01x08 - Real or Robots?/Special Delivery

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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01x08 - Real or Robots?/Special Delivery

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

At last.

My experiment
is almost complete.

Soon I will replace
every man, woman, and child

With my robots

And take over the world!

[ Gasps]

Oh, no! Dad!

You're a robot!

[ Gasping]

This movie is way too scary

For you kids.

Come on,
it's time for bed.

[ Yelling]

Good night, chuckie.

Your mom and dad

Will come over to get you
in the morning.

Good night, tommy.

Sleep tight.

aren't you sleepy?

No. I'm thinking.

About what?


Don't think about that, tommy.

You'll get bad dreams.

I can't help it

Because, well, maybe
anybody could be robots.

Like who?

Like anybody, chuckie.

Like the mailman

Or the man
who sells ice cream

Or even our own moms and dads.


Maybe our real moms and dads

Have been taken captured
to the planet mars.

No. That can't be true.

I don't know.

Did you see
how my dad looked

When he turned off
the tv?

He didn't look like
he usually does.

He looked like, uh...

A robot.

No, tommy.

Stop saying stuff
like that.

It's not true.

Maybe not, chuckie,
but I can't sleep

Until I find out
for sure.

Too many wing nuts.

The screws just don't fit.

Too many wing nuts.

Stu, honey,
I'm worried
about you.

I think you've been
working too hard lately.

I can tap in anywhere
and just get...


Huh? Okay, dear.

I'll fix the blender
first thing in the morning.

You don't get to sleep

You're going to start
sleepwalking again.

Don't worry, deed,
I'm fine.

Okay, but I worry about you.

Last time you walked
in your sleep

You rearranged your socks

And tried to make
a -egg omelette

On the kitchen floor.

All I need
is a good night's sleep

And I'll be fine.

I don't know, tommy.

Maybe this isn't
such a good idea.

Shh. Come on.

We got to find out.


What's that?

[ Chiming]

It's just
a clock, chuckie.

Come on.

[ Snoring]

Let's go.

If he's a robot

Then he doesn't need
to breathe, right?

Uh, uh, I guess not.



That ought to fix
this broken crib.

'Night again, kids.

Well, that proves it,

Your dad's not a robot.

That doesn't
prove anything.


Did you

Hear those weird noises
coming from him

When he was in bed?

I bet he's got gears in him
like that robot on tv.

You know
what we got to do now.

I do?

Yep. We got to go in there
and open up his chest plate.

Oh, no.

Let's go back.

Please, I'm begging you.

I'm going to crawl up
on his chest.

Here, chuckie.

You hold the flashlight.

[ Grunting]

[ Gasping]


You know, uh, tommy...

We don't have to stay.

We can go.


We got

To find the bolts

That open up the chest plate.


There they are.

[ Yelling]

[ Screaming]

I hope you're happy.

Now that your dad
taped us into the crib

At least do you believe
he's not a robot?

Nope. He must be a robot.

That's how come

He's trying
to keep us in here.

He doesn't want us
to find out his secret.

[ Thunder cracks]

Tommy, wait.

We can still go back.

It's not too late.

Chuckie, I got to know
if my dad's a robot.

I got to find out
once and for all.

Tommy, robots aren't real.

They're just pretend.

There's no such things
as robots.

[ Stu moaning]

[ Gasping]

[ Moaning]

[ Screaming]

[ Panting]

You were right!

He is a robot!

I got to eat first.

I have to eat first.

I got to have something
in my stomach.

I got to have...

Maybe something...

I don't know.
Fry up something...

Maybe some
nice omelette...

Fluffy omelette...

Thank you.
Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

And now, for my next dish,
I'd like to create

The famous
stu pickle's omelette.

What's he doing?

My lovely assistant ramona

Will hold the bowl

As I demonstrate
my culinary magic.

One potato

Two potato

Three potato

Six potato...




What's he talking about?

Must be some kind
of robot code from mars.


What are you doing here?

It's my cooking show,

You're not trying
to steal

My secret recipe?


Come back here.

Come back, drew.

I just want to talk to you.


[ Screaming]

come back.

[ Yelling]

[ Grunting]


One potato, two potato,
three potato, four...


Where's drew?

Are you okay, honey?

Yeah, I guess so, ramona.


Who's ramona?

My assistant.

Oh, stu.

You've been
sleepwalking again.



Okay, dear.

I'll fix the blender
first thing in the morning.

[ Gasping]

they look so cute and innocent
when they're sleeping.

don't they just?

This may sound crazy

But I dreamt
that tommy and chuckie

Kept coming into our bedroom

And trying to open my chest
with a plastic screwdriver.

Oh, come on.

Yeah, like I was
a robot or something.

Oh, my goodness.

How silly.

Tommy loves you.

He wouldn't do that.

Yeah, you're right.

It was just probably
some crazy dream.

You know, deed

We're lucky to have
such a great kid.

like father, like son.

Oh, deed.

[ Door shuts]

I guess you were right, chuckie.

My dad isn't
a robot after all.


But what about mydad?!

[ Thunder cracks]

My name is patty pants
and I need a new diaper.

No, you're not supposed
to need a new diaper.

You're supposed
to need a hug.

Now, let's see...

Maybe if I
just tweaked this a little.

Okay, now let's try it.

My name is

Patty pants and I do, I do,
I do...

Oh, this just isn't my day.


Wake up, spike.

[ Growling]

Where you going?

[ Growling]


[ Grunting]

[ Barking]

[ Growling]

ah, good.

Mail's here.

Hey, didi.

The eggbert catalog's here.

That's nice, dear.

Wonder what's new...
Oh, no!

I can't believe it.

This is the worst thing
that could possibly happen.

What's wrong, stu?

These toy people.

They beat me to the punch.

What do you mean?


It talks, it walks,
and it wets.

It even gets real diaper rash.


My patty pants doll

Is six months away
from diaper rash.

This one's available

I'm ruined!

You're overreacting.

That stuff never looks as good
as it does in the catalog.

I tell you, I'm ruined.

Why don't you order it

And see
for yourself?

That's a brilliant idea.

I can order one
for next-day delivery.

See, tommy-- a new little baby
for you

To play with.

She's coming
in the mail.

[ Door buzzer]

I'll get it.

Oh, hi, betty.

Hey, what's cooking?

Can I have
that catalog?

I need
that phone number.

Oh, hi, betty.

What's eating him?

It's that patty pants project,

Still working
on that?

he still can't get it

To wet realistically.


Say, why don't
you tell me about it

Over a cup
of bavarian mocha?

Guess what?


My dad says we're getting
another baby.

That's funny.

Our mom's getting one too.


Where will
she find it?

A stork brings them.

I got a book about it.

Not the stork.

They come
from the store.

It's stork,lillian.




My mom says I came
from the hospital.

The hospital?

Nah, that's where you go
when you get sick.

My dad says our new baby's
going to come in the mail.

Wow, tommy!

You mean right
through that hole

In the door?

Yup, it's coming tomorrow

And I'm going to wait right here
so I can meet it.

[ Whistling]

[ Growling]

[ Barking]


The mail's here.

I got to talk to the mailman.

where is she?


Tina trousers.

Am I the department

Of missing persons?

No, tina trousers is a doll.

Mister, I don't care
what she looks like.

A toy doll.

She was coming today.


Yeah, you got

A package
but it was too big.

You'll have to pick it up

At the post office.

What? I haven't got time
to go wait

At the post office.

I don't make the rules.

Mail service sure isn't
what it used to be.

Have a nice day.

This bag gets heavier

All the time.



[ Barking and screaming]


Oh... Oh...

[ Buzzer]

[ Bawling]

[ Scream]

[ Giggling]

[ Gleeful screaming]

[ Grunting]


No. No baby.

[ Screams]

[ Screams]

[ Screams]

[ Screams]


Hi. You must be
the baby.

I'm tommy.

What's your name?


Really? That's my mom's name


Right here!

You don't have
to yell, sir.

You got
a special delivery

For stu pickles

From the eggbert
toy company?


And I'd like it
sometime before christmas.

No need to be rude


Let's see, eggbert.

Must be under "r."

Just a second.

my dad's here.

He'll take us home.

Hey, this package
is a mess.

It's been torn open.

No charge.

The old days in the post office

Were better...


You'll like it at home.

It's a lot nicer
than here.


Yup, mom's there too.

Didi, it's here!

I can't wait.

Hey, didi!

The doll's here.


Hmm. This islifelike.

[ Sniffs]

Even smells lifelike.

If I didn't know better,
I'd say that was tommy.

[ Tommy and grandpa laughing]
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