02x12 - On A Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn To The Light

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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02x12 - On A Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn To The Light

Post by bunniefuu »


[Benizakura Arc]

[Final Episode]


["On A Moonless Night, Insects Are Drawn To The Light"]

After living a long time in darkness, I perceived a light too faint for the eyes to see.

I don't recall when I learned that the light radiated from human beings.

It shines brightest, like a brilliant flower of light, just before they die.

But there are a few who shine just as bright while they're alive.

These lights are extremely unstableaggressive, and tinged with sad colors.

Knowingly or unknowingly, people are attracted to this light, like moths to a flame.

But once I saw that light, I could never live in darkness again.

I, too, am a moth.

A moth who fears losing his beacon.

A moth, who struggles desperately to avoid being swallowed up by that fiery beacon of light.

Moths guided by that beacon's flame.

There are moths everywhere But amongst all the bugs, there is an odd one among us.

This one is not a moth.

It's extremely difficult to see, but it emits a very faint light.

It gleams like a sword-a cold steel blade drawn from its sheath.

It's glint is sharp Silver.

But why is it I just can't stand its color! Here I thought it was just some random punks barging in to interrupt our work Who'd imagine you were one of them? Did you come to rob the place? What can you do in your condition? Have you grown so crazy that you don't even know what you're doing? You don't look so hot yourself.

You're pale.

Got a stomachache or something? Is it diarrhea? You're the one with diarrhea.

Hey, what's the matter? You're bleeding.

Hey, what's the matter? You're bleeding.

Zura, look.

Gintoki's shown up.

Looks like he's about to take on Benizakura.

He's as foolish as ever.

It's like taking on a battleship with a rolling pin.

He no longer moves like a human.

His body is crying out because it can't keep up with the Benizakura's commands.

That man is going to die.

You knew what would happen if he used the Benizakura.

You were his comrade.

Don't you feel anything? He chose to do that on his own.

If he dies because of it, he gets his wish.

Gets his wish? That's right! That man truly wished to become a sword! A sword that protects Takasugi, his beacon light! He'd rather fly into the fire than return to darkness.

He wanted the power to grow.

His eyes have been blinded by light-he can't see anything else.

How sad and foolish But inside him is a beauty that transcends good and evil Like a single sword stroke, there is beauty! Swords k*ll.

Master smiths forge swords.

What then are samurai? And an object that exists for a single purpose is strong, flexible and beautiful.

Just like this.

They're simpletons.

But I don't hate them.

I, too, can see only a single path before my eyes.

I don't care if my comrades or anyone falls by the wayside.

What's so beautiful about bloodshed? Are you saying that's the goal of your art? Enough of this.

I don't want to see blood spilt by a sword my brother made.

Then why did you bring that man here?! It's as if you brought him here to be k*lled! And with that dull blade of yours.

You think he can defeat the Benizaka? I-Impossible! He's matched against Benizakura No! He's even stronger?! It can't be Benizakura's been draining Nizo's strength and accumulating data to discover its opponent's weaknesses.

Benizakura's should be several levels higher.

It can't be.

That man He's improving faster than the Benizakura?! No, that's! In the midst of an extreme fight to the death have the memories of past battles lying dormant deep inside his body been awakened? It's the White Knight! It won't go out.

No matter how many times I try to extinguish it.

That annoying light won't go out You appear to have studied sword fighting at a dojo before, but it seems this is your first fight with a real sword.

You're shaking.

This is called the Drunken Sword.

[Note: Spoof of that Jackie Chan movie]

A rare form where the drunker I get, the stronger I Don't force yourself.

For your information, my sword style is called Shimura-Ken.

It's what that comedian often uses in his skits.

You, too?! I'm more of the thinker type, so I usually leave these matters to that wild boar woman.

Who're you calling a wild boar?! Want me to sh**t a slug into those lame chicken legs? A real fight is all about guts, Senpai! It's k*ll or be k*lled! Gotcha! You can't move in mid-air.

Die! Got her! You're a hundred years too young to be trying to k*ll me, little girl! Gin-san! Gin-chan.

WhWhat?! What the hell is this? Nizo-san? I told you, I'm not good at this sort of thing.

Senpai! Nizo! Have you lost your mind?! He's conscious He's being controlled by the Benizakura.

Tsk, my nasty premonition hit the bullseye! Stop, Nizo! He's been completely overwhelmed by the Benizakura! Nizo has lost all sense of self.

His entire body has transformed into a sword! Not even the White Knight can stop him now! That is the Benizakura's final form.

The ultimate sword! Such power comes only to those who discarded all meaningless distractions from their lives and devote themselves to a single goal.

There's no way a person like you, always distracted by life's trivial things, can ever stop him! Gin-san! Gin-chan! Won't That annoying light won't go out Tetsuko! I won't let him die! I won't let you k*ll him! I won't let that sword destroy any more lives! You! Let that mop head go! What the?! Let him go! Why Why? Why can't you understand? I've given everything I have to create the Benizakura.

Discarded every shred of conscience and restraint.

It's everything to me.

If I lose it, then I'll have nothing left.

We suffered a real loss.

No one else will ever be able to create swords like he did.

I heard he has a son.

How good is he? He's no good.

Had his father not been Jintetsu, the once-in-a-generation master swordsmith, he'd have no problem making a living with his craft.

From that day on Tetsukoyour swordsmith skills are rough, but you possess something Tetsuya does not.

I hope he understands that someday.

In order to surpass my Father, I completely devoted my life to swordsmithing.

I put my craft before everything else.

I don't need anyone I don't need anything but the sword.

It's everything to me.

There's nothing else in my life Tetsuko! Brother! Gin-san! Gin-chan! Brother! Pull yourself together! Brother! Brother Now it makes sense I thought I had forsaken everything in my life but the sword.

I tried to live my lifenot as a human beingbut as a swordsmith living only to create swords.

But when it came to the very end, you were the one thingI couldn't give up With that kind of halfway commitment, there was no way I could forge the ultimate sword.

Nothing is meaningless! Everything matters.

Devoting your life solely to making swords? Is that what a craftsman does? Those are noble words.

But you just don't want to be bothered.

Don't call yourself a craftsman when you don't even have the courage to shoulder the trials of life.


See how powerful the things you call meaningless can be.

Take a good look at this blade your sister forged and see how well it cuts.

Gin-san! That's impossible! You can't take the Benizakura head on.

Gin-chan! After all, swords are made for k*lling people.

You can't change that, no matter how much heart and soul you put into it.

But that's no reason for us to stop wielding our hammer.

We'd go hungry.

No, it's not just that.

We are creating more than just weapons.

That's why we have to keep on hammering at it over and over.

We aren't just forging the iron, but our very own souls.

You hammer your soul into shape just as you hammer the iron.

Become a gentle person with integrity.

Live your life beautifully.

If you become a good person, those who would use your swords with decency will be drawn to you.

What sort of sword do you want to forge? A sword that protects.

Huh? I can't hear you.

A sword that protects people.

It's toobright A sword thatprotects people That's so like you, Tetsuko.

It would seem I haven't hammered long enough Tetsuko Become a good swordsmi I can't hear you Brother You have to tell me the way you always doin your loud voice I can't hear you.

Takasugi, I never liked you.

Back then, or now.

But you were my comrade.

Back then, and now.

When did it all begin? When did our paths diverge? Hmph.

What're you talking about? It's true that the two of us started in the same place.

But even back then, we were heading in different directions.

Everyone is doing as they please.

We've all lived our lives looking towards different directions.

Nothing in me has changed since then.

What I look towards now hasn't changed a bit.

I Elizabeth-san, we've done all we can do! We can't hold out any longer! [For real?]

Katsura-san is still What are those battleships? Are they our allies coming to help? Nothat flag is Th-That can't be! What're they doing here?! It's the Harusame! The Harusame space pirates! Zura, when you took up your sword for the sake of the country and your comrades, I could've cared less.

Think about it.

Who was it that taught us how to use that sword you're holding? Who was it that taught us the path of the samurai, how to survive and other things? Without a doubt, the man who made us the men we are was Shoyo Sensei.

But this new world took him away from us.

If that's the case, then our only choice is to fight this world.

To squash the world that took away our master.

Tell me, Zura, what do you think about as you live in this world? How can we live comfortably and relish life in the world that took our master away from us? It makes me angry to no end.

Takasugi You don't know how many times I've thought about wiping out this world clean slate.

But when I see Gintoki bearing it When I see him learning to live in a world he should be despising more than anyone, what can I do? I can no longer destroy this country.

I now have too many precious things here I care about.

When I look at you, all I see is someone who can't sheathe his sword.

You've become just a wild beast that enjoys destruction.

If you don't like this country, then destroy it.

But I won't just stand and watch you destroy the people I care for.

There must be another way.

Other ways to change this country without costly sacrifices.

I'm sure that's what Shoyo Sensei would have wanted.

It's Katsura.

It's really Katsura.

Stay back.

He's mine.

Amanto?! Zura, I heard about you.

That you and Gintoki beat up the Harusame.

I was trying to link up with them to gain their backing.

But thanks to you, I think it'll go well.

When I present them with your head.

Takasugi! I told you I will destroy this rotten world.

Why are the Harusame here?! [Who knows?!]

That damn Takasugi joined forces with the Amanto to destroy the Bakufu! Bansai-dono We were told we could take the heads of Katsura and that other samurai.

Bansai-dono? Are you listening, Bansai-dono? I'm listening.

This is Edo's top singer, Terakado Not that! What I just said! Who's this guy? Why'd they send him to negotiate?! No need to worry.

They're probably just small fries that Katsura brought with him.

They'll be taken care of very quickly.

Move You're in the way! Odd Jobs Gin-chan coming through! Ow ow.

You guys sure are full of spirit.

Ack What's that?! No mistake! It's that samurai Out of my wayI I'm in a bad mood! Katsura-san! Yo, Zura.

What's with the new hair? Somebody break your heart or something? Shut up.

It's a new look.

What about you? Get hit by a b*mb? Shut up.

It's a new look.

You call that a look? Katsura-san! Your orders.


What?! The Benizakura's been destroyed.

There's another ship behind us.


You're not getting away! Hunt down and k*ll every last one of them! We'll secure your escape route.


But! Gin-chan! Let us down, Lizzie! Gin-chan! Go! Take their heads! D-Don't back down! Push forward! Forward! Don't give them any openings! So they're Gintoki Sakata and Kotaro Katsura They're strong I'd like to face them someday.

Gintoki! Huh? The world doesn't go the way you hope, does it? It's not easy changing a friend, much less a country! Zura, you mean you had a friend? Stop fantasizing! You want me to k*ll you?! Gintoki! Huh? Don't change, okay.

It would take a lot of mettle to k*ll you.

I wouldn't take the job.

Zura, the day you change, I'll be the first one there to take you out.

Takasugi! This is how it is! The next time we meet, it won't be as friends or comrades! We'll cut you downwith every ounce of our strength! So you better watch out.

Don't bump into us on the street! Farewell! Don't let them get away! Fire! Fire! That's being well-prepared.

Are you Lupin or something? [Note: Refers to the anime character Lupin III.


I'm not Lupin, I'm Zura.

Oops, I mean Katsura.

There's a reason why I've been able to give the Shinsengumi the slip all this time.

But I never imagined he was holding on to this, too.

We all started at the same place.

And yet We're now worlds apart.

Gintoki Do you remember this? Yeah I tossed it after I spilled ramen on it.

["Even Mummy Hunters Sometimes Turn into Mummys"]

What? You want me to k*ll the boss of Odd Jobs?! Hijikata-san! [Gintoki is suspected of being an Anti-Foreigner Faction member.

Working under Hijikata's order, Yamazaki closes in.


[Sorachi-san, thanks for the other day.

Let's go and have a drink of that with that.

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