02x16 - Ex-Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Private Practice". Aired: September 26, 2007, to January 22, 2013.*
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Spin-off series from Grey's Anatomy; Neonatal surgeon Addison Montgomery leaves her friends and foes at Seattle Grace Hospital behind for a fresh start in Los Angeles, where she joins a trendy public clinic.
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02x16 - Ex-Life

Post by bunniefuu »

- They'll call.
- They should call now.

They will. When there's news.

- I hate waiting.
- Archer's in good hands.

He's got little worms
growing in his head, Pete.

- They're cysts.
- With worms inside.

I'm gonna call
to make sure Addison's okay.

Sam and Naomi are with her.
We just have to wait.

You think waiting's hard for us,
imagine how awful it is for them.



You people...

You people realize
it's morning time, right ?

Stay awake for 20 hours,

and then you tell me if you notice
where the sun is in the sky.

Hard to believe,
the five of us back together again.

Six. Six. Archer makes six.

Right. Six. I forgot about Archer. Six.

And if you count the worms
in Archer's brain, that makes like 26 of us.

Yeah. Here is to dead brain worms.

NAOMl: Brain worms. Yeah.
- Dead brain worms.

I can't believe that you fell for a Grey,

and you're too scared of Derek
to tell him about it.

Don't be mad at me.

Be mad at Derek. Be mad
at the ring his mother never gave you.

- But don't be mad at me.
- What ring ?

Wh... ? Hey, hey. What's this
about a ring from your mother ?

- Thank you.
- She'd have found out.

I knew it.
I knew that woman never liked me.

You used to tell me that she did,
but I knew.

- Where are you going ?
- Back to work.

Whoa. Hey. Is it Archer ?

- No.
ADDISON: What is it ?

Was he always that cagey ?
I don't remember him being that cagey.

No. He's not.

You guys, what if he's lying ?
What if it is about Archer,

and he just doesn't want us all
running over there and panicking ?

- Is he all right ?
- Shh. You should let the man rest.

Where's Derek ?

I don't know.
Weren't you gonna stay out of my hair ?

Naomi ?

- Naomi ?
- Yeah, baby, I'm right here. I'm here.

What's my socks ?

It's the dr*gs talking.
It's better if he sleeps.

Let him enjoy the ride.

Sam, you okay ?

You're gonna have to talk to the chief.
He should be in the ER.

Asthma att*cks are not surgical.

We need to keep an eye
on him and Archer,

- we can't do...
- I refer you back to my statement.

Fine, I will speak to the chief.

He should probably be on continuous
nebs and a course of steroids.

- Do you think they know he... ?
- Nai. See the two nurses in there,

gratuitously mopping his brow,
fluffing his pillow ? Think they got it.

I've never seen an att*ck
this bad before.

He wasn't exerting, he wasn't walking
through a field of wild blooming flowers.

- He was in a hospital.
- And, yeah,

watching you doting over Archer

and he was unable
to get oxygen into his lungs.

- Do I need to draw a picture ?
- We are divorced.

All right, we are happily divorced.
I am with Archer. He is with Sonya.

We're way, way, way past each other.


- What do we got ?
- She can't breathe.

I can breathe, it's just a lot of work.

Okay, try not to talk, all right ?

- Pulse ox ?
- Ninety-two on four liters.

Tried to use a bronchodilator,
but no response.

Hey, listen, okay ? Panicking is only
gonna make it harder for you to breathe.

You and your baby need all the oxygen
you can get, so try to calm down.

All right, let's do a chest film,
blood gas and an EKG.

Why is this happening ?
Did something go wrong ?

There were some complications. But it
shouldn't have anything to do with this.

Squeeze my hands for me ? Good.

I don't know what's going on yet.

But I promise you, I'll figure it out.

Archer's out of surgery and it went well.

On the other hand,
Sam almost passed out from asthma,

which I heard is actually kind of fun.

Anyway, I just thought you'd wanna know.
Since Archer works for you.

Thanks for the update, Dr. Freedman.

I know you're upset
about me living with Violet,

I know you feel excluded,
but it doesn't have to be like that,

- you can be part of it.
- Part of it, Cooper ? Really ?

What exactly do you think
that would look like ?

Me living with the two of you, reading
Mother Goose to Violet's swollen belly

while you're giving her
pregnancy massages ?

Or how about me putting on
my Bo Peep outfit, trying to seduce you

while she's calling out from the next room
for a puke bucket ?

Or better yet, me taking video of you
and Violet bringing your little snot home.

It's not my little snot.
And I'm not trying to be the father.

- I'm trying to be a friend.
- Above and beyond.

- If you got to know Violet better...
- I'd rather have teeth pulled.

She's my best friend.

If she were a guy,
wouldn't you make an effort ?

If she were a guy,
she'd be on 20/20 for getting pregnant.

Just think about it.

Start with thinking about lunch.


I gotta go.

Just think about it.


RACHEL: Is she okay ?
COOPER: Lungs are clear.

No wheezing, no congestion.

I went to get the phone and she slipped
and I didn't know that she slipped.

I didn't know, and then I didn't hear her.

There were bubbles
coming out of her nose. Oh, God.

- Rachel, Cindy's fine.
- Oh.

It happens. Accidents happen
to new moms all the time.

That being said, don't answer the phone
when the baby's in the tub.


I know that.

I know that. I mean, you told me that.

I know that. I mean, I should know that,
I'm an educated person.

I mean, who does anything
while their baby's in the tub ?


I mean, who does anything
but love their baby ?

I'm so, so, so tired.

- I'm sorry.
- Baby's not sleeping much, is she ?

Not sleeping through the night ?


Come here, Cindy.
You know what, Rachel ? Have a seat.

Take a few deep breaths
and close your eyes.

I'll take the baby.
You just rest for a minute, okay ?

I'll be right back.


- Hey.
- Hope you're not coming to me for help.

No. It's the mom. She's hysterical.

Rachel, this...

VIOLET: Where is she ?
- Crap.

I wanna publicize your brother's case.

And when I do, I need to use his name.

Well, since when do we name patients
in medical studies ?

When a world-class neurologist is being
saved by a world-class neurosurgeon.

It's not a paper, it's a story.

And I need a story.

You hate that kind of stuff.

Yeah, I do a lot of stuff I hate now.

My hospital has dropped to number 12.

Or haven't you heard ?

If you're comfortable with it,
we'd like to use your name.

I mean, it's a nice angle.
Neurosurgeon saves neurologist.

Sure. He didn't save me, though.

I'm pretty sure he did.

With you being here,
alive and breathing and all.

My hand is shaking,
my head is k*lling me,

my vision is blurry,
and the room is spinning.

Get a CT.

He missed something.

Rachel ?

Rachel ?

Hey, Rachel. You okay ?

I had this list of names,
but I didn't know which one she would be.

I wanted to meet her first.
I had Sarah and Lily

and Ellory,
which I thought was so pretty,

I read it in a book. And Grace.

And it was a day and half
of labor and pushing,

and I did it with no dr*gs or anything,

and I pushed and I pushed
but she was stuck.

She's stubborn.

She's so stubborn.
She didn't wanna come out.

The doctor even got a vacuum,
but she didn't wanna come.

She was such a good baby
when she was on the inside.

She was such a good baby.

But I couldn't use any of the names,

because when she came out,
they didn't fit.

So my husband named her Cynthia.
He named her, but I love her.

Of course you do.

I really love her. Where is she ?

- She's right here.
- She's right here,

but I think Dr. Freedman
is just gonna run a few more tests.

- We wanted you to know.
- She's not okay ?

- She's not okay ?
- She's fine.

She's fine. We're just gonna make sure.
We're gonna run more tests.

So, Dr. Freedman,
you can go with Cynthia.

And I'll stay with Rachel.

- You're really tired, aren't you ?
- I am.

I'm really, really tired.




Archer's awake and complaining,
am I right ?

- Ah...
- He ought to be happy,

he's on five of morphine.

- He says that his vision is blurry.
- Mm.

And he would like you
to run another CT.

- No.
- No ?

Your brother's an ass.
His vision's probably impaired

because he can't see past his own ego.

His post-op examination was fine.
He doesn't need a CT.

He just needs to sleep it off.

Dr. Shepherd.

- Dr. Shepherd ?
- You're gonna act

like a surgeon with a God complex,
I'm gonna speak to you like one.

What's going on with you ?
What's wrong ?

I operated on a pregnant woman
earlier tonight, now she can't breathe.

- Did she toss a PE ?
- Nope. Scan's negative.

I nicked her aneurysm during surgery.

I repaired it perfectly.

I've just never seen
a post-op complication like this.

I got a CT, chest x-ray, echo.

- Did you check the baby ?
- The FHT's, they were fine.

You need to run a Doppler.

- It's the mother who can't breathe.
- Trust me on this.

You need to run a Doppler, do it now.
The baby could be the problem.

Ahem. Excuse me, could someone tell me
what's going on please ?

It's possible that your wife
is having trouble breathing

because there's something wrong
with the baby.

- There's something wrong with the baby ?
- Sometimes it can happen, if...

No, my wife was fine
when we walked in here.

Now she can't breathe, you're telling me
there's something wrong with the baby ?

- My wife was fine. She was fine.
- She wasn't fine.

She ran over you with her car
and then she had a seizure.

- She wasn't fine.
- She's mirroring.

ALEX: What's that mean ?
ADDISON: Mirror syndrome.

It's rare, but sometimes
if the baby is sick in utero,

the mother will mirror its symptoms.

- It's psychological ?

The symptoms are very real.

And in this case, the baby's anemic.

The anemia's causing congestive
heart failure in them.

- What can we do ?
- Get a blood type, do an antibody screen.

- What if one of them is positive ?
- Let's just take it a step at a time.

You wanna put needles in me ?

I prefer you let me give you some pills
to calm you down, but you said...

Yeah, no, I'm still nursing,
so I just don't wanna hurt the baby.

- I don't wanna hurt my baby.
- Right.

So that's why Dr. Wilder is gonna use
the needles to help you get some rest.

- He's very good.
- What about Cindy ?

She's fine. We're running the tests,
the nurses are with her.

We have babies here all the time.

You're so kind.

Just, thank you for being so kind.

I'm sorry, I'm just...


- Ooh. Sorry.
- It's okay, Rachel, just lie right down.

Now, postpartum hormones
are all over the place.

They have a calming effect,

but sometimes the body chemistry
goes a little haywire, and can amp you up.

Keep you from sleeping.

What acupuncture does is target specific
points to put your body back in balance.

It releases endorphins
which counter the hormones.

It's kind of like a natural sedative.

The baby doesn't sleep.
Not at night. She doesn't sleep.

And the refrigerator's broken.
It sounds like a dying pigeon. Like:


Like a dying pigeon, my husband says.

And you get so tired of feeling so tired,
so you just drink more coffee,

and the baby falls asleep
and you can't sleep anyway.

And then last night I was up.
I was holding the baby.

I was nursing her. I left the TV on.

There were infomercials that you would
never see if you watch during the day.

All these infomercials about how
to become a refrigerator repairman.

And then she fell asleep on my boob
and I was dozing off,

and I was finally, finally sleeping.
And then the refrigerator did that:


And I thought someone should put
that refrigerator out of its misery.

That smells nice.
Whatever you're burning, it smells nice.

Where the hell is Addison ?

Where is that hack
of a brother-in-law of mine ?

Does he not want
to do a post-op exam ?

I am his highest-profile case in years.

Dr. Shepherd has another complicated
case, and Addison's consulting.

- It's a woman who's mirroring...
- I'm dying.


The trials of Seattle's wretched refuse
do not interest me.

Archer, you're not alone.

Right. I have you.

That's the dr*gs talking.


And Naomi's all, "Archer, honey,
you okay ?" And you hit the deck.

That's the stupidest thing
I've ever heard.

Well, it's not my theory, it's Addison's.
But it's a compelling one.

I'm not hung up on my ex-wife.

I divorced her, willingly.

- Uh-huh.
- Look,

I have asthma, all right ?
It's medical.

It's not emotional.

I always liked Addison.

Don't always like everybody,
but I always liked her.

She smells nice, she's polite,
and she saves babies.

- So, what happened to the brother ?
- Ah.

Was he lost at birth, raised by wolves ?

- He's not always such an ass.
- Yeah, he is.

Dr. Bailey, do me a favor.
Help me set these idiots straight.

Will you please find something
medically wrong with me ?

I'll do my best.

All right, man.

What ?

How does a woman go from you
to Archer Montgomery ?


That's a nice compliment.

That is a... It's a compliment, right ?

And how do you stand by and watch ?
Why would you want to ?

Well, Archer, he's an old friend.

Well, not an old friend, he's like family.

We go back.

And, well, he was gonna die.

I thought he was gonna die,

and I knew that I couldn't stay in L.A.
While that was happening.

I couldn't wrap my head around it.

Just an old college friend, dying.

But he's not. He's not dying.

And now you're just up here in Seattle

watching your wife
stand by her highly unlikable boyfriend.

- Ex-wife.

Life never turns out the way you thought
it would when you were young.

Dr. Bailey ?


I'd like you to run a post-op CT
on Archer Montgomery.

I thought Shepherd nixed that idea.

He's not ordering it. I am.

I'm about to call a bunch of newspapers
and tell them about his medical miracle.

I can only do that
if it was indeed a miracle.

And Derek has a lot going on already.

- So no need to bother him.

Fine. I can keep it under wraps.

As much as one can,

wheeling a hopped-up blowhard
around the hospital.


I think your patient needs a little more
than sleep. She's manic.

- She's got real sleep dep, I'm thinking...
- Postpartum psychosis.

I know, I just got off the phone
with her husband.

He's gonna get the baby. He's gonna
pre-admit Rachel to the hospital.

- What ?
- You think

you would have mentioned
the psychosis thing ?

I was chewing on it.
I told you she needed help.

- You were using me to buy time.
- I was using you to do what you do well.

I don't just stick needles.

- Pete...
- I'm a doctor.

If you had consulted me,
treated me like a partner,

I'd have told you
she needed more than acupuncture.

- But you treat me like a baby-sitter.
- No, Cooper's the baby-sitter.

You're the mommy-sitter.

Pete. Pete.

She needed sleep. I needed you.

You keep everything to yourself.

This practice is about sharing.
You know that.

I don't think you're mad about Rachel,
you're mad about me.

Why ? Because I might be the father
of your child

- and you won't even talk to me about...
RACHEL: Cindy's crying.

- Where is she ?
PETE: She's okay.

She's okay, you're okay.
Rachel, look at me.

But I can hear her.
I can hear her crying. Cindy !

- Cindy, Mommy's coming. Where is she ?
- Rachel.

Hey. There's evidence of hemolysis.

Damn it. The...

Damn it.

- Can I ask you something ?
- Hmm ?

Are you happy ?

My brother just had brain surgery.

No, I know, I just...

I'm with lzzie. Did you hear ?
We're together now,

and she's a mess.
She's a mess and I know it's my own fault.

I'm always picking the crazy chick and...
Present company excepted.

I love her. I do. I love her.

And I wanna be with her.

Except I kind of don't.

I kind of wanna run.

Because it's like there's a train coming.

I can feel the ground shaking.

Something's coming,
and I kind of just wanna run.

Go somewhere new,
start over, like you did.

So I'm asking, are you happy you did it ?

Did it work ?

I didn't run, Alex. I walked.

I walked away. There's a difference.

Yeah, but are you happy ?

Recheck the labs and titers.

I wanna make sure we're absolutely sure
before I give that family catastrophic news.


Oh ! Give me my baby ! Give her to me !
Give me my baby !

- I was gonna give a bottle.
- She's fine.

She's fine. Come back to my office.

Everything's fine, you need rest.

No, I want her. I want her.
Give her to me.

Why won't you give her to me ?
I didn't mean to hurt her.

Please, I didn't mean to hurt her.

Cindy's okay. She's okay.

And she needs you.

But, sweetie,
you're not any good to her right now.

You need to sleep, okay ?

So why don't you let us
take care of her while you... ?

She was in the tub and she was crying.

She's always crying,
and I was asking her to stop.

I just wanted her to stop crying.

And she slipped
and her head went under.

And I reached for her,

and then

I held her down.

It was quiet.

And I just kept thinking,
"Andrew won't be home until dinner."

And no one would know until dinner.

And I could finally
get a couple hours of sleep.



So Archer's gonna get another CT.

Just to be sure.

Yeah, I know. That's good.

You okay ?

Am I crazy
jumping in so fast with Archer ?

You have someone to care about.

And he has you.
That's a good thing.


What ?

Alex, you, Archer, Mark, Sam.

You all have new people.

I am treating a patient
who ran over her husband with a car

and he still loves her.

Derek is proposing.
Did you hear about the ring ?

No. What ring ?

No, forget it.

You have two, I have none. No fair.

Sam, please, it's an adorable theory,
but it does not hold water.

Well, I'd lap it up if I were you. I don't have
anybody having asthma att*cks over me.

Hey. I'm over her.

This is not a panic att*ck.
This is asthma.

It's physiological, not emotional.

I'm over you.
I'm here for my friends, you are a friend.

But I'm over you. Okay ? I'm over you.


Damn it.

- Shut up.

Why haven't I seen Jen's lab results ?

Dr. Montgomery wanted
to run another round of...

I never saw the first round.

Sam's not responding to his meds,
is Dr. Bailey... ?

What did
the preliminary lab results say ?

They were inconclusive.
I ordered a repeat.

It's not that complicated.

Either the baby's gonna die or not.

Either the mother's gonna die or not.

would you excuse us for a moment ?

Look, I have been up all night too.

- And I don't appreciate you yelling at...
- My patient ! My patient.

Let me know
when the damn test results get in.

Oh ! Hey, Charlotte.

Hello, Violet.


- What was that ?
- That was, we're having lunch.

The three of us. And you're gonna
be on your best behavior.

- How's Rachel ?
- She's stable.

I sedated her with benzos,

got her started
on an atypical antipsychotic.

She'll have to stop breastfeeding,
which is not ideal, but...

What if mine doesn't sleep ?

- She'll sleep.
- What if she doesn't ?

Then I will stay up with her
while you sleep.

What if I go crazy ?

What if I get postpartum psychosis
and depression ?

What if I try to hurt the baby ?
What if I just have a terrible child ?

Seriously, what if I'm the one
that gives birth to the sociopath

who tries to burn the high school down ?

Or what if I screw up in so many ways
that no amount of therapy

can ever repair the damage
that I do to that poor child ?

- Violet ? Stop.
- Okay.

Postpartum psychosis is very rare.

This isn't normal.

What if mine doesn't sleep ?

- Oh. Sorry.
- I'm afraid you'll have to step out.

No, I'm a physician.
And I'm his girlfriend.

You're not his physician.

And as for girlfriend,

Washington State Medical Code
doesn't consider that a legal role.

Uh... Fine.

Can you give me some idea
of what you're doing for Sam ?

He's not responding to the meds.

I'm his wife.

Ex. And I thought
you were this one's girlfriend.

Are you like this with everyone
or am I just special ?

Fine. Stay. But no questions.

Post-op CT.

- Everything okay ? Uhm.
- I don't know.

You know what's weird ?

You, who has never worn flannel
a day in your life, living in Seattle

and having a semi-incestuous relationship
with your best friend's almost-sister.


I was gonna say it's weird
that I dislike Archer as much as I do,

and somehow this you-and-Archer
thing gives me hope.

- Lexie.
- What, the sister ?

Yeah, she's a good girl.
She's a nice girl.

Well-raised, kind
and understanding, and sane.

She's like you.

So if you can find happiness with Archer,
I'm thinking, maybe there's hope.

You really think this thing is real
between you and this little girl ?

I'm afraid to hurt her.

You think Archer's gonna hurt me ?

I hope not.

Like I said, you two give me hope.

Okay, give her another 40 of furosemide,
and get a repeat chest.

What do you got ?

I've been hoping.

I ran a thousand tests
and I didn't tell you the results,

because I was hoping I was wrong,
but the baby is severely anemic.

His heart's failing.

Most likely it's caused
by a Kell antigen incompatibility

in the blood you gave Jen.

It's causing a reaction
that's destroying the baby's blood.

- I'm so sorry.
- Don't be sorry. Tell me how we can fix it.

Well, I mean, in ideal circumstance,
I'd do an in-utero blood transfusion,

but this isn't ideal circumstance.

Jen is deteriorating rapidly,
and she could arrest at any minute.

And the priority's gotta be the mother.

- So, what are you saying ?
- We have to get the baby out.

He's 24 weeks,
the odds of him surviving...

Yeah, I know.
But if I take him out, she lives.

If we don't, we risk losing them both.


He's not ready. He's too little.
He's not ready.

Jen, I know that this is scary.

- But I'm gonna do everything...
- My book says he can live

if we get him to 26 weeks.
That's in two weeks.

So let me just...
I can stay in the hospital

and be on oxygen
and keep him in for two more weeks.

Jen, your baby
is in congestive heart failure.

So are you.
You don't have two more weeks.

No. No. You're not taking him out.

- He's too little. He's too little.
- Will he survive ?

- If you take him out, will he... ?
ADDISON: He absolutely could survive.

I've delivered babies that are younger,
even, that have survived.

But I've also lost babies
that are several weeks older.

It's just a risk. I'm not gonna lie to you.

But I'm going to do everything that I can
to save him.

Tell me this isn't happening.

There's absolutely nothing else
you can do ? There's no other options ?

There is an in-utero procedure.

Wait, what is that ?

No, no, no. That's not an option here.

- She's strong...
ADDISON: Dr. Shepherd.

That's not an option here,
the risk is too high.

You have to do it.

You have to fix him.

It's your job to fix him.

Jen, let me be clear.

If we do this
and your heart condition worsens,

or you get another brain bleed,

both you and the baby could die.

- Jen.
- That's not gonna happen.

- Jen.
- No. It's not gonna happen.

Please. Just do the thing
where you leave him in.

That's what I choose.

Leave him in.


You cornered me. I come in
and say we have to deliver that baby,

and then you ride in on a white horse

offering some in-utero procedure
that you know nothing about.

- Is it gonna k*ll her ?
- I don't know.

Those are odds I don't like to evaluate
in front of a mother clutching her belly.

Evaluate it now.
Run tests, figure it out.

Just keep the baby alive,
and I will keep her alive.


How does this happen ? She's...

She loves this baby.

How did this happen ?
How did I let it happen ? How did I miss it ?

Postpartum depression
is very insidious.

It sneaks up on you.

So it can be triggered
by sleep deprivation,

then the depression
makes it harder to sleep.

It's a vicious cycle.
And when there's psychosis...

I'm tired too.
I am so tired, but I couldn't...

I couldn't...

How could she do this ?

VIOLET: You can't understand,
because you're not in her body.

- You can't experience...
- It isn't anything you missed, Andrew.

You're the dad. You're on the outside.

You're as close as you can be,
but you are on the outside.

And if she doesn't let you in...

She didn't tell you
what she was feeling.

It isn't your fault.

Rachel wants to see Cindy.

She was asleep for a couple of hours,
but her milk let down and woke her up.

What do I do now ?


How are you ?

I've seen you and Archer together.

We've talked about your sex life,
we've talked about my sex life.

I'm okay with where we are.

- It's fine, Sam.
- No, I don't want it to be fine.

I want you to believe that...

Dr. Bailey,
please give me some good news.

Sorry. No news. I ran everything again.

You had bronchospasms.

We started you on steroids
and a bronchodilator.

We reintroduced the new inhaler
we got you yesterday.

Wait, wait.
You gave him a new inhaler ?

An inhaler
with a corn-based propellant ?

How would I know that ?

- Is it a problem ?
- I'm allergic to corn-based propellant.

Did you tell me you were allergic
to corn-based propellant ?

No, but I gave you my inhaler
to be refilled.

And I specifically requested
that inhaler.

Well, I ordered the generic.

Well, he didn't ask you for the generic.

Well, we don't keep the brand names
on the clinic shelf.

- I was doing him a favor.
- Ha !

- Excuse me ?
- I said, "Ha !"

"Ha !" Because I was right.

"Ha !" Because it was an allergic reaction.

So, "Ha !"

To Mark and Addison and you
if you believed them.

It was not a panic att*ck.

It was an asthma att*ck.

I am not pathetic.

I am a man.

I am a man with asthma.

So, ha ! Ha.

Give me some, Dr. Bailey.



So ?

She's in no condition to have fetal surgery,
a surgery that will likely k*ll her.

Only her surgeon has promised,
promised to keep her alive.

- And you want me to say yes.
- Yes.

I think the best plan
is to deliver the baby, Derek.

I have an excellent record
with preemies.

I nicked her aneurysm.

I don't do that. I never do that.
I don't know why I did it.

I don't know if it was
because I was tired or sloppy.

Things happen during surgery.

They happen to surgeons
who aren't tired and sloppy.

- They just happen.
- Not to me.

The transfusion didn't work.
The blood didn't match perfectly.

- That happens.
- No !

If I hadn't have nicked the aneurysm,
she wouldn't require blood.

It is my fault.

It is.

If that baby dies, I can't live with that.


Addison, please.

Okay, I'll do it.


How you doing, Jen ?

If you're saving my baby, I'm great.

Heart rate sh*t up to 134.

Jen, are you panicking ?
I need you not to panic.

I'm not.

I'm not panicking, I just...
I can't really breathe.

Her lungs are filling with fluid.
Push another 80 of furosemide.

Bring in the crash cart.


She's in and out of a psychotic state.

Until the medication is totally in her,
until she's treated, she could hurt her.

She could snap her neck.

She's not gonna be alone with her.

- She'll be monitored.
- All it takes is a minute.

She stopped herself, Violet.

She had a horrible impulse,
did a horrible thing,

but stopped herself
and came to us for help.

I know, it's just...

She could've k*lled her.

Do we wanna be the ones
who put her back in her mother's arms

then something happens,
and they think, "What were they thinking ?"

You can't just cut her out.

You can't take her baby away from her.
She needs that to get better.

- You can't cut a parent out.
- Oh, just stop it.

Just stop it, Pete. This is not about you.

- This is not about us.
COOPER: Violet.

Violet, here, look at me.

Look, hey.

You just said it.
It's not about you or Pete.

We know that you know
what's going on in her head,

so I'll back you with Andrew.

If you advise him to keep the baby away,
I will back you.

But Rachel is not a criminal.

She's a good mom,
a mom who wanted this child.

And if there's a chance
that her staying bonded with his child

is gonna help her hold on,
help her get better,

don't you think
we ought to give her that chance ?

The hormones are insane.

They're like...

God, they're insane.

I mean, already, it's like I'm not me.

I mean, mostly I am.

But sometimes l... I'm just not.

And my hormones
are in the normal range.

Hers were not.

So we can't be emotional.
We have to be responsible.

So you cut her out.

You decide, you cut her out.

- I'm gonna hug you now.
- That would be good.

We shouldn't have done this.

DEREK: You can do it. Keep going.
Pulse ox is only 88. Keep going.

Shut up. Damn it. You cornered me.
I let you corner me.

This is the hot dog Thanksgiving
all over again.

- What ?
- You know. Your mother breaks her wrist,

so the day before Thanksgiving,
you invite 34 people over to our house,

without asking me, knowing
I've never cooked a turkey in my life.

Your sister gets salmonella,

and your mother accuses me
of trying to k*ll everyone.

And then you, ha-ha, make hot dogs,
and you're the hero.

- Addison.
- No, it's the same thing, Derek.

You make some statement
and I do all the work.

No matter how it turns out,
you're the hero, I'm incompetent.

Her respirations are stabilizing.

- How's her pulse ox ?
- Pulse is 92.

Lungs are clearing.

You did it.


I did it.

I did it.

- Who's the hero now ?
- Shut up.


How are you feeling ?
Little more awake ?

You took scans.

Derek is nowhere to be found.
What the hell is wrong with him ?

Does he even know ?

Derek's still in surgery.
Let's not keep you in the dark any longer.

Just give them to me.

What ?

Well, here, and here.

Those are persistent cysts.
Those are parasitic cysts.

See, Derek didn't get it all.

I'm going to die.

I could die any minute.

Just admit it.

Your mother never liked me.

Well, she didn't dislike you.

It's just when you gave Nancy salmonella,
it didn't help...

Oh, come on. She hated me
long before I poisoned your sister.

She hated me from the moment
she met me and that never changed.

She thought that I was rich and privileged,
and wrong for you.

And that's why
she didn't give me the ring.

Just admit it, so at least then I'll know
that I wasn't crazy for 11 years.

She hated you.

Thank you.

- You two finished here ?
- Yeah.

Yeah. It went well.

What's wrong ? How's Archer ?

- Take a look at these.
- Who ordered these ?

- I did. Just look at them.
- Why ?


Stay close.

Stay right there with them.

Hold them both.

I love her.

I know. I know.

It's gonna get better.

You're gonna get better.

You're gonna be okay.


Oh, hi.

Hi. Oh.

Oh, I'm so sorry, my baby.

I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.



MARK: I'm headed back to the bar,
you guys wanna ?

Why is it so quiet in here ?

- What, somebody die ?
- That's not funny.

- I slept with Amy Garrison.
- What ?

- Who ?
- When ?

You're talking about my girlfriend
sophomore year ?

You went to Atlantic City
with a bunch of guys, and she was lonely,

and I slept with her, and I'm sorry.

- Archer, you don't have to do this.
- No, I have to.

I'm dying.

I'm dying and...

Hey, I wrecked your car too.

- N... The Plymouth ?
- Elsie Jacobs wrecked that car.

No. No. It was me.

And I was sleeping with her too.

MARK: What ?
- I'm so sorry, man.

Dying or not, I'm gonna kick your ass.

NAOMl: Hey, Mark.
SAM: Hey.

What about Nai, huh ? You sleep
with her while she was married ?

- No. No.
- No, man, no.

But, yeah, I shouldn't have slept
with her at all. I shouldn't have done that.

A man doesn't do that to his friends.

- I'm so sorry.
- What do you mean you're sorry ?

You're sorry you're with me ?

I'm sorry.

I have feelings for you. I'm s...

Oh, I'm sorry I'm gonna die
and leave you alone.

I'm sorry for everybody I ever hurt.

I'm sorry for all the lies I ever told.

I'm sorry I'm not gonna live long enough
to be a better man.

To be the man that you deserve.
I'm so...

I'm so... I'm sor...

The next time I save your life,
a simple thank you will suffice.

If you were a neurosurgeon
and not a neurotic,

you would know that it's common
for a CSP to temporarily fill with fluid.

Repeat a CT in a month,
and this will be clear.

What ? You mean he's gonna be fine ?

No, he's gonna be an ass
like he's always been.


I get what you're doing for Violet.

Tell me you're not changing your mind.

I get that she's your best friend.

But there comes a point when you
can't have a woman be your best friend,

because there's a more important woman
in your life.

There should be.

But you and Violet, it's intimate.

And she needs you.

And I think, at the end of the day,
you need her.

I'm outside of it.

It's your thing.

Your thing with Violet.

And you want me to be a part of it,

but I don't have it in me
to make it work that way.

I'm supposed to be your best friend,

I'm doing the best I can.

For the baby.

That's all I can do.

You don't think
your baby needs a father ?

You think that Uncle Coop
is gonna fill that void ?

Cooper gives me support.

With no strings.

And that's what I need.

That's all I can handle right now.

I get that he loves you.

He might even love your kid.

But it's not the same.

It's not what's best for your baby.

If I'm the father...

You give a great speech, Violet.

But really,

all you're thinking about is you.

It should be me in there.

You wish you just had parasites
removed from your brain ?

No, I just always thought
that when we got older,

we'd be there for each other.

If one of us got sick,
the other could hold their hand

and, you know, be there.

Of course you did.
That's what you do for your wife.

Well, ex-wife now.

It was an asthma att*ck.

Either way,
I'm gonna go home to my husband,

with whom
things have been difficult lately.

And I'm going to hug him and kiss him

and thank him
for all the good things that he is

that I sometimes don't bother to notice.

And I have you to thank for that.

Because I'm not gonna make
your mistake.

I don't wanna end up
standing outside the window,

watching my life go on without me.


Sorry about the CT.

About the second-guessing.

And about Archer. He's sorry too.

He's grateful, he just...

- He won't admit it.
- I know.

ADDISON: There he is.
There's the heartbeat.

How's he doing ? Is he okay ?

Heart rate's regular. And he's active.

- So it worked ?
- It worked.


God, thank you. Thank you.

- Honey ?
- Hey.

Hey, Jenny, honey, you did it.

The baby's here. You're here.

- We're okay ?
- Everybody's okay.

You got a tough little boy in there.
He's a fighter, like his mom.

We're okay ?

Oh. Oh.

I was so scared, Robbie.
I was so scared.

I kept thinking the tigers
would think I was...

Baby cut...

Blue... Of making baby cut...

- Rob ?
- She's not making sense.

Why isn't she making sense ?
Dr. Shepherd.
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