01x18 - Blue's News!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Blue's Clues". Aired: September 8, 1996 - August 6, 2006.*
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A puppy leaves clues for viewers to solve daily puzzles.
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01x18 - Blue's News!

Post by bunniefuu »

Hi, out there!

It's me, steve.

Have you seen blue, my puppy?

There she is!

Come on in.

[ Barking...]

Oh, hi.

You know,
it's a good thing you're here.

Blue has something to tell us.

Come on.


Look who's here.

[ Barking]

[ Barks "hello"]

Okay, now, are you ready
to tell us?

[ Barking]

Blue is so excited.

Must be good news.

Okay, okay, what do you
want to tell us?

[ Barking]


We'll play "blue's clues"
to figure out

What blue wants to tell us, huh?

Well, since I just happen
to love blue's clues

I think that's a great idea,
don't you?

♪ We are gonna play
blue's clues ♪

♪ 'Cause that's a really
great game, yeah. ♪

Now remember, blue's paw print
will be on the clues:
blue's clues.

Oh, yeah... This paw print.

Psst... Hi.

Uh, you look like
a reasonable paw print

And the thing is,
no one can really see

When you're just
stuck against the
screen like that

And, uh,
we were just about
to play blue's clues

And I was wondering if
you wouldn't mind maybe...

[ Paw print humming...]

Thank you.

Thank you very much.

[ Chuckling]

Hey, you know what we need for
blue's clues: our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

Side table drawer.

I just love
blue's clues.

Ooh... Here it is.

You know, I can tell I'm really
going to need your help today

Figuring out
what blue wants to tell us.

Will you help me?

You will?


Oh, okay, so we got to find a...

Paw print.

Right, 'cause
that's the first...



Then we put it
in our notebook...

♪ 'Cause they're blue's clues,
blue's clues ♪

♪ We got to find
another paw print ♪

♪ That's the second clue

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're whose clues? ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ We got to find the last paw
print, that's the third clue ♪

♪ We put it in our notebook,
'cause they're blue's clues ♪

♪ Blue's clues

♪ You know what do

♪ Sit down
in our thinking chair ♪

♪ And think, think, think

♪ 'Cause when we use our minds,
take a step at a time ♪

♪ We can do anything...

[ Barks]

♪ That we want to do.

[ Bell ringing]

Oh, wait.

That sounds like
our friend tickity tock.

Come on.

[ Ringing]

Hey, tickity.

Steve, there you are.

Yeah, we heard
your alarm bells.

Yes. I have
something for you.

Oh, yeah?

[ Giggling]

It's a note.

Let's see what it says.

I want to read it
to you, okay?


It says our first clue
is in the room

Where you usually
find a spoon.

What room is it?

Oh, so, so it's a riddle
about our blue's clues.


Okay, so our first clue
is in the room

Where we usually
find a spoon.

Spoon in the bathroom...


Do you know in what room
we usually find a spoon?

The kitchen!

[ Rings]

The kitchen?

The kitchen!

Okay, a room with a spoon.

Ooh... Okay, I'm in the kitchen.

Uh... Do you think I need
to find a spoon or something?

Room with a...

[ With french accent]:
rosemary, thyme...

A clue! A clue!

Uh... Maybe oregano.

You see a spoon?

Uh... Sage?

Oh, hi, mr. Salt.

Looking for a spoon.

Yes, yes, good,
good... Spoon.


A clue!

A clue?

Bay leaf?

A clue on mr. Salt?


A clue...

[ With french accent]:
on mr. Salt![ Laughs]

Hey, we need to write
this mr. Salt clue

In our handy-dandy...

[ Hums, laughs]

Okay, we have a curved line
for the top...

Some dots...

A line down and around here
for the body...

His arms...

The face...

And there we have...

Mr. Salt.

So, our first clue is mr. Salt.



So what could blue be trying
to tell us about mr. Salt?


What could be the news?


What's this?


It's a note.

It's a picture
of shovel and pail.

Hey, I bet this note
is telling us to go see them.

Yeah. Come on.

♪ We are going to the garden

♪ We are going
to the garden ♪

♪ We are going to the garden

♪ To see shovel
and pail. ♪

[ Barks "hello"]

Hi, steve.

We sent you a note

Because we need
your help.

We're on
a treasure hunt.

A treasure hunt?

That's so cool.

Do you want to go
on a treasure hunt
with shovel and pail?

Okay, great.

But then we'll go look
for more blue's clues.

Okay, how do we help?

Well, this is
our treasure map.

It will lead us
to the treasure.

Do you know what
this treasure map

Is trying to tell us?

A bird and a house

A birdhouse!

A birdhouse?

Oh, a bird
plus a house

a birdhouse.

The treasure map
is telling us

To go
to the birdhouse.

let's go to the birdhouse!


Pail: is that the treasure?

No, it's another treasure map.

What does
it say?

Okay, let's see.


This treasure map is of letters,
plus a box.

Letters plus a box equals...

Where do you think
this treasure map will lead us?



Oh! Letters plus a box

Equals mailbox!

The treasure map
is telling us

To go see mailbox

To mailbox... Har!

Are you our treasure?

Treasure... Har!

The treasure chest!

Wow, treasure dust.

Make a wish.

I wish that...
[ Whispers]

Shovel and pail:
read the message!

Oh, okay.

It says, "your second clue
will make you sneeze

And it's used
in lots of recipes."

Oh, wait, here.

Bury this.

"Second clue
makes you

Used in lots
of recipes."

A clue, a clue.

A clue?

A clue makes you sneeze?

Oh, that's unfortunate

'Cause we're always finding...

No, a clue!

Oh, you see a clue.


There it is, our second clue.



Mrs. Pepper.

Right, because pepper...

[ Stifling sneeze]:
pepper makes you sneeze

And it's used in recipes
when you cook, right.

Okay, okay, we need
to write this clue down
in our handy-dandy...


Notebook, right.

[ Humming "la marseillaise"]

Start with the top...

A rounded line for the body...

Her little arms...

Her face...

Dots for the pepper...

And there...

Mrs. Pepper.

So what was our first clue?

Mr. Salt!

Mr. Salt,right.


And now our second clue
is pepper, mrs. Pepper.


Hmm, so what could blue
want to tell us

With mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper?

Mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper.

[ Sneeze]

Bless you.

Was that you sneezing?

Oh, it was
our felt friend
who was...

[ Sneezes]


Bless you.

Steve, I want to
ask you something.


Okay. What has a skinny tail,
big ears, and weighs a ton?

Oh, well, uh, your,
uh, skinny-tailed,
uh, uh...

Will you help me?

What has a skinny tail...


Big ears...

And weighs a ton?

An elephant!

An elephant?

[ Trumpets]

Oh, yeah. Look.

That was great.

An elephant
was the answer.

Do you think
you can figure out
my next question?

Oh, yeah, i,
I think we can.

We're getting pretty
good at this.

Let's have it.

Okay. What is green and bumpy
and tastes sour?

Well, that's, uh,
that's a, a...

Hey, what's green...

And bumpy...

And tastes sour?

A pickle!

A pickle?

A pickle, you got it.

Oh, yeah,
it's a pickle.

Good job.

♪ Mail time, mail time,
mail time ♪

♪ Mail time, mail time!

The mail's here!

♪ Here's the mail,
it never fails ♪

♪ It makes me want
to wag my tail ♪

♪ When it comes,
I want to wail, "mail!" ♪

[ Barks happily]

Mail's here,
mail's in.

Hi, mailbox.

Hey, I got to tell
you a riddle.

Okay. Who wears
a green-striped shirt

And tries to find
blue's clues all day?

[ Chuckles]

Yup, you, and you
just got a letter.

We just got a letter.

♪ We just got a letter

♪ We just
got a letter ♪

♪ We just got a letter

♪ Wonder who it's from.

Oh, it's a letter
from our friend.

Hi, steve.
I'm going to tell you
about my good news today.

First the doorbell rang.

I said, "who can that be?"

And when I opened the door

Grandma was there
with a plate full of cookies.

Thank you.



Wow. I can't wait to hear
our big news.

What's this?

It looks like a picture
of our friend...

Slippery soap.slippery soap.

Whoa, whoa.

Let's go see him.

♪ We are going to see slippery

♪ Maybe he knows
our next clue. ♪

Hey, slippery.

Hi, steve.

How's blue's clues

Pretty good.

You figure out
the big news yet?


Hey, how'd you know?

I just know.

Yeah, but, how come
I'm the one who...

Steve, can you help me?

Can you go over
to the chalkboard

And tell my friend
a message for me?


Wait a minute, your friend
lives in a chalkboard?


This is my message.

"Hi, I miss you,
love, slippery."

Okay, we got it.


Let's go find that chalkboard.


[ Barking
"blue skiddoo"]

Blue skiddoo
into the chalkboard...


Hey... Blue just... We...

♪ Blue skiddoo, we can, too.


It's a chalk world.



Let's draw.

Um, how about...


Right, birds.

[ Birds cawing...]


Okay, now let's draw a... Ooh.

A river.

[ Laughs]



Okay, um...

Maybe we should draw something
to take us down the river.

What could we draw?

A boat!

A boat.

Yes, a boat will take us
down the river.

Okay, let's see, a boat
looks kind of like this...

Up, over, down.

A boat... Whoa...

[ Barks "hello"]

Oh, there you are, blue.

Well, we're off to tell our
message to slippery's friend.

[ Birds cawing...]

[ Barking...]

Maybe we should draw
something to make the boat move.

What could we draw
to make the boat move?

An oar.

An oar. Nice thinking.

Nice oar drawing, blue.

Well, we're off.

[ Sniffs]


[ Barks]

What should we do?!

Faster, faster!

Faster, right.

Let's go.

[ Barking]

Ooh... [ Puffing]

What else could we do
about this wave?

[ Whimpers]

Hey, since we're
in chalk world, let's...

Erase it.

Erase it, right.

[ Barking happily]

Whew... [ Laughs]

That was close.

[ Barking]

[ Sniffs, sighs]

[ Barks sigh]

[ Birds cawing]

Hey, blue.

Do you think that was...

Oh, excuse me.

Are, are you
slippery's friend?

Yup, that's me.

Great. We have a message
for you from slippery.

That's so nice.

It's, um, uh... Oh...

Do you remember?


Oh, yeah, "hi."

"I miss you."

"I miss you."

"Love, slippery."

"Love, slippery."

Oh, thanks.

Hey, are you steve?

Uh, why yes.

You know, I have
a special message for you, too.

You do?

The message is:
"your last clue holds a drink

And you're closer
than you think."

Last clue holds a drink.


Well, thanks,
slippery's friend.

Sudsy. Bye.
Bye, sudsy.

[ Barking]

Okay, so, last clue
holds a drink and...

Hey, blue drew
our picture home.

[ Humming "blue skiddoo"]

Oh... Our last clue
holds a drink

And it's closer than you think.

A clue, a clue.

You found it--
you found our last clue.


Right there.

There it is.

Our last clue, and it's a...

A bottle.

A bottle.

A bottle is the answer
to the riddle

Because a bottle holds a drink.

Hey, you know what we need.

Our handy-dandy...



Okay, a bottle.

[ Humming]

A bumpy shape for the top...

A big curve around
for the bottle...

A line down here,
and some across here...

And there.

We're ready for our...

Thinking chair.

Thinking chair.


Okay, now that we're
in our thinking chair

Let's think.

All right, so,
we need to figure out

What blue is trying to tell us.

And our clues are:
mr. Salt.


Mrs. Pepper.

'Allo, 'allo.

And a bottle.


What could blue want to tell us
about mr. Salt, mrs. Pepper,
and a bottle?

Mr. Salt, mrs. Pepper
and a bottle.

Oh, could blue want to tell us
that mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper
have a new bottle?

Is that the big news?



Well, what could blue
want to tell us

About mr. Salt, mrs. Pepper
and a bottle?

A baby!

A baby.

That's it.

Mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper
have a new baby.

We just fig...

Mr. Salt and mrs. Pepper
have a new baby?

Let's go.

♪ We just figured out
blue's clues ♪

♪ And it's incredible news.

[ Barking]

Hi, mr. Salt
and mrs. Pepper.

We heard about your news.

Hello, steve!

Hello, steve.

Do you want to meet
our new baby daughter?

It's a girl.

Hi. I'm steve.



[ Giggling]


What's your baby's name?

Both: paprika!

That's so nice.

Shovel and pail:
our treasure hunt
led us to the new baby!

Hey, steve, what's soft

And little and coos a lot?

Baby paprika.

That's a good one.

I'm so excited.

I want to see the baby.


I heard the news.

Ooh, paprika, blue
has a special note for you.

It says...
"Welcome to our family."

[ Paprika cooing]

♪ Now it's time for so long

♪ But we'll sing
just one more song ♪

♪ Thanks for doing your part

♪ You sure are smart

♪ You know, with me and you

♪ And my dog, blue

♪ We can do anything

♪ That we want to do.


See you later.

♪ We can do anything♪

♪ That we want to do.♪

Bye-bye. See ya.

She is so cute.
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