01x06 - In Which Charlotte Goes Down the Rabbit Hole

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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01x06 - In Which Charlotte Goes Down the Rabbit Hole

Post by bunniefuu »

[ ? Van Hunt : Turn My TV On]

I'm going for sexy,
but... but, uh, not slutty.

- Mmm.
- Smart, but not boring.

It's a little...

...PTA mom bake sale.

- Really ?
- Yeah. Who is this guy ?

- Do you like him ? Is he cute ?
- He asked me out on a date.

All right, I haven't been on a date
since college.

He could be a homeless troll
for all I care. I love him.

- I love him 'cause I'm going on a date.
- [Doorbell rings]

- He's here.
- Would you please just...

- Tell him I'll be down in a second ?
- All right.

- OK.
- Coming !

- Hey.
- Hey.

Cooper and I are at Sam's,
playing poker, having drinks.

I thought you'd want to join us.
Want to join us ?

- You're a little drunk.
- You too could be a little drunk.

You're drunk and you're flirty. Go away.

Or I could come in and we could get
to know one another outside of work.

You're attracted to me.
You admitted it.

Yeah. Well, I'm not
attracted to you anymore.

Good night, Pete.

You're attracted to me right now.

- What did you do with my date ?
- That wasn't your date.

That was my date. My unsuitable,

flirty, drunk, oh, so attractive date.

[Elevator dings]

You have a packed day,
so I had them add an extra sh*t.

- Oh, bless you.
- Today's files,

- and I think seven down is "requited."
- Nice.

- [Scoffs]
- Thanks.

- So ?
- How'd it go ?

Not so good.
I am so out of practice.

All I could talk about was
uteruses and sperm and eggs.

The guy thought I was trying
to get a baby out of him.

He left skid marks
he drove away so fast.

- It's not easy getting back out there.
- I had a date last week.

It was a complete nightmare. The guy
spent the whole night asking advice.

You're dating ? Everybody's dating.
Except me.

Good morning, Addison.

OK, I've got Angie Padgett and her
husband Ray coming in for a follow-up.

She's ovulating, so the fertility issue
may be with Ray.

- Marilyn Sullivan's coming in ?
- Actually her daughter, Tess.

- She fell down and hurt her arm.
- She did ? Again ?

Uh, I'll drop by. I've got some samples
of this new MS medicine

I want Marilyn to try.

I can pitch in
if anybody needs me today.

Me too. I'm booked, but,
you know, it's just all routine stuff.

Hey, you want to help me
get Angie pregnant ?

Man, I wish that was
as dirty as it sounded.

Yeah, being able to make a couple happy,
this is the good stuff.

- You will love the fertility game.
- Yeah. I will.

OK, on the count of three. One, two...


I'm sorry. How'd this happen ?

I missed the curb when I was walking
home from the bus. I'm a klutz.

She reads while she's walking.
Once she nearly wandered into traffic.

You should talk. You read at the movies.

Only the ones you drag me to.

OK. Well, reading, good. Walking, good.

Reading while walking ? Not so much.


- Dr. Sam, the famous writer.
- No, you're the one. You're the one.

That thing in the Times
last week was great.

I sit on my ass all day.
I have a lot of time to think.

- Everything OK at home ?
- Yeah.

- Still the two of you ?
- No, Mom does a lot of dating

because guys dig MS.

This bruise on your arm,
looks like someone grabbed you. Hard.

If something wasn't right at home
or school, I might be able to help.

I suck at walking. That's the crisis.

- Don't freak out on me, Dr. Freedman.
- All right.

Good news, Angie. Your tests came back.
Everything is fine.

You are fertile and you still have
plenty of viable eggs left.

OK, that's...

...I was worried.
- That's great, honey.

But, does that mean I'm the reason
we can't have a baby ?

Let's not race to conclusions.
We're going to run some tests on you,

and then we'll go from there.

OK. Two doctors.
It's got to be a good sign.

- I'm sensing twins.
- Let's start with a sperm sample.

[Elevator dings]

- Uh, Dr. Bennett in ? Sam ?
- Oh, he's busy with a patient.

Can you call him on the...

Intercom ? Yeah, is it urgent ?

Does it not look urgent ?
I walked here.

On foot. It is urgent hospital business.


I don't know if you can count insomnia
as hospital business.

I've had three hours in three days.
That place wouldn't run without me.

Not that you care about the...
[sighs] The...

- Yeah.
- This is what I'm talking about.

Aphasia. Yeah, that comes
with sleep deprivation.

Obviously, I cannot do my job
if I can't make...

- Words ?
- Words.

All right. Any shortness of breath
when you lie down ? Chest pains ?

No and no. I've run all the tests.

Thyroid, everything. It's all fine.

I just keep getting worse.

Yesterday, I parked my car somewhere.

- I can't find it.
- [Snickers]

- Sorry.
- It's not funny.

If this got out at St. Ambrose ?

The chief of staff cannot
be misplacing heavy machinery.

All right. I can prescribe a sleep aid.

- No pills. They don't work for me.
- There are some new options.

- No pills. I had a little problem.
- What kind of a problem ?

The kind I'm not talking about anymore.
Can you help me or not ?

Ow. Yeah. OK. Uh, well, I guess
we can go with the alternative route.

I could speak to Pete.

[Exhales sharply]

Fine. Send me to the quack.

I don't want to date.

I mean, I do. But I want someone
with purpose. Someone real.

- Someone who wants a future.
- Someone who wants kids ?

- Is that desperate ?
- No. No. It's not desperate.

- It's... focused.
- Right ?

My point is,
you are out there looking.

Even Violet is out there looking.

Maybe I should be out there
looking for what I want.

And what you want is a husband and kids.

- Dr. Bennett, Dr. Montgomery.
- Angie.

Ray's up at the lab still, but
good news is his tests are viable.

- Everything's fine.
- No reason why you can't get pregnant.

- Oh, no. I was hoping...
- You all right ?

When Ray comes back,
you have to tell him he's infertile.

I'm sorry ?

You have to tell him it's his fault
we can't get pregnant.

[Addison] You've been lying about
trying to have children ?

Not exactly. I just...
I just was on the pill for years

and then I got a cervical cap.

- That's lying.
- I have my reasons.

Which are ?

I don't want to have kids.
Look, Ray, he comes from a big family.

He loves kids. He's good and kind

and he adores me so much.

How can you tell someone
who loves you like that,

- you don't want a baby with them ?
- We can't lie about his test results.

- What am I going to do ?
- Talk to your husband.

It's more complicated than it sounds.

The lie you've been telling
is worse than the truth.

No, it's not.

[Knock on door]

There you are. I'm all done. What now ?


Now we go home and keep trying.


- Can I just say, whoa.
- Right.

I always thought sleep was for the weak.

Would you put that thing away ?

I just lie there. It's t*rture.

Insomnia is not caused by how you sleep,
it's caused by how you live.

And this isn't helping.

No e-mails.

Close your eyes.


Try to relax.

It's hard when you're
sticking quarters on my head.

I'm stimulating the sleep center
of the brain with magnets.

So you went to medical school,

suffered through residency like the
rest of us, you could be saving lives.

Why did you ditch the good stuff
for magnets and hoodoo ?

What I do is the good stuff.

Now... Shh.

[Soothing chant music plays]

Move it, Coop. There's people who
actually pay me to lie on that couch.

I'm reviewing Tess' film
from her last doctor.

Had a humerus fracture when
she was younger, from a fall.

- OK.
- Except, as I suspected,

she actually had a spiral fracture
of her humerus.

Know how you get it ? Someone grabs
your arm and twists so hard it snaps.

- Someone hurt her on purpose.
- More fun facts.

These records from before
they transferred here ?

She had multiple falls and accidents.

Cooper, if it's abuse,
it's usually the adult in the house.

Marilyn ? Her daughter loves her.

- Everybody loves her. Sam loves her.
- Doesn't mean it's not happening.


And now I have to call
Child Protective Services

to protect my patient
from Sam's patient.

[Chant music playing]

- You're afraid of k*lling people.
- Excuse me ?

That's why you waste your time
with the New Age stuff.

You're afraid of k*lling someone.

I'm lying here, wide awake.
The thought occurs, that's all.

OK, look. It's almost 6 :00.

I'm sending you home with a CD
of music and mediation.

- Try it tonight and report back.
- Great.

Next you'll be giving me Baby Einstein.

No ! No. There's no way
Marilyn Sullivan would hurt Tess.

- She's in with scratches and bruises.
- Maybe it's a kid at school.

- I talked to the school. It's not it.
- Not Marilyn.

Why ? Because she's funny, a writer ?
There's a historically stable group.

No. Because she's decent. All right,
she's handling her disease, her kid.

The woman is two years
away from a wheelchair.

- You can't do this on a hunch !
- What about the next time ?

I ignore this and the next time,
Tess ends up in a hospital. Or worse.

Unless you're sure, you have no business
putting them through this.

If you're not sure,
you're meddling. Not helping.


- You're here early.
- Yeah.

Yeah. Thanks.

[Woman] You have reached
the Los Angeles County Department

of Children and Family Services
Child Protection Hotline.

- Hey. She's back.
- Who ?

Angie. "Liar, Liar Pants on Fire" Angie.

- Well, what do we do ?
- We throw her ass out of our practice.

Come on. Hey. Thanks, Dell.

- OK.
- Yeah. Here's this.


I know I shouldn't have come back.

But I looked up Dr. Montgomery
on the internet.

- You're a genetic specialist, right ?
- Yes.

Well, I thought about what you said.

That it's better to know the truth.

So you told Ray that
you don't want to have kids ?

No. Not that.

- I don't think we can help you here.
- You have to.

You have to help me. I need to know.
I need to know the truth.

The truth about what ?

I need you to tell me
whether or not I'm dying.

- Huntington's Disease ?
- It's a genetic disorder that causes...

A degeneration of the brain cells.
We know.

So then you know how horrible it is.

You lose control of your body,
your brain atrophies, you can't talk,

you can't eat, you just slowly die

in this... in this shell.

My mom had it.
My grandmother had it.

And you think you might have it ?

If her mother had it, she has a
50-50 chance of inheriting the gene.

And if I have the gene, I have a 100%
chance of dying from the disease.

But you've never been tested ?

I just wanted to live my life.

And then I met Ray.

He doesn't know that
you could have Huntington's.

I wasn't looking to get married.

It was just dating.

And then we were in love. And then...

...l'd waited too long to tell him.

And he loved me so much,
I didn't want to scare him.

I didn't want to scare me.

- But now...
- He wants to have children.

I can't have a baby
knowing I could pass this on.

I can't have a baby if I'm going to die.

Last night, Ray and I
were watching TV in bed...

...and he was thinking up baby names.

And my heart started to hurt.

Physically hurt.

[Sobbing] I want to think up baby names.

I want to grow old with this man,
and our kids and our grandkids.

And I thought,
maybe I don't have the gene.

Maybe I won't get sick.


Maybe knowing the truth
is better than hiding from it.

I want the test.

I want to know. I want to live.

Ugh ! You people heard
of an expiration date ?

No, no, no ! Those are...
Noodles don't go bad.

- She's back. What is she doing here ?
- Throwing away noodles.

I'm here because, surprise,

I can't fall asleep to Pete's medley
of Druid mating rituals.

Keep your hands off my food, please.

- You make the call ?
- Yeah.

Hey, Violet, we have a patient
we may need you to see. Angie.

- She still lying to her husband ?
- It's more complicated.

She may have a terminal illness. Dell's
setting her up in an exam room and

I'm going to draw blood
in a few minutes.

- You need to eat.
- I can't.

Can you imagine ?
She finds the perfect guy,

she's got a great marriage,
they want kids.

- She was living the dream.
- Not everybody has that dream.

Violet doesn't believe in children.
She acknowledges they exist

'cause they scream in her restaurants,
but that's it.

I used to be like that
before I had Maya.

I was, and then I had her, and...

I'm not saying it's a dream,
but it's pretty darn close.

You really don't want children ?

Look, not everybody is cut out for it.

It is incredibly hard for a woman
to admit that she doesn't want kids.

Because they're basically
admitting they're men ?

OK, no. Just because
you've apparently moved in...

It's not a disease, you know ? A woman
can be alone and be fulfilled. Very.

- Try saying that like you mean it.
- Wow.

- Why isn't she asleep yet ?
- Pete's working on it. Excuse me.

Angie's set up in exam room two.

The Sullivans, from yesterday ?
They're back and they're very angry.

I asked you to wait.

- He did the right thing, Sam.
- You don't know that !

There was a social worker in our home.
He called a social worker on me !

Once I suspect... legally,
I have to call the authorities.

- But you're wrong !
- [Marilyn] What does he think ?

The handicapped woman
beats her daughter with a cane ?

I think he was just worried
about the nature of Tess' injury.

I know you didn't fall off a curb.

I help Mom when she has a flare ! She
fell, grabbed my arm, it got tweaked.

I fell. I reached out
and I grabbed Tess' arm.

- It was an accident.
- Why didn't you just say that ?

Because. People like Dr. Freedman
get the wrong idea.

That happened before ? People get the
wrong idea ? You've had lots of injuries.

She has MS, she falls, stuff happens !

But my mom would never hurt me
on purpose. She wouldn't.

She's my whole world.
I would never hurt her. Not on purpose.

Please believe me, Sam. She's my girl.
If they take her away from me...

- I believe you.
- If they take me away from her,

I won't forgive you. Not ever.

I like the name Margaret. For a girl.

We could call her Maggie or Meg.

Or Henry for a boy.

Angie, if the tests come back positive,
you'll need to tell Ray.

- Do you have children ?
- No.

- But you want them ?
- I do.

Have you thought of baby names ?


It works for a boy or a girl.

- Hey.
- Hey.

Don't piss Dell off.

He was weighing in on a case,
overstepping his bounds.

I need him to keep this place running.

- That all you need him for ?
- What ? You heard I went on a date

- and you take it out on Dell ?
- No.

- You got some kind of a thing going.
- There's no thing.

Do I like that a cute boy
thinks I'm pretty ? Yes.

Could I ever take it seriously ? No.

He's a child, Sam.
Just leave it alone.

All right.

Shouldn't you be in there
administering your healing touch ?

- Shush. It might be asleep.
- It ?

You're enjoying this, aren't you ?
Seeing me tortured.

It is satisfying.

Why did you come to my house
the other night ? Really ?

- I thought we could have fun.
- I'm not looking for fun.

Sam told me that you're
the marrying kind of woman.

- I am.
- I've been married.

I don't plan on ever going
down that road again, so...

If you want fun, I'm here.

- If you want more, I...
- I should look elsewhere.

- Addison...
- [Charlotte] It's not working !

I'm not sleeping !

And still satisfying.

Go. Make it sleep.

Obviously you'll be expected
to testify, Dr. Freedman.

- Now, tomorrow is the hearing.
- That's fast.

We move fast. We have to.

If the judge decides
it's an unsafe home environment,

the girl will be in foster care.

- What about the mother ?
- What about her ?

If Tess gets taken away,
Marilyn shouldn't be alone. She has MS.

It's not our concern.
Our concern is the child.

I should say Tess is pretty insistent
that there's no abuse.

Not unusual. The child protects
the parent, rationalizes the behavior.

- If Tess is telling the truth ?
- That's why there's a judge.

The medical testimony carries weight,

and I'm sure Dr. Freedman
did not make this call lightly.

Angie, this is Dr. Violet Turner.

- She's our psychiatrist.
- Hi.

I thought you were just
going to tell me my test results.



I have it.
I really have it.

But as of now, you have no symptoms.

You could go years before
you show any sign of illness.

Illness ?

You mean dementia ?
Violent rages ? Wetting myself ?

A lot of the research they're doing with
repression proteins is very promising.

- Hopefully, in time...
- No. I don't have time, Dr. Bennett.

Time is the one thing I don't have.

I've got a great life,
an amazing husband, but no time.

Damn it. I am so out of time.

I know this is a lot to process,
but you're not alone.

You have Ray.

No. No. I knew what I was
getting into when I took that test.

- That stupid, stupid test !
- Angie.

Why don't you stay ? We can talk.

I can't. But thank you.

All of you for trying to help.

- But what about Ray ? What are you...
- Don't worry. I know what I have to do.

- I'm begging you.
- Oh, no.

I have tried acupuncture, massage,
pressure points, melatonin supplements,

aromatherapy, sound therapy.
I can tell it's not working

because she's still bitching at me !

- Charlotte needs a shrink.
- Agreed.

- In more ways than one...
- Squeeze her in.

- I...
- This is co-op medicine,

and I am referring.
You need to co-op. Now.

Ninety percent of sleep issues
are psychological.

Fine. Shrink away.

When you sleep, do you toss and turn ?
Thrash around a lot ?

- How would I know ? I'm asleep.
- Right. Yeah, I realize that.

Well, that's where a partner
could be helpful.

Uh... The last time you slept
with someone else...

Was years ago.

- So you haven't had sex in...
- I have sex.

- They just don't sleep over.
- Ever ?

Are you asking because of my well-being,

or because you're thrilled
to find someone as alone as you ?

Just because I don't want a child ?

I'm fine.
I am better than fine, in fact.


Let's just stay on you.

- [Elevator dings]
- Dr. Montgomery.

- Hey. Ray, how are you ? How's Angie ?
- Gone.

She's gone. Angie left me.

I came home and I found her
packing a suitcase. And...

She said that her appointment here
was like some kind of wake-up call.

And then she just left.

And that's all she said ?

- Ray, why don't you...
- I don't understand !

She spends two minutes with you and
throws in the towel on our marriage ?

- Ray, please, calm down.
- No, I want to know.

What the hell did you say to my wife ?

It smells like Christmas in here.

It's an Ayurvedic sleep remedy
that might knock Charlotte out.

- What did you get ?
- Intimacy issues.

Severe. She tries to alienate
anybody who might get close.

Even people she asks for help.

Sleep's triggered when you comfort
yourself into a self-sedated state.

People like Charlotte ? Chances are
nobody ever really nurtured her.

Taught her how to self-soothe.

Nurture her, Pete. Be kind.



- Do people have babies in this bed ?
- We change the sheets. Promise.

Go ahead and close your eyes. Relax.

You smile like an idiot.

- I'm staying positive.
- [Sighs] Brother.

People need connection to stay healthy.
Positive connection with another human.

I don't...
I don't need your pity positivity.

I don't know what Violet told you,
but I connect. OK ?

Yeah ? When ?

- None of your business.
- Business. Right.

Maybe... I'm not the guy to help you.

- Maybe you need someone...
- Who I can't irritate.

Find that man for me and I'll marry him.

[Exhales] My family
didn't believe in displays.

Of affection ?


My mother...

There was the occasional sloppy kind
that followed cocktails.

And since then ?

Who has time for that kind of thing ?

I'm sorry, Charlotte.

Do you want to try again ?

Why not.

My hair's already sh*t.

Can you drop this
at the lab for me ? Thanks.

Um... Marilyn Sullivan
called again.

Not allowed to speak to her
until after the hearing.

Don't start, man. There's nothing vague
about the law. I suspect and...

- Tess wears long sleeves a lot.
- What ?

Even when it's, like, 95 degrees
outside. Down over her hands.

- She ever look at you in the eye ?
- Not really. No.

When she has appointments without
her mom, she's early, hangs out after

- like she doesn't want to go home.
- Yeah, I've seen that.

How do you know all this ?

Uh, because I did the same thing
when I was in her situation.

That's what you do.
I'll get the lab right on this.

Fascinating. She's been here all night ?

- She snores.
- Asleep, she looks almost harmless.

Mmm. Like a sleeping tiger.

Shh. Don't wake the tiger.

I have to go, um,
I gotta put my tie on for Tess' hearing.

He needs you.

He put her to sleep.
He actually did it.


Angie's here. She finally
responded to our phone messages.

Well, we got her to come back.
That's something.

- Any ideas on what we say to her ?
- No.

You said the baby making game
would be fun. I am not having fun.

Oh, God. Me neither. Not with this one.

It's not fair.

Good people should
get to have what they want.

I was heading to the airport.
You said there was something with Ray ?

Ray came by to see us yesterday.

He was worried sick about you.
Not to mention confused and hurt.

You didn't tell him, did you ?
You cannot tell him.

Angie, he is your husband.
He deserves to know the truth.

[Sighs] Let him think I left him.

Let him hate me. Then he can move on,
find someone, be happy.

He's happy with you.

[Angie] But he's gonna...

I'm going to get so sick.

I'm going to die.

- I don't want to die.
- Angie.

You have a disease. And you will die.

That's the truth.

Hiding it from Ray
is not going to change that.

But the bigger truth, the better truth,
is that you are alive now.

You're living. And you should get...

You should get everything
that life has to offer.

You should get what you want.

You should get to have a child
and a family and Ray.

Just because you're sick, doesn't
mean you don't get to live your life.

Go home.

Tell Ray the truth. Tell him
what the future is and let him decide.

A person...

...should get to have a whole life.

Didn't Allan wear yellow ties ? Did you
bring me one of Allan's old ties ?

I bought this tie for you.

Today you become a man.


What are you going to say ?

- You shouldn't really be...
- What are you going to say ?

I'll tell you
if you roll up your sleeves.

So whatever.

She hits me a little.

But she's sorry.

Afterward, I mean. She's really sorry.

It's not like I couldn't hit her back,
look at her.

- Oh, Tess.
- But I don't need to hit her.

She needs to hit someone.
Her life sucks !

Tess, everyone has pain.

So why can't this just be mine ?


- What time is it ?
- It's about 12 :15.

- Tomorrow ?
- Today.

Well, yes, today is your tomorrow.

Oh, my God.

Oh, my God. This is... Oh, God !

Lt'll wash out.

I mixed you a tonic to take home.

It should help you
fall asleep easily tonight.

- I don't need your potions.
- Really ?

- It kind of seemed like you did.
- Don't throw yourself a party.

You don't have me figured out.
I said some things when I was loopy.

I probably just hit a wall.
I hit a wall and it happened to be here.


Dr. Freedman, would you
explain to the court

the injuries you've noticed on Tess
over the last year.

Sorry. Sorry.

Sorry. Thanks.

Over the last year...
Two lacerations, multiple contusions

and abrasions,
plus the recent wrist fracture.

And, in your opinion, is there any way
that the injury could have occurred

other than by the intentional twisting
of the child's arm ?

[ ? Tom McRae : Lord, How Long ?]

- No. There's not.
- Thank you very much, Dr. Freedman.

Can I...
Can I just say one more thing ?

- Sure.
- OK, um...

[clears throat] I've known Tess

for a little while now,
and she is a great kid. So tough.

She doesn't let anybody see her cry.
I don't know if she does cry.

But it doesn't matter how strong she is.

Some things,
a kid should never have to take.

Being hurt,

being hit by someone
who's supposed to love and protect you.

You don't have to take that, Tess.
You can't take it.

Because once you let yourself shut down
like that, you're not a kid anymore.

Uh, I'm... OK. I'm done talking.

You can return to the gallery.
Thank you, Dr. Freedman.

- They're taking her away from me.
- I can't. Not now, Marilyn.

It's not right ! I'm her mother !
I'm her mother !

- Sam !
- Right. You're her mother.

Don't tell me you believe them.

I'm not evil. I made a mistake !

I love my daughter.

That kid...

All she wants is her mom.

I didn't want to see it.

And I should have.

I should have.

- Excuse me ?
- We don't have an appointment, but...

Please. Come in.

So, uh, the fertility tests,

they came back fine for both of us,
so we can make a baby ?

We want to share
what life I have left with a child.

And we were wondering if
there was something you could do

to make me pregnant
sooner rather than later.

Because Angie doesn't have
a lot of time.

I just want to make sure
that you understand...

I understand.

Angie will die sooner than we want.

Angie will...

But that's the future, and I don't care
what happens tomorrow or in a few years.

We have this now. We have us now.

There is still the risk
that the child will have the gene.

We know.

We're willing to take that chance.

If everyone who had the gene was never
born, I never would have met Angie.

- But I really...
- [Addison] Naomi.

They want us to help them make a baby.

A person gets to have her whole life.

A person gets to have her whole life.

So you're a convert now ?

Just covering my bases.

Well, I am sure Pete
appreciates your gratitude.

Pete doesn't need it. He congratulates
himself enough for all of us.


But, damn, the man
has good hands, doesn't he ?

[ ? Matt Nathanson : All We Are]

What would you be doing right now
if you were Angie ?

You mean, if I knew...

Knew how limited your time was.
If you knew.

Pretty much what I'm doing right now.

Check you out, all Zen.

Also known as margarita number two.

I'd be on a plane to
somewhere spectacular with Maya.

What about you ?


I don't know.

I'm going for more serenity. Baby girl.

Thank you.


- Where's your power tie ?
- Oh, I took it off.

I didn't want to throw up on it.
I plan on throwing up tonight.

Cooper, because of you,

Tess knows that an adult saw her
and cared enough to protect her.

How many times have
we met Marilyn Sullivan ?

Did you ever think that...

That's why people who shouldn't
have children, shouldn't.

And you count yourself among those
people. You're crazy. You would never...

Well, who knows ? I don't think anybody
who had a child ever thought,

"Oh, boy, now I have
something I can hit."

Violet, you are the most caring,
generous person I know.

And the most neurotic,
the most self-involved...

You're telling me
that if you met the right man

and fell in love and he wanted to,
you wouldn't even consider it ?


You would. You would.



Sam told me about
how you helped with Tess.

If you ever want to talk
or need some help...

I'm OK.

You do a lot for the practice.

You are the practice.

You keep it running, the way you deal
with patients, the way you care.

Your dream was what
started it in the first place.

And Sam's.

- And Sam's.
- Yeah.

But I do it for you.

Charlotte King says
you have good hands.

What ?

Oh. Uh...


Well, OK.

- It's OK. I was just...
- No, no, no.

- Just, um...
- Having some fun ?


I don't want fun.

- A person should get what she wants.
- What does that mean ?

- Good night, Pete.
- What does that mean ?

- You can't just kiss a person, and...
- Good night, Pete.

You're in it now, man.
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