourself as sports reporter Frank, Doctor Jay was the best basketball player in the history of the game.

Maggie: I should've stayed in there when I had of the corner in your honor.

Delmar: Maggie, they need you in editing.

Maggie: Oh...

Guard: Mrs.Malone.Any possible idea of this squirrel?

Maggie: This squirrel is my husband.

Ruffer: But why just the driver license says his name is Seaver?

Jason: My name is Seaver.

Maggie: Please release him, Ruffer.

Ruffer: It was a pleasure, Mr.Marlon.

Maggie: Jason, our lunch wasn't until one o'clock, it's only 5 to.

Jason: That man frisked me.

Maggie: Oh, Rougher frisks everybody.

Jason: That'll be ok.

Maggie: I have to run the edit just one minute.Then we can go, I'll be right back, accounts.

Jason: He checked for weapons in places they couldn't possibly be.

Maggie: You are so understanding.

Jason: Wasn't that bad.

Frank: Did you ever see Wilt still playing?

Sid Sidlevich: Of course I did.But the man couldn't play defense well.Did he?

Frank: But he did have blocked 432 sh*ts.

Sid Sidlevich : How do you know he blocked 432 sh*ts?

Frank: I counted them, ok?

Jason: I like Doctor Jay myself.

Sid Sidlevich: There, see?

Sid Sidlevich: You are hired, ever do sports casting before?

Frank: Ha ha, You're funny.I'll see you at lunch.

Sid Sidlevich: Ha...I'd like to do him a hard time.Are you with sports cast by the way?

Jason: No, no, I am a psychiatrist.I am Jason Seaver.Maggie Marlon's husband.

Sid Sidlevich: Oh, yeah, it's especially fine to meet you.

Jason: Oh, yeah, kidding?Doctor Jay is the reason why I became a doctor myself.

Sid Sidlevich: Oh, I got you kid that I'll tell him then.

Jason: You know doctor Jay?

Sid Sidlevich: Frank is interviewing him at lunch, I am horning in, care to come along?

Jason: To meet the doctor, in person?Are you kidding?You can get my left arm.My right arm.Oh, my wife... Not good to take her to lunch.

Sid Sidlevich: Well, I can keep her busy if you duck out.

Maggie: Excuse me.

Sid Sidlevich: Maggie, I know you were over there.

Jason: Me too.

Maggie: Well, my husband and I will have lunch today.

Sid Sidlevich: But he is coming with us.

Maggie: Yes?

Jason: Oh, yeah.

Sid Sidlevich: Maggie, do you want to tag along?

Maggie: I sure don't want to be in the way.

Maggie: Jason, is it your idea?

Jason: no, It's his....hahaha......great

Jason: Look at the lines on this, from Julia to Jason, one Doctor Jay and I.

Frank: Tell you what?You'd better tell that baby frank or start this smell.

Jason: Sid, how can I thank you?

Sid Sidlevich: You can't.Nice to meet you, Jason see you again.

Jason: Maggie, you didn't tell me Sid was a sports nut.Maggie?Where are you in?

Maggie: I missed the elevator to lunch, I have been here the whole time.

Jason: Oh, no, you were not, come on, were you?No, I saw you going there, at the end of the table sitting there all quiet.

Maggie: Very good.

Jason: Well, see you at home.I'll get this a frame.Oh.....Unbelievable, Doctor Jay.Yes.......Honey, thanks for the best lunch we have ever had together.Yeah.

Sid Sidlevich: Maggie, I need to talk to you.

Maggie: Oh, coming.Finally been what the guys at lunch paid off.Yes, Sid.I want to talk to you about my health series.

Sid Sidlevich: I don't have any time to talk about that.Do you family plan for tonight?

Maggie: What?Oh, well, no.I can stay late.We can talk about this later.

Sid Sidlevich: Nor can I do.Here is the ticket for the NEX game for tonight family come through.

Maggie: the NEX?

Sid Sidlevich: Yeah, I am pretty darn excited by it myself.I just want to make sure if Jason would be free to join me.

Maggie: He is free, all right.

Carol: Perfect, Ben.What you learn is I carefully whisk the delicate white sauce.

Ben: All some series I could be very happy with a jam of peanut butter on the spoon.I don't even need spoon.

Mike: Hi, Carol, how comes it your delicate white sauce is brown.

Carol: What?

Ben: Fire!

Carol: Oh, no, my snapper scraggy.

Carol: It's supposed to shrink a little when you cook it.

Ben: Cook it some more, a lot more.

Carol: Ben, it's very nutritious.

Mike: You know, Ben, if dad leaves for basketball games, we get some with no nutritional value whatsoever.

Maggie: Hi, everybody.

Mike: Mom, What are you doing here?

Maggie: I live here.

Ben: It's great, there goes dinner.

Maggie: Pardon me?

Carol: They are just mad, since you are here.They have to eat the fired meal I cooked.

Maggie: Didn't you get your good father making you dinner before his big game?

Carol: I volunteered to cook.

Maggie: Nice Jason, Nice.It smells like he didn't take out the garbage either.

Ben: That's not the garbage.That is Carol's snapper.

Jason: What do you think?

Maggie: So you are grown up, really did frame a lobster bit.

Jason: I think It should go all right over the...

Maggie: Volvo.

Jason: Volvo is in the garage.

Maggie: That's right.

Jason: Well, come on, What is it?

Maggie: Oh, Nothing.You are enjoying your basketball game?

Jason: I know what it is, Maggie.You think, Hey, it's first night you are early at home, and why I am going out.

Maggie: Yes, why?

Jason: Honey, it's not for a silly reason.

Maggie: I know, it's basketball, I understand.

Jason: Well, thank you for your......But if you don't want me to go out, I recognize my responsibility in this relationship as an adult.If you don't want me to go, just say don't go.

Maggie: Don't go.

Jason: Oh, the nit.Honey, come on, the court side seats, they are expensive seats.

Maggie: I knew you wanted to go.

Jason: Well, you just said you understand.

Maggie: You just said you wouldn't go.

Jason: I didn't mean it.

Maggie: Well, Nor did I.

Jason: That must be Sid.

Maggie: We don't want to keep your good buddy Sid waiting.

Sid Sidvich: Maggie

Maggie: Hi, Mr.Sidvich.

Sid Sidvich: Jason.

Jason: Hi, Sid.

Sid Sidvich: Hey, You are ready for a great game?

Maggie: Well, you guys had better hurry up if don't want to miss the kickoff.

Sid Sidvich: No, that's football.And in basketball, it's called...

Maggie: The tip-up.I know.It was a joke.

Maggie: Thanks off bunch, Jason.What are you doing, you were going to the game?

Jason: Well, I am not about to go off to a silly basketball game when you are so upset.

Maggie: You mean you cancelled on my boss just for me?

Jason: Give up the Nex.

Maggie: Oh, honey, that's so nice.

Jason: Well, even the court side seat is not as important as you.

Maggie: I may frame this ticket...

Jason: Yeah.

Maggie: Better yet I mean.

Jason: No, no, no!

Maggie: So as soon as you pass by me, that is after the game.

Jason: It's expected for a long fight?

Maggie: Go, Jason, go.

Jason: Oh you say you want me to go.

Maggie: Yeah.

Jason: Ok.

Jason: I am staying.

Maggie: Good, I am going to bed.

Jason: No.Why don't we talk, Maggie?Why don't we start with the roof repair situation?

Maggie: Maybe it's better if we don't.

Jason: Why are you so edgy?

Maggie: Jason, I was hoping for a conversation about something other than little things.

Jason: Maggie, the leaking roof is not little thing.

Maggie: Can you fix it yourself?

Jason: Well, of course I could.We always discuss the little things.

Maggie: So you admit the roof is a little thing.

Jason: Why didn't I just go to the game with Sid.

Maggie: Jason I would rather talk about the roof than my boss.

Jason: That's definitely about your boss.

Maggie: Oh, it is?It is about you and my boss.You two are powers, hitting it off, having the final time.While I am trying my damned skit to get attention of a man, I barely see.

Jason: Honey, I am here.

Maggie: Not you, my boss.You meet the guy just 2 minutes and you are invited to lunch.I can't get 5 minutes of his time after waiting all morning.I even went to men's room with him.

Jason: All right, so, next time I meet your boss.I will not be so friendly.

Maggie: Jason, can you understand me?And honestly tell me you are just being friendly?

Jason: Yes, you went to the men's room with Sid?

Maggie: Don't change the subject.

Jason: What's the subject ?

Maggie: You are hiding motives.

Jason: I have none.

Maggie: Not even on the subconscious level?Like maybe, like maybe somehow you want to show me up in front of my boss.

Jason: Why would I want to do that?

Maggie: Because on that subconscious level, you resent my working.

Jason: Resent your working?

Maggie: There you said it.

Jason: Maggie, I love you working.And I always have, I loved you fulfill it, I don't mind the long hours as I didn't mind you using your maid name.

Maggie: What my maid name got to do with this?

Jason: Oh, nothing, nothing.I am sorry, don't mention it.

Maggie: It bothers you.

Jason: No, no.yes yes.

Maggie: I thought you understood.

Jason: Yes I understood until people started coming up to me at supermarket called me Mr.Marlon, until the guard started patting my bottom.

Maggie: Jason, he is just doing his job.

Jason: Maggie, he wouldn't be doing anything if you are still Maggie Seaver.How I used to love when I saw the bylines I was so proud of by Maggie Seaver that's when you worked for a little paper.

Maggie: Little?

Jason: Oh, no.you know what I mean.

Maggie: You just don't want me to have a big job.Just a cute teeny-weeny little... career.

Jason: You know you overworked, Maggie, you are tired.We always talk about your work.Then get up in the morning.You start barfing.

Maggie: I am so sorry.

Jason: You know what?I tell something else, I've noticed recently, Maggie?

Maggie: Lately we've been drifting apart.

Jason: Yeah.

Maggie: Jason, level with me, am I crazy?In your deep down inside of you is that part of your wishes that I didn't work?

Jason: No, come on.

Maggie: Be honest.

Jason: Honest?

Maggie: Totally honest and selfish.

Jason: Ok, you are not crazy.

Maggie: I sensed it.

Jason: Maggie, that is just a little part of me, the rest of me just knows how important the career is.You want me to be honest.

Maggie: You know that's a part of me that I wished I didn't work either.But then there is another part of me, Jason, that dreamed of a career in journalism further long as I can remember.

Jason: All right, now let me ask you to be totally honest.Don't you ever resent, just sometimes you resent for a moment if you had to quit your career and start all over again.

Maggie: No, Jason, there is no, just no connection.

Jason: Come on, Just, just, just be honest.Remember to be totally selfish.

Maggie: Jason, I have never ever regretted quitting news week and having the three children.

Jason: Oh, I know that, Maggie.But don't you ever ask yourself that ...I couldn't be around now by ever quitting Newsweek.

Maggie: Occasionally.

Jason: Hum, When?

Maggie: Whenever I am running to keep up with the kids half my age.Whenever I am frightened that I might never really succeed.And now I see that you are afraid that I just might.

Jason: Hello.Yes, Maggie Marlon is here.

Jason: Maggie, I know we can work this thing out.I don't know how ...

Maggie: We are going to have a baby.

Jason: Sure, that's one way we......

Maggie: That's part of my physical.Doctor Buhl ran a pregnancy test.

Jason: You were barfing not at me, but barfing at having a baby.So great!

Maggie: Maybe that's why I was so intensified when you hit it off with my boss.

Jason: I know probably it was too jealous, I probably show you up at work.

Maggie: That's so sweet.

Jason: Am I a jerk?

Maggie: But it's the so sweet of you to admit you are a total jerk.

Jason: I didn't say a total jerk?

Maggie: Oh, yeah.I add that.

Jason: A brand new, little baby.

Maggie: And we thought we were drifting apart.

Jason: Well, obviously not that apart.

Maggie: What was it we were just talking about?

Jason: I don't remember.

Maggie: It was about the fact, wasn't it?There is a tiny part that we... we should think we are different.

Jason: Yeah, but there is a mother big part that just links just well.

Maggie: Let's go tell the kids.

Jason: Look, wait, wait, wait, in the morning.Let's just be selfish.Keep this for ourselves.Have a baby?Haha...

Maggie: Yes.

Jason: How did this happen?

Maggie: Let me show you.
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