02x21 - Seahorse Rodeo

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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02x21 - Seahorse Rodeo

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts! ♪

We're here off the coast of
South America...

...in the Caribbean Sea.

It's us, the Kratt Brothers.

I'm Chris.
I'm Martin.

Are you ready for
a creature adventure?

Everybody knows
what a fish looks like.

And pretty much everybody can
draw a fish from

oh, the time they're four.

You have that basic
fish body design,

the tail fin,

a dorsal fin,
the pectoral fin,

the eyes,
and that's your basic fish.

But not every fish has that
typical fish body

design. Some are different and
what we're looking for today.

Unusual fishes.

Oh, here's a school of pretty
ordinary fish -

juvenile parrot fish!

But over here... ho-ho!

This is an unusual fish.

Really stretched out
a spotted snake eel.

Oh, and you can see
how he gets his name.

But check out this feature;

he digs with his tail
so he can hide in the sand.

His whole body gets under there

until only his head
is sticking out,

where he can ambush
any other fish swimming by.

Oh, another one!

You see that?

There's another kind of
unusual fish right in there.

A seahorse!

Yes, a seahorse is a fish.

Oh, we're running out of air,

Let's go!

The seahorse is a very well
known creature,

but how much
do we really know about it?

Imagine if we could
enter the seahorse world.

Imagine what we could
find out about seahorses!

What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with their
creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready
it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save some animals
today with Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild Wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild wild
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild wild Wild Kratts ♪

Woo hoo!


Yee-ha! I love riding horses.

Ha ha! Me too.

I never want to stop.


Well, so much for
horseback riding.

Do you feel like swimming?

I guess I have no choice.



Not a bad place for
a splash landing.

Whoa! A coral reef!

Okay, so now it looks like
we'll be

doing a coral reef adventure.

Good thing we came prepared.

Yeah... there are so many
different kinds of

amazing life forms on the reef.

You mean like these guys?



I thought you were riding
regular horses.

Well, uh, our plans
kind of changed.

We're checking out
seahorses now.

You know, I've always
wondered about seahorses.

Yeah, me too.

With a head like a horse...

And it's got a prehensile
tail like a monkey.

What are they?

Okay, I'll tell you, but you
better sit down for this.

What are they?

Seahorses are...




They fell over anyway.

Maybe we should have
told them to sit on the floor.

Yeah. Next time.

What do you mean
seahorses are fish?

How can a seahorse
be a fish?

Hmmm, here, I'll show you.

Okay, heeeeere's a fish.

Then, what Mother Nature
did was take this fish

and change its head...

and then stretch it out...

so it was more like this...

and then bent the body
down this way...

and then its tail
changed from a swimming tail

to a tail that can grab.

So a seahorse looks
pretty different,

but it's still a kind of fish,

and there's a reason for the
seahorse's unique shape.

Doesn't swim all over the place
like most other fish.

It swims small distances by
moving its little dorsal fin

back and forth.

But most of the time

the seahorse uses
its prehensile tail to

grab onto grasses and coral

and just hang there
until food floats by.

Whoa, I get it...
but it's still kind of weird.

So its body design is
perfect for its way of living.


Hey, but that doesn't mean
we have to stop riding horses.

Let's ride these guys.

Uh, Martin...

they're seahorses.
And they're tiny.

Okay, so I'll give our
seahorse a smaller name.

I'll call you...
Ocean Pony.

And then we can
miniaturize and ride!

Whoa, wait a second.

You guys shouldn't just
use miniaturization technology

for playing around.

This is serious technology!

Well, uh...

of course we have to do research
on the short-snouted seahorse,

Hippocampus hippocampus,
to uh...

explore how this seahorse,

um...interacts with
other inhabitants of

the coral reef system.

Yes, of course.

Nice one bro.


Yeah, uh-huh!

When you two play around
with technology,

something usually
goes wrong.

If you're going to
use the Miniaturizer,

you'd better get
a lot of info on seahorses.

I'm going to prep
my Invention Station for

seahorse Power Disc creation.

And I'll be
checking in on you. Hmm.



I love the beach.

But what does it take to design
a line of beach jewelry?



Maybe I can call up
the Kratt brothers

and catch them with some
creature that inspires me.

Yeah, when you look closer,
you can see that the seahorse

is sending waves
down his dorsal fin.

And that's how
Ocean Pony moves forward.


Come on, Aviva,
you're calling already?

We just got started with
the sea... see ya --

yeah, nice to see you, Donita...

Hello, Martino.

Uh... hellooooo.

You said that already.

What are you up to?

Uh, nothing...
nothing at all.



Now Donita's going to
get really interested.


Oh no!
She's calling back!

Don't answer it!

I'm not.

In fact,
I'm hanging up on her.


Who were you hanging up on?

Oh, I thought
you were Donita.

Oh, nice. Thanks a lot.

So what have you discovered
about the seahorses?

Well, they have dorsal fins,
that they swim...

That's it?
But we learned that already.

But they don't flap them,

they send undulating waves
down them.

Well, that is
something new.

But I'm making
Creature Power Suits, guys.

I need some wow facts!
I'll call you back.



Look how a seahorse
rises up in the water.

He uses the gases in his body
to sink down, and float up.

That's wow!


Hey, Aviva!

We just found a...

Ha-ha , wow...
what a sneeze, huh?

So what are you doing

Uh... I'm taking a bath.

Oh, that must be a big tub.

Well, it's more of a pool.

You take baths in a pool?

Uh, sometimes?

And with a mask?

Uh, well...

And in your clothes?



What's that floating
around your head?

Oh, a bath toy.

Aren't you a little old
for bath toys?

Uh, no... uh, yes...

uh...I like rubber sea horsey
bath toys and...

Wait a moment.
I know what those are.


Uh, no, they're not.

Just little old seahorses
who are swimming away.

A collection of beach jewelry

made of cute and tiny
precious little seahorses.


There they go...
can't find them anymore.

Too bad, so sorry.

I'll be right there.

to Big-Rodeo.

Come in Big-Rodeo!

Big-Rodeo here.

What's your twenty,

Donita's on her way!

To collect all the seahorses
of the reef!

And turn them into earrings!


Can you intercept and delay
Donita until we can figure out

how to save, protect,
or hide all these seahorses?

And in a coral reef
the size of a football field,

there can be
a lot of seahorses,

so distract her
as long as possible.

We've got to get busy.

So we have their signal
coming from right about here.

Take me there, Dabio!

Ten-four, Donita!

And don't mess this one up.

And I will develop
the designs for the new

"Sand Between My Toes"
line of beach jewelry,

featuring seahorse earrings!


Seahorse earrings!

(Both laughing)

(Laughing continues)


I will have to put
a big push on designing

the Seahorse Power Suits.


And Koki, you'll radar scan
and find out which direction

Donita's plane will be
coming in from.

And Jimmy...


And Jimmy!


And Jimmy will think of
a way to distract her.

Huh... hehehe, right.

The seahorse's powers
are not obvious.

Yeah, we really have to
get down to seahorse size

to get a closer look and
find out some wow facts

for the Seahorse Power Suits.

To find a way to collect
all the seahorses on this reef.

Let's miniaturize!



Wow, Ocean Pony.

It's so cool
in your world.

Freeze bro, like all
the seahorses are doing.

It's a red snapper,
a predatory reef fish.

So camouflage is
a seahorse's defense.

Well, it's a start, but it
won't fool Donita for long.

Yeah, we've got to
get these seahorses hidden

and completely out of sight


Oh, yeah!

They're seahorses, right?

So, let's try to herd them!

Come on, let's just herd them
into that cave over there!

Let's do it.

I don't know how,
but it's working!

What? Uh-oh.


I was just going to say that.

Ocean Pony,
will you knock it off?

I think we're
going to have to

come up with another plan.

Oh, that's it.



Dabio, increase speed.

Get me there.

(Engine speeding up)

All I need now...

is seahorses.


(Popping noise)

Hey, look at that.

He pops open his jaws
and creates a suction

that pulls in his prey.

Okay, now that counts as
a pretty cool power.

Uh-oh, but seahorses are
also part of the food chain.


And the red snapper's heading
right towards Ocean Pony!

He's not going to
make it in time!

I'm on it, partner.


Got him!

Changing color.

Oh ho, he tricked the fish

into thinking he was
part of the reef.

Now that definitely counts
as a creature power.

Aviva, did you see that?

Got it!

The jaw snapping suction
and the camouflage!

But I'm still not sure if
we have a seahorse power

that can save
all the seahorses from Donita.

You'd better hurry,

because I've got
a bead on Donita's plane.

It's coming in from
the east and fast!

Okay, I have fin swimming,

camouflage, prehensile tail,
color change,

and... not much else.

Guys, you have to give me
more powers to work with.

Besides looking incredibly cool,

there must be something else
unique and unusual

about the seahorse?

Donita will be here
in five minutes!

So, Jimmy, it's time
to put your

plan of distraction
into action.


Jimmy, your plan!

Huh -- Whoooaaaaa!

My plan?
Yeah, my plan...

I don't have a plan.

Uh-oh, that's not good.

Come on, Ocean Pony.

You've got to give us
something big,

some power that we can use
to help save all you seahorses!

Whoa, what's wrong with
this seahorse?

It looks like he
swallowed a golf ball.

Yeah, and a good name too,

Golf Ball!
Nice one.

What's going on?

I don't know.

They're baby seahorses!

And they're swimming out of
some kind of pouch on his belly.

Uh... I think you made a mistake
calling Golf Ball a "he".

Golf Ball's obviously a mom.

Actually, Golf Ball is a "he"!

Yeah, in seahorses,
dads give birth to the babies.


Yeah, it's true!

In fact, seahorses and pipefish

are the only creatures
in the world

whose dads give birth
to babies.


Now that is one cool
creature feature,

and a great power for
the Seahorse Power Suit.

But I need more details.
Find out more!

We've got to get even smaller.

Hey, I'm always up for
a little miniaturization.

Guys, hurry!

Donita Donata has increased
her speed and is arriving...


(Alarm blaring)



Woo-hoo! Yeah!

La la, hooray, la la,
la la la la la, hooray!

Jimmy, what are you...

I've got a plan!

I've got a plan!



Well, I never...

It's... beautiful.

Nice distraction action.

Yeah, that'll buy the bros
some time.

Hey, Martin, where are you?

I'm right here.

Where are you?

I'm turning on
my Creaturepod light.

There are hundreds and hundreds
of tiny seahorses in here.

Yeah, one seahorse dad can have

as many as one thousand
five hundred baby seahorses!

And as soon as they swim out of
the pouch, they're on their own.

But for now
they're safe in the pouch.

Are you thinking
what I'm thing, bro?

I think so.

Oh, that one's beautiful!

Oh, I've got to have it!

Oh, look at how fabulous,
oh, oh... please,

I-I-I... oh, Dabio,
I've got to get that one.

Oh, that is so magnificent!

Oh, that one would look
so gorgeous on a necklace.


Dabio, hold me.

Lift me!


Higher, Dabio.


Get it, get it!

Ha! She'll be chasing
that all day!

You know, this is giving me
a great idea for a videogame.

Ahhh... oof!

Oh, it's a trick!

How dare they...


Whoa, she's good!

Oh, no, we can't get back
to real size!

The red snapper is
resting over the Miniaturizer.

And that means we can't initiate
our plan to save the seahorses.

Donita's landing over the reef!


See horses!

Come, Donita!
See horses!

See? Horses!


Not see horses like
seeing them with your eyes.

Seahorses like
horses that live in the sea,

those seahorses!



Dabio, lower the sea life
collection filter

and set it to...

"Extract Seahorses".

Right away, Donita.

Uh... ah... yeah...

Aw, he's not moving.

If I can chisel this old piece
of dead coral

into a seahorse shaped lure...

And if I activate the emergency

fishing pole feature of
the Creaturepod...



Then we can lure this
red snapper away

from the Miniaturizer!

Now, let's move.

Hurry everybody!

Donita's lowering some kind of
mongo filtration device!

Okay, we know how to
use seahorse powers!

Send us the Power Discs!

Complete and on their way!

Send them, Jimmy.


Quick, touch a seahorse!

Uh, not a problem.

Activate seahorse powers!

Let's go, Martin.

We've got to save
the seahorses, and fast!

To the Creature Rescue!





Why is the seahorse collector
not collecting any seahorses?


Dabio, prepare my submarine.


Dabio, over there.

Oh, hey, Donita.

What are you doing here?

Hmmm...I would say
nice outfits,

but they're not.

They do not
compliment your figure.

Now, I demand to see
the seahorses.

Oh, well, Donita,

the only seahorses
on this reef

are the ones
right in front of you.

Do not try to impress me
with your little suits.

Your Creature Power Suits
are never fashionable!

Oh, yeah?
Check this out.

We can make them
go your favorite color.


I can't stand yellow!



And if seahorses turn yellow,
I can't stand them either.

Let's get out of here,

Yes, Donita.


What did you guys do?

Yeah, where are they all?

What did you do with
all the seahorses?

Well, we used the powers of the
seahorses to hide the seahorses.

The power of the father
seahorse pouch to be exact.

And here they are!

Floating free and in the wild.

So, no doubt about it,
seahorses are definitely fish.

You got your standard
fish shape,

and then you've got your
pipe-fish shape,

which is really a long,
stretched out fish.

And then you've got
your seahorse,

which is actually a pipefish,

all bent and twisted into
a really unique shape.

But a seahorse is still a fish,

and if you take a close look,

you can see those
important fish features

just rearranged
a little differently.

So let's take a close look
at a wild seahorse.

First you have to find one.

It's really hard to
find a seahorse

because they are masters of

Seahorses sway in the currents,
mimicking sea grasses,

dead coral,
whatever their habitat is,

and however their
habitat's moving.

That's how seahorses
will be hiding.

Okay, can you make out
that seahorse shape

swaying there with the algae?

That's a seahorse!

It's a long-nose seahorse.

And seahorses can change color.

He's got the brown and white

matching with
the coral and the algae!

Master of camouflage.

And now he just sits there,
waiting for food to flow by.

But when he wants to move,
he can.

Now he doesn't swim with
his tail fin,

he swims with his dorsal fin,

which goes back and forth
in waves,

propelling the seahorse
through the water.

Not too fast, but he can
get where he wants to go.

A seahorse's tail isn't used
for swimming like most fish.

A seahorse's tail is used for
hanging onto things.

It's a prehensile tail,
like a monkey's tail.

A seahorse can find a
place, hang on with his tail,

and not get swept away
by the current.

Unusual creatures are some of
our favorite creatures.

And there are still
so many in the creature world

we still have to meet.

So we'll keep on
creature adventuring.

We'll see you on
the creature trail!

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