01x35 - A Huge Orange Problem

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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01x35 - A Huge Orange Problem

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, we're the Kratt

I'm Martin!

And I'm Chris!

And we are hanging
with some baboons.

Nobody, and I mean nobody,
climbs like a primate.

And by primate,
I'm talking about lemurs,

monkeys, like baboons,
apes and humans.

And these olive baboons can
really get around in the trees.

Oh, yeah!

Show us your moves, guys!

Oh, yeah, look at that!

Strength of a climber!

They're so confident up here!


Whoa, ha, ha!

Hey, bud!

Hey, you are a good climber!

They don't just climb on trees;
they climb on people!

What do I look like,
a branch?

I think he's challenging us
to try that

on these little branches that
would never hold our weight.

No way, we're too heavy
for that.

Oh yeah, but the heaviest
climber in the world

is the orangutan.

They're huge,

with male orangutans weighing
as much as pounds.

Orangutans rarely come down
to the ground,

moving easily through
the treetops

of the Indonesian rainforest,

with the help of their long
powerful arms

and feet that grab.

Orangutans can go practically
anywhere in the treetops.


Imagine if we could climb
through the trees

like some of our fellow
primates can.

Imagine if we had
orangutan powers.

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

All right, we're off to see
the great red ape.




Okay, we're off to see
the great reddish-orange ape

The orangutan!

People have to know
about these amazing apes,

the only apes in Asia!

It's urgent!

If something isn't done fast
to save them,

they could be extinct
in the wild in just years!

Hold it!

What? Why?

Got to refill the first-aid kit,

or we'll be extinct in minutes.

Come on, we're on our way!

Hey, our first-aid kit
is completely empty.

We've used it a lot lately.

Bear, ugh!


Boots? Oh!




African-crested porcupine,
over here!

Spotted hyenas!

Whoa, whoa, whoa!



Yeah, I guess you're right.

And it's a jungle out there!

Full of venomous snakes,
toxic plants,

crashing trees
and all sorts of dangers.

Fine, get the first-aid kit.

Here, Chris!

Take the Tortuga
first-aid kit.

You'll need it more
than we ever will.

See ya!

Thanks, Aviva!

Martin, wait up.






Check out all this
rainforest fruit.

I think they're wild figs!

We should check it first,
just to be sure.

I'm on it!

Yes, a wild fig
of the Ficus genus.

It's edible.

Hmm, and delicious!



And delicious!



Really fun!

Mmm, and super sweet.

And I could swing on these vines
all day!

Oh, yeah!

(Laughing, shouting)

No wonder orangutans travel
through the trees.

It's hard to get around
down here.

Yeah, these peat forests
are springy!

(Rustling overhead)

Something orange!


Oh, yeah!

I have the best
captain's bridge.

Just my chair, and me!

Here's to having everything.



But I could use a side table.


A side table made
out of black wood,

the blackest,
most precious on Earth.

get your saw arms on

and find me the blackest,
precious-est wood on Earth!

(Laughing, cheering)




Ahh, my arms really hurt now.

Ugh, my fingers.


Our muscles aren't used
to all that swinging.



Okay, ready?

On three.






No matter how many times
you do that,

it always makes me jump.


Yeah, the proboscis monkey's
noise-making nose

gets me every time.

But he's a monkey,
not an ape.

Right, most monkeys have tails,
but apes don't.

Yeah, great apes
like chimpanzees,

gorillas and the orangutan.


Oh! Ow!

And maybe Jimmy Z, Koki
and Aviva.


What are you guys--

Why'd you take
the first-aid kit?


You said I could take it.

I was wrong!

What happened?

We were swinging on vines!

Way, way too much!

Our muscles are sore!

They're tightening.

We need medicine!

The muscle-relaxing cream.

In the first-aid kit.

Okay, okay, don't worry.

We'll just run it
right back to you.

Tortuga's that way!

We'll get the first-aid kit
back to the g*ng in no time.

No problem.

Uh, Martin?



A huge orange problem!

Remember, Chris, orangutans
are as strong as men,

so stay on his good side.

Uh, hey there, big guy.

Those are some impressive cheek
flaps you've got there.

(Chris laughing nervously)



Hey, Chris!

All right, I believe it.

An orangutan is as strong
as men.

We're flying through the air.

Proof enough for me!

Ugh! Oof!


Well, that was fun.

The only problem is he threw us
in the wrong direction.

Away from the Tortuga,
and we have to go that way.


It's raining leaves.

Two orange leaf clouds!

An orangutan mom and baby!

Heads up, Zach-bots!

Ugh, I meant listen!

Now, ready your saw arm.

This is your mission.


This is your mission.

Find a tree and cut it down.

Keep cutting trees until you
find one with black wood inside!



Oh, we are so lucky!

Or maybe we're here
for a reason

What a find!



Oh, she's teaching what fruit
is good to eat.

Green could make him sick,

but the yellow is ripe
and ready to eat!

And from the looks of him,
it's delicious!


Orangutans teach their kids
the knowledge of the forest.

Yeah, they have a knowledge of
the plants, fruits, and trees

that they pass from generation
to generation.

But I noticed
something else, dude.

Nobody teaches them to eat
with their mouths closed.

(Slurping, chewing)

They sound kind of like you
slurping breakfast cereal.

More like you
sucking up soup!



Where are you guys?

Uh, we were kind of
thrown off-course.

Are you doing yoga?

No, we're stiffening up!

Just hold up the first-aid kit.

I'll teleport it back here!





You're going to teleport
my head!

My fingers aren't working right!

Wait, we can't teleport
living things.

Cancel teleport!

Forget it, Jimmy!

We're bringing
the medicine kit to you!


Is this the way back?

Right on course!


Uh, Chris, we're running,
but not going anywhere.



His feet seem to be
as strong as his hands.

Interesting observation,

I think I'm going to name him

"The Big Strong Orange Guy

Who Won't Let Us Get Back
To The Tortuga."

Might be a little long.

Ya think?


We already believe orangutans
are really strong!

You really don't have
to show us again!


Talk about being thrown

He threw us back here again?

Yeah, now that's funny luck.

A real coincidence!

Or did he do it on purpose?

Whoa, even as babies
they're strong!

It's so wild that a baby
orangutan is strong enough

to grab and hang when
he is just hours old.

When he's around a year old,

he's as strong
as a grown-up human.


Aw, his arms must be sore
from all the swinging.


Orangutans spend % of their
time climbing and swinging.

And with all that climbing,

even orangutans
get sore muscles.

Bros, come in!

We're here.

We just discovered that
orangutans get sore muscles

from swinging and climbing
just like we do.

Yeah, a baby orangutan learns
that when he's really young.

Okay, we get it.

We get it!

We're sore, and stiff,
and can't do anything!

I can't even work
on orangutan powers!

Please hurry back
with some medicine!

Don't worry,
we're on our way.

Yeah, but if we stay...

We going to have
to work together

to get by that huge




Huge orangutan, huge-o.


Sounds good.

Initiate operation:
Slip Pass Huge-o.

Cover me, dude!

Got your back, bro!




Unclear! Whoa!

Oh, no!



Chris, where'd you go?

Oh, hi, Huge-o!

Those cheek flaps of yours
are very impressive.



Wait, let me guess.

We're back with the orangutan
mom and baby.

How'd you know?

Because Huge-o keeps heaving us
back here for a reason.

No way!

It's just a coincidence.


Why is she eating leaves
that are so gross?

Chewing, not eating.

She's not swallowing
those leaves,

just mashing them up
into a frothy green paste.

It's like a green,
bubbly lotion!

I don't believe it!

She chewed up those leaves
into a paste,

a lotion that took
the ouch away.

The orangutan made medicine!

The orangutans are primates
like us.

% of our DNA is identical.

So if that medicine works
on an orangutan...

It'll probably work on Aviva,
Koki, and Jimmy Z.

Let's go!

Oh, but how are we going
to get past Huge-o?

Don't worry, he'll let us by.


He hasn't before!

He'll let us by this time,
I know it!

Oh, no, he won't!

He never will.


(Laughing nervously)



He's letting us go.

Yes, because he showed us
the medicine of the forest.

That's what he wanted
all along.

No way.

Yes way!

Not possible.

Just happened!


Well whatever the reason,

we've got this awesome
natural medicine now.

Let's get it back
to the g*ng!

They're going to love it.

Let's go!

Hey, we've got the medicine!

You've got a pile of leaves!

A % natural cure.


and approved.

And prescribed by Dr. Huge-o.

No he didn't!


Where's the first-aid kit?


Must've lost it the last time
he tossed us.

But this is better
than anything

we ever had
in the first-aid kit!

It's a pile of leaves!

Ah, but they're Dracaena leaves
with curative powers!

And if you know
orangutan medicine...

(Making orangutan sounds)

You can make a lotion
that soothes sore muscles.

It really works!

We saw the orangutans using it.

Apes use natural medicines
they make from plants.

Chimpanzees eat Aspilia leaves
to k*ll stomach parasites,

and orangutans use Dracaena
leaves to treat muscle soreness.

Fine, we'll try it.

But we'll make a new batch
with the leaf press.

Good idea.

I'm not sore anymore!

No more ouch
in these fingers.

It worked!


And now, I can get back to work

putting orangutan strength
into the Creature Power Suits!

I love orangutans!

They have such long arm bones

which give more leverage
to the muscles

and that gives them
awesome strength.

And orangutans need
that super strength

because they're heaviest
tree-living animal in the world!

Let's hear it
for the orangutan,

who swings on the forest vines,
eats the forest fruits,

and lives in the forest trees.

Who understands the plants
of the forest

and knows the right medicine!

Give it up for Dr. Huge-o!

Long live the orangutans!

The awesome orange ape.

And I really like your hair.


(Saw buzzing)


Oh no!




Oh, it's too yellow!

I want wood blacker
than my sweater.

I said blackety-black!


Zach, stop cutting!

Orangutans need these trees

for food, shelter,
and medicine.

These trees
are the orangutan's home!

Hmm, hmm.

So, they'll move.

A tree's a tree!

How many more do you need
to look at?

Keep cutting!

Wild Kratts!

Orangutan power discs!

We'll hold them
for as long as we can.

How about some solar flash?

Put on sunglasses.

We've got to find Huge-o!


He knows what's going on.

I'd say we're just
really lucky.

You've helped us
with your orangutan knowledge.

Now, we need
your orangutan strength.

Activate orangutan powers!

Saving the planet
with Creature Power!

No cutting orangutan trees




That's better.


Orangutan arms are more muscly
than a chimpanzee.


I will build a side table with
black wood from this forest!


Heh, heh, heh!

You're a strong monkey.

Ooh, I wouldn't call him
a monkey.

He's an ape.


I didn't know you lived here.


Ah, ah, ah!

I don't want a side table
anymore anyway.

Hey you!

Swing me a vine!

Orangutans where they belong,
swinging free and in the wild.

In their forest home
which still exists, for now.

Well, we can look after it
for a while longer

while I repair the Tortuga.

From medicinal plants
of the rainforest

to who knows what else?

Animals can take you anywhere
in science.

I bet the orangutan still
has so much to teach us.

How do you get your hair
to hang like that?


So, orangutans are very
intelligent creatures.

But an orangutan doesn't know
everything right when he's born.

Most primates, like baboons--

And humans!

Have to learn how to survive in
the wild

from their parents
and their troops.

One trick we picked up
on our expeditions

is how to make mint tea in
the wild with wild mint leaves.

Check it out.

See, it grows in clumps
on the ground.

Let see if the baboons
are into it.

Here you go,
check this out.

Check that out.

You like it?

Yeah, see this?

That's a mint leaf.

It's really tasty.

Oh, he likes it.

He really likes it!

We taught a baboon that mint
leaves are good to eat.

Oh, no, those are the ones
for our tea!

Oh man, I don't think we're
ever going to get any tea.

Well, one thing
about primates?

They have their own ideas

Oh, yeah.

They're smart creatures
and fast learners.

Baboons don't really have
to learn about mint leaves,

but when a primate,
like an orangutan, is orphaned,

the only way it can ever
return to the wild

is if it learns what to eat,
where to sleep

and what dangers
to steer clear of.

Once we went to the rainforests
of Borneo

to teach some orphaned

how to survive in the wild.

With their forest home fast

orangutans are one of the most
endangered primates in the world

and with their mothers gone,

these little guys needed
a lot of help

to learn how to live
in the forest.

You can eat it.

Look, here I'll show you.

Now, you try one.

You want to try it?

See, we crush it.

That's what we're going for.

The white stuff on the inside.

Orangutans are strong,

smart and wise to the ways
of the forest.

But right now,
the orangutans need help

from their fellow primates.

They need us to help protect
their forest homes.

Long live the orangutan.

We'll see you
on the creature trail!

We'll see you there!
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