03x22 - Death and Texas

Episode transcripts for the TV show "King of the Hill". Aired: January 12, 1997 –; present.*
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Animated series follows the life of propane salesman Hank Hill, who lives with his substitute-teacher wife Peggy, wannabe comedian son Bobby, and deadbeat niece Luanne.
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03x22 - Death and Texas

Post by bunniefuu »

The fork and the spoon jumped over the moon no ( whimpering ) you got a letter.

( Sniffs ) it smells like the letters luanne used to ge from her mom in prison.

( Sniffs ) only prisony-er.

Hmm "archer"? I don't know anyone named archer.

( Mumbling ) hey, I've been preapproved for a gold card.

Who wants ice cream? Oh oh listen to this: it's from an old studen of mine.

He's on death row.

"And as I raise my hand "for possibly my final question "I hope that ms.

Peggy hill will call on me one more time "because she is the person "who has had the most positive impact on my life.

Sincerely, wesley martin archer.

" That's a good name for a k*ller.

What was he like, mom? Did he speak like an evil genius? I think maybe he had wavy brown hair or was he that albino boy? Well, it'll all come back to me when I see him.

Oh, wait a second here.

You're not thinking of going into a prison, are you? Hank, I am a substitute teacher.

I flit in and ou of people's lives and I never know if I've made a difference.

With this boy, I did make an impact.

Uh, he's in prison, peggy.

Dang it, peggy.

Some of these guys haven't seen a woman since they k*lled their wives.

If you're going to insis on going, do you have to be all decked ou like some disco dancer? Hank, please.

Death row is perfectly safe.

There is a code of conduc that all prisoners are obligated to obey.

Tell you what, hank, man.

She just like a dang ol' susan sarandon in that movie, man with spicoli man talkin' about of tasty waves, cool buzz, you know.

Are you jus going to joke your way through your entire life, boomhauer? Don't snap a boomhauer jus because you're losing control of your woman.

Believe me, hank, if you don' stop it here, the next step will be cutting your allowance.

Oh, you can' reign peggy in, dale.

Peggy's like a wild mare.

She needs to run free her chestnu mane blowing in the wind flanks glistening with sweat I'll stop now.

Hey, death row.

Do you think peggy's going to meet the executioner? Well, she only mentioned the m*rder*r.

Executioning for us exterminators, that's the major league the show.

( Inhaling ) ow! ( Door buzzing ) ( beeping ) empty your bag on that table.

We'll hold on to this.

A con could use a mascara applicator to scoop a man's eye right ou of his head.

( Door buzzing ) hola, seã‘ora hill.

You don't remember me.

That's okay.

Someone like you touches so many lives.

Well, yes, I guess I do.

Who did you k*ll? I k*lled myself.

At least, I migh as well have as bad as I feel about it.

One night, I wen with my buddy ray over to his friend's house, only he wasn't home.

So I gave ray a boos up to the window.

He couldn't climb up and hold his g*n at the same time.

That's why we were there-- to return his friend's g*n.


I can see where this is going.

Go on.

So we get inside and it turns ou the guy was home.

He was screaming, alarms were ringing and when a guy yells "don't sh**t" believe me, it has the opposite effect.

I just panicked, and the next thing I know his head was blown off.

Well, it would be a comedy of errors if it wasn't so tragic.

You don't miss a thing, do you? How do you say "peggy hill is the smartest, most talented woman on earth" in spanish? Well hmm that would be, "peggy hill es bueno.

" Well, the prison may think ten back issues of us magazine and a bible make a library, but I do not.

Wesley needs more than tha to expand his mind.

Why bother helping him at all? He's just going to be ex*cuted.

Very nice, hank.

Wes had only the best things to say about you.

He was very supportive about your problems with your father.

You gave a convict personal information about? ( Sighs ) how could you be that naive? Naive? Do you know what a prisoner could do with this? I do.

He could jam I into your windpipe and you would be dead in two minutes.

Glasses are not a w*apon.

g*ns are a w*apon.

You used to know that.

What color is your parachute? Is a wonderful book about finding your inner self.

This is so great.


Hill, have you ever played "what if?"? "What if?" Is that the one where you guys see how quickly you can s*ab a Kn*fe around your fingers? Well, that game's fun but I don't think it has a name.

Hmm how about "s*ab-scotch"? "s*ab-scotch.

" That's real good, mrs.

Hill, but, uh, back to "what if?" I can't help thinking "what if mrs.

Hill had been my full-time teacher?" Maybe I'd be able to read these books.

You can't read? Now that is a crime.

Look, I know it would be unfair to ask, but if you would come in and tutor me, well ( sighs ) what's the happiest color on earth? Yellow.

Well, then my parachute would be yellow.

You gave that bastard our travel version of the guinness book of world records and now you're going to teach him to read it? Hank, I'm a teacher.

I sell knowledge, and it doesn't matter to who.


Even murderers? You work with propane, and that kills people.

Only when used by people that don't know how to handle I and I know how to handle it.

And I know how to handle myself.

I am no some corset-wearing lady who passes out with the vapors at the drop of a ha or a sudden garroting.

Dang it, peggy, I you can't just okay, that's it.

You leave me no choice.

For your own good, I am forbidding you to go back there.

You forbid me? Unless you decide on your own not to go 'cause I'll still support that.

Nobody forbids peggy hill.

Well, obviously, since there's only one of you I cannot grade on a curve but every day an assignment is late is one grade off and a day in the hole! ( Peggy giggling ) oh, peggy ( continues giggling ) oh that's beautiful.

Is that me? It's an apple.

Oh man: so, you're telling me you'll spray the entire prison for just one dollar a month? My word is my bond, sir.

Due to the fact the state wouldn't bond me or insure me.


Of course, the invoice will say two grand well, that's just procedure.

I think we've got ourselves a deal.

Ha, ha, ha! I read your manual and as an official employee of the prison system I now qualify to be the executioner.

Where's old sparky? Old sparky's been put out to pasture.

We use lethal injection.

Okay, then where's old squirty? Dead is dead.

I don't care how we get there.


Gribble, generally we choose one of the guards to be the executioner and there's a rather long list of volunteers already.

Put me on it! Please! Please! Please! Well, all right.

You'll be number 129.

Wingo! I'm going to k*ll a k*ller I'm going to k*ll a k*ller uh, mom, you're covering up my essay on why pollution is bad.

It go a "shows improvement.

" ( Loud voice ): sorry, bobby, but I guess we're jus going to have to m*rder somebody if we wan your mom's attention.


( Humming ) hey, sam.

( Beeping ) ( beeping ) hold it.

Oh, yeah! Wes, you're supposed to start finding words.

Oh, I'm sorry, mrs.


I'm just not used to such creative teaching.

Hey, don't you dare touch her! You leave mrs.

Hill alone! ( Gasping ): no! Stop it! ( Screaming ): she's she's too good for you! She's teaching me to read! Stop it! ( Groaning ) oh, good god.

( Humming ) excuse me.

Do you know if these gloves are good for k*lling a man? ( Grunts ) ( chuckles ) ( sighs ) it was only three days in the pit.

I thought the guard was going to touch your bottom.

Oh, I tried to tell them tha you meant no harm but they would not listen.

Heck, they're all as dumb as a bucket of dirt.

Anyway, that's why they hate boggle.

They hate boggle? Only because we love boggle.

When I was little my me-ma played on her boggle set all the time.

I just watched, being illiterate and all but I dreamed of someday playing on that set.

Peggy, if you get me my boggle se you could make that dream come true.

I am a dream weaver.

So janette I did not realize they allowed wesley conjugal visits.

Wes better ge the whole set.

Oh, rock me, amadeus! Now, wes, you shake the letters not the timer.

( Laughing ) all right all right, who covered wes's drawing with this crap? Uh, peggy, I just though that maybe if you saw some happy pictures you might do happy things like not visiting death row.

Let me paint you a happy picture, hank.

A broken-down, illiterate man with nothing but death staring him in the face spells out the word "party" with his family boggle se and then he croons "white christmas" to me as I leave his cell for the day.

Now, tha is a happy picture, hank.

And then everybody started fighting and the guards were in there just swinging their clubs and i-i couldn' get to the boggle set in time.

It was ruined? Oh, just the timer.

Janette will give you a new one.

Wes is a little slow.

He needs more time.

Well, you realize that this is no a regulation timer.

This will make tournament play impossible for wes.

Uh okay.

I know it was stupid but we were playing out in the yard and the top fell off.

Janette will give you some more timer sand.

What about using a watch? Peggy that's not real boggle.

Well, this should certainly last him awhile.

You're not writing, wes.

All right, I'm going to give you one tiny hint: oh, rats, there's tar on my star art.

Wes, what is it? Uh I can't let the guard see me cry.

If they sense some weakness guard, could you please give us some space? You are inhibiting his wordplay.

I have something to tell you.

Can you hear me? I can hear you.


Peggy, all this timer sand you've been bringing me oh, don't mention that.

This is coke, peggy.

You've been smuggling me cocaine-- that's a federal offense.

And you know what? You're going to bring me more of it.

Is this some kind of a how stupid can you be? I never had you as a teacher.

I grew up in arkansas.

I'm almost 40, for cripes sakes.

I wrote every teacher in the arlen yearbook and you were the only sap dumb enough to answer.

So, all that about being the only positive influence on you? Here's wha you're going to do: you're going to bring me a brick of cocaine every week.

And that's not all ( whispering ): you know what I want, peggy hill? My sloppy joe is all sloppy and no joe.

I forgot to add the meat.

( Gasps ) how could I be so freaking stupid?! Luanne, bobby, why don't you go get some money from my purse and go out for pizza.

( Sobbing ) oh, hank it's so awful! Hank, I've been smuggling cocaine in to wes.

Smuggling cocaine? That's got to be illegal, peggy.

Well, I thought it was boggle sand.

And now he's making all kinds of demands.

"One box of p*rn, a jug of corn liquor, "a farrah fawcett poster, a milwaukee sawz-all and a brick of cocaine on every tuesday.

" ( Sighs ): oh well, he certainly revealed his true colors.

I don't think you'll be going back to see him again.

Hank, I have to or he will turn me in.

They will send me to jail! ( Sobbing ): I guess you're happy now.

You get to say, "I told you so.

" ( Continues crying ) jerk.

Look, don't panic.

He's not going to turn you in.

He's just bluffing.

He has nothing to gain.

Well, he has nothing to lose, either.

Hank, there's no row after death row.

( Phone ringing ) ( gasping ): that's wes.

Don't answer it.

I'll handle this.

Murderers are just bullies.

If you stand up to them they always crumble.

This is hank hill.

You, huh? Well, you're not getting any more of your funny timer sand and you're going to leave my wife alone.


No, your ass is mine because we've got a plan.

Sure we do.

It's a terrific plan.

We discarded two perfectly good plans when we came up with this great one.

( Sighs ) why didn't you tell me about our terrific plan? Peggy, I made that up.

And the other two plans? Uh he says if he doesn't get his coke by noon tuesday he's going to turn you in just for fun.

Look, just go to the warden and tell him you were naive and that wes tricked you.

I can't.

They made me watch a short film about the danger of smuggling things in to the prisoners.

It was called, don't be a mule.

( Crying ): I even got 100% on the test they gave me afterwards.

Well, you can't smuggle any more dr*gs in that's for sure.

Hey, what would happen if we just gave wes a brick of regular timer sand? Well, we can't do that.

He's going to deal this batch to the aryan brotherhood.

If they think he tried to pull a fast one they would make a pincushion out of him.

Unless he tastes it.

He always tasted the timer sand when I brought it in.

I didn't think anything of it at the time.

He always said it was very good timer sand.


Well, it's 40 minutes past noon.

I think you're in the clear.

Well, maybe the phone isn't working.

Hank there's no dial tone.

Oh, hello.

Well, this is the freakiest thing.

I didn't even hear the phone ring.

I was just yes, warden, I understand.

I will be there.

Okay, he wants me to come in and explain myself tomorrow.

Well, I guess I'd better make bobby's lunch ( voice breaking ): for the next two to five years.

What's going on? Uh, nothing.

Hey, who's in the mood for some fun? Look, mom, gilda's trapped in a fortress but I'm going to break her free.


Oh, my sweet, sweet little boy.

Uh, peggy, i, uh how are you se for quarters? No, that's not wha I meant to say.

Uh, look, you said the other day you've never had a positive impac on anybody's life.

Well, I want you to know that you have.

I'd hate to think where bobby, luanne and I would be without you.

Come on, those moles aren't going to whack themselves.


( Sobbing ) ( sobbing ) it is my destiny to be the nameless, faceless executioner.

But do not fear me for I am just par of the circle of life the last part.

Made you flinch.

( Chuckles ) lunch.

( Shrieks ) mrs.

Hill, did you smuggle cocaine into my prison? I came to this prison to make an impact to help.

Help how? By getting me hooked? Do you give all your students dr*gs? That's not the right way to motivate us.

I never meant to tell him, peggy.

Tell him abou the boggle timers.

Stop rushing me.

Come clean.

Tell him the truth.

I came here to tell the truth.

I would never dream of telling anything else.

( Sniffing ) ( sniffing ) I never saw this man before in my life.

And-and what I mean by that is, I did not bring him cocaine.

I would like to please see the evidence against me.

But there's no cocaine in there.

In fact, it looks like it's been licked clean.

Well, I I had a little bi left this morning, but this was an important meeting.

I wanted to be up for it.

So, this is the only evidence against me? That should be enough.

I didn't bring in a thing.

I swear to god she smuggled cocaine in to me! So, uh I guess it's this convict's word against my wife's.

Now let's see, who can we trust? Peggy, have you ever decapitated anyone? No, I don't believe I have.

How about you, wes? Have you ever done anything that's caused a man's head to come off? ( Yells ) ( screaming ) peggy: I guess someone owes me an apology.

I wouldn't hold your breath.

I don't think wes even apologized for those people he k*lled.

I was talking about you.


I'm sorry.

Do you even know wha you're apologizing for? No, I'm sorry, but I don't.

I accept.

You apologized because you said I couldn't take care of myself, and I can.

So there.

Hank: I thought it had something to do with the prison.

Bobby: all sloppy and no joe.
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