01x11 - Bass Class

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x11 - Bass Class

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hi, we're
the Kratt brothers.

I'm Martin.
And I'm Chris.

And we're here with
some kids who are--

Wild Kratts!

Come on!

Woo hoo!


When you're having summer fun
in the lake,

it might not just be
your people friends

you're hanging out with.

So just put on a scuba mask,

or swim goggles,

and dive down and meet some
fishy friends!


They have those
sunny bright bellies

that give them their name.

Plus, they have special markings
that give them nicknames

like reddy,

or bluegill
and pumpkinseed.

Whoo hoo!

It's a bass!

The biggest member
of the sunfish family.

And it eats smaller sunfish
and perch.

So wherever you find
those littler guys,

you're sure to find
a big bass lurking around

looking to strike.

In lakes and ponds
right around where you live,

there are amazing fish
just beneath the surface.

Imagine if we could
swim around with a bass

for as long as we'd like
and learn all of its secrets.

What if!

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Where are you,
you fantastic fish?

Forget it, bro!

I'll find a bass first.

No way!
I will.

Because I'm gonna
be the bass.

Well, I'm scanning for fish
outlines from above.

Like an eagle!

Then, when I spot one,

I'll flip over,
like this.


All right,
it's on!

Whoever touches
a bass first, wins!

And gets to test
the Creature Power Suit's

new bass powers.

Are you guys
still talking about it?

I've gotta see
if my bass programming works.

I thought, "Hey, what's better
designed for swimming

than a fish?"

I'm itching to see
if I made some progress

on the aqua dynamics.

But how long does it take
to find a fish?

Depends if you're going for
largemouth or smallmouth bass.

I'm looking for

in a snap.



Either bass will do.
What's the diff?

They're different species
who live in different habitats.

The smallmouth bass
is smaller

and its jaw goes
just under its eye.

The largemouth bass
is bigger.

Jaw goes behind its eye,
giving it a larger mouth.

Smallmouth bass
live in groups.

Largemouth bass
go it alone.

Smallmouth like rocky areas
and love to eat crayfish.

Largemouth lurk in weedy spots
and munch sunfish.

Smallmouth bass are scrappy
and great jumpers.

Largemouth get really,
really big!

Okay, whichever one you want.

Just touch a bass,
activate the Creature Power Suit

and test the bass powers.

Okay, I'm on it.

I'm under it!


Permission to go ashore,

You have the list?

Popcorn, candy corns,
ice pops.

Not the munchies list,
Jimmy, the supply list.

I've got it.

Have a fun time in town.

I'm hot!



Yeah, sometimes even the world's
most genius inventor

needs a day off.

No world-changing adventures
today, and, uh...

No Wild Kratts.


Okay, I'm a big bass.

Now, where would I hang out?

Hmm, I'd park it somewhere
I could spot my prey.

Yeah, where I could see them,
but not be seen.

Maybe in here.


Whoa, nice largemouth bass.

Oh yeah, let me just tickle you
under the chin.

A school of sunfish!


You are the largest largemouth
bass I've ever seen!

And hungry.

The way you gulp down sunnies,

I've gotta call you

High fin!

Thanks for the win.

Activate Creature Power Suit.



Ah, you win some,
you lose some.

How's it handling?


I can move through the water
with the twitch of a muscle.

Yeah, that's the streamlining.

Fish shapes
are perfectly designed

for sliding through water.

But I'm feeling a little weird.

I smell something.

Oh, I hear something.


Uh oh.

You might've put too much bass
power into that suit, Aviva.

Martin's in
a bass hunting trance.









I got a bite!

It's a huge one!

Whoa, I'm hooked!

Now that is
a bigmouthed bass!

I shoulda looked before
I lunched, eugh!

Keep the line tight!

Way to go!

Chris Kratt,
what are you doing here?

Oh, you'll find out.

Just don't
lose that fish!


What kind of bass is that?


With bass powers!?

Whose tackle box?

Mine, I'm Gavin.

Nice stuff here, Gavin.

Yeah, that perch one
looks delicious.

I caught a really big
bass with it.

That's how I won this.

It's third place!

I'm fishing every day
all summer.

Maybe next time
I'll even win first.

Hey, take it from a fish
you just caught:

You can do it!


Oh, what is that!?

Some kid with
an annoying shiny toy.

Ugh, I've had it!

Let's motor.

The lake record largemouth
bass weighed pounds.

If I catch one bigger, then
I could be in the record books.


Hello, boy.

Nice day for, uh--

For fishing?

Give me that!

Wait, no!

It's my trophy!

Not anymore.

I'm gonna display it
on the bottom of the lake.

Back off, Zach.

Way off.

Oh, big surprise:
you two.

Give him his
trophy back.

Zach, if you want a fishing
trophy so bad,

just go and try
to win your own.


You're saying I can't win
a fishing trophy!?

Do you even like
fishing for bass?

No, but I like

Nobody knows
how to win like me.

I win whatever I do.

And you are a third-placer.

I hereby announce
the first annual

Zach Varmitech
International Invitational

Bass Classic!


There's only one place:

First place.

Winner take all.

You gonna bite?

Okay, I'll enter
your fishing contest.

And I'm going to take you
to bass class.


But we've gotta have
some serious refereeing

and rules for this
fishing derby.



What rules?

Rule number one:
Only bass count.

You can catch largemouth bass
or smallmouth bass.

A bass is a bass.

Well, actually--
I don't care!


Rule number two:
No live bait, only lures.


Rule number three:
Catch and release.

All the fish are kept alive
and healthy in aquariums

until weigh-in.

Then, we let 'em go.

Rule number four:
Contest over at sundown.

Whoever has three fish
that weigh the most, wins.

Rule number five:
super important...

No fishing in
the spawning grounds.

What's that, anyway?

"Schpawning" grounds,
it sounds gross.

Spawning grounds:

It's where a female bass
lays her eggs.

, of them
in a nest.

And then, the male bass,
the father,

stays with the eggs to
protect them until they hatch.

He's always on guard, because
sunfish g*ng up in packs.

When one darts in, another
comes in from the other side.

You're not allowed to catch
a male bass guarding a nest,

because if you take him away,

the sunfish will gobble up
all the eggs!

And there will be no baby bass.

So, to protect
the bass of this lake,

there is absolutely no fishing
at the spawning grounds.

Okay, enough with the nature
show, already, is that it?

Let's motor!

But, he's got a boat
and I don't.

Oh yeah, you do.

Cast your eyes
over here.

The Bassy Chassis .

And, it comes with a driver:




Oh yeah,
I almost forgot:

One Zach-bot
can help Zach.

And Martin
can help Gavin.

You can be my coach!

Make some shelf space
for a new trophy!

The helpers can observe fish,
even swim underwater

to learn about them.

And give clues.

But can't hold
the fishing pole.

Oh, nice helper.

See, my Zach-bot
has accessories!


Huh, so?

We're gonna win
by understanding fish.


Understanding fish!?

Oh yeah, look.

Blub, blub, blub.

That's all you have to


And I'm going in Zach's boat
as an observer.

No way!

Oh, that's not fair.


A Zach-bot will go
as an observer

in the Bassy Chassis, too.

Wild Kratts play fair.

Rule number six:

Your real job
is to make sure I win.

On your marks,

get set,


Hey, Gavin.

You wanna go for
smallmouth bass?

Yeah, sure.

If we can find a
school of smallies,

we can catch a lot!

And we know where
to find 'em,

because we're thinking
like fish.

Fishing's not just about
catching, right?

It's really
learning about fish

and all the cool things
about 'em.

Oh yeah, smallies like
the rocks to hide around.

Underwater objects:
it makes them feel secure.

Ease the boat in right here.

What are they doing
so close to shore?

Don't they know
the deepest spot

is where you find
the big fish?

Heh, hard to catch a bass

where there aren't any.

Bass can hear.

So they can be scared off
if you're too loud.

I remember that from fishing
as a little girl.

Is that you?

Mmm hmm.

So let's tippy toe in.


Uh, here.

Okay, okay.

Uh, right here.

Whoa, did he get lucky,
or what?

Full reverse.

Okay, here!



A huge lure
for a huge fish.

Us smallies are hungry
for crayfish today.

Gavin, do you have
a crayfish lure?


I've really wanted to
use this one.

And it has a rattle inside!


The sound of prey moving
gets us interested.

What bass can resist
the scent of crayfish?

It makes us cray-zee!

Cast it in here, buddy.

Sounds good.

Smells good.

Hunting instinct

Ooh, and it looks so--

Control yourself, Martin.

Got one!


Smallies are great jumpers!


Way to go!

He's fine.

But there's gotta be a nicer way
to catch fish than hooks.

Gavin up one,
Zach's got none.


Quick, while green guy
isn't looking give me a worm.

It'll be easier
to catch a fish.

Rule number two:
No live bait.

Rule number one:
Zach doesn't care!

Worm in my shirt!

Ah! Ah!

Worm in my shirt!


That's it!

No more Mr. Goody-goody
By the Rules Rule Follower.

Go to the fish market
and get me a big, heavy bass.

And you!

Don't let them catch
another fish!

Bass number two.

Just one more like that
and you'll win the trophy.




Your Zach-bot just chased away
all the fish.

You're cheating!

I'm not cheating.

I'm winning.

Something's fishy, here.

Yeah, 'cause it's a fish.

First, it's dead.

Second, it's on ice.

Third, it has stripes?

Wait a second,
that's a striped sea bass.

They live in the ocean.

You bought this
at a fish market!

You're busted.


Throw him overboard.


Rule number seven:

No throwing anybody


Rule number one:
Zach doesn't care.

To the "schpawning" grounds!


Zach's going
to the spawning grounds.

He'll catch the father bass!

Sunfish will devour the eggs!

We'll lose a whole generation
of baby bass!

Oh no!

Let's go!

Oh no!

Zach wants you to stop
so you can't win.

Keep fishing.

I'll take care of this

bass style!

To the creature rescue!

Heh, ah!



Come on!

Now this is bass power.

I've gotta get Zach
away from the spawning grounds.


Oh, ah, ow!

What do I do?

What do I do!?

Rule number five.



No fishing at the spawning
grounds, you're outta here!

So what?

Rule number one-A:

I've got a better idea
how to win.

It's all yours,
Big Daddy Bass.

Bass back on the nest.

Spawning grounds secure.

Now let's go help Gavin
win this thing.

All right, enough
with one fish at a time.

You three, get down there,

initiate plan
Win No Matter What.

Go get me some fish!

Eight minutes to go.

Zach is gonna cheat

and there's nothing
we can do about it.

What we can do is
think like the bass,

be the bass.

Use everything we've learned
about bass biology

and try to beat him
fair and square.

We'll go for
a lunker largemouth.

They're hard to find,
but the biggest.

And I know where one
hangs out, Gulpa!


She's in there somewhere.

You know,
I feel it's very strange

to catch a fish friend
who has a name.

So I replaced the hooks with
these nice magnetic clasps.


A friendlier way to fish.

Cast it right out there,
on the edge of the reeds.

That's Gulpa's hang out.

Gotta find her
before sundown.

Three minutes.


That's it.

That's it.

Right along the edge.

Two minutes to go.

Still a chance!

Big bass are hungriest
at sundown.

Got one!

Nice, okay,

One minute
till sundown, hurry!

Take it easy.

Too fast
and the line'll snap.

It's Gulpa!




You can do it!

Help him!

We're not allowed
to touch the pole.

I can do it!


This is the biggest bass
I ever caught.

Thanks, Gulpa.


Gulpa's so big!

I think I'm gonna win.

All right, then.

From the Zach Varmitech
first annual

International Bass Classic,

let the weigh-in begin.


(Bells chiming)

I win!
Ha ha ha!

V for victory!

Whoo hoo!

You wish you could fish!


Hey, you know,
you did great.

You caught a bigger bass
then I ever did.

Yeah, it was fun.

But I still wish
I'd won first place.

Hey, even when you lose,
playing by the rules

and trying your best
makes you the real winner

every time.

One of Zach's fish
is acting weird.

Hold it!

This largemouth bass
isn't green, it's purple.

Ah, it's a special
rare variety.

This one's mouth
is way too big.

That's because
it's a largemouth.

No bass has a mouth
that large!

(Beeping furiously)

They're not fish!

They're Zach-bots!

Gavin wins!


(Horn honking)


I hate fishing!

And fish!

They made me lose!

I never lose!


Get it off, get it off!


I'll get you next time,
Wild Ratts!

That's Wild Kratts.

Hey, guys.

What's going on?

Nice trophy.

Did we miss something?

It's a long story.

But you're just in time
to let the fish go.

Rule number three:
Catch and release.

Everybody grab a bass.

Keep on growing, Gulpa.

Off you go, swimming free
and in the wild.


So much about fishing
is about the biology of fish:

Understanding where they live,
where they like to hide

and what they like to eat.

All right, insect larvae
are a favorite of perch.

So we could use this maggoty
thing to lure them in.

Also this big one
for bass.

Oh yeah!

Yeah, bass love big worms
and big crayfish, too.

See, if we all try
different things,

we'll figure out what the fish
are hungry for, right?

All right, guys.

Fish love to hide
in weeds, rocks and logs.

So that looks like
a great spot to fish.

Let's try it.


Get your lines in.

Oh, I think I see
some fish.

Oh yeah!
He has something!

Yeah, you got one!
It worked!

That's huge!
Look at that,
whoo hoo!



All right!
All right!

It's gigantic!

All right,
I'll let him go.

Living free
and in the wild!

All right, guys, let's go see
if there's any fish

on this dock, huh?

They like to hide
under the dock.

Go, g*ng, go!

I think it's just
stuck on seaweed.

Nice one!

Whoa, I caught one!
I caught one!

You wanna put it
in the t*nk?


That's mine.

Whoa, look at that!

All right!

That is a big
smallmouth bass!

He's huge!
He's a beauty!

You guys caught a lot of fish.

What do you think
we should do now?

Let 'em go!

All right,
let's do it, tip it over.

They're all living free
and in the wild.

Hey, let's catch
some more fish!


I'm gonna play a trick
on Chris.



Whoo hoo hoo!


Hey, I thought you were
a big fish!

I was, I was being
the bass!


Gotcha that time.
All right!

See you on
the creature trail.

Yeah, keep on
creature adventuring!

To find out more
about cool animals--

And collect your own
Wild Kratts Creature Powers...

We'll see you there!
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