01x02 - Barbecue Story/Waiter, There's a Baby in My Soup

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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01x02 - Barbecue Story/Waiter, There's a Baby in My Soup

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]




Don't eat that.

You don't know
where it's been.

And then we'd walk
miles in the snow...

Dagnab it!

So then I took
the windfall profit

in money markets, and...

Get it off me!

Get it off me!
Get it off!

[ Scat singing]

I love a good barbecue.

[ Scat singing]

[ Scatting continues]

How are those
turkey patties coming?

They'll be ready in no time.

What's with spike?

He just wants
one of these burgers

But, hey, you can't have
everything you want in life

Can you, big fella?

Oh, I hate barbecues.

There's nothing
for us to do.

Let's play with my new ball.

Wow, tommy.
Where did you get it?

My grandpa gave it to me.

It's my favorite toy
in the world, and it's fun.

Here, chuckie, catch.

Nice toy.

Give me my ball, angelica.

Ask me nice.

Give me my ball.

Say pretty-please.

Give me my ball!

Say angelica is the nicest,
prettiest, best person

In the world.

Give me my ball!

Well, if you can't
be nicer than that

You'll never see
your dumb old ball again.

[ Squawking]

I'm leaving.

You kids are no fun
to play with.

Don't worry, tommy.

It's just
a dumb ball anyway.

[ Screaming]

What's wrong, tommy?

What happened?

[ Talking baby talk]

Oh, boo-boo.

What's the matter, baby?

All better now.

Why did you stop crying?

You could have got
anything you wanted.

I saw it.

Saw what?

My ball.

It's over the fence.

The fence?

Who knows
what's on the other side.

She's right, tommy.

You better
forget about it.

I can't forget about it.

It's my ball.

it's the next yard.

You're only a baby.

A baby's got to do
what a baby's got to do.

Who's with me?

Let's go.

[ Scat singing]

Stu pickles, cordon bleu.

How are the burgers
coming, hon?

Can't rush
these things

Can you, boy?

I don't think
this is such a good idea.

Ah, come on.

Don't be a baby.

Where is it, tommy?

I'm not sure,
but I know it's here.

Let's go back

Before it's too late.

No, let's split up.

We'll cover more ground
that way.


Nope. Not in here.

[ Grunting]


[ Gasping]

Did you find it?


Me neither.

Where's chuckie?

Help! Help!


what happened?

[ Muffled:]
I was looking
for the ball.


I was looking for the ball

When I got stuck.

[ Grunting]

Are you okay,

Am I okay? Am I okay?

First you talk me
into breaking out of the playpen

Then you lead me here
to a place that scares me

Then you get me

Stuck in the tree

And for what? Huh? Nothing.

I bet you never even saw

That dumb ball.

Where is it,
tommy, huh?

Where? Where?


I knew we'd find my ball.

Come on,
help me over.

[ Grunting]

Me next.

No, me next.

No, me!

You guys stay here.

We'll get the ball
and come back.

[ Growling]

[ Growling]

See, chuckie,
this was easy.

[ Yelling]

Come on, tommy.

Let's get out of here.

Not without my ball.

Please don't eat tommy.

don't eat tommy.

[ Barking]

Chuckie, I got it.

Let's go.

Jump now, tommy!


I can't do it by myself.

The fence
is too high!

[ Yelling]

Where's tommy?

I can't find tommy.

[ Barking]

[ Yelling]

[ Barking]

[ Barking]


Tommy, you there?

Stu, look!


Tommy, my baby. Oh...

You gave us quite a scare,
little man.

Good boy, spike.

You saved the day.

Hey, what's that?

my burgers!


[ Chirping]

Here you go--
burnt to a crisp

Just like you like them.

[ Humming]

didi, have you seen
my favorite tie?

No, tommy!

Not the tie!
Oh, no.

Didi, tommy did it again.

Tie in the potty?

Well, I'm sorry, dear.

I can't wear this tie
to dinner.

I've got to look

Mr. Mucklehoney will think
I'm a wacky inventor.

You look great, stu.

If he doesn't take me seriously

He won't invest
in pickles toys.

Oh, quit worrying, stu.

I've got
the restaurant number

the pediatrician's

And the plumber's
in case the pipes burst.

[ Honking]

That will be louise.

Got a hot date
at the bowling alley.

Score a , tiger.

[ Phone rings]


Oh, hi, tiffany.

When are you getting here?

What do you mean
you can't make it tonight?

We're counting on you.

But that's what
you said the last time.

Oh, your
other goldfish died.

Oh, okay.


[ Tires squealing]

Oh, no.

I guess we'll have
to take him with us.

Hi! You must be pickles.

Put her there.

[ Screams]

[ Laughs]

Just kidding, pickles.

And you must be
mrs. Pickles.

Real pleasure, ma'am.

[ Laughs]

Excuse me, mrs. Pickles,
but I can't resist a good joke

And folks like you
fall for every darn one.

Nice to meet youtoo.

Who's the little fellow?

Tommy. I hope it's okay...

I love kids.

Don't think
another thing of it.

Want a lollipop,sonny?
[ Laughs]

Oh, I love you pickleses.

Even your kid's a sucker.

You get it? Sucker?

[ Laughs]

Thank you for coming.

I'll show you
what I brought.

We'll get around
to business later.

First let's get some chow.

I'm so hungry,
I could eat a hog headfirst.

Hey, waiter!

You got prime rib here.

Get me
a pound-and-a-half slabs.

I'll see what I can do.

And bring me some
spaghetti and meatballs.

What about you,
mrs. Pickles?

Mrs. Pickles, I believe
there's a call for you.


Didi, it's me.


I got to get out of here.

I got in an argument with louise
over a seven-ten split.

I need a ride home.

We're in the middle

Of dinner and, i...

I'll be right there

And I'll bring tommy with me.

You must excuse me

But I've got a little
family emergency.

I'll take tommy and...

Shucks. Leave
the little fellow here.

We boys can watch
the squirt, can't we?

On the other hand...

Go on now.

Pickles, what do you got?

I call this guy

The helioptertron.

He starts as a robot,
but then you do this.

[ Glass breaking]

That's pretty good.

Only mucklehoney industries
is releasing two toys

Like that next month.

What else?


How about this?

What the heck is it,

Here-- let me show you.

[ Clicking]

I guess I haven't worked
all the bugs out of that one.

[ Mucklehoney laughs]

That's a great gag,

What else you got?


What's that thing do?

Well, here.
Let me show you.

Oh, one of those
wall-walker things.

But what's it do
after that?


After it walks
up the wall.

That one seems
dead on the vine

If you catch my drift.

Don't worry.

I got a million ideas.

That's good, pickles.

You just keep digging
them out of that bag.

[ Mucklehoney chuckles]

Oh, appetizers at last.

Don't mind me if I chow down
while you talk, pickles.


[ Mucklehoney slurping
and chewing noisily]

[ Cooing]


[ Yelling]

[ Yells]


Pierre's getting
a little sloppy.



[ Gagging]


What about these?

I call them wacko specs.

[ Mucklehoney laughing]

Oh, pickles, you k*ll me!

I wish I could pay you

Just to hang around
and make me laugh.

[ Laughs]

[ Gagging]

Are you all right?


Where's tommy?


[ Gurgling]

[ Whisper:]



[ Groaning]

Is this yours?

Hiya, champ.

Looks like you're having
a bad night too.

[ Laughing]

Oh, pickles, you slay me!

You must have gone to a lot
of trouble to set this thing up:

The tabasco soup

The flying table.

Heck, you even got
your kid into the act.

What did you do--
call the restaurant in advance?

[ Nervous laughter:]

Shucks. I'll take care
of that little thing.

Pickles, we could use
a twisted mind like yours.

You could?

Come down
to headquarters.

I got just the project
for you, pickles:

A doll that grows
edible hair.

We can call her
alice alfalfa sprout.

That's a good one, pickles--
alice alfalfa sprout.

I like that.

[ Tommy giggles]
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