05x35 - Don't Say Goodbye Lionel

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Gintama". Aired: April 4, 2006 - October 7, 2018.*
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Japanese manga series where aliens have invaded and taken over feudal Tokyo, an unemployed samurai finds work however he can.
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05x35 - Don't Say Goodbye Lionel

Post by bunniefuu »

Gin Guess we don't have a choice.

Saka Yeah! This is my last big deal!

Mutsu We're going to create our own future!

Kagura Everyone ready?

All Kaien!

Fumi Oh, yes!

Shin Kaien! That was too fast!

Don't Say Goodbye Lionel

Shin Nothing's even happened and we already blew our load?!

Shin The dirty woman shot it all over his face!

Vader Curse you!

Vader It's rude to start right off with a facial.

Vader You thought you could use your limited knowledge

Vader from dirty magazines and porn to defeat me?!

Shin Here it comes!

Shin Hurry! Move out of the way!

Saka Who does what when we want to dodge?!

Gin Everybody just dodge!

Gin Combine our power!

All Let's go!

Kaien The name is Kaien, from the Kaientai!

Kaien I look forward to doing business with you!

Shin We combined our idiocy!

Shin H-He dodged it!

Shin He miraculously dodged the beam when he presented his business card!


Shin Why is this robot handing out business cards in the middle of a fight?!

Mutsu Kaien was built for dealing with giant clients.

Mutsu It's only capable of doing business.

Shin How are we supposed to fight then?!

Shin Here it comes!

Shin Here comes the second wave!

Mutsu Time for you to learn that business is also a fight!

Mutsu Let's do this, Kagura!

Kagura Okay, Mucchi!

Kaien Galactic Merchant Lesson !

Kaien Businesses are built from the bottom up!

Kaien You have to do legwork to make money!

Kaien Even when your customers yell and scream at you, never give up!

Kaien Never cry!

Kaien Never stop moving those legs!

Kaien Keep running until they've felt your merchant soul!

A I-It kicked the m*ssile back!

Shin Kagura-chan! Mutsu-san!

Mutsu I guess this is it.

Kagura The rest is up to you, boys.

Shin Kagura-chan! Mutsu-san!

Vader Curse you, you piece of junk!

Vader It's too late to resist now!

Kaien Galactic Merchant Lesson !

Kaien Even when you're up close with a customer and on the verge of making a deal,

Kaien the customer won't make it easy for you.

Kaien When they give you suspicious looks,

Kaien when they turn down your proposals,

Kaien never give up!

Kaien Never cry!

Kaien Never close off your heart!

Shin Sakamoto-san!

Kaien You will find your answer when your back is against the wall

Kaien in the form of a single ray of light

Kaien sh**ting from the bloody whirlwind!

Shin Gin-san!

Gin Pachi-boy, show them how strong we are.

Vader How annoying.

Vader You sacrificed yourself to disable my arms?

Vader However, you can't move either when all you have left is a pimple.

Vader Your luck has run out.

Kaien Galactic Merchant Lesson !

Vader I-Impossible! The pimple...!

Kaien If you want your customers to open up, you must first...

Kaien ...open up yourself!

Shin No signs.

Shin No script.

Shin Use your own words to express yourself!

A True freedom for the Renho!

B Bring peace to earth, to the universe!

C Actraiser three meals a day!

Zura I join my friends...

Zura For tomorrow!

Vader C-Curse you all!

Fumi Everyone's spilling their guts.

Fumi Shouldn't you join in, Sagi?

Vader H-How can this be?

Vader Was it during that first attack?

Fumi This was the only way I could protect everyone from your attack.

Vader You intend to die here with me?!

Fumi I have no regrets.

Fumi Our planet may be gone, but we have a new home.

Fumi A planet which has welcomed us with many smiles.

Vader Curse you!

Fumi Well, I've revealed my most embarrassing secret!

Fumi It's your turn now!

Fumi Show me your naughty parts.

Vader St-Stop this!

Fumi Everyone watch me!

Fumi This is the last time I expose myself!

Fumi Peek inside!

Shin Th-The planet's core...

Kagura Cool Lady Fumiko!

Fumi Eren... Everyone...

Fumi I was finally able to write the story I've always wanted to write.

Fumi With the universe as a canvas,

Fumi I can write a story about how we become

friends with the Earthlings.

Fumi And I have everyone helping me.

Don't look.

Zura Don't look.

Zura I found this in the room.

Zura What is it that I'm not supposed to look for?

Zura Or does it count as looking when I'm looking for whatever it is

Zura that I'm not supposed to be looking for?

Zura In that case, I'll have to look for someone to look for what I'm not supposed to look for,

Zura before deciding if I should look or if I should not look.

Zura So I'm looking for someone who's willing to look for the answer.

Zura But if I'm not supposed to look,

Zura then I can't look for the someone to look for the someone

Zura to look for the someone to look for the...

Gin You're making this too hard.

Shin It's like you're lost in a maze of what not to look for.

Zura Don't look...

Gin I won't.

Gin It's pretty obvious what this is.

Gin He ran away from home.

Zura R-Ran away from home?!

Zura Impossible! Unfathomable!

Zura He had no reason to be unhappy!

Zura The last time I saw him...

Zura Th-The last...

Zura Who was he?

Gin Beats me.

A General Eren!

A Hey! General Eren is awake!

A This is wonderful!

A We've been so worried, General!

Where are we...

A We are on the battleship White-Zabeth.

A Currently, we are in the process of retrieving survivors.

A You don't remember?

A The planet was destroyed when Sagi was eradicated.

A You were caught in the ensuing expl*si*n.

A The Earthlings who helped us are also unconscious.

What about Fumiko...

On Screen ,What about Fumiko...

I see...

So in the end,

they were the ones who saved me, instead of the other way around.

A No, you gave us the courage to stand up.

A You,

A the Earthlings,

A and Fumiko

A are all heroes who protected the pride of the Renho.

Gin That guy always has to make a fuss.

Shin But what was that all about?

Gin Probably some kind of prank.

Shin Maybe it's my imagination,

Shin but it feels like something is missing.

Kagura Huh?

Shin Well, I thought there was usually someone next to Katsura-san...

Gin Ow, my head...

Shin Are you okay?

Shin And why are we so injured?

Kagura Your heads have been injured since the first episode.

A Wh-What are you saying, General Eren?!

A You're going to stay here instead of returning to Earth?!

A For what purpose?!

B We have finally earned our freedom from Sagi!

B There's nothing to chain us down!

B So why?!

Right General, you have set us free.

Right So we believe that you should also live free.

Right Discard that white costume.

Right Live with your friends without having to lie to yourself.

Left You don't need to worry about us.

Left Even after you're gone, we can still make

a planet that is just as wonderful as Earth!

Our battle hasn't ended.

We've been thrown into the void of space with nothing to our name.

However, this is the path we've chosen.

After sacrificing our friends, our planet...

We've decided to live by our own rules,

the way the samurai do.

This white outfit will be my first vow.

For the sake of our friends who risked their lives for our freedom...

I promise

as the last Renho, as the last tool of w*r,

to devote my life to protecting that freedom.

Right You're giving up your own freedom

to protect the freedom of the Renho?

A But what about them?!

A The friends who fought to save Earth, to save the Renho, to save you!


They are my friends.

And we always will be,

no matter how far apart we are.

Saka Yeah, I appreciate all the help, Kintoki.

Gin I don't remember helping you, and I don't remember my name being Kintoki.

Saka Really? I must have been helping you then.

Gin That makes even less sense.

Saka I feel like a w*r just ended.

Saka And we were able to take back something important...

Saka Kintoki, have we forgotten something important?

Gin Yeah, you've forgotten my name?

Gin And was your ship always this lame-looking?

Saka Ah!

Saka Mutsu! Y-You modified the ship without my permission again?!

Eli Katsura-san...

Eli I'm sorry.

Eli This is why I didn't want you to look for me.

Eli This is why I didn't want you to remember me.

Eli Because my mind was already made up.

Eli Because I won't be returning to Earth.

Eli Because my resolve wavers every time I see your face.

Eli But you followed me all the way out here!

Eli You came out into space to save me!

Eli I'm sure that all of you would follow me anywhere to save a friend.

Eli That's why I have no choice.

Eli I have to erase every memory you have of me.

Eli The only solution is to make you forget I ever existed.

Eli Because you have friends on Earth who still need you.

Eli Because I have friends here who still need me.

Eli Katsura-san...

Eli Good bye...

Zura Wait.

Zura How about we play one last game of Uno?

Zura If you win, you can erase our memories and send us back to Earth.

Zura But if I win,

Zura I will never forget you.

Zura Even after we're back on Earth.

Zura Either way, this will be our last game of Uno.

Zura Give me your best shot.

Eli Did Katsura-san already know I would never return?

Eli You didn't come here to take me back to Earth?

Eli Then why...?

Zura Because I wanted to play a game of Uno with the real you,

not the Renho General or Eren.

Zura I was finally able to beat you in a straight-up match.

Zura But you're strong enough now.

Zura You'll be able to survive out there by yourself.

Zura Take care.

Zura Don't worry about me.

Zura I have these guys.

Eli This wasn't a straight-up match.

Eli It's not fair.

Eli I can barely see anything before me.

Zura I'm the same.

Zura But if you believe in the path you've chosen,

you must advance through your tears.

Zura I will continue to walk the path I believe in.

Zura We may be tens of thousands of light-years apart,

Zura but our paths will always cross.

Zura Never forget.

Zura Don't say goodbye Lionel.

Zura Until we meet again bunny.

Zura My friend.

Zura Elizabeth, everyone has forgotten about you.

Zura But it's okay.

Zura I'll be the only one who has to suffer.

Gin Who are you playing Uno with?

Zura I-I'm playing by myself.

Zura I need to keep in shape.

Gin Man, you have too much time.

Gin Here. Give me that.

Zura What are you doing?

Gin I'm dealing the cards again.

Zura That's not what I meant.

Zura There's an extra hand.

Gin What are you babbling about?

Gin There's another person over there.

Gin Wait, looks like we got a few more coming.

Gin What are you doing, Zura?

Gin Hurry up.

Zura Yeah, let's begin.

Fumi Long, long ago,

Fumi an evil alien came to Earth to take its treasure.

Fumi But the alien became friends with the Earthlings

B Hey, did you load up the Actraisers?

Fumi and he chose to fight on their side and protect Earth.

Fumi However, the aliens' planet was ruined by the battle to protect Earth,

Fumi so the alien decided to leave Earth and help rebuild his home planet.

Fumi He didn't want any tearful goodbyes, so he began erasing memories,

Fumi until there was nobody on Earth who remembered him.

Fumi On the last day, he looked at Earth one last time

Fumi to say goodbye to a planet that no longer remembered him.

Fumi Goodbye!

Fumi There were no goodbyes coming from the empty planet.

Fumi Instead, he saw beaming smiles.

Fumi For his treasures were still safe on the empty planet.

Fumi At long last, he was able to find that treasure.

Fumi A treasure that will never rust in the rain.

Fumi The treasure of friendship.

Fumi AHe wiped away his tears, leaving a smile,

Fumi and flew off into space

Fumi in search of new treasures.

Fumi But strangely enough, the friends he left behind weren't lonely at all.

Fumi That was because

Fumi the Elizabeth who left was only a temp who filled in on Mondays.

M Tu W Th F Sa Su


Fumi The regular Elizabeth, whose identity remains a mystery,


Fumi just returned from a long vacation today.

Oh, Katsura-san. I just got back. Here's a souvenir.

Zura Oh, the regular Elizabeth is back!

Zura Say goodbye to the temp Elizabeth!

Zura Goodbye, Monday Elizabeth!

Zura Sorry that you didn't get any screen time in the Benizakura arc!

Shin Hey!

Fumi The end.

Next Episode

Gin A shining, silver wonderland...

Gin Fresh tracks in the snow.

Gin And the Shogun?!

On Screen,Shogun Please Take Me Skiing

Shogun Next time

Shogun Please take me skiing.

Shogun I place myself in your hands.

In summer, you go swimming!! In winter, you go snowboarding!!

The Shogun, Tokugawa Shigeshige, returns!! Please go easy on him...
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