02x14 - Day 2: 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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02x14 - Day 2: 9:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

There's no chance that this b*mb is ever gonna go off with a Special Ops team following it every step of the way.

Jack Bauer found the Coral Snake commandos.

All six members of the team had been k*lled.

If there's something thatyou haven't told me Ask Sherry.

She's the one you wanna talkto.

My father works for the government.

He said someone's gonna detonate a nuclear b*mb in Los Angeles today.

- I'm gonna show you something.

- What is it? It's a b*mb shelter.

- It happened.

- The b*mb went off? The radiation.

We gotta get down below, before it's too late.

- Hello? - There has been a change of plans.

Why? What's going on? Marie, our mission depends on you now.

I'm counting on you.

(speaks Arabic) They're a rogue unit, acting on their own authority.

- How do I find them? - Somewhere at the airport.

Our best bet is still you getting past them to the b*mb.

There is a nuclear warhead somewhere on-site.

There it is! Go, go! Putyour hands above your head! Keep 'em there! This isn't a b*mb.

It's been rigged to look like one.

This is not the b*mb.

This is a decoy.

I repeat: we are still looking for the nuclear device.

OK, let's go easy with this.


You have to process the prints here.

Bring in your mobile equipment.

You! Where's the real b*mb? Where's the real b*mb? Do you understand me? Do you speak any English? Do you speak any English? - Search him.

I'll get us a translator.

- Yes, sir.

This is Jack Bauer requesting a translator in hangar 21.

I repeat: I am requesting a translator in hangar 21.

(woman over speakerphone) Mr Mason, Jack Bauer is on line two.


- (Jack) George.

- How's the search going over there, Jack? Still no new leads on where the b*mb is.

What about that plane you found the decoy in? It's clean.

Use reverse-time satellite to trace the plane to its original location.

That's where they would've loaded the decoy.

Find out who the players are.

Here and here.

George? You with me? George, can you hear me? Are you all right? - Yeah.

- George! Yeah, I'm on it! Reverse-time satellite.


I'm really sorry about everything that's happened to you today.

But if you can't think clearly, you need to let someone else take over command.

- There isn't anybody else, Jack.

- What about Tony? I got it together.

I can handle it.

All right? Yeah, OK.

- We do have another problem.

- What? The six dead commandos you found, turns out a seventh may have escaped.

I examined all the g*nsh*t wounds.

Three of the commandos knewthe sh**t - their wounds were at close range.

The others showed signs of a struggle, which indicates they had time to react.

- So the seventh didn't escape.

- Right.

He was a sh**t.

I gotta go.

Get me an ID on the seventh commando as soon as you can.

- I'm working on it.

- Good.

- What do you got? - A wallet, no ID, no credit cards.

(speaking Arabic) (speaking Arabic) He wants to talk.

Where the hell is my translator? Mr Warner, it's your daughter Kate.

- Kate? - Dad? - Kate, where are you? - I'm fine.

I'm at an airport.

The airport? Are you leaving the city? Notyet.

I'm helping one of the agents on an investigation.

Dad did they tell you about Reza? Yeah, I I can't believe what they're saying about Marie, that she's with these t*rrorists, that she k*lled Reza.

I I know, Dad.

- Kate - Dad, hold on a second.

It wasn't the b*mb.

We arrested the pilot.

I need you as a translator.

Dad, I'm gonna have to call you back.

Are you OK? Yeah, I'm fine.

Dad, I love you.

I love you, too, sweetheart.

- What exactly did Roger Stanton tell you? - Sherry was somehow involved in this.

- The nuclear threat? - He didn't elaborate.

That's all he said.

They said it was urgent.

Is it about the b*mb? Have they found it? Notyet.

Sit down.

I just spoke with Stanton.

He confesses that he's known about the b*mb for weeks.

For weeks? Why would he withhold that from you? He wanted to wait until the b*mb was on US soil before he intercepted it.

- So he knows where the b*mb is.

- The men he had tracking it did.

But they're all dead.

The b*mb's still out there, and we don't know where it is.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God.

Am I telling you something you already know? - What? - Tell me now.

Have you done the unthinkable and put yourself in league with Roger Stanton? That's outrageous! Of course not! What did he say? Sit down.

- David - Sit down! He said you were involved, working against me.

He's lying, David! I never even met Roger Stanton until this afternoon! - That's not true.

- He's playing you! Whatever he's doing, he wants you to believe I Just stop it! Sherry right now we are teetering on the brink of a w*r that will lead to the deaths of millions of people.

We have to stop this disaster today, right now, before it begins.

If there is something you're not telling me, anything that could help us find this b*mb, as President of the United States, I order you No, as someone thatyou claim you love I'm asking: help me, Sherry.

I got a phone call a few months ago in the middle of the night from a friend of mine who's high up in NSA.

He told me that Roger Stanton wanted to speakto me first thing in the morning, and so we met at a park in Virginia.

What did he want? - He wanted to recruit me.

- To do what? He wanted to know who was loyal to you and who could be turned.

He wanted He wanted to know where you were weak.

And you told him? (whispering) Yes.

But I only did it to gain his confidence.

I was not aligning myself with him.

I was doing it for you.

David, I know you don't believe me, but just give me 30 minutes to prove to you that I'm telling the truth, that I did all of this to protectyou, not to hurtyou.

(speaks Arabic) I think he's saying he did it for his family.

They promised him money.

Ask him who "they" is.

(speaks Arabic) Syed Ali.

Ask him if he knows about a second b*mb.

(speaks Arabic) Eh? I don't thinkthat was right.

I think we have different dialects.

It doesn't matter.

Just keep trying.

(speaking Arabic) Jack, the translator's here.

Jack Bauer.

The subject's there.

Kate? - I'm really sorry, Jack.

- You did great.

You did great.

Agent Baker will take you backto the controlled area.

I'll be there soon.

Ask him if he knows about a second b*mb.

(speaking Arabic) He said he doesn't know anything.

(man) ID, please.

Can I see your ID? Who are those people over there? They're locking down the airport, checking everyone.

Excuse me for one second.

Ask him where he went to school and the name of his sponsor.

(speaks Arabic) I can't believe the b*mb went off.

What did you hear? How many people? I don't know.

The transmission just went dead.

Are you gonna be OK? My dad, I need to get in touch with my dad.

We will.

But for right now, we have to stay down here, where it's safe.

We have no idea which way that radiation cloud is gonna travel.

I'll see if I can pick something up on the short-wave radio, OK? (DJ) LA's favourite all-talk radio all the time, 24-7.

The school voucher debate is really beginning to heat up again here (static) What did they say? The radiation is interfering with the antenna.

It could be hours before we're able to pick up anything.

What's gonna happen to us? - Shh, it's OK.

- I'm scared.

Don't be scared.

You got nothing to be scared of.

We're safe down here.

I promise.

(coughs) You must be the new assistant Division sent.

Carrie Turner.

You must be George Mason.

Excuse me (coughing) You look worse than I expected.

- Is there something I can help you with? - No, I'm set.

I've been following everything from Division.

I'll be taking over from Paula, so if there's anything you need the server to do, I'll make it happen.


The situation reports have changed in the past hour, so you have to refresh all the computer monitors.

No problem.

Just make sure everyone keeps their hands off my system.


Mr Mason who do I report to directly? You report to me.

No offence, Mr Mason, but rumour has it you're not gonna be around much longer.

So who do I report to? I finally get someone around here who I like, and I'm not gonna be around to enjoy it.

Tony Almeida.

And Michelle D-Dessler.

- Did you say Michelle Dessler? - Yes, I did.

Why? We worked together at District.

I was her boss then.

And you're telling me this why? It'll be fine.

It's not important.

(gasps) Mr Mason? My God.

Mr Mason? Mr Mason! - Are you all right? - Yeah.

- (man) Picture ID? - (man #2) Thank you for your cooperation.

We will try to getyou out of here as quickly as we can.

(man #3) Arms straight out.

Just stand perfectly still.

(man #2) Prepare to give the scanners any metal objects in your pockets beforehand.

It will speed the process through the line.

- Marie! - (man #2) No need to be concerned.

Please just cooperate.

We appreciate it.

- Whoa, excuse me.

You can't go there.

- What? Everyone is searched before they're let go.

- It's my sister.

It's important.

- Sorry.

Wait, here.

I'm with Jack Bauer, CTU.

- OK.

Go on.

- Thanks.

Could you get in touch with Jack Bauer? Tell him Marie Warner is here.

He'll understand.

Dispatch, we need to locate a Jack Bauer with CTU.

(man over radio) Copy that.

(rattling) - Marie.

- I need your badge, Kate.

Where've you been? - Give me your badge.

- Marie Shut up.

You stupid idiot.

Why did you have to start snooping around? What's going on? You have always treated me like I was some helpless injured animal.

Like I couldn't get by withoutyou looking over me.

What happened to you? I opened my eyes.

That's what happened to me.

I was pathetic, just like you.

Until I met Syed.

Until I sawthe lies and hypocrisy of my life, of this country, of people like Dad, who help the government.

He works for the CIA.

I know.

So what? So what? Do you have any idea the suffering they cause around the world? Oh, please.

What are you, six years old? You think Dad is the enemy now? I can't believe how ungrateful you are.

I should be grateful? Yeah, absolutely.

Dad and I turned our lives upside down for you after Mom died.

This is what we did it for? So you could be brainwashed by some lunatic? Wake up! You're about to become the biggest m*rder*r in American history! - What are you gonna do? - Give me your badge.



Marie, listen to me.

There's a nuclear b*mb in the city.

No matter whatyou believe, you don't want all those innocent people to die.

Give me the badge.


I don't believe you'd sh**t me.

I will because this is more important than your life.

Or my life.

(g*nsh*t) (screaming) Kate, stay down! - Stay down! - (Marie) My arm! Secure the w*apon! - You all right? - (Kate) Yeah.

I take it that's your sister.

(Marie screaming) At least give her something for the pain.

- I will when she tells us what she knows.

- You can't let her suffer.

You're gonna have to let me do this my way.

You have to trust me.

I know you love her.

But I have to worry about the millions of lives at stake.

She is the only person who knows where this b*mb is.

I need to use every advantage I've got to find it and stop it.

Surely you understand that.

Just let me do this.

(Marie whimpering) Give me your arm.

Where's the b*mb, Marie? The real b*mb.

You can go to hell, you bastard.

I'm not telling you anything.

(Marie sobs) You wanna know why the pain's so severe? The b*llet's still in your arm, lodged against the bone.

(screams) Tell me where the b*mb is, and I'll getyou something for the pain and treatyour arm.

(whimpers) Please, Marie, just talkto me.

Just talkto me.

Tell me where the b*mb is.

No! I know you think whatyou're doing now will further your cause.

Deep down, I don't think you wanna go through with it.

I don't think you can justify k*lling millions of innocent civilians.

Nobody's innocent in this country.

I'm not afraid to die.

I don't believe you.

I've seen people who are willing to die.

I've looked them straight in the eye, just like right now.

You're not one of them.

I wanna give you a painkiller, butyou must help me first.

Please tell me where the b*mb is.

Where's the b*mb? (blows) I'm gonna checkthe radio.

Do you have any sugar? Yeah, yeah, it's in the back corner, on the shelf there.

Is the TV hooked up to the same antenna? Everyone can take out their golf clubs (sports announcer) delivery is Swung on.

prominent civic leaders and Hollywood stars record numbers today gathered at beaches to celebrate the beautiful weather of California, which will continue throughout the weekend.

Still nothing.

- (Tony) This is our man? - (Michelle) Yeah.

Seventh commando.

Captain Jonathan Wallace.

Led a sn*per unit in the Gulf w*r, led an assassination detail in Malaysia.

- Have you got this to Jack? - I'm on it.

Start up a shared volume with OC on this guy.

Hello, Michelle.

- Carrie, what are you doing here? - Division sent me over to replace Paula.


Do you need help getting into any of the locked volumes on the network? No, actually.

I'm all up and running.

You look great, by the way.

- Stop it, Carrie.

- Stop what? You're not my boss today, all right? If you're here to replace Paula, then technically you work for me.


Give me an order.

There's a nuclear b*mb in Los Angeles.

We've been charged with finding it.

So why don'tyou start by analysing these? Fine.

- Tony, do you have a second? - Sure.

What is it? I think it's time I step down.

I'm not feeling so hot here.

- Is there anything I can do? - Actually, yeah.

Tomorrow, when this is all over, say goodbye to everybody for me and let them know what an honour it was working with them and what a great job I think they all did, everybody.


This morning when I told you I couldn't wait to get out of here I don't feel that way any more.

- Here you go.

- What's this? Access codes for the CTU and Division.

I can't take this, George.

Only the CTU director is allowed that kind of access.

You're the new CTU director, Tony.

You can't promote me, George.

Only Chappelle can do that.

I just talked to Chappelle.

You're the new guy.

Listen, George I'm sorry, I Hey, don't.

Good luck.

I'll be operating from up here, so I'll need my access codes piped into the system.

(woman) Got it.

Everyone's ready.



In case you haven't heard, George Mason was exposed to a lethal dose of plutonium this morning.

I'm afraid he hasn't got much time.

He just left the office and won't come back, which means that I'll be in charge until further notice.

Now, on a normal day, we'd be mourning George, just like we would've mourned lvers and Clark and Paula and the rest of our co-workers who were k*lled here today.

Unfortunately, we have to hold our thoughts of them until we can get through this present crisis.

So let's get backto work.


- It was a nice thing you just did.

- What's going on at the airfield? Jack's still interrogating Marie Warner.

We don't have anything new.

- All right.

Keep me posted.

- Sure.

Stay with me, Marie.

Stay with me.

Steve, walk with me.

Get her Demerol for the pain.

She's going into shock.

I need her lucid.

- For how long? - Five minutes should do it.

- Kate.

- Yeah.

- What did she say? - She hasn't said anything yet.

- I'm gonna need your help.

- Help? How? You're her sister.

I need you to bring her backto reality.

You know her like that.

I don't.

I thought I did.

She's a different person from the Marie I knewthis morning.

No, Kate.

She's the same girl you grew up with.

She's just regurgitating everything Syed Ali taught her.

I need you to remind her of the things she used to love.

You can do this, Kate.

You can get to her.

All right.

She's going to be a little groggy because of the painkiller, OK? You all right? Yeah.

Hey, Marie.

Hi, Kate.

Get away.

I don't need you.

- Why won'tyou help us? - I am gonna help you.

I'm gonna help you stop being a part of the problem.

So it's OK with you if Dad and I died today? I k*lled Reza.

And I loved him.

Why would I care aboutyou and Dad? Because we care for you.

Because we love you.

Why are you doing this? Marie, you could save everyone.

You could stop this terrible thing from happening.

I don't want to.

I can't.

Marie, I'm begging you.



(sobs) My arm God! Kate, I need you to step back.

That's the Demerol wearing off.

Tell me where the b*mb is, and I'll getyou more.

Please tell me where the b*mb is.

Marie, just tell him, please.

- Where is the b*mb? - Give her something for the pain.

No, no.

Marie, please.

Tell me where the b*mb is.

Where is the b*mb? - Katie, make him stop! - No, Marie.

You make him stop.

The pain will get worse.

Just tell me where the b*mb is.

(sobs) It's all right.

Just tell me where the b*mb is.

In the suitcase.

Where's the suitcase? - In the van.

- What van? Where was the van headed? - Downtown.

- Where downtown? At the Arco Towers.

What kind of van was it? What colour? What make? Uh green.

I don't know what make.

We're looking for a green van.

The nuke may be inside.

- Send a team down to the Arco.

- When is the b*mb set to go off? - Three hours.

- How do you knowthat? - I sawthe timer.

- Describe it.

- What? - The timer.

Describe it.

I don't You're lying to me.

A b*mb that size wouldn't have a visual timer.

I'm not lying.

It's at the Arco Towers.

Send them all downtown now.

Why now? What's the hurry? I thought I had three hours.

You told me I had three hours.

No, I'm not lying! Why do you want me and my team to leave here so fast? The b*mb's still here, isn't it, Marie? No.

Yes, it is.

Teams A and B, do a grid search on every outbuilding at the airport, starting north, heading south.

The b*mb is on-site.

I repeat: the b*mb is on-site.

Oh, Marie.

They're not gonna find it in time.

We're all gonna die.

I'll sleep on the floor.

You can have my bed.

Mr President, your call's ready.

Steve Hillenburg at Langley.

Yes, a CIA operative.

He's on an isolated feed.

Nobody else knows about this but the three of you.

- Sherry's waiting.

- Good.


- Hello, Steve.

- Mr President.

What's your involvement in this? I got a call from Sherry about four months ago.

She told me Roger Stanton was trying to recruit her in an effort to undermine your presidency.

She wanted an independent source to confirm that she was doing it to help you.

So you've been building a case against Stanton for the last four months without my knowledge.

Plausible deniability, sir.

What we were doing was illegal, but we felt it was necessary.

It could've backfired and landed Sherry and me in prison.

We didn't want this to touch you if that happened.

OK, let's say I accept that.

What proof do you have that exonerates Sherry? I have photographs, taped conversations, debriefs, files filled with the work Sherry did.

These meetings that Sherry and Roger had, where'd they take place? Sherry? Um For the first month, we met at a hotel in Hilton Head.

- I didn't sleep with him.

- I didn't ask.

Thank you.

I'll contactyou if I need anything else.

Thank you, sir.

You know, I don't care what you think of me right now.

The most important thing is thatyou realise that I never, and I mean never, was a part of Stanton's conspiracy.

You know what, Sherry? You might be telling me the truth.

Then again, you might not.

Right now, I don't have the time or energy to figure out whether I can trustyou.

You have to trust me, David.

Your presidency is in jeopardy and so is this country.

Let me help you.


You'll leave now.

David you need me.

If you resist in any way, I'll have no choice but to place you under arrest.

- Yes, sir? - Please escort Mrs Palmer to her car.

We got a ventilation system in here and an air supply, but it still stays cold.

But don't worry because we got tons of blankets.

- You tired? - I'm OK.

You're still worried about your family, aren'tyou? Try not to think about them too much.

You're probably right.

- So, did you grow up in LA? - Yeah.

- Oh, yeah? Me too.

What part? - We moved around a lot.

My foot is still hurting.

Do you have any aspirin? Yeah, yeah, sure.

I got tons.

You're gonna let me out of here right now.

I knowthe b*mb didn't go off.

- Kim - Stay away! OK, it's OK.

Just calm down.

- I wasn't gonna hurtyou.

- Then let me go! - I just wanted some company, that's all.

- Then what are you doing out here? This is where I belong.

I don't.

- I wantyou to stay.

- I don't wanna stay.

Why not? What's wrong with me? I'm not good enough? - It has nothing to do with you.

- Then why? You think I'm psycho? I don't know if you're psycho.

I don't even know you.

Wouldn'tyou rather be with someone who wants to be here? You don't even wanna get to know me? Please let me out of here, Lonnie.


- Here.

- What? Take it.

There's cougars out there.

If you see one, fire a shot in the air and they'll take off.

Turn right out the front door.

About 200 yards away, you'll see a deer trail.

That'll lead you to the highway.

Thank you.

Kim? Maybe you'll come back sometime? I don't think so.

(g*nf*re) Goodrich, what's going on? All agents, one hostile down! (man) Go, go, go! Over here! Let's go! Bring 'em in! - What do we got? - It's nuclear.

And there's the trigger.

This is it.

This is Jack Bauer.

We found the b*mb.

Initiate a level-one local evac now.

- It's armed.

- How much time have we got? I can't tell.

Could be any second.
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