03x16 - Day 3: 4:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.

Episode transcripts for the TV show "24". Aired: November 6, 2001 to July 14, 2014.*
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Counterterrorism agent Jack Bauer fights the bad guys of the world, a day at a time.
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03x16 - Day 3: 4:00 a.m. – 5:00 a.m.

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on 24.

What happened, Sherry? I went to the house to speak to Julia.

Alan interrupted us.

There was an argument, and he had a heart attack.

You stood there and you watched a man die? Complex problems sometimes have the simplest solutions, Wayne.

Sherry, we can't cover this thing up.

We can and we will.

The deal was we get paid in full.

The deal changed when you went down to Mexico.

After you have hit the hotel, you'll get the rest of your money.

Where's the virus, you son of a bitch You are too late, Jack We've got Amador What about the virus? I think we've got a high probability target.

What is it? The Chandler Plaza Hotel on Wilshire Blvd.

How can I help you? There's been a threat made against your hotel.

As of this moment it's very important you not allow anybody in or out of the structure.

What's the nature of the threat? The release of an infectious substance inside the hotel.

If this virus gets out, you die, just like everyone else.

Gael, the virus is in the central ventilation unit.

The following takes place between 4:00 am and 5:00 am.


Phillips, this is Agent Ortega The toxic substance has been released into the forced air unit My god You need to shut down the unit, where is the air conditioning control panel? On your left, there is a row of fuses running down the right side of the panel one for each floor Look, this toxic release, how bad is it? Agent Orgega? We are just taking precautions, Mr.


How much of the virus was released? Enough to k*ll everyone in the building Did you plant vials anywhere else? Don't you get it, we are all going to die Did you plant any other vials? My assignment was the hotel So there are others.

Yes How many? Keep an eye on him.

Dessler Michelle, what's the status? Alvers planted a vial containing the cordilla virus in the ventilation system It was on a timing device.

It went off as Gael was trying to disarm it He was in direct contact? Yeah, he's shutting down the system now, but we have to assume it's permeated the entire building Michelle, within 14 hours, anybody exposed to the virus will become symptomatic They'll infect whoever they come in contact with.

Yeah, I know No one can be allowed to leave the building We have to impose a total quarantine We will scramble a code 6 perimeter We have to be careful about this, Tony If these people realize what's going on, there will be widespread panic.

All right, our people will hold a hundred yard radius, and stay out of sight.

Then LAPD and Health Services will move in adjacent to the hotel Good, The vial that Alvers planted, he said there were 11 more Alvers told you this? I just left him You just left him? Michelle He could have been exposed to the virus How'd he get outside the hotel? Michelle? He didn't leave the hotel He is still in the basement.

Are you inside? Yeah What the hell are you doing in there? I was trying to be a hero, Tony, That's the only decision I can make How far away you from the ventilation room I am not sure Health service is bringing protect gear, I want you to put it on as soon as they get there Now if they get you outside of the hotel¡­ Tony, Tony, I can't leave Are you listening to me? I am ordering you to get out But that's the order I can't obey, as it is there are only 7 agents including Gael and the hotel's full of people that need to be contained and controlled Communications, testing procedures, they all have to be coordinated And I am the ranking officer Michelle, look I have been exposed, there is nothing anyone can do Alvers said there were 11 more vials, He said he doesn't know where they are.

I believe him Tony? Yeah I have to go Call me when you have a working protocol Can I have a moment alone? You and I both know I don't have a lot of time here I need to know who you're working for.

Who is behind this? You said he knows me, just give me a name Do what you want to me.

I am telling you nothing.

We found the incubator with the virus in the room next door.

If you don't tell me what I need to know, I will put you in there and I will open it up.

Then I will die, but I won't talk.

This is Bauer.

Jack, this is Chappelle The virus has been released into the ventilation system of the Chandler Plaza Hotel Alvers says there are 11 other vials, but won't or can't tell us where they are Amador is our only other link, Jack He says whoever's behind this knows me, but he is too afraid to give me a name Is it someone you worked with or against? That's what we're trying to figure out Bring Amador back to CTU Ryan, we don't have time for that We don't know when the 11 other vials are going to be released We'll put him in a room with Richards You put Nina in a room with Richards.

You got no information and 3 dead agents Ryan, please, you are gonna have to let me handle this.

You're gonna have to trust me All right Jack We've got some readings off the incubator That was Ryan The virus has been released at the Chandler Plaza Hotel There are411 other vials, we don't know where they are, and we don't know when they are gonna be released.

Well, he probably does.

He says he'd rather be dead than talk, and I believe him It's not going to matter though.

As soon as we have his boss in custody, we turn him over as a witness Always thinking, aren't you, Jack? Shut up.

Take the wall.

Knees We'll be right back The powder was grinded into particles, small enough to suspend it in the air It's like an aerosol Well, most of the windows at the Chandler Plaza Hotel don't open, which means the contaminated air will just circulate within the hotel We can contain it Tony, it's Nicole Duncan Are you on your way to the hotel? Yeah, we're loading up now We'll be there as fast as we can What's the status of your people? They are setting up a covert perimeter Ok, we are bringing a mobile lab to test the people inside the hotel But that can only be accomplished if the situation is stable Yeah, Michelle has got that covered.

She is inside the hotel? Unprotected? Yeah.

Look, I will get back to you.

Here is the protocol: total containment inside the hotel.

No one is allowed to leave or communicate with the outside.

Health services will establish an adjacent perimeter.

LAPD will move in as soon as the area is deemed safe.

All right.

Have they been given degree of force parameters in case someone tries to leave the hotel? No, that's your call One person gets out, it could start a ripple effect of disease transmission throughout the city Orders are sh**t to k*ll anyone who attempts to leave No exceptions Michelle, all the exits have been secured.

Ok, we need to shut down the elevators and the phone system It's that serious? Potentially, yes.

For now, no one can leave the building.

Our first priority is to prevent a panic.

Shutting down hotel operations, that will create one, and people still have their cell phones.

We're directing a jamming signal at the hotel.

How do you stay in contact with CTU if the cell phones are jammed? Our phones operate on pinhole frequency, we won't be affected.

Is anyone going to survive this? That's what we're here to ensure.

Look, we're going to rely on your leadership, Mr.


You and your employees will be our first line of defense.

Ok? We also need to shut down the fire alarm.

It's hardwired to the main grid.

It has to be shut down one node at a time.

I will take care of it.

Thank you We have probably got an hour or so before people start waking up.

Where is Alvers? He's downstairs with Peterson.

He gave up nothing except that there are more vials somewhere Gael, I know you wouldn't have been exposed to the virus if it wasn't for me.

You didn't have us do anything we wouldn't have done on our own.

Margolis? Hey, I am going to need you to stay for a while I can't put in OT(Over Time), my wife is a week overdue.

Oh, listen, the ventilation system may have released an irritant into the air and I need all available personnel to deal with the guests in case there is any reaction.

I am not a doctor.

What can I do? The health department people they are on their way, and I promise I will get you out of here as soon as I can This is Bauer Dad, it's me.

Amador has left the building Which way is he headed? Hang on, I am triangulating him now.

We are on.

Hurry, Kim I got him.

He is heading south on western and 16th Ok, we are on our way How many people in the hotel? About a thousand.

All right, call the governor.

If this thing spreads and there is a citywide panic, he needs to be ready to mobilize the state troopers and the national guard Yes, Mr.

President But, I want him to hold off the order until he hears from us.

Ok Sorry.


You look tired David, I am bringing you a problem, but I'm also bringing you a solution Let's hear the problem Julia Milliken.

She was interviewed by the police about Alan's death, and she is claiming I had something to do with it.

Did you? Does that really matter? Only you could say that, Sherry.

You know, you always claim to want the truth, but your whole life, you've been surrounded by people like me and Wayne who have protected you from it.

I never asked to be protected.

Well, that may be true, but the fact remains you have been Well, tonight I am going to take you at your word.

I am actually going to tell you the truth.

Thank you.

I was with Julia Milliken when Alan had his heart attack.

She was going to give him his medicine, and I stopped her.

We both watched him die.

That's m*rder.

And Julia couldn't keep her mouth shut.

She told the police everything.

They just called me a little while ago, and I told them, I told them that I was with you at the time of Alan's death.

So I expect they'll be contacting you to verify my story.

And you expect me to do that? Oh, David, it would be a serious mistake not to.

Because if you don't, I will tell them that I was acting on your behalf.

No one's gonna believe that I asked you to k*ll Alan Milliken.


But maybe they'll believe that you were having a problem with him, that you told me to take all necessary measures to solve it.

Now, that's a nice sound bite for the media, don't you think? Take all necessary measures? I never used those words.


Think it over, David.

Ok, Tony, I have got you on speaker.

We are on Hoover headed south running parallel to Amador's position on Vermont.

Yeah, we've got you both.

Where did you put the transponder? In the banage on his hand.

You know, this could all backfire, Jack.

We didn't have a choice, we had to let him believe that he had escaped I am just saying that while you are tied up following him, he may just be heading out of town.

No, whoever Amador's working for has got connections all around the world.

He's gonna need his help to get out of here.

You want some backup? No.

There's not very many cars on the road.

If we get any closer, he'll make us.

Look, did Michelle compile the list of all the contacts I have had over the last 5 years? Look, I had to put Chloe on it.

Michelle's inside the Chandler Plaza Hotel.

I am sorry, Tony Look, we think the virus has been altered Altered how? It was combined with another chemical.

It's on its way over to NHS to get tested now.

So you are saying she might have a chance.

Maybe, I hope so.

Look, Tony, we'll get back to you as soon as we have got anything, ok? Yes? It's Amador.

I was detained by some CTU agents.

They put me through hell, trying to force me to give you up.

Did you? Of course not.

I need a way out of the country.

Of course.

Was Jack Bauer one of the agents? Yes.

I need you to be certain you are not being followed before we meet.

You know what to do.


Good Call me when you are sure.

You have the location? When do you want it released? This will ring twice.

Once you set the timer, make sure it's destroyed.

How long before you can move in? About half an hour.

We found out that the virus was altered, ombined with another compound Yeah, well, until that compound's analyzed, e have no idea what we're dealing with.

So, what's the mortality rate among those exposed to the virus? In its unaltered form, approximately 90%.

Look, if if somebody was exposed for just a short time, would leaving the hotel make a difference? I mean I know I am not making sense here, but Once you are exposed, you are exposed.

The length of exposure has no real bearing on survivability.

All right, look, you said ten percent would survive.

Now, if the virus was altered, is there a chance the percentage would go up? It's possible, Tony.

We'll do everything we can for her.

Yeah, thanks.

The whole floor? Have you check the service areas? No, I have the corridor.


Which floor? All levels.

Elevator shaft.

I am getting inconsistent readings on that.

Ok, well, recheck it and get back to me.

Copy that.

Ok, out.

Floors one through five show 30 parts per million or greater.

Yeah, same as the rest of the hotel.

Even the lobby's contaminated.

Ok I will call CTU.

You call NHS.

All right.

CTU, Koppel.

Hello? I'll call you back.


Michelle, stay back One of my agents just started showing symptoms.

What the hell is going on? Does that really matter? The incubation period is supposed to be 14 hours, you are the chemist, what did you do? Tell me Under one condition.

You're in on position to be making demands.

I am the only one who knows what I did.

And that dies with me, unless you do what I want.

What do you want? I know what the virus does.

I don't want to die like that.

I will tell you what you want to know if you swear you will k*ll me once the symptoms start.

Come What's the latest on the hotel? It still unclear how much of that virus was released or how many people were exposed.

Now I think you might want to make an announcement as to how to deal with the outbreak No.

I am not making any announcements until more facts are known.

Listen, David, I just heard from LAPD.

They consider Sherry to be a flight risk.

Now, David, they have a warrant for her arrest if you don't back her alibi that she was with you when Milliken died.

You mean lie.

There is nothing to think about here.

Perjury and obstruction of justice are nothing to think about? David, you have the most powerful legal apparatus in the world at your disposal.

Now, you let me call the AG's office and this so called problem disappears.

No, no, no.

It just widens the conspiracy, and it'll never hold.

Are you gonna let everything you have accomplished and I do mean everything be destroyed because of, what? because of .


what, because of Sherry's indiscretion? Listen to yourself, Wayne, you are calling m*rder an indiscretion? Oh, for God's sakes, grow up.

Who the hell do you think you are talking to? To an ex-president, David, unless you do the only thing that makes sense here.

Now, Sherry said if she goes down, she's gonna take you down with her.

Then do your job and make sure that doesn't happen.

Then stop tying my hands.

I want to see the chief of police.

Damn it, David, we can stonewall.

We can survive this.

Get him out of bed and bring him directly to me.

So where are we? Caltrans just redirected all the traffic within a two block radius of the hotel.

Chloe, how long before we have enough agents around the hotel to keep everybody in? We are at least a half hour away.

Damn it.

Tony, I have got Michelle on line three.

All right, I willl take it over here.


The situation is worse than we thought.

What are you talking about? Gael has started hemorrhaging from the nose and mouth less than an hour after exposure.

So the incubation period is no longer 14 hours.

According to Alvers, the compound had added to the virus acts as an accelerant.

Is Gael the only one showing symptoms? As far as I know.

Where is he? I isolated him in a room in the basement.

Were you exposed to any of his blood? No.

But we've tested the air throughout the hotel.

The virus is everywhere and I have been breathing it.

All right, look, reinforcements are on their way.

Everyone knows we need a hard perimeter as soon as possible.

I will get back to you.

Michelle We can't do this now.

We have to focus on making sure no one gets out of here.




Phillips, you gotta tell me what's going on.

What are you talking about, Bruce? Don't' say you don't know.

There are people outside this hotel with g*ns, and every door I have tried is locked.

They are federal agents, and they are dealing with a problem.

What kind of problem? Are we in trouble? Please.

The only thing I can tell you is all they have told me.

I don't know any more.

And you are sticking around? Look, we don't have a choice.

They have the authority to keep us here.

So what are we supposed to do? All we can do until they tell us more is to stay calm, and hope for the best Ok? Yeah Yeah It's Michelle.

How are you feeling? Ok, all right.

The bleeding stops and starts.

But I just feel very very weak As soon as NHS gets here, they have gonna send a doctor in to see you.

To track the progress of the virus.

And to make you more comfortable.

You have gotta get them here soon.

You are gonna have a had time keeping people in the hotel once they wake up.

What's that, Michelle? I will call you back.

I thought the fire alarm was disconnected.

I thought so, too.

Well, can you shut it off? Yeah, I am on my way.

I have to find the override.

Get on the intercom.

Tell people it was a false alarm and to stay in their rooms.

The two of you, I need you to go to the stairwell and turn people back around.

Everyone else, man the doors.

Nobody gets out.

Look, I have doubled back on my route a few times now, there is no one on my tail.

You're certain? Yes, the streets are empty.

Just bring me in.

How far are you from the location? I will be there soon.

Park a few blocks away and walk.

Look for a silver Ford.

I told him we'll be waiting with your travel documents.

Look, I will need some cash to help me get out of the country.

He will have that for you as well.


Amador's making a UTurn.

He is heading downtown.

Ok, we've got him.

Bring in the follow teams.

Tell them to stay at a safe distance.

Amador's not going to lead us to who he is working for unless he feels absolutely safe.

Coordinating the follow teams now.


What's your status? The lower level is all clear.

So hold your position.

Copy that.

It was a false alarm, you all go back to your rooms.

Everything will be ok.

I deactivated the alarm node, but the system still has to cycle down.

Well, how long is it going to take? I don't know.

I just want to know what the hell is going on.

Take it easy, Sir.

Everything is fine.

You just need to relax.

Well, everything doesn't seem fine, ok? It was a false alarm, it's no problem.

Then why is this guy telling me I can't run outside.

Please, Sir, I just need you to go upstairs.

No, not until someone tells me what is going on.

That's right.

What are those people doing outside? I saw them from my room.

They are wearing gas masks.

You can't keep us in here.

I want an explanation.

Please, please, if I can have your attention, I will explain the situation.

I am a federal agent.

I am here because about half an hour ago, a toxic substance was released outside, around this building.

Why didn't you tell us that before? Because we didn't want people to panic and rush outside and expose themselves to this dangerous substance.

Now, you are safe as long as you stay inside this hotel, but until we get a cleanup crew out there, it's not safe to go outside.

Well, how long are we going to be here? Why don't the phones work? Please, please, we will work this all out, I promise you.

If you go back to your rooms, everything will be ok.

Excuse me, Agent Dessler, someone got a fire door open.

Where? Signal came from the west side of the hotel.

All those emergency exits feed the same corridor.

All right, I need you to stay here and help my people out.

How do I get there? Down this corridor to the right, and downstairs.

All right, people, let's head back up to your rooms.

You heard the lady.

There is no problem.

Yeah, like hell there isn't.


Everyone, it's gonna be just fine.

Please, please, Ma'am, back to your room.

Please, everyone, it's gonna be just fine.

Stop right there.

I am getting out of here.

I am a federal agent.

Now, drop the g*n.


I just want to go.

It's not safe to leave.

Drop the g*n.

Why isn't it safe? A toxic substance was released outside around this hotel.

You are lying.

No, I am not lying.


I know about the man in the storeroom.

I know that something bad is in this hotel.

You are right.

It is.

That's why you can't go outside.

What are you talking about? Everyone in this hotel is going to get very sick.

Sick? How sick? Most of us are going to die.

That's not possible.

It's the truth.

I just want to get home to my wife.

My wife.

If you do, you will give this to her.

Anyone who leaves this hotel, will spread this disease.

Tens of thousands of people could die.

You don't want to be responsible for that, do you? Oh, God Oh, God Give me the g*n.

Now that you know, we have to isolate you.

Sit down.


We need you back in here.

There is a problem.

What's going on? Someone just started bleeding from the nose and mouth.

The blood keeps coming and we can't stop it.



Chief Hendricks.




Please have a seat.

Thank you, sir.

I realize this is an irregular hour for a meeting.

The circumstances are irregular, Mr.


Yes, they are.

I assume you have been briefed on the Milliken case.

I know Julia Milliken stated that Mrs.

Palmer contributed to the death of Alan Milliken by withholding his medication.


Palmer indicated to our detectives that she was not at Milliken residence this evening, that she was here with you.


President, my question is: was she? Yes, she was.

Thank you, Mr.


Thank you, Chief Hendricks.

Have a good night.

Thank you, sir.

Is there any reason you can think of that would have prompted Mrs.

Milliken to accuse Mrs.

Palmer? People do inexplicable things in a moment of crisis, Chief.


Good night.

Good night.

The police chief was just here.

And I told him that you were here with me tonight.

And no one will ever know anything different.

I will.

What you have done is unforgivable.

David, you called me precisely because you needed someone to do your dirty work.

So don't turn around and just try to wash your hands of this.

Don't you dare insinuate that I knew what you were about to do.

You took a life.

It's not that clear cut, David.

Yes, it is.

Alan Milliken is dead because of you.

You needed help with Milliken, and I gave it to you.

Neither of us had any idea that it would work out like this.

So let's not forget, it did work out in your favor.

You should be thanking me.

I despise you for what you have done.

And I despise my role in helping you get away with it.

Now get out of my sight.

Ok, I have got him.

Are the following cars in place? Affirmative We have the pursuing cars in position Here is your money and travel paper.

Move Damn it You get on the radio.

You tell the follow teams to cordon off this entire area.

I don't want anybody coming down here except for the b*mb squad and forensics Two block perimeter around ¡­ This is Bauer.

Hello Jack.

I knew you were better than Amador.

but you are not better than me.

Amador said you knew me.

Who is this? First thing first, Jack.

There are 11 other vials, each containing the same amount of virus that was released at the hotel.

I will use them the moment my instructions aren't followed.

What do you want, money? I need you to put me in touch with a friend of yours.

Everything is going to be ok.

Oh, my God.


I need phillips,it will be ok They are lying to us.

There is something wrong inside the building.

It's inside the building.

sir,clam down.

everyone,on my way Keep away from the doors.

Stay back.

Hold it right there Step away from the window.

I said step away from the window If you try to leave, I will sh**t you No, you won't Mr.

President, I have Jack Bauer for you.

Thank you Jack Mr.

President, the man in possession of the Cordilla virus has demanded to speak with you.

We don't have a name on him yet, sir.

But I do believe that if you don't speak with him, he'll release more of the virus.

Unfortunately, Mr.

President, right now at this time I think you are going to have to give in to this demands.

I will speak to him.

Yes, sir, I will connect you.

You're on with President.

I'll make this brief.

As you are no doubt aware, I am in possession of enough of the virus to decimate a good portion of the population of this country.

And as I have shown at the Chandler Plaza Hotel, I will do so unless you follow the instructions.

You will be receiving over the next few hours.

Do you understand, Mr.

President? I am listening.

You are no longer in control of your country, and if you do not use the full power of your office to execute my wishes, the virus will be released, and it will be impossible to stop.

You will be hearing from me.
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