01x17 - 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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01x17 - 4:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Right now, t*rrorists are plotting
to assassinate a presidential candidate.

My wife and daughter have been targeted.

And people that I work with
may be involved in both.

I'm Federal Agent Jack Bauer,
and today is the longest day of my life.

- Hello?
- We're not leaving town today after all.

- When will you know?
- I'll call you as soon as I know.

- Is that the girl?
- Yes.

The thr*at against Senator Palmer
remains a high probability.

These three men are the suspected sh**t.

A member of my advance team, Elizabeth
Nash, she recognised one of the assassins.

Mr. Bauer,
Senator Palmer told me about you.

Would you be willing
to keep your appointment?

You want me to spy on him?

- George, what are you doin' here?
- I'm the new quarterback.

Bauer's wife and daughter
are in a safe house.

As planned, they will be dead soon.

Hang on, Kim!

I think we lost him. I'm just gonna go check.
I want you to stay right here, OK?


What's your name?

I don't remember.




Do you remember anything yet?


It must be weird.

I mean, I never met anyone
that has amnesia before.

I really appreciate you helping me out.

- What's your name?
- Tanya.


I hope you're not going
too far out of your way.

It's fine. The hospital isn't far from here.

So, you come from money.
You look like you might.

Or your husband.

- My husband?
- Your little band of gold?

On your finger?

I don't have any memory of my husband.

Agent Pierce, Jack Bauer.
We met at the breakfast this morning.

I'm sorry about that. We didn't know the
pressure you were under. Is your family OK?

Yes, they're fine, thank you.
This is my partner, Nina Myers.

Agents Johnson, Aleshire,
surveillance technicians.

You've met Miss Nash.
She's part of the senator's advance team.

Yes, from the senator's staff meeting.

Can I just say how sorry I am
to have caused so much trouble?

You didn't know who Drazen was.
Now you know he's a k*ller,

- it takes courage to walk into the same room.
- I hate to interrupt, but we have to go.

Drazen is down here in room 1243.
We went over it. It's nothing unusual.

It's ready to rig however you want to.

That gives us less than 30 minutes
to set up visual and audio.

- Fiber optics?
- Yes.

We also need to set up monitors
in an adjacent room.

We have 1242, across the hallway.
It's been vacated already.

OK, good. Gentlemen,
I want you to get started right away.

I want coverage of every square foot
of this room by at least two angles.

- Nina?
- Yeah?

Take Miss Nash into 1242.
Start prepping her. We'll be there in a minute.

- Have you set up the other checkpoints?
- Every entrance to the hotel is covered.

So is every approach from a block away.

- Any civilians left on the floor?
- No, we've sealed it off.

Good work. Let me know
as soon as Drazen enters this hotel.

I think there's a hospital at the bottom
of the canyon. I'm not sure how good it is.

Wait, wait. Pull over.

- You see something you remember?
- Yeah, I think so.

- The restaurant?
- Yeah.

- Do you recognise anything?
- I've been here before.

I was with someone.

With your husband?

Not your husband?

Maybe we should keep going, to the hospital.

No, no, no. Just being here helps.

Hey, is there a ma?tre d'
or a manager or something?

- Manager. Mr. Martin.
- Is he here?

No, but he should be in about 20 minutes.

Thank you. I'm gonna wait.

Maybe this Mr. Martin
knows something about me.

This place seems so familiar.

I think I'm gonna stay.
You don't have to wait with me.

So, listen. Why don't you
give me your number, and...

when I'm better,
I'll send you whatever I can afford.

You know what?

Send me whatever you can afford,
plus ten bucks.

It's a cab fare to the hospital,

in case Mr. Martin can't help you.

- Thank you.
- Good luck.

So, obviously,
without compromising yourself,

we need you to behave in the same way
you always have with him.

I know. It's just the thought
of letting him touch me again...

I understand.

What do you usually
talk about with him? His work?

The truth is, we didn't really talk much.
It wasn't that kind of relationship.

It was more... take the plunge
and worry about the consequences later.

- You know what I mean?
- Yeah.

- OK, I'm waiting on the signal.
- Elizabeth?

- Hi.
- I heard what's going on.

- Are you sure about this?
- I'm sure.

- If you have the slightest hesitation...
- No, I want to. Definitely.

- May I talk to you a minute?
- Yes, sir.

I told you to look after her,
not put her in danger.

Senator, I don't need to remind you,
but the thr*at against you is very real.

- It's no reason to put someone else at risk.
- I don't think I have.

I'll be across the hall with a squad of men,
ready to come in if something goes wrong.

He's a professional k*ller.
Things can happen fast.

He is not working alone.
Arresting him will not stop the others.

If you want to put an end to this now,
sir, we keep him on the hook.

I know you've been through a lot,
and your family has gone through hell...

What does that have to do with this?

I hope you're not letting a desire
for payback cloud your judgment.

Sir, this has nothing to do with payback.

This is simply the best way
to nail these guys, period.

Elizabeth's father is one of my oldest friends.
I have known her since she was born.

If anything happens to her,
I'm holding you personally responsible.

I understand, Senator,
and I promise you I will take care of her.

CTU. Almeida.

- Hi. I'd like to speak to Jack Bauer.
- He's not here. Can I take a message?

Listen, it's really important.
I need to speak to him now.

- Who is this?
- Kim, his daughter.

- Are you calling from the safe house?
- No. The safe house has been att*cked.

The agents that were guarding us
are dead, and my mother is gone.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down.
The agents are dead?

Yes. And I think they've kidnapped
my mother again.

- I need to speak to my father.
- He's not here, Kim.

- Where are you calling from?
- Um...

- Can I speak to Nina Myers?
- She's not here either.

- Where are you calling from?
- A payphone.

- Kim?
- Who did you say this was again?

Tony Almeida. I work for your father.

Tell me where you are.
I'll have somebody come get you.


- That's what they said to my mother.
- That was Jamey Farrell. She was dirty.

That won't happen again.
Where are you? I'll have somebody...

Listen to me.
I need to speak to my father or Nina Myers.

He's not here, Kim.
Neither one of them are here.

Kim? Hello?

We got a problem. Jack's daughter says the
safe house has been hit. The agents are dead.

Call over there right now.

Nothing. It's not even ringing.

Parker, get Biselli and head over
to the safe house on Pine Canyon.

Heads up - could be trouble.
Call me when you get there.

She also said that her mother
might have been recaptured.

- How'd Kim get out?
- She didn't say.

She just said she was calling on a payphone.

Access the phone company's computer
for all recent payphone calls

- within five miles of the safe house.
- All right.

- Are you gonna call Jack or you want me to?
- Not yet.

- It's his wife and kid.
- That's exactly why.

He'll get emotional and distracted,
put Elizabeth in jeopardy.

She's going in with Drazen in 15 minutes.
We need to keep Jack focused.

- Then when do we tell him?
- We don't. I do.

When the situation's under control,
and not until. Clear?

- Thanks.
- Standing by.

Copy. He's on his way down.

- Are you finished?
- Ready in ten.

- How's Elizabeth doing?
- She says she's OK, but, Jack, I don't know.

- Sure we're doing the right thing?
- If she can plant the device,

it'll lead us to everything else. Yes, we are.

- If she can't?
- We'll arrest him, try and turn him.

He can't touch her. We can protect her.

- I hope so.
- Stay focused and we can.

- Hey!
- What?

Are you all right?

I'm sorry.

I just can't stop worrying about Teri and Kim.
When I think what they've been through...

- My little girl thought she was gonna die.
- Hey, Jack. We're gonna get them, OK?

Look, if it's any help, from what I could tell,
Teri and Kim seemed all right.

- Really?
- Yeah.

- What did the doctor say?
- Just some bruises. That's it.

OK. Thanks.

- OK?
- Yeah.

- Nina?
- Yeah?

You said that Paulson
was gonna finish the debrief?

- Yeah.
- Why didn't you stay and finish it?

I thought you wanted me back
as soon as they were safe.

No, I specifically asked you
to stay with them...

- Hey, Nina!
- Yeah, Mike, just a minute.

- Go back. I will be there in a minute.
- Yeah?

I told you to take it off the hook!

- Yeah?
- Rick, it's me.

Kim, I told you you can't keep calling here.

Look, the safe house was bad. The agents
are dead and my mother is kidnapped again.

I know they're after me. You need to help me.

- Listen, I'm coming to your place.
- No!

You're the only person who knows
the people that have my mother.

- I don't! I...
- Rick...

I can't go to the police. I don't trust them.
After today, I don't trust anyone.

But if you don't help me right now,
I will tell the police everything.

Now, what is your address?

1804 Glade, in Echo Park.

1804 Glade, in Echo Park.
OK, I'm gonna call a taxi right now.

I'm gonna meet you there
as soon as I can. Wait for me.

Who was that?

Another wrong number?

How's the election going?

- Exit polls look very good.
- That's great.

Dad, I'm sorry.

Sorry about what?

You weren't covering up Ferragamo's death
to protect your campaign.

You did it to protect me.

Where'd you hear that? Your mom?

No, not Mom.

There is some physical evidence
in George Ferragamo's office

that leads directly to you.

Subtle enough so the fire marshals
didn't find it the first time.

But with a little help, they'll find it.

- So I'll be framed for Ferragamo's m*rder?
- Like I said, whatever it takes.

That's why your father backed off,
and that's why you?ll back off.

Do you know how dangerous it was
to go see Carl wearing a wire?

Look, it doesn't matter. I got it.
Now you can take it to the police.

Give me the tape.

What are you gonna do with it?

Do you trust me, Keith?

It's me. There's been a development.
Palmer is staying in Los Angeles after all.

- The Nash girl called you?
- Yes. I'm on my way to the hotel now.

Did she say why
the senator changed his plans?

- No, he didn't tell her.
- Really? She's a highly placed aide.

Well, they've tightened security
since the attempt on his life at breakfast.

I wonder that she wants to see you again
so quickly. You were with her two hours ago.

You don't understand women, Andre.

I understand them well enough to know
that they can use as well as be used.

- Not this one.
- Palmer should have been k*lled hours ago.

We can't afford any more mistakes.
We're running out of time.

He's as good as dead already.
You have to trust me in this.

The Nash woman will tell me Palmer's
schedule. She doesn't suspect a thing.

Maybe not.

Just to be safe,
when you're finished... k*ll her.

Miss Nash, please follow me.

We've been planting fibre-optic cameras
here, there and all through here as well.

I'm not really sure what those are.

I'm sorry. Please, sit down.

Fibre-optic cameras are tiny cameras.

They're almost impossible to see,
even if you know where to look.

So when you come into the room,
we'll have visual coverage of the entire suite.

- And you'll be able to hear everything too?
- Yes, every word.

- You all right?
- Mm.

OK, now, he's gonna
be here in a few minutes.

This is the tracking device
that we want you to plant on Alexis.

Once he leaves the hotel, we'll be able
to track every move that he makes

without exposing ourselves at all.

- Where do I put it?
- Preferably his wallet.

He'll have it on him at all times,
even if he changes clothes.

As soon as you plant this device,
I'll call you on your cellphone.

I will tell you the senator is waiting for you.
You make your excuses, and you get out.

- So I plant the tracker, the phone rings...
- And then you'll leave.

- OK.
- One more thing.

If at any point you think he's suspicious
or you're uncomfortable in any way,

all you have to do is utter the words
"I hope I'm not getting a cold. "

- "I hope I'm not getting a cold"?
- Yes.

Then I'll be in this room in a few seconds
with half a dozen other agents.

- But that would ruin the plan.
- That doesn't matter.

Right now all we're concerned with
is your safety. Do you understand that?

I understand.

You don't have to do this.

If you're uncomfortable in any way,
no one here will think any less of you.

I'm fine.

And thank you.

For giving me this chance to redeem myself.

You're going to be fine.

Let's go.

Mrs. Bauer?

How good to see you.

- You know me?
- Of course. Will Dr Parslow be joining you?

Dr Parslow?

I'm sorry. What's your name?

Mrs. Bauer, are you feeling all right?

Actually, no, I, uh...

I must have been in
an accident or something. I...

I seem to have lost my memory.

But I was driving by
and this place looked familiar, so...

You say my name is Bauer?

Yes. Does that sound familiar?

Yes, it does, but...

- But this man you mentioned...
- Dr Parslow.

You two used to come in here
together quite often.

But... he's not my husband.

Well... he's a doctor, and he's a friend.
Maybe he can help.

I happen to know the hospital that
he works at. Shall I give him a call?

Yes, please.

We're set.

- Is everything up and running?
- Yep.

- How's Elizabeth?
- She's in her room, waiting for Alexis to call.

- She said she wanted to be alone.
- Understandable.


- You wanna tell me what's going on?
- What do you mean?

You've been holding something back ever
since you got back from the safe house early.

This isn't the time. Let's not get distracted.

If you don't start telling me what's going on,
I'm going to be distracted, so spit it out.

All right.

Teri knows about us.

She guessed it.
I don't know how she did, but she did.

She asked me point-blank.
I couldn't deny it. She would have known.

Did you tell her that it was over?

Of course I did.

I think she was just shocked that it was me.

Someone she knows.

When Teri and I got back together...

I tried to talk to her about this, but...

she said she didn't wanna know,
so I just let it go.

Look, Jack. You asked me
to go to the safe house, so I did.

- I was just trying to help.
- I know, I know. This is my fault.

- This is all my fault.
- Agent Bauer, come in.

- Bauer.
- We're a go.

Drazen just dropped off the car with the valet.
Should be upstairs in two minutes.

Copy. All personnel in the lobby
and on the floors, we are a go. We're a go.

He's in the room.

Copy that.
Advise when you are green to go.

There's no wallet here.

Let Elizabeth Nash know that the wallet is
either in his pants, or the jacket on the bed.

Copy that, Jack.

Send her up in one minute.
One minute.


- So good to see you.
- Yeah.

I can't believe how much I've missed you.

I know. Me too.

Even though it's only been two hours.

It seems like two years.

Are you OK?

I'm fine. Why?

- You seem a little... tense.
- No, not at all.

Well... maybe a little.

The polls back east close in less than an hour
and we're all just on pins and needles.


Well, you must have some idea
about the outcome. Don't you take, uh...

- Exit polls.
- Yes.

But they're not official.

What can we do

to help you... relax?

Well, it's a little early, but...
a vodka might be nice.

Nothing else?

If you insist.

- You feeling any better?
- Much.

You still don't seem like yourself.

I'll feel better after I've splashed
some water on my face.

She's going for the jacket. I want SWAT
personnel ready at the door. Quietly.

She's got the wallet.

Oh, God, Jack, she's dropped it.

Come on. Come on, Elizabeth. You can do it.

- To the future.
- She's put it in her coat.

SWAT team at the door, stand down.
Stand down at the door.

I'm sorry that this campaign
is giving you so much stress.

Goes with the territory.

Maybe when the election is over,
the two of us can go somewhere together.

- Like where?
- It doesn't matter to me.

As long as we're together.


who do I have to thank
for keeping you in town?

- He's gonna feel the wallet.
- Just give her a second.

She's all right.

What made the senator
decide to change his plans?

I don't know.

Is he gonna stay in town for long?

It's hard to say.

What about his... victory speech?

Will he be delivering it here at the hotel?

Why are you so interested in
the campaign all of a sudden?

I have no interest in the campaign.

My interest is in you.

And I know that you go wherever he goes.

Well, I don't know where that is yet.

Well, then I won't let you out of my sight.

I must say, I do find it a little strange
that the senator wouldn't

include someone
as smart and capable as you

- in his inner circle.
- How would you know how smart I am?

We've spent maybe 15 hours together,
and most of that has been in bed.

That wasn't smart.

Was that... a complaint or a compliment?

Both, I think.

I just realised that I haven't eaten all day,

which may explain why
I'm in such a foul mood.

Do you think we could order something up?

What are you hungry for?

Where's the menu?

I was hoping you would be
hungry for something...

- There you go. Good girl.
... other than food.

- It's in the jacket.
- She made the plant.

Clear the hallway. Copy. Clear the hallway.

I know this might seem a little soon...

I've fallen in love with you.

- The hallway's clear.
- Copy. I'm making the call.

I thought that all women
can sense these things.

Pick up the phone!

- Aren't you going to answer it?
- It's just someone from the campaign.

- No, it could be important.
- They can call back.

Say it again, Alexis.

- She hung up on me!
- Say that you love me.

- What is she doing?
- She's baiting him.

I love you.

And if I'm not very much mistaken,

it seems you are falling in love with me too.

- I got her voicemail.
- Would you order me a hamburger?

Of course.

- What is she doing?
- I don't know.

Why did she take off her jacket?

What is going on here?
She has no intention of leaving that room.

- Room service. How may I help you?
- Hello? A hamburger, please.

- All right. Everything on that?
- Yes, everything.

- We'll send it right up.
- OK.

What's that in her hand?

So, now... is there anything else?


- Oh, my God. She's got a Kn*fe!
- SWAT team, hit the room.

Hit the room now!

Son of a bitch!

Son of a bitch! Son of a bitch!

Hold your fire! Get me
some towels from the bathroom!

Nina, call in a medevac. We're losing him!

We cannot let him die! Dammit!

- Just a minute.
- Yeah, sure.

Um... I'm looking for Rick.

- Who are you?
- A friend.

Are you the one that keeps calling?

- He said that I could come over.
- Not to me, he didn't.

- Um... maybe you should ask him, then...
- I was about to tell you.

I just didn't think she'd get here so fast.

What's going on, Rick?

I'll explain everything.

- I'm listening.
- First let her come in.

It's OK.

What does she want?

Something got screwed up with Dan
last night. Big surprise, right?

That's why my arm was all messed up.
The guys Dan was with sh*t me and...

You said you cut your arm on a fence.

Um... these people Dan knows,
I need to find them.

And I was hoping that I could go in his room
and find something to lead me to them.

- A phone number, an address...
- So you wanna look through Dan's room?


I was wondering if I could
borrow some money for the cab.


You all right?

You don't remember me?

- Phil?
- Yes.

Are you my doctor?

No, not exactly.

Henry, thanks for calling.
Has she had anything to eat or drink?

I offered, but she didn't want anything.

No, it's...

Unless you want some water?

- Sure.
- OK. Some water.

All right, listen. We're gonna
figure out what this is all about.

We're gonna get you well again.
Do you understand? It's gonna be fine.

Everything's gonna be fine.

What do you want me to say?
We misjudged her emotional state.

- No, we didn't. You did.
- It was an unexpected outcome for everyone.

- It's what I said it would be. It was a bad idea.
- Fine. Maybe.

- Now we need to figure out our next move.
- What is that? What's the status on Alexis?

He has a fifty-fifty sh*t, but even if he comes
through, we don't know how long till he talks.

Did you find anything in the room?
Any phone numbers? Documents?

- No, nothing yet.
- What do I tell District?

Whatever you have to. Just keep them off
my back. I need time before I fill out reports.

- Let me in!
- Hold on.

- Where's Elizabeth? There was a stabbing?
- She's fine.

- Where is she?
- She's across the hall. She's in custody.

- What?! Why?
- She stabbed Drazen.

- She was defending herself.
- No, that's not how it went down.

- She broke from the plan. She att*cked him.
- I should never have let her do it!

- I gotta call you back.
- What's going on there?

- Senator!
- Let me in.

- Senator...
- Say nothing until you speak to a lawyer.

- I'm sorry. I don't know what happened.
- It's all right. We'll work this out.

Senator, please let us handle this.

I let you do that before,
and look where we are!

You are not helping matters right now.

- Jack!
- Excuse me for one second.

- What?
- It's Alexis's phone. What do we do?

We gotta take a chance.

- Yeah?
- Do you have the money?

- Yeah.
- OK. We'll meet in 45 minutes.

- Where?
- I already told you!

At Connie's. Downtown.

- How will I recognise you?
- I'll wear a red baseball cap.
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