03x35 - Margaret Disowns Her Family

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Father Knows Best". Aired: October 3, 1954 - May 23, 1960.*
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The series, which began on radio in 1949, follows the lives of the Andersons, a middle-class family living in the town of Springfield.
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03x35 - Margaret Disowns Her Family

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ ♪

Narrator: robert young...

And jane wyatt...

- With elinor donahue,
billy gray, and lauren chapin

In father knows best.

♪ ♪

- I have the newspaper
ad written out finally.

How does this sound?

"For sale, very lovely baby
crib, nice and clean and..."

Say, where is the crib?

I thought you and bud
were gonna bring it down

From the attic for me?

- Yes, we're going to.

- But when?

- We're gonna get right on it.

Bud, we have to
get right on that.

- Yeah, r... Right away, dad.

- Your mother wants it
down here right away.

- Kathy, would you come

And help me carry the
crib down from the attic?

- Now, wait, we'll do it.

That's too heavy
for you and kathy.

- Yeah, you better get
betty to help you, mom.

- Come on, son, on your feet.

Never put a thing
off for tomorrow,

If your wife's standing
over you with a club.

Come on, buford, on your feet.

- Okay.

- Bud, is that any way
to leave your jacket,

Throwing it on the floor?

- Well, uh, i... I'm planning
to hang it up, mom.

I was just waiting till
I had another reason

To go near the closet, so I
wouldn't have to make two trips.

You know, a guy
has to be efficient.

There are moments.

Look out.

- Whoa, look out for the clock!
- Oh!

- Ah!
- Huh!

- Okay, boss, where
do you want it?

- Right here?
- Yes.

It doesn't look very decorative,

But it won't be here long
at the price I'm asking.

Now, tell me, does
this ad sound all right?

"For sale very..."

- Say, why do they
always weigh babies?

You'd think the doctors
charge by the pound.

- Bud, your mother's talking.

- Oh, sorry.

"For sale, very lovely
baby crib, nice and clean,

And in very excellent condition.

Also accurate baby
scales and six beautiful

- Nearly new baby blankets."
- Hold there.

Sounds like you're
writing an essay, not an ad.

They charge by
the word, you know.

Well, how would you say it?

- Oh, for sale, crib, period.

- And if you're just
going to make fun of me...

- Oh, I'm not making fun of you.

Here, let me have that.

- Say, dad, why don't you put
that old croquet set in the ad?

I don't use that thing anymore.

- Oh, I don't think that
would sound very good, bud.

For sale, one baby crib complete
with blanket and croquet mallet.

- Hey, what's this, only
$10 for the whole works?

- Oh, well, it's foolish to
hang on to these things

For sentimental reasons,

Especially if someone else
could be making use of them.

- Well, here, how
does this sound?

"For sale, one...

- "Baby crib, six
nearly new blankets

And baby scales, only $10!"

Well, we ought
to look into that.

- Hmm.

- We ought to look
into that, walt.

- I heard you.

- Could we go before you
go to work this morning,

And look at it?

Could we, walt?

- Maybe tomorrow, huh?

- It's a fine father
you're going to be.

You don't even care if your
child has a place to sleep.

- Oh, look, I didn't say that.

- I know you didn't say it,
but that's what you think.

You don't even wanna
have any children.

- Esther.

- Now, I'm beginning to
think I don't want it either.

- Oh, honey, cut
it out, will you?

You worry too much
about everything.

You're not the first girl in the
world to have a baby, you know.

It's being done every day.

- But at least their
husbands are interested.

- I'm interested!

Look, get your coat, we'll
look at the crib, come on.

- Well, if you think we should.

- Come on, we gotta
hurry. I have to get to work.

Come on, come on!

You know, if you lived
in a big family like I did,

You wouldn't worry
about these things so much.

You're worried because
your mother said

We were too young to marry.

You're worried about
leaving your mother

When we moved to springfield.

One day, you're worried

Because you couldn't think
of anything to worry about.

Come on, let's go.

- Would you please
pick up your pajamas

From the bathroom floor?

- Yeah, yeah, okay, honey, okay.

- Oh, for goodness' sakes.

Who made all this mess?

- Uh, would you believe
that daddy did it?

- Daddy?

Of course, I wouldn't.

I didn't think you would.

But you can't blame
a fella for trying.

- Oh, kathy, kathy, kathy.

- I'll pick everything up
right after breakfast...

- No, you'll do it right now.

People are coming
to look at the crib,

And I don't want this place
looking like a squirrel's nest.

Oh, that boy,

I don't know what I'm
gonna do with you children.

- Are you gonna disown us?

- Yes!

Definitely, emphatically yes.

♪ ♪

- Ah, there she is now,

The radiant golden flower
of south maple street.

What's for breakfast, honey?

- Yeah, mom, I'm starved.

- Well, if you're starving,

Did it ever occur
to either one of you

To cook some breakfast?

- Oh, we started things rolling.

We popped a couple of
pieces of bread in the toaster.

- I see.

Here, they're all ready for you.

- Oh!

- Gosh, mom, what'd you do?

You burned our toast?

- Is it a bird?

Is it a plane?

No, it's supermouse, whoo!

I'll get it!

Oh, hello.

- Hello, is this where you
have a baby crib for sale?

- Oh yes, won't you come in?

But don't look at it right now.

I'm supposed to
be cleaning it up,

So it won't look
like a squirrel's nest.

- Oh, is this it?

Look, walt, it's very nice.

- Mm-hmm.

- You've come at a good time.

I think my mother will be
glad to get rid of anything

That reminds of us kids.

She's not very
happy with us today.

Matter of fact,
she's gonna disown us.

- Disown you?

- Oh, not really.

That's just the way she feels.

I guess I can't blame her.

Kids are a mess of trouble.

- Well, uh, could
we see your mother?

We're in sort of a hurry.

- Oh, sure, I'll call her.

You can go in there and
sit down if you want to.

- Honey.

- Hey, if you're
going in the kitchen,

Watch what you say to mom.

We're all in the old
dog house today.

- Even daddy?

- Yeah, he ain't nothing
but a hound dog, too,

So watch it.

- That reminds me of
the kind of hassles

We use to have at
home when I was a kid.

- Is it always this way
when you have a big family?

- Well, you know, you
have your ups and downs.

- Say, mom, where's my jacket?

I know I laid it
right here, neatly.

- I hung it in the closet
where it belongs!

- No wonder I couldn't find it.

- And if I find it on
the floor once more,

I'm gonna give it away.

Kathy, watch where
you're walking.

Oh, kathy.

- Oh, that poor mother.

- Walt, let's go.

- Go?

Look, we came here to
buy a bed for 10 bucks,

But we don't need
that weighing machine.

- Oh, now, it's very important

To keep track of
the baby's weight.

- It's okay, you take him
down at the drugstore

And weigh him for a penny.

- Oh, hello, I'm mrs. Anderson.

I'm sorry to have
kept you waiting.

- Oh, that's all right.

Um, I'm mrs. Garvin
and this is my husband.

- How are you? Nice to meet you.
- How do you do?

Well, the, uh, the
crib is in there.

It's in excellent
condition as you can see.

Oh, dear, I'm... I'm sorry,
things look so awful.

Well, my little girl
was playing in here.

I understand how it is.

Anyway, uh, you can see
the crib is in fine shape,

And this is practically new.

It's very accurate too.

And the blankets have
hardly been used at all.

- Oh, they're nice.

- Uh, how much are you asking
for the weighing machine?

- Oh, the... The $10
covers everything.

- What do you say?

- Well, I don't know.

Um, i... It's nice,
but... I don't know.

What do you think?
Sho... Should we buy it?

Sure, that's why we
came here, isn't it?

- Yes, but it's so hard
to tell about things,

The future and all.

- Well, if you want
time to think it over...

- No. We'll take
it all right now.

- Oh, do you have any
money? All I have is 3 bucks.

- Oh. Well, I have
some grocery money.

- Here you are.

Oh, would it be okay if
we come back tonight

To pick this stuff up?

I've got to get to
work. I'm late now.

- Oh, yes, that's
perfectly all right.

- Thanks very much.

Come on, esther, we gotta run.

- Oh, um, goodbye,
mrs. Anderson.

- Goodbye.
- Bye.


Why she was scared to death?

I wonder why.

♪ ♪



- Uh, mommy, aren't you gonna
come upstairs and read to me?

- Yes, but I have to finish
pressing betty's dress first.

She was supposed to do it,

But she's over at dotty's
studying for a test.

You go back to
bed. I'll be there.

- Hi'ya, mom.

- Boy, we had the coolest
speaker at high wire tonight.

He was a judo expert.

He showed us how to throw
a guy right over our heads

Without hurting him at all.

Let me have your arm,
I'll show you how...

- Please, bud, I hardly
feel in the mood

For being thrown
over your head tonight.

- But it won't hurt at all, mom.

- Try it on me.

- Kathy, I thought I
told you to go to bed.

That'd be a good
idea for you too, bud.

- Bed? It's not
even 9 o'clock yet.

Say, where's dad?
I'll try it out on him.

- He's not home yet.

- Not home? Well,
what's he doing?

Working, I guess.

He didn't bother to call,

So I've ruined his dinner
reheating it so many times.

I want you children
to go to bed... Now.

- Yes, ma'am.

- Gee, I wish mom would
snap out of this mood she's in.

I thought for sure I
could cheer her up

With a couple of judo holds.

- She's not like her old
self, that's for sure.

- Of course, i... I guess
raising a bunch of kids

Is a pretty rough go,

The way they leave their things

Laying all over
the house and all.

You think you'll have any
kids when you grow up?

- Oh, I don't know.

I've been sort of swinging
over to raising chinchillas.

Oh, hi, daddy.

- Hello, kitten.

- Boy, are you in the dog house.

- Yeah, you should
have called mom.

- Your dinner's ruined.

- Well, I don't doubt that.
But I had to work this late.

I... I was, uh, hoping you'd
brought home a present for mom

To cheer her up and get
yourself back in good

And us too.

Present, huh?

Well, son, you might as
well learn about these things

Right now.

Bringing mom a present
under these conditions

Is the worst thing
a husband can do.

- The worst?
- The worst.

It's not only
conclusive admission

That you're in the wrong,
but it also advertises the fact

That the only time you
ever bring her a present

Is when you're forced into it.

- Well, I guess,
you just can't win.

- No. Only a very
inexperienced husband

Of doubtful judgment
and absolutely no sense

Would ever
attempt the gift idea.

But I brought her some perfume.

- Well, you just said...

- None of us is perfect, son.
- Let me see. Let me see.

- No, no, no.
- Oh!

- Oh!
- You're home.

- Yes, i, uh, got tied up in
the darn petersen case.

I had to go out
with our adjusters...

- I thought you two were in bed.

- Oh, we're going, we're going.

- Bud.

Bud, will you never learn

That your jacket
belongs in the...

- I'm getting it.
I'm getting it.

- That was quite a fire
petersen had out there,

Much more damage than I figured.

I... I... I should
have called you.

- It's all right.

But your dinner's ruined.

- Oh, I don't mind that.

- I... I can't understand
why the garvins

Didn't come back and
pick up these things.

- Oh, chances are, they'll
pick them up in the morning.

Oh, uh, here's a little
something I picked up for you.

It's nothing.

Oh, how nice.

I wonder if I should
call the garvins.

Maybe something went wrong.

- No, I wouldn't call them.

- Oh, I know but I'm positive

Something was
worrying that girl.

She acted rather
strange and nervous.

- Oh, I'm sure it will
work out all right.

Well, I believe I'll
go out in the kitchen

And rustle up some food.

- Oh, I'll fix it for you.
- Oh, no, no, I can do it.

You just relax.

Take it easy.

Read a good book.

- I wonder what
was troubling her.

♪ ♪


- Walt?

- No, just me, the janitor.

Come to fix the faucet
you called about.

- Yes, come in, mr. Clardy.

- Thank you.

Which one is it this time,
the hot water faucet again?

Probably needs a new washer.

Walt working tonight?

- Either that

Or he's having a few
beers with the boys.

- Well, you can't blame him
for taking a few nights out

While he still can.

After all when that baby comes,

He'll be stuck here every
night, walking the floor with it.

- I doubt if he'll be
that interested in it.

He doesn't even care if
it has a crib to sleep in.

He was supposed to
come home tonight,

So we could go
over and pick one up.

- Oh, well, of course,
if a fella has to work.

- Yes, if. I can
understand that.

But if his pals are
more important to him

Than his own child...

- Well, why don't you
call up the gas station

And see if he's there?

- Oh, I don't think he likes
to have me call him there.

- Oh.

- Besides...

I don't think he is there.

- Well, it's none of my
business but that's what I'd do.

♪ ♪

- Ed's service station, hello?


♪ ♪

- Operator.

I'd like to put in a long
distance call to plainsville.

Oh, the number is 4-7-1-1.

That's right.

Oh, my number is 6-6-2-5-j.

- Well, I put in
another washer in it.

If that don't do
the trick, call me.

Ooh, you calling ol' walt?

Well, tell him he
better get home

And practice up
walking the floor.


This is esther.


Listen, mama.

If I take the bus
out of here tonight,

Do you think that papa could
meet me at the bus depot?


Oh, no, everything's all right.

Well, that is...

I'll explain it to
you when I see you.

Oh, mama, you were so right.

I never should've
gotten married.

♪ ♪

♪ ♪

- What was that
noise? What broke?

- Oh, uh, uh, nothing,
mom, hardly.

- Oh, bud, for goodness' sake!

- I'll clean it up, mom.
You don't have to bother.

- Well, I thought you
were in bed asleep.

- Well, I was, but
I wasn't sleepy.

It... It's only 9:30.

I just thought I'd
go out to the kitchen

And get myself a little
something to munch on.

- A little something?

You have enough
here to feed an army.

Go get some paper towels
and a... And a dustpan.


- Margaret, what happened?

- Oh, nothing. Bud just spilled

Half the refrigerator
on the carpet, that's all.

- Oh, I'll clean it up.

- You go on back to bed.
- No, no, no, no, I'll do it.

I just hope it doesn't
leave a stain on the carpet.

Here you are, mom.

- Oh, for goodness' sake,

Who can that be at
this time of night?

- Oh, hello, mrs. Anderson.

- Why, mrs. Garvin,

I was wondering if you
were going to come back.

Uh, oh, come in.

I was afraid something
might have happened.

I... I almost called you.

Oh, uh, mrs. Garvin, this
is, uh... This is my husband.


How do you do, mrs. Garvin?

And this is my, uh, son.

- Hi.

- I have to apologize again
for the way things look.

Really, my house doesn't
look this way all the time.

- Oh, I understand.

- Well, let's see.

Now, i, uh... I hope this is
gonna fit into your car.

Or... Or did you bring a truck?

Oh, by the way, i... Is
your husband here?

I, uh... Is he outside?

- Oh, no. He's not here.

- Oh, but you can't
handle this by...

- Mrs. Anderson... We're
not taking the crib.

- You're... You're not?

- No, we're... We're
leaving town.

Well, that is, I am.

In fact, I'm leaving tonight.

So, uh... I would
like the money back

Because i... I need
it for the bus fare.

- Oh, yes, um, yes.
Well yes, of course.

Jim, would you run upstairs
and get me my handbag, please.

- Sure.

- Bud, you... You
go along with him.

- Oh, he can handle
that by himself.

- Just go.
- Come on, bud.

- Um, you're... You're leaving
town tonight, you say?

Evidently, this trip
came up rather suddenly.

- Well, yes, in a way.

I'm going to my mother's.
Oh, for a visit, that is.

- I... I see.

Oh, your mother is not
ill or anything, I hope.

- Oh, no, everything's fine.

No, everything isn't fine.

It's not fine at all.

♪ ♪

I... I shouldn't bother
you with all this,

But I knew that you're one
person who would understand.

Because I know how you feel
about families and children.

- How I feel?

- Well, the troubles
and the burdens and...

I can understand why you
feel you want to disown them.

- Disown them? I?

- Oh, i... I... I just couldn't
go through all that.

- Now, if it's this
bad for you, - oh!

- When you have a nice
home and a good husband,


What could it
possibly be for me?

- Oh, my dear child.

Let's go in and... And
sit down for a moment.

Uh, you have such a
wrong idea about this.

Well, I don't know what you
heard me say to my children,

But all these are just
the eternal little gripes

Of every mother.


Now, there are times
when you almost feel

Like disowning them.

But we might as well face it.

Raising a family is no
simple bed of roses.

It takes a lot of hard work.

But tell me this, mrs. Garvin,

Can you name me one
thing, one worthwhile thing

That doesn't take
a lot of hard work?

And believe me,

I know of nothing more
worthwhile than a family.

Oh, you can get irritated

Picking up your boy's
jacket a thousand times.

But what if you didn't have
that boy to pick up a jacket for?

Or, you can get a little
mad at your husband

For... For barricading
himself behind his newspaper

At the breakfast table,

But you just try eating
breakfast without him there.

Oh, these little irritations

Are... Are all forgotten during
those wonderful moments

When you see your children
begin to develop into...

Well, into people.

The kind of people that...
That you want them to be.

Their triumphs at school,

Their awkward
gestures of affection,

Their demonstrations
of... Of moral courage

And fairness
and... And goodwill,

Or the... The warm feeling
that... That fills your heart

At those times, you...

You couldn't buy for
a... A billion dollars.

- Gee, she sure is
lucky she has us.


- You'll have good
times and... And bad times,

But you will need them both.

It's from the bad
times that you learn.

And you'll find that your
family has good points

And... And bad points,

And you'll love them for both.

In fact,

I think it's people's

Not their strengths,
that bind them together.

So the... The thing
to do, mrs. Garvin,

Is to muster up all your
faith and your energy,

Your courage, whatever you have,

And plunge headlong into
the demanding, difficult,

But the most fulfilling and
wonderful job in the world.

Will you do that?

- I'll try, but...

- My husband, he's...
- Oh, he's young.

Give him a chance.

And give him all the love

And trust you have.

That'll bring out
the good things in him.

- I'm sorry to disturb
you so late, but, um...

I'm mr. Garvin, the people
who bought your crib.

- Oh. Oh, yes,
mr. Garvin. Come on in.

- I intended to
pick it up earlier,

But my partner got sick,
I had to work tonight.

- I see.

- Well, I guess, I could
have waited till tomorrow

To get the crib, but...

Well, I wanted to
surprise my wife.

She's got her heart
pretty set on this stuff.

- Well, you didn't disturb
us. We were all up anyway.

In fact, we were...

Entertaining a friend of yours.

- Esther.

Well, what... What
are you doing here?

- Well, i, uh...

- Well, she knew you
were working late,

And she wanna surprise
you by meeting you here.

- Yes. Yes!

- See, that's
swell, honey, but...

Hey, shouldn't
you be home in bed?

You know, you gotta be
careful, get a lot of rest.

- Oh, I'm all right, paul.

In fact,

I've never been so all
right in my whole life.

- All right! Let's get moving.

Kathy, back to bed!

Jim, start loading the crib.

Bud, finish cleaning
up this mess.

- Why, mom,

Is that any way to treat
the wonderful loved ones

Who fill your heart
to overflowing?

- Not today, you don't.

Get back to work.

- Oh!
- Oh!

- This is one of the bad days.

- Ow!

- Huh?

Oh, sorry.

- Say, dad, um, you... You're
dragging... The screw...

Dad, you're dragging me...
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