03x14 - Day 3: 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x14 - Day 3: 2:00 a.m. – 3:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24 Tony Almeida from CTU has just informed us that they were unable to confiscate this Cordilla virus in Mexico.

This man Amador, where is he now? Latest working theory is that Amador has this virus, and is headed back here to Los Angeles.

I let you live.

Tell me what you know.

Any time Amador does business on the west coast, he washes his deal through a man named Alvers.

How does Amador contact this Alvers? I don't know.

I've never met him.

Hello? Marcus, it's me.

I'll be there in an hour.

Got the virus? Yes.

Just be ready.

I will be.

I got to go see Julia Milliken.


I don't want you to go anywhere near her or Alan tonight.

Do you think I'm scared of you? Julia My pills.

No, don't.

- What are you doing? - Don't.

- Sherry? - This is your way out.

- We k*lled him.

- No.

There's one thing you're going to have to be really clear about, when the authorities come around questioning you.

I was never here.

The following takes place between 2:00 a.


and 3:00 a.


Point Mugu Naval Air Station I got her.

- Agent Bauer.

- Yeah? I'm Jason Carusone from Division.

These men will be escorting the prisoner back to CTU.

She doesn't leave my sight.

I know.

You can accompany her in the lead van.

Let's go! This is Carusone.


Yeah, he's right here.

Agent Edmunds.

It's Chloe O'brian from your office.

Hey, Jack, I'll take another car.


Yeah, Chloe? Chase, they found out.

Who found out what? Everybody here found out about Angela.

They all know she's your daughter.

What? How? The baby-sitter flaked.

She had a family emergency and brought her here.

You brought Angela into CTU? What was I supposed to do? Your sister's out of town.

There is no one else.

You have no idea what I've been through in the past couple of hours.

Okay, okay, okay.

Chloe, thank you for covering.

I appreciate it.

But where is Angela right now? She's downstairs with Marcy until you get back.

Did Kim find out? Chloe, did Kim find out? Yes, yes, Kim found out.

How did she react? Uh, gosh, Chase, I think she's kind of pissed.

All right, listen.

I'm coming back to CTU right now.

I'll take care of everything.


Here's the situation: We believe Michael Amador is in possession of the Cordilla virus.

We believe he is either headed to LosAngeles or he's here already.

We estimate he has enough of the pathogen to take out a major metropolitan area.

Our only lead is Nina Myers, who's being brought back to CTU right now.

She thinks Amador is meeting with a man here in Los Angeles by the name of Marcus Alvers.

Adam's done a workup on him.

We have some background, but there's nothing that places him definitively in Los Angeles today.

That's it? What about interpol? What do they have on Alvers? Our data tracking's a little behind, so we weren't able to access that report.

Why are we behind? We didn't update the European contact logs while I was down.

Michelle, you were the ranking agent.

I didn't think Europe was a priority.

Obviously it was.

There was a lot going on at the time.

All right.

Let's get back to work.

And let's try to ease up on the mistakes for the rest of the night as there are millions of lives depending on us.

Michelle Come.

I just got off with CTU.

What's the status on the virus? Well, it's not good.

The limited intelligence they have supports their original suspicion.

It's on its way to Los Angeles.

David, it may already be here.

Then we should be prepared in case they target other cities.

Our people in the security envelope have been alerted.

Trust me, it's being handled.

Now, why don't you try and go get some rest? I'm on this.


President, Mrs.

Palmer's here to see you.

Send her in, please.

Start waking people up.

Set up a conference call with the appropriate cabinet members: Homeland security, FBI, National Health Services.

We're going to need everyone on this one.

Yes, sir.

Wayne? Sherry, I asked you here to help me, not make things worse.

I did not want you going to Alan Milliken's house.

Well, relax, David.

I didn't go there.

- You didn't go? - No.

When we spoke on the phone, you told me it was crucial that you speak to Julia in person.

Yes, and I changed my mind.

I-I spoke to her over the phone.

About what? About Kelly's disappearance.

I asked her if she would check Alan's cell phone and see if there were any recently made calls.

And? She wouldn't do it.

You don't take no for an answer, Sherry.

What aren't you telling me? Nothing, David, I swear.

What have you been up to since we last talked if you weren't at Milliken's? Making calls.

You could have made them from here.

Yes, but I didn't.

I parked on the side of the road, I started making calls because I didn't want to wait.

I told you we have a small window of opportunity here.

I wanted to exploit the fact that Milliken may not have had time to cover his tracks when he had someone grab Kelly.

All right.

I have other things to attend to.


Is there anything else? That's it.

Hello, Nina.

Take her to interrogation 819.

Yes, sir.

What's the security configuration? Don't worry about it, Jack.

We're handling Nina.

Ryan, you know what she's capable of.

That's none of your concern right now.

I'm sending you to medical to get checked out.

I'm fine.

I don't think you are.

What's this about? We found evidence you've been injecting heroin.

Tell me I'm off here, Jack.

Tell me I'm wrong.

I didn't think so.

Ryan, I haven't missed a step.

I'm fine.

I have to cover my ass.

- I need to get you checked out.

- You're wasting time.

- Kim.

- Yeah? I thought you'd want to know your dad's back.

What about Chase? Uh, he's a few minutes behind.

Thank you.



Oh, god.


She's here.

I know, sweetheart.

I know.

Come here.

Look, I have to debrief Chappelle.

I'll see you in a minute, okay? Dad, I know about your drug problem.

Why didn't you come to me with this? Come here.

Come here.

I'm sorry, baby.

I'm sorry.

I was embarrassed.

And it wasn't your problem, and it still isn't.

I didn't want you to worry.

Well, is it over? No, not exactly.

I think I'm going to have to go into a program, and get some help.

- I'm so sorry.

- It's okay.

Chappelle wants me to go into the clinic and get checked out.

- We'll talk about this later, okay? - Okay.

Don't worry.

- I love you.

- Me, too.



I'm glad you're back.

It's been difficult without you.

Thanks, Chloe.

- Chase.

- Yeah.

- Need to talk to you.

- Okay.

Why don't you take a few minutes and come to my office.

Yeah, sure.


Milliken? Mr.

Milliken? Oh, my god.


Milliken! Come quickly! Quickly! Hey.

How's the hand? It's fine.

How'd Chappelle find out? I don't know, it doesn't really matter.

What's going on out there? Almeida's going to be interrogating Nina, and I'll follow it from a feed.

Okay, good.

Make sure Tony puts double security on the doors.

Get back to me as soon as she gives you anything.

Agent Bauer, keep pressure here.


Thank you.

Jack, you're about to find something out about me that's not going to make you happy.

What are you talking about? Excuse me.

Do you mind? I've got a daughter.

- A daughter? - It was sprung on me a month ago.

Her mother dropped her off, and she split.

It's a long story.

Does Kim know about this? Yeah.

From you? I haven't had a chance to talk to her myself yet.

You square this with her, Chase, you understand me? Just make that right.

And get back to me as soon as Nina gives you anything.

I will.

Are we up yet? Yep.

Video's piped in, voice analysis, vitals, transcription.

- We're all set.

- Nick, do you copy? - Yeah, I read you.

- We're ready to go.

All right, recording to hard drive now.

So, Tony's doing this? Yeah.

Is that going to be weird for you? What do you mean? Didn't-didn't he and Nina go out? Yeah.

We set? Yeah.

All right.

I want you to do a hi-res on her eyes.

She's tired.

We might be able to pick up a tell.


So, we all right? Yeah.

We're fine.

All right.

Let's do this.

I got the hi-res on monitor two.


Didn't know I was gonna see you today.

You know what we want.

We need to find Michael Amador before he unloads the virus.

I've already told Jack everything I know.

Well, I want you to tell me.

First Jack, now you.

Hmm what does that remind me of? You told Jack that Amador might try to contact a Marcus Alvers.

So, where do we look for Alvers? That's a nice ring.

Who's the lucky girl? Hope you did a background check, though, 'cause you don't want to make the same mistake twice.

You're going back to prison.

There's a good chance you'll be ex*cuted as a traitor.

Now you know if you cooperate, you may be able to save your own life, but you're stalling.

Which means you know something and you still think there's a play you can make, only now's not the right time.

Very incisive.

I hope your wife appreciates that about you.

Why don't you tell me about Alvers? All I know is that he works only with Amador.

I don't know him personally.

All we've been able to dig up on him are a few random medical records under one of his known aliases.

He had an MRI on one of his knees, there's a prescription for antibiotics, treated for HIV Her pulse is spiking.

Someone hasn't been using protection with Marcus Alvers.

She's probably had sex with him.

See, Nina, my colleagues in the next room tell me that something in those medical records concerns you.

I'm guessing it's not the knee.

I'm here to see Alvers.



How was your trip? Interesting.

I still don't understand why you risked so much down in Mexico, why you didn't come here directly.

made it worth the risk.

What about Nina? If she wasn't k*lled by the b*mb, I'm sure our buyers took care of her once they found out she didn't deliver the virus.

Either way, she's out of the picture.

I hope so.

She can point to both of us.

We'll be long gone before anyone starts looking.


Look, I know we haven't talked since I got back.

No, we haven't.

I know what you must be thinking, but you need to give me a chance to explain.

I don't know what to think.

Look, I'm happy that you're okay, but this thing you have a baby, Chase.

We've been together for more than three months, and you kept this secret from me.

Who's the mother? Where does she fit into this? That's what I want to talk to you about.

I didn't know I had a daughter until a month ago.

How could you not know? Angela's mother and I went out last year.

Okay, it's over.

And when it ended, she never told me she was pregnant.

Now she calls a month ago and tells me she has a baby, and that I'm the father.

And she's in trouble, and she can't handle it.

I was afraid to let people find out.

I was afraid it was gonna mess us up.

But you told Chloe.

Chloe and my sister have been helping me take care of the baby.

She's a good friend.

Excuse me.

Chase? You wanted me to let you know when Angela woke up.

- Thank you.

- Sure.

Kim, I'm just as confused as you are.

But all I know is that I love you.

And I'm falling in love with Angela, too.

And I need to make this work.

Go on.

What's happening with Nina in interrogation? They're getting something.

What? The connection between Alvers and Nina might be deeper than we thought.

You'd better hope she's not just spinning your wheels, because she knows how to manipulate our interrogation protocol.

Tony knows what he's doing.

Okay, fine.

Look, I need to get together with Chloe.

I need everything that she's got on the Amador investigation.

Not yet.

Ryan, look, you're wasting my time.

Now, I humored you with the physical.

And we both know that my blood work's gonna come back with trace amounts of opiates, but enough is enough.

Rae Plachecki from the inspector general's office is here.

She wants to talk to you.

- Well, this is not the time.

- Actually, it is.

You'll talk to her, then we'll evaluate whether you can go back to work or not.

Come on.

Rae Plachecki, this is Jack Bauer.

You know the drill, Jack.

I'm gonna ask you some questions, but I want you to know, I'm on your side.

We just want to establish that this heroin addiction was a necessary part of your cover.

It was necessary to maintain my cover.

Are we done now? Sit down, Jack.

This is Rae Plachecki.

The time is 2:31 A.


This is the interrogation of Jack Bauer, director of field ops, CTU.

Ryan Chappelle is present.

Jack, tell us how you established your cover with Ramon Salazar.

I first came in contact with the Salazars approximately two years ago.

They were an up-and-coming narcotic cartel, coming out of Mexico.

So, when did you meet Amador? Did you know him when you were working at CTU? Tell me something, Nina, what kind of a deal you think you're gonna cut? You've betrayed everybody you know, including me.

You m*rder*d Jack's wife.

You helped t*rrorists smuggle a nuclear b*mb into this country.

You're helping to unleash a deadly virus into the general population.

Help me understand this.

What do you want? What is it you get out of being a mass m*rder*r? Your neck is bleeding.

Dalton, what do you got? So far, the only reactions we're getting from her are subliminal.

If she's not gonna say anything, we need to be more plugged in to her vitals.

We can take her down to seven, give her a passive response test.

Seven's not secure enough.

She stays here.

Where's Richards? He's waiting.

All right, let's bring him in.

Send Darren in.

Nina, I don't think you've met Darren Richards.

He joined us after you left.

Hello, Darren.

Don't take it personally.

He doesn't talk much.

Uh, something's not connecting up for me, Jack.

You say that you weren't in with the Salazars until early February, but the first time you started using was late December.

That's six weeks of sh**ting up for the benefit of no one.

Am I missing something? I was trying to pass myself off as a junkie.

I wanted to be prepared.

What do you mean, "prepared"? The Salazars lived their entire lives in the drug world.

If I couldn't handle the narcotics that went with that territory, they'd have known I was a cop, and they'd have k*lled me.

I needed to be able to handle it.

Yeah, that makes sense, but in January, when you were putting needles in your arm, you didn't have a meeting on the books with these guys-- it could have been a year, for all you knew.

What are you saying? I am trying to establish incontrovertible evidence that you did dr*gs as part of your cover-- if I submit what you just told me, it's not gonna hold up, Jack.

What do you want me to say?! I did dr*gs to get in with these people, and I got in with them! And no matter how difficult it's been, I don't use anymore.

Look, I'll write it up that way, and maybe it'll fly, but I just think you're gonna have a problem because you never told anyone, not even your partner.

That's suspicious.

Rae, you know my history.

I've had a very difficult time since my wife passed away.

If I'd told anyone that I was using dr*gs to develop a case, they would have misinterpreted, and I couldn't afford that risk.

Yeah, well, that's what they're gonna do now.

Rae, let's put down that Jack started using heroin in late January, after the first meeting with Salazar was established.

I appreciate what you're trying to do, Ryan, but that's not what happened.

Just trying to save us all some paperwork.

I'm okay with that.

I'm not.

I started using in December.

I've got nothing to hide.

This office demands results, and that's what I provide: Results.


Can I get back to work? Not quite yet, Jack.

No, it's secure and we have it.

It will be as arranged.

He'll be here in an hour.

Just as long as we have enough time to leave the country before they let this virus out.

Please be seated.

Five hours ago, I went public with a statement that there was a domestic terror threat, but it had passed.

And now it appears that that was premature.

Ladies and gentlemen, do we or do we not have a threat of this virus being released? Sir, I'm afraid we can't answer that question with any kind of certainty.

What can you tell me, Mr.

Hammond? What few leads we have indicate that Michael Amador has the virus and is in Los Angeles.

For what purpose, we can't say.

Then we have to prepare for defensive action here in Los Angeles.

And for that matter, in all of our major cities.


President, you know our position here at homeland security.

We think being forthright with the public and making such preparations in the open is the correct course.

Again, we have to assess the downside of that course.

I have no problem with that, Mr.

President, as long as we realize we are working against a clock.

I want all departments present to work up an open versus covert containment strategy and report back to me in 30 minutes.

In the meantime, I want Health Services to issue guidelines, but only to be distributed internally.

That is all.

I'll be in my office.


Give us a second, please, Aaron.

Of course, sir.

Secret Service just received a phone call from the west Los Angeles police department.

Alan Milliken is dead.

What? He was found 15 minutes ago in his home.

All signs point to a heart attack.

It isn't possible.

Well, apparently, it is.

You told me Sherry was on her way over there about an hour ago.

She changed her mind.

Made some phone calls from her car.

Came straight back here.

David, is that what she told you? Yeah.

And where is she now? Resting.

Aaron, take me to Sherry.

Yes, sir.

She's right this way.

Hasn't your shift ended? I stayed on.

I sense it's a difficult day, and I wanted to be here for you.

- I appreciate that.

- Right in there, sir.



What's wrong? Alan Milliken is dead.

What? How? Why don't you tell me? What do you mean? I told you, I didn't go there.

I know what you told me.

You sat in your car, you made some phone calls, and you came straight here.

Yes, and that's the truth.

Then you won't mind the police checking your cell phone and the car you used tonight.

You know you asked me to take care of a problem, and I did.

If you want the police to check phone logs, then have them check yours first.

Because remember? You called me tonight.

I am here because of you, David.

What happened, Sherry? I went over to the house just to speak to Julia.

Alan interrupted us.

There was an argument and he had a heart attack.

There's going to be an investigation.

You're going to have to tell the truth about this.

The truth isn't going to save either one of us.

All they're going to hear is that I was there on your behalf to prevent Alan from meddling with your presidency, and that he died from natural causes.

Now, how do you think that's going to play out in the New York Times for the next six months? What did you do to Alan? Honestly, David, nothing.

Absolutely nothing.

Kim, I transferred that feed to your system.

Do you want me to pull it up for you now? Yeah I don't think she's going to give them anything.

We're going to have to find Marcus Alvers by ourselves.

What can I do? Um, I followed up on some of those Asian connections, but in the meantime, there's something I want you to look at.

- It's a long shot.

- What is it? A list of cities where Marcus Alvers has been in the last three years.

Each time only for a couple of days.

Maybe he was meeting somebody.

Cross it with the other suspects in our database.

Let me know what you come up with, okay? Okay.

Look, I don't know why we have to go through this again.

I already answered that.

What is it, Edmunds? Just wanted to give you an update on Nina.

Rae, could you pause that? She give us anything new on Alvers? No, other than the probability she knew him personally.

She's not cooperating.

What are we doing? Richards is working on her now.

I think that's a mistake.

Why? /I don't think anybody should be in there that hasn't worked with her before, doesn't know what she's capable of.

She'll manipulate him.

All Richards does is inflict pain.

There's no way for her to manipulate him.

All right.

How much more of this you want to endure, Nina? I think this is about it.

- She hit an artery! - Michelle, call medical! No, she's bleeding too much.

We got to take her there now! - Tell security! - We need someone from medical.

- Interrogation room 819.

- Uncuff her.

Now! So what did Sherry have to say? That Alan had a heart attack.

And you believe her? I'd be a fool to believe anything Sherry says to save herself.

But m*rder? I can't imagine she'd do that.

David, we can't allow ourselves to be caught off guard this time.

Now we have to assume the worst.

Then we'd also have to assume that Julia was somehow involved.

What? Whoa, whoa, listen.

David, I'm sorry, but Julia's not the same kind of person that Sherry is.

When we find out all the facts, we'll proceed from there.

I have to go over the morning brief with Jerry.

All right.

- Hello? - Julia, it's me.

Wayne? I just heard about Alan, and I are you alone? The police are here.

I'm was just going to speak with one of the officers.

All right, tell me what happened.

Wayne, Sherry was here when it happened, but she told me not to tell the police.

Julia, I need for you to tell me exactly what happened over there, all right? We were talking with Alan.

He got excited, then he started to gasp for air.

He gets angina.

So you called 911, right? No, no.

I-I tried to give him his medication.

What do you mean you tried? Sherry stopped me.

I went to help Alan, but she grabbed my arm.

I just stood there.

I-I couldn't, I couldn't move.

I I - I k*lled him, Wayne.

- Shh, shh, shh.

All right, listen to me carefully, all right? I k*lled him.

Call Alan's lawyer, and do not say anything, anything to anyone until he gets there.

You understand me? Wayne, could you come down here and help me? No, and please don't call me.

I will help you, Julia, I will, but for right now I have to keep my distance, I'm sorry.

Excuse me, coming through.

- Let's move, right here.

- Okay, swing it.

Come on, come on, let's go! One, two, three.

Carotid's been lacerated.

Start a twilight drip.

Yes, doctor.



Keep steady pressure.

More gauze.


- Got it open.

- Okay, clamp it.

Here you go, doctor.

- Keep the pressure on.

- Yes, sir.

Let's get some more gauze in here.

Okay, she's under.

I want you two stationed right here.

Do not leave unless you hear directly from me.

Okay, Jack, those are all the questions I'm obliged to ask.

If you got anything else you want to add, Jack, now would be the time.

That's my statement, as it is.

My god, Tony.

Nina tried to commit su1c1de.

She jammed her neck into Richards' needle, ruptured an artery.

Where is she now? She's in the clinic being operated on.

Who's with her? Don't worry, Jack, she's sedated.

I saw her go under.

Who's with her now? Tony, who's with her?! Damn it! Which way did she go? Lock down the building! This is Ryan Chappelle.

Nina Myers is loose in the building.

Lock it down, now! Nina, drop the g*n and put your hands on your head, now! Kim.

What the hell are you doing? You don't want to be any part of this.

Shut up.

Just turn around and walk away.

If you leave now, you won't get hurt.


Don't do it, Nina.

I swear to god, I'll sh**t you.

You won't k*ll me.

Nina, damn it.

Kim, back up.

Back up.

Kim, I want you to go back into CTU, tell them we got Nina.

- Dad, listen to me.

We need - Kim, go now! Please, baby, just go.


You don't have any more useful information, do you, Nina? I do.

No, you don't.
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