02x06 - Serving Two Masters

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x06 - Serving Two Masters

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Private Practice:

I'm sleeping with Charlotte King.
I might almost kind of love her.

Addison's at w*r with Sam and Naomi
over leasing a floor of the building.

The two of you are trying to hold on
to something we cannot afford.

- You're right. Go and lease it.
- I already did. Broker found a tenant.

We never really let go, Sam.
We have to let go.



- You would not believe the day I had.

You look good.

So I had this perp,

and I am running my ass off chasing him,
which is not what I do,

but I'm doing it because this guy,
he hurt a kid.

He's scum.
And he actually sh**t at me.

He fires on me.
I mean, I don't get hit, but now I'm pissed.

So I keep running him down.

Totally against protocol,

but there is no way
this guy is getting away from me now.

So I catch him, grab him,
throw him to the ground.

He's eating gravel.

I so want to kick his ass, but I hold it in.

I cuff him, because I'm the good guy.
I'm the white hat.

Ooh. White hat, I like that.

Wait, there's one more.

You have a second g*n

hidden on your body ?

I have a second hidden g*n.

You have a second hidden g*n.

I love you.

Okay, her.

- No, no, no. Her.
- What would I say ?

- You're a doctor.
- You're a doctor.

No, she's not right. She's not right.

- You're scared ?
- No, I'm not afraid.

It's just... I'm just out of practice.

Okay, when did you and Naomi
get together ?

- College ?
- Yeah, college.

- How'd you pick her up ?
- Well, she asked me out.

You've got no game. He's got no game.
You've never had to have game.

Hey, I have game, all right ?
I have all types of game.

I'm handsome, all right ?

I just... I'd like to see one of you two try.

I have a woman, but if I didn't,
I could do this in my sleep.


Okay, her, right there. The blond.

- Come on, too easy.
- Oh, thank you.

- Oh !
- Not easy, disturbing.

I thought that she spent her nights
with her coven.

Yeah, pick a different woman,
one with blood running through her veins.

What are you doing ?
Where are you going ?

Cooper, Cooper, where are you going ?

Leave with me right now.

Don't you dare out me.

Leave with me right now, please.
I'll do the thing with my tongue. Twice.

I gotta go. I'll call you later.

Are you serious ?

This banging has to stop.



Fourth-floor construction got you down ?

People don't like to have therapy
in the midst of incessant banging.

I thought you were gonna
call the construction company.

They referred me to the leasing company,
who in turn referred me to the attorney.

Apparently, they have a legal right
to carry out construction

during business hours.

- Who is "they" ?
- Violet, we rented the floor.

They're a corporation.
They need to remodel.

- Good morning.
- Hey.

- No, I don't wanna.
- What ? Go ahead.

- I'm not gonna, if we're not...
- We are. Yeah, we are, we are.

He's perfect. He's a good guy.
He's sweet and funny and very pretty and...

- And the problem is what ?
- He said it.

- Oh, God, he said it ? So fast ?
- I'm freaking out. Why am I freaked out ?

- Well, because you have trust issues.
- I don't have trust issues.

You cheated on Derek,
Derek cheated on you.

How could you not have trust issues ?

This is not about that.
It's about what Kevin said. He said...

What is wrong with him
that he would say it so soon ?

- Maybe he actually does...
- No, no, no, don't say it.

Trust issues.

We've got some news. Big news.

Cooper and I took Sam
to a bar last night.

- Since when do you go to bars ?
- I go to bars. If I want.


Cooper went home with Charlotte King.

Tiny blond hurricane Charlotte King ?

The one and only.

Cooper slept with Charlotte King.

Come on, I know you're mad at me
about the construction, but come on.

Cooper and Charlotte ?

Oh, you know something.

- You do. You know something.
- Violet Turner, what is it ?

What, did he call you
and give you all the juicy details ?

Did it go badly ? Did it not go badly ?

Did it go well ?
Are they gonna do it again ?

Have they done it before ?
How many times ?

Are they... ? Oh, my God, they're dating.

- Morning.
- You're dating Charlotte King ?

I didn't say a word.

So Pete's been helping you
with your holistic birth plan ?

Yeah, he's been great.

I wanna do everything natural,
but Daniel wants to know the sex.

I want a girl.
Love boys, but I want a little Laura.

This may be a little bit cold.


- Sorry. I'll turn this off.
- You can take it, honey.

- He still working too hard ?
- Yeah, Daniel's always working.

And he travels a lot.
But he's tried to cut down since the baby.

It's not easy.
We just bought a house in the Valley.

- And babies are expensive.
- Exactly.

But whenever he's away,
he always sends flowers.

Roses for me and daisies for the baby.
That's the baby's name, Daisy.

Which is why it needs to be a girl.
A boy named Daisy ?

Daniel, you're just in time.

Here we go. See, there's a little arm.
And a little hand.

- Oh, my God, that's our baby.
- So is it a boy or a girl ?

Looks like

a little girl.

What's wrong ?

There was a subtle abnormality
on your baby's ultrasound

that may indicate DiGeorge syndrome.

It's a genetic disorder
that can cause heart defects.

So if our baby has it,
one of us gave it to her.

- Technically, yes, but...
- Sometimes these things just happen.

- We don't always know why.
- Danny.

Now, we haven't made
a definitive diagnosis,

so let's just take it a step at a time
and not jump to any conclusions.

Let's get you down to the lab.

Franny, please, please take the pills.

Henry. Good to see you.
It's been way too long.

I'm sorry
I keep canceling my appointments.

It just gets harder and harder
to get away.

That's okay, I understand.
Frances, you look lovely today.

She doesn't remember much anymore.

Well, Alzheimer's
can be very unforgiving.

- Hello.
- Oh, the other Dr. Bennett.

Hello, Frances.

Helen ? Is that you ?

Helen was her sister.
She passed away a few years ago.

- Okay.
- I don't need those pills.

Helen, you tell him I don't need those.

Of course you don't, Franny,
but why don't you take them ?

Let's just humor him, okay ?

She's got the magic touch, your wife.

- Okay, let's get you started.
- Come on, Franny.

- I wanna stay with Helen.
- That's okay, you go ahead.

Franny and I have a lot to talk about.

How you doing today, Miss Lady ?

- I'm okay.
- Yeah ? Well, you look beautiful.


It's loud. It's loud in here. Very loud.

Louder in here,
quieter in the exam rooms.

It's good for business.
Better than the other way around.

So I put a rush
on Daniel and Laura's lab results.

You should have something by noon.
And you have a new patient at 11.

- Thank you.
- I'd like to ask...

I'd like an office so I could meet
with patients and finish my midwife hours.

Give me some time.
I'll see what I can come up with.

- Thing is, I'd like it now.
- Dell, I wish we had space.

Actually, I made space.

- I'll get rid of the boxes.
- We will get you an office.

- A proper one.
- I need an office now. Today.

All right, if you have clients you need
to see today, you may use my office.

We will work this out, Dell.

I don't like this.

You lost weight, you're anemic,
your blood pressure's way too high.

- This is serious.
- I took all of the pills you gave me.

They'll kick in soon enough.

You can't go on like this.

Now, I know that things are difficult
with Frances.

Every day,

I lose a little bit more of her.

She hasn't been lucid in over a year.

You know, there are other ways
you can look after Frances

and take care of yourself.

Oh, no, Sam.

I told you,
I'm not gonna put her in a nursing home.

I promised her that I wouldn't years ago.
We promised each other.

Circumstances were different then.

- You didn't know about the Alzheimer's.
- Sam, I promised her.

When she dies, she dies in my arms.
Not with strangers, in my arms.

She's the love of my life.

I will not put the love of my life

in a home.

- No, Addison, wait.
- Hi there.

Thank you for seeing us so last minute.
Daniel pulled me out of class.

He said we had to have
an ultrasound today.

- I was trying to warn you.
AMY: I have an OB,

but Daniel said you were the best.

- I'm sorry, Miss ?
- This is Amy, my wife.

You have two wives ?
He has two wives. Did you know that ?

- No. Daniel...
- I didn't plan for this to happen.

I've been happily married to Amy
for 12 years.

But then three years ago, I met Laura.
We fell in love.

- Do they know about each other ?
- Please, you can't say anything.

It's a pretty dumb move

bringing two wives
to the same medical practice.

When you found the abnormality, I worried
Amy's doctors missed something.

Due date's around the corner.

I couldn't risk something going wrong
with her delivery, with our baby.

I should throw you out of here.
I should, but I won't.

I'll do the ultrasound
because your wife, that wife,

and her unborn child
are the victims here.

I'm doing it for them, not you.
Let me be clear about that.

So, Amy, you're a teacher ?

Third grade. I love kids. I always have.
We want a big family.

- And it looks like you're well on your way.
- Everything's okay ?

You see that flickering right there ?

- That is your baby's heartbeat.
- It's so fast.

That's normal.
Your baby is perfectly healthy.

Thank you, Dr. Montgomery.

- Thank you.
- You're welcome, Amy.

- You told them about Charlotte.
- I didn't, I didn't. They guessed.

And what do you care ? You're the one
who walked out of a the bar with Cruella.

My relationship with Charlotte is mine,
not yours, to share.

Or mock or call Cruella.

You outed your relationship.
You don't have a right to be mad.

Sorry, I had a few too many drinks
and I did a spontaneous thing,

and now everybody knows about it,
and that's...

It makes it real. It's very, very, very real.

- Well, real is a good thing, right ?
- Yeah, I guess.

Okay, look.

It's true that I don't like Cruella...

But that doesn't mean...

Coop, you shouldn't be afraid to hope,
to want it to work out.

Hoping is healthy.

Real's a good thing ?

Real's a good thing.


- We are trying to work up here !
- That'll help.

They're disrupting the workplace.
I wanna know who's behind it.

Addison can't figure it out.
I'll do it myself. Wanna help ?

- Nancy Drew, I have children to heal.
- Fine, fine. I'm gonna find out.

PETE: Hey, Sam.
- Yeah ?

I am thinking we should hit a bar
tonight after work, try again.

There's so many beautiful women
in L.A.

Pete, Naomi and I, we just came out
of a long-term relationship.

- I don't know if I'm ready to...
- Sam.

- Cooper is dating.
- Well, Cooper is dating the antichrist.

Well, at least he's dating.
You've gotta get back out there.

I am making it my mission
to get you a date.


Hey. Uh...

- We were just...
- We have to go to the hospital.

Frances just had an accident.

I was helping her out of the tub
and she fell and hit her head.

- I tried to catch her.
- Relax, relax.

All right, your blood pressure's high,
and your pulse is irregular.

- How's Franny ?
- Everything looks good.

- We'll talk to the attending before we go.
- Helen.

Please take me home.
I wanna go home.

We're gonna get you home
as soon as possible.

This situation is getting dangerous
for the both of you.

Don't start with me again, Sam.

Did they do a CT scan
before diagnosing her with Alzheimer's ?

Her doctor said
she didn't need another test.

Is there something wrong ?

Everything's fine, Henry. It's fine.

COOPER: The husband's here ?
- The husband just left with the other wife.


- Laura, hi, I'm Dr. Freedman.
- Hi.

Laura, the baby tested positive
for DiGeorge syndrome.

Here is some information that's gonna
help you understand the disorder,

and we can go over all of it with you.

Will she ? Will she survive ?

She'll survive delivery,

but life for a child
with DiGeorge syndrome is difficult.

DiGeorge syndrome
is a genetic disorder,

and it's associated with cardiac,
hormonal, and facial abnormalities.

She's gonna require surgery.
A number of surgeries.

And she'll need a lifetime
of medical treatment

with round-the-clock care.

What am I supposed to do, Dr. Wilder ?

Parents in your situation,
about half of them

decide to go through
with the pregnancy.

- The other half decide...
- Oh, God, no.

End the pregnancy ?
We tried for so long to get pregnant.

It took almost a year.
L... I just... I'm not ready.

I'm not ready to hear this.
I need my husband here.

You're the one responsible
for all this drilling and banging ?

I try to avoid manual labor,
but I am leasing the space.

- For what ?
- I'm opening a new medical practice.

You're opening a practice here ?
What about Cooper ?

- Has nothing to do with him.
- He's your boyfriend.

This is business,
and Cooper is personal.

- It's not that simple.
- Maybe not for you, but I'm not a therapist.

I don't have to talk about my feelings
until everyone else's ears bleed.

- You need to tell him.
- I don't need to do anything.

If you don't do it, then I will.

Fine. I'll tell him.

It's disgusting. It's disgusting and cruel.

I mean, he's using these two women.
We have to tell them.

What patients do outside this practice
is none of our business.

- Oh come on, Pete. It's illegal.
- I'm not saying I like it.

We don't have the right
to say anything to these women.

But if Laura does decide to have this child,
she's doing so under the mistaken belief

that she has a loyal
and committed husband

to share the burden with her.

I don't condone Daniel's behavior.

But the fact that he's married
to two women

doesn't mean he's not committed
to staying loyal to them and the children.

He's a liar, and he shouldn't...

He doesn't deserve
to raise those children.

Emotional response, not a medical one.
He's their father.

So that gives him a free pass
to do whatever he wants ?

You can't say anything.

Don't you even think about saying a word
to either of those women,

or I will personally report you
to the AMA.

- Are you threatening me ?
- Don't say a word.


I won't say a word.

Didn't we talk about this ?

- We did. I can make it work.
- Why is this so urgent, Dell ?

Okay, you don't wanna talk about it.
I still don't want you using this space.

I need you to get Laura Larson
and Amy Larson back in here again today

at the same time.



about Pete and this dating thing...

I think Frances
might not have Alzheimer's.

"Normal pressure hydrocephalus."

Yeah, her CT scan showed no evidence
of acute trauma,

but there was marked dilatation
of the ventricles.

Now, NPH and Alzheimer's
have similar symptoms.

Okay, but what difference does it make ?

Her body is too frail for her to be
a candidate for a neurosurgical procedure.

Yeah, but there was a study
that was done about ten years ago

in which a spinal tap was performed

to drain the excess fluid off of patients
with NPH.

Now, if she has this,

the tap could relieve the symptoms
and give her a few brief periods of clarity.

- Well, that's a big if, Naomi.
- It's worth a try.

The only blessing of this disease

is that she's not cognizant enough
to understand her own situation.

Want her to understand
how bad things are ?

I want her to understand
how bad things are for Henry.

So then you'd put her
through a spinal tap ?

If this were me,
if this were you and me...

This is not you and me.

- I know that.
- This is a sh*t in the dark, Naomi.

The Frances I knew would not
have wanted this for either of them.

And she's the only one
who can convince Henry

to do what he needs to do.

Hey, Laura Larson
and Amy Larson are here.

- Put Amy in Exam Room 4.
- Which room do you wanna put Laura in ?

You let me worry about Laura.

- Is there something else wrong ?
- No.

No, no, no. I...

I just wanna make sure that you have
all the information that you need.


Oh. Oops.

The room's taken. I'm so sorry.
Dell must have made a mistake.

Do the two of you mind hanging out
in here for a moment while I clear this up ?

That's fine.

Two new moms.
I'm sure you've got a lot to talk about.

- What did you do ?
- Nothing.

- What did you do ?
- I did not say a word.

AMY: Just get away from me.
I've gotta get out of here.

What did you do ?

- I didn't say a word.
- You got around it by a legal technicality.

Because they have the right to know.

Whether they did or not,
you had no right to orchestrate that.

I did what I would want someone to do
for me, Pete.

You overstepped.
What is wrong with you today ?

Do you have any idea what you just did ?

How long did you think
you could keep up this charade ?

What part of my life
are you calling a charade ?

Take it easy.

I've been with Amy since I was 21.

She's the woman
I've been happily married to for 12 years.

So happy you went looking
for other women ?

I never stopped loving Amy,
but when I met Laura, it was...

Have you ever met someone
and just known

there was something between you
you couldn't resist even if you tried ?

I could've been one of those guys
with a wife and a girlfriend on the side,

but I married them both
because I wanted to do the right thing.

You're living a lie, Daniel.

You're cheating on two women,
and cheating ruins lives.

I'm not the one
who ruined lives here today.

As the kids would say, drama.

- Addison's patients ? I think it's so sad.
- Sad but weird.

Sad but fodder
for the best dinner-party story ever.

Addison has...
She's gone crazy, and I love it.

Why the cold shoulder ?

I'm not giving you the cold shoulder.
I'm just... I'm distracted.

I know what this is about.

You do ?

It's Charlotte.

I should have told you before I outed us.
I'm sorry.


You can't walk out. It's your office.

He was never gonna say anything.

He had these women
thinking that he's one thing, but he's not.


And the worst part is, he only felt bad
because he'd been exposed,

not because of what he'd done.

- You don't look surprised.
- Well, people lie.

- It's human nature.
- And you're okay with that ?

You know how many guys
on the force have something on the side ?

I should know.
I'm their alibi half the time.

And you cover for them
while they're out having affairs ?

- These guys are like my brothers.
- What about their wives back home ?

- Too bad for them ?
- I'm not encouraging it, Addison.

- I'm just saying it happens.
- Yeah, well, maybe it shouldn't happen.

You wanna talk about last night ?

What about last night ?


I gotta go. It's a work thing.

- We'll talk later, okay ?
- Mm.


I just talked to Henry,
and he's agreed to do the spinal tap.

All right, well,
at least you got what you wanted.

Look, Sam, I know you don't agree
with me on this one.

You're right, I don't.
You're putting Frances at risk.

For Henry. For Frances.

I hope it is for them,

and not for you.


- Hey, Addison.
- I think I may have just gone too far.

- With what ?
- I followed Kevin.

What do you mean ?

- At first it was just a routine surveillance.
- You're not a cop.

I followed him to work at the precinct,

which is apparently
where I should've stopped.

Oh, God, where are you now,
crazy woman ?

I'm not insane.
He went to the precinct, five minutes later,

he comes roaring
out of the parking garage

in another car, a van.

Did it not occur to you
that he might be working ?

Of course he could be working.
Only maybe he's not working. People lie.

They lie and they cheat
and they ruin people's lives.

And I'm not gonna be one of those women
who gets duped.


Addison, you need to be careful.

Or maybe he's working.

- Addison ?
- I gotta go.

Get out of the car.

I'm sorry. Is there a... ?

Keep your hands where I can see them
and step out of the vehicle now.

- No, no, I'm not part of any of this though.
MAN: Step out of the vehicle now.

Open the door from the outside.

- Turn around.
- What ? What... ?

Oh, not handcuffs. You can't be serious.

- Who were you on the phone with ?
- My friend.

- Were you calling someone inside ?
- No, no, no. I'm a doctor. I'm a surgeon.

Whatever you are,
you're obstructing justice.

- No, I can...
KEVIN: Addison ?


Hey. Hey, Kev.

- You were spying on me ?
- Not spying.

Okay, yes, spying.

- You wanna tell me what's going on ?
- I just...

I spent all day dealing
with a seemingly normal guy

who's the liar of all liars,

so I checked your BlackBerry
before you left.

- You did what ?
- Yes. I saw the missed calls from Leslie.

And I wanted to see who she was.

You already have.

Officer Leslie Davis.
And I wouldn't call him "she" to his face.


Why are you looking
for reasons not to trust me ?


- Kevin...
- Get out.


Just go.

Cooper, the internet dater,
is in a healthy relationship,

and my too-good-to-be-true boyfriend
thinks I'm a psychotic bunny boiler.

He'll come around.

I screwed up.

I mean, he said what he said,

and I lost my mind.

Addison, Amy and Laura are here.

- Why ?
- I called them.

- Why'd you bring us here ?
- You should talk.

I don't wanna talk about this. I was up
all night. I felt sick to my stomach.

I feel like this is my fault.

- Somehow I should've known.
- Neither of you did anything wrong.

You trusted the person you love.
That's the normal thing to do.

Pete's right.

Daniel is the only person here
who's done anything wrong.

- Bastard.
PETE: Look, you've both been b*rned.

- But maybe you can help each other.
- I don't want help from her.

- Pete, we shouldn't...
- We should.

You share a common bond.
Your children are going to be siblings.

Each of you understands what the other
one is feeling better than anyone else.

I feel lost.

I mean, Daniel was my one constant,

the only thing I could always depend on.

We should've made this decision
about our baby together.

I don't know if I can do this by myself.

No. No. I don't know her,
and I don't wanna know her.

Look, Amy,
you're both hurting right now,

but maybe you can help each other
work through this.

Damn it !

I think my water broke.

HENRY: How much longer ?
SAM: Just another minute.

I promise.

Thank you, Helen.

- How do you feel, Frances ?
- What ?

Are you ? Where's the music ?

I thought
there were supposed to be music.

She's gonna be fine. The worst is over.

Oh, look at her.
I never should've put her through this.

This may work, Henry.
And it could give you at least something.

If only I can talk with her,
even for a minute.

Look into her eyes
and know that she sees me,

really sees me.

Okay, Amy,
you're about eight centimeters dilated.

- How are you feeling ?
- Daniel was supposed to be here.

- If you want me to, I'll call him.
- I don't wanna see him.

But I don't wanna be alone.

You haven't told Cooper the truth yet.

You're not very good at letting things go,
are you ?

You know what I think ?
I think you're scared.

Of what ?

I think this relationship is getting real,

so you're just as scared as Cooper is,
so you're trying to sabotage it.

Take a new job, rent the floor under him,
keep it from him.

You want this to blow up in your face.

You know what I think ?

I think you're not half the shrink
you think you are.

- Where are you going ?
- To tell Cooper the truth.

- Why isn't she responding ?
- We knew we could only try, Henry.

Frances, remember the day
last November when we were at home ?

It was raining and cold.
You were reading in your chair.

I saw you shivering,

and I asked you
if you wanted me to turn the heat up,

and you smiled, and you said yes.

So I went downstairs
and turned the thermostat up.

And when I came back up,
I told you I had done it.

But you didn't know me.

That was the last time we spoke.

Please don't let that
be our last memory together.

- We need a new memory.
- This is too hard for him.

Frances, it's me, Helen.

Your husband is here,
and he needs your help.

You need to do this for him.

I'm sorry, Henry.

I'm so sorry there wasn't more
that we could do for her.

I understand.


Henry, where am I ?

HENRY: You're here and now.
That's what's important.

- You look so beautiful.
- You look so tired.

I've missed you.
I've missed you every day.

Frances, Henry promised you

that he would never put you
in a nursing home.

- I'm sick, aren't I ?
- Yeah.

You'll visit me every day.

You'll come see me every day
and hold my hand.

- You promise me that ?
- But, Franny...

You promise me that, Henry.

And then you'll let me go.

Promise me, my love.

I promise.

ADDISON: Okay, Amy, on three,
I'm gonna need you to push, all right ?

Ready ? One, two, three. Push.


Good, that's good. Good.
Now take a breath.

I hate him !

- Concentrate on your baby.
- I'm trying. It's so hard.

- Laura ?
AMY: No.

- No.
- Take my hand.

- No.
LAURA: Just take my hand.

- Okay.
LAURA: We'll do this together, okay ?

You can trust me.

Okay, when I say, "Push," again,
you're gonna push, Amy, all right ?

- And ready ?
- You can do this.


- We need to talk.
- Thank God.

What do you mean, "Thank God" ?

I mean, something's been bothering you.
You haven't been yourself.

Okay, I feel like you think
that because I'm with Charlotte

and things are going well,
that I'm not gonna be there for you.

But I'm here for you, Violet.

And the fact that Charlotte and I are great
doesn't change that.

Okay ?

Let's talk.

Okay. Um...

I've just...

You know what ? You said it.

I think I was worried about you
and Charlotte and what that meant.

But I just wanna see you happy, Coop.

It's a wonderful facility, Henry.

She'll have her own room
with 24-hour care.

For the first time in almost 50 years,
we won't be living together.

You gonna be okay ?

I have to be.

I promised her.

What's wrong ?

That man loves that woman
more than anything in the world.

He stayed with her,
for better or for worse,

and now they're gonna be apart.

Sam, just because they're not
gonna be living together anymore,

just because they won't be sleeping
in the same bed

or having the same conversations,

doesn't mean
he's gonna stop loving her.

That man is going to love her always.

He's gonna love her
until the day he dies.

But he needs to move on.

Hi. Oh, hi.

I need to know everything there is to know
about DiGeorge syndrome.

Because I'm gonna keep my baby,
and I need to be prepared.

I can't stay with somebody I can't trust.

We are gonna be there for you
for whatever you need.

Amy, Laura, hear me out.

- Stay away from me.
- You need to leave.

- I'm talking to them, not you.
PETE: Not anymore.

- Please, I need to see them.
- They don't want to see you.

- Don't make this worse by...
- I love them. I wanna help.

Amy just gave birth.

Laura is dealing with a pregnancy
that's taken a very difficult turn.

And they both just found out
the man they love is a liar.

Don't make this worse.

If you really love them,
if you wanna help, leave.

You want me to walk away ?
To walk away from them ?

Right now, yes.
And they may never wanna see you again.

That's something you have to live with.
But you married them.

You made commitments,
and you have children.

What I'm saying is that
you are gonna spend the rest of your life

making sure that Amy and Laura
and these children are taken care of.

- Still hasn't called ?
- No.

- I'm sure it's not as bad as it seems.
- Oh, no, no, it is.

I'll never hear that sexy,
SWAT-y voice again.

DELL: This here's my desk,
and this is my chair.


DELL: Pretty cool, right ?
GIRL: I like it. Can I spin ?

Yeah, you can spin.


Meet Betsey.

Betsey, this is Addison and Naomi,

and these are Daddy's friends.

- Can you say hello, please ?
- Hi.

- Hi.
- Hi.

Your daughter ?

Why didn't you tell us ?

Go make me a picture, okay ?
I'll put you here.

Well, I wanted to.

But it's a little complicated.

I was 17, and her mom and I
weren't together very long.

And now ?

Well, her mother's an addict,
and last month she relapsed.

I just...

I just wanted her to be proud of me.

To see that one of her parents
had it together.

That's why I brought her here.

Addison, I promise I'll have it
all cleared out by tomorrow, okay ?

Hey, Betsey.
How do you like your daddy's office ?

BETSEY: I love it.
- Yeah ?


I think I'm ready.

- To leave ?
- To date.

- Okay.
- Yeah.

So, what happens now ?

This is gonna be harder than I thought.

So I told them you're my girlfriend

and if they didn't like that,
they were gonna deal with me.

- You did ?
- Uh-huh.

- What about Violet ?
- She was worried about us coming out,

but I took care of it.

That's it ?

She's happy for me.

For us.


Guess I misjudged her.


- Did you bring your squad car ?
- I need an explanation, Addison.

I cheated on my husband.

With his best friend.

And after that,

my ex-husband cheated on me too.

So when you said, "I love you,"

it took everything
to this whole other place.

This dark place
where the stakes were high.

Couldn't trust you. Not because of you.

Because of me.

And I think I was scared
because I do like you.

I like you a lot, Kevin.

And I am not in a place
where I can say what you said.

But I think if you were to stick around
a little while,

I might be able to get there.

Because you are honest and loyal

and worthy of trust.

I messed up.

But I think

I might get there.
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