03x05 - Osprey

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Wild Kratts". Aired: January 3, 2011 - present.*
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Live action/Flash-animated educational children's television series created by the Kratt brothers, Chris and Martin.
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03x05 - Osprey

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Wild Kratts ♪

Hey, we're here
in North America,

down here in the south
on the Florida Peninsula,

In a special habitat
known as the Cypress Swamp.

It's us, the Kratt brothers.

I'm Martin.
I'm Chris.

And this water
we're paddling through

is full of fish life,

like pike and bass.

And that makes it
a perfect habitat

for one of the greatest
fisher creatures on the planet.

Fisher creatures?
Yo, bro, is that even a word?


There's fishermen.
Why not fisher creature?

Why not?

And this fisher creature
is so good at catching fish

he makes fishermen jealous.

But when you're looking
for this fisher creature,

don't look down
into the water.

You look up
into the sky.

Or in the top of a cypress tree.

For one of the most amazing

fish-catching raptors
in the world.

The osprey!

The osprey is one of nature's
most expert fisher creatures.

She finds an area
with lots of fish,

and then she flies high in the
sky where no fish can see her.

Whatever fish we can see,
the osprey can see so many more.

It's got that advantage
of being up high,

scanning the whole body
of water here.

When she spots one she likes,

she dives.

Whoa! She plucks the fish
right out of the water

and then flies off
with it.

That is a fisher creature.

Osprey are such good
fisher creatures.

An osprey can catch a fish
out of every times she tries.

I mean, that's an incredible

She hardly ever misses.

But what's the secret
to the osprey's fishing power?

Special vision? Special talons?

Is there a secret
to the osprey's technique?

Imagine if we knew.

Imagine if we had the fishing
powers of the osprey.

What if?
What if?

♪ On adventure with
the coolest creatures ♪

♪ From the oceans
to the trees ♪

♪ The Brothers Kratt are going
places you never get to see ♪

♪ Hanging with
their creature friends ♪

♪ Get ready, it's the hour ♪

♪ We're gonna save
some animals today with ♪

♪ Creature Power ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild, wild ♪

♪ Cheetah speed
and lizard glide ♪

♪ Falcon flight
and lion pride ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Gonna go wild, wild,
Wild Kratts ♪

♪ Go wild, wild, Wild Kratts ♪

Okay, Jimmy. Power the Tortuga
down and remove the key

while I inspect
the flipper leg deployment.

On it.

(Engine puttering off)

Power is off,
and I am removing the key.

You're all clear.


I'm going to be careful
with the Tortuga key this time.

Without this, none of the
Tortuga technology can work.

The turtles on my lounger
look so cool.

It's like they're floating
alongside me.


Ah, but my fish are better.
So realistic.

It's like they're swimming
along right under me.

Are you kidding?

It's like I'm floating

on the backs of turtles.

Yeah, but we've done that

Have we ever floated
on the backs of fish?





Who did that?

That raptor.

But I've been laughing,

so I couldn't see
what kind of raptor it was.

Well, one thing we know:

he liked my fish floaty

(Both laughing)

(Device beeping)

Uh, bros?


Of course.

An osprey!


The great fish hunter.

Oh, that is definitely
our creature adventure today:

to find out why
the osprey

is the greatest fish-catching
raptor in the world.

Yes. What is the secret
to his creature power?

(Speaking Spanish)

The osprey is one Creature Power
Suit that must be made.

But it all happened
so fast.

I didn't get any specific info
at all.

Well, we've got
to follow him then.

I've got my mobile invention kit
fully charged and ready to go,

as soon as we can get a close
look at an osprey

and you guys can get me
some observations.

Don't drop the key.
Don't drop the key.

Then I can make
the osprey disk.


Oh, no!

I lost the key
to the Tortuga again!

Uh, Jimmy?


The Tortuga key!

Thank you, Koki.

Thank you, thank you,
thank you.

You were lucky this time.

But remember what happened
last time

you dropped the Tortuga key
into the water?

(All gasping)

We spent the whole day
looking for the key.

And we were really lucky
we found it.


I know what we can do.

We can put the key
on a floating key chain

so it never sinks.

And we can use this floating
rubber fish.

That should work.

Ah, thanks, Koki.

Now I can relax a little.


Oh, what a boring day.

I wonder what those Wild Ratts
are up to.

Computer, search Wild Ratts.


Sorry, my greatness.

No results for Wild Ratts.

Are you sure you don't mean
Wild Kratts?

Well, of course I mean
Wild Kratts.

Oh! Don't you know me
by now?

I need better technology.

Okay, we've got to get airborne
and keep up with the osprey

to discover
his Creature Powers.

Falcon Flier?

Too glidey. We need something
with power.

The rocket.

Way too fast.
Doesn't turn tight.

The Buzz Bikes.

Oh, these should do
the trick.



Hey, buddy.
Nice day for flying, huh?



Can you show us
how to catch fish like that?

Hmm. I don't think he likes
these big Buzz Bikes.

Let's back off
and give him some space.

Yeah. He definitely doesn't like
big flying machines

being around him.

Well, then the only way to keep
up with a hunting osprey

and discover the secrets
behind his Creature Powers

is to miniaturize.

Back to the Tortuga.

Race you.
Game on.


Catch you later, bro.


We're almost out
of buzz power.

We can't forget to plug
these bikes into the Tortuga

when we get back.


Oh, hey, bros.

When did you get here?
Just now.

But we need to get
back out there again

and fly with that
amazing raptor.

Yeah. We're going to miniaturize
the Buzz Bikes

as soon as we get them
charged up.

Uh, bros?

Hey, there's no power
in the Miniaturizer either.

Uh, bros?

We'll just plug it in
and charge it up.

(Both humming)

Uh, bros?

The Tortuga has no power
to power the Miniaturizer.


Because we had
to power down

while Koki was working
on the Tortuga.

We can turn the power back on
as soon as she's done.

I've got the key
right here.

Oh, no!

I lost the key
to the Tortuga!

I must have dropped it!

I hope not
into the water again.

Oh, don't tell me
it sunk.

Oh, where is it?
Where is it?

Where is it?!

There it is.


That looks like
a fish.

That's the key!

We put it on a rubber fish
for floatation, just in case.

A fish with a key on his tail.

Ha-ha, cool.

It didn't sink! Hoo!

Yeah, but it's floating away.

Oh, no!

You've got to get it.

Please, please,

Don't worry, Jimmy.

We're on it.


Uh, we never charged
the Buzz Bikes, did we?




Uh-oh, there's so much glare
coming off the water,

I can't see the key.

Where is it?

It floated out to sea.

It could be going

Hey, if an osprey can find
a fish in the water

and through the glare,

then osprey powers
can find our key.

Especially because the key
is on a rubber fish?

We've got to figure out
some way to get up there

and fly with the osprey.

But we can't miniaturize
any of our flying vehicles

because the Miniaturizer
is out of power.

If you can find a small,
flying creature

and activate
Creature Powers,

you might come out small size
and flying.

That's a great idea, Aviva.

One of your best ever.

They love any reason
to activate Creature Powers.

I'm okay with that,

as long as it gets
the key back.

Okay, let's split up and look
for any small flier.

And if you find one first,
call me on the Creature Pod.

Chris, I found a dragonfly.

I found a hummingbird.




Activate dragonfly power.






Activate hummingbird power.

What took you so long,

We're small size.
It worked.

Let's fly.

Chris, Martin.
I've had no luck.

Searching with a boat
doesn't help.

The glare off the water
is still too strong,

and I can't find
the Tortuga key.

It's out here somewhere,
and floating away.

We're on it.

Oh, yeah.


Wild Kratts located.

Oh, goody.

Where are they?
What is it?

Is it good for me?

Searching with a boat
doesn't help.

The glare off the water
is still too strong,

and I can't find
the Tortuga key.

It's out here somewhere
and floating away.

Tortuga key?
That is good for me.

Floating away?
That's even better.

If I find that key first,

I will control
all the Wild Kratts' technology.

Ooh, I must have that key.

Take me there.


All right, I'm ready.

Find out how an osprey
finds and catches fish.

And then,
with osprey powers,

we'll be able to find
the Tortuga key.

Oh, we're on it.

So if you find an area
with a lot of fish,

we have the best chance
of finding an osprey.



Whoa! Careful what
you wish for, bro.

Whoa! Oh!

We found a lot
of fish, all right.

Uh, but we're in
the danger zone.

Let's get higher,
to where the osprey soar.



All right. It worked.

He likes mini us.

When we're small size,

he doesn't mind us
flying with him at all.

Osprey Sidekicks
calling Floating Turtle.

Come in,
Floating Turtle.

Aviva here.

Floating Turtle,
we're with the osprey.

Are you ready to receive

Bring it, bros.

Okay, it looks like the osprey

starts his fish hunt
by soaring.

He can hold this flying position

because warm air rises up
from the water.

And he is scanning,
watching the water.

The osprey has incredible
powers of sight.

I mean, look at that eye.

When I look at the water,
all I can see

is a glare coming off
the water's surface.

But osprey eyes have the ability
to cut through the glare

of the water's surface
and spot fish silhouettes.

When he sees a fish
near the surface,

he folds in his wings
and dives.

A diving osprey
can drop to the water

at miles per hour.

He always comes in
at an angle,

so that the fish can't see
his shadow.

Then he swings his talons
forward and...

Splash! Grab!

The fish!

Suddenly it's got
extra weight

and has to work
those pectoral muscles

and flap his wings hard
to gain altitude.

Got it, guys.
This is great stuff.

But I need more info
on the osprey's feet.

What are they like?

The talons
are black, long, thin

and very, very pointy
on the end.

They are definitely used
for gripping the fish.

Hey, there's more.
The toes.

Each toe has hundreds
of little hooks.

And this must help to hold on
to slippery fish skin.

That makes sense.

Ospreys have to have
special gripping feet

to grab slippery fish
out of the water.

I've got what I need.

Because you've got a grip
that just won't slip,

I'm going to name you
Slip Grip.

Yeah, Slip Grip.

Okay, we got a fish.
Now where are we going?

Oh, an osprey nest.

I can quickly adjust
the programming

on another raptor suit
to use for the osprey.

Add special eyesight
for seeing objects clearly

beneath the glare
of the water's surface.

Add special footpads with dozens
of microscopic hooks on each toe

for holding
onto slippery fish.

Both key powers
of the fish-catching specialist,

the osprey.

And we have osprey power disks.

I made them mini, because that's
what Chris and Martin are.

ALL: Huh?

Hi, Aviva.

I heard you lost
the key to your turtle ship.

How about I help you
find it?

And then I'll take it
and control your turtle ship,

and all its technology
will be mine!


Oh, hello, Zach.

You're assuming that you'll find
the key first.

But the Wild Kratts
are already looking.

Chris and Martin
might be out looking,

but they don't know
that I'm here.

Floating Turtle
to Osprey Sidekicks.

Come in, Osprey Sidekicks.


Cast communication
blocking net.

We have a new develop--


My advantage.


Whoa. This just keeps
getting better.

An osprey chick.


And I'll name you Fluffy Flier.

Hey, everybody,

Slip Grip brought the fish back
to the nest.

And there's the cutest
little raptor here.

Something's wrong.

I'm getting nothing
from the Tortuga.

Uh-oh. We'd better
get back there.

Just need a quick

All fuelled.

Great. Let's go.

And there's the cutest
little raptor here.

Oh, so they found a baby birdie
that they like.

That's good to know.

(Whispering indistinctly)

You can just sit there and
watch me find your Tortuga key.

Zach-bots, use your metal
detectors and find me that key.

I know you don't have any
power to work your technology,

so I'll just get myself
something cool to drink.



That's why our comms
aren't working.

What's he up to this time?

He cast a communication
blocking net.

Hey, bros.
What's going on?

Shh. Zach has sent his Zach-bots
to find the Tortuga key.



And if he finds it first,
we'll lose everything.

We'll lose the amphi-sub,
Butterflier XT, Buzz Bikes,

Cheetah Racer,
the Createrra.

Here are the osprey
power disks.

I've pressed them
as mini disks.

Thanks, Aviva.
Thanks, Aviva.

Oh, and the Falcon Flier,

the Guinea Foul Flapper,
the Hippo Sub.

Okay, don't worry,

We'll activate osprey powers and
find the key before Zach does.

Oh, no, you won't.

Swat those flies.

Well, I'm a dragonfly,
but Chris is a hummingbird.


Catch us if you can!



(Both gasping)

Now we can activate
our osprey powers

and find that key.

Activate osprey powers!



See anything?

Oh, not through that crazy glare
coming off the water.

Oh, that's good for me.

You thinking what I'm thinking,

Oh, yeah.
I think so.

Turn on...

Anti-glare osprey vision.

Wow. Now we can see everything
from up here.

Every fish, everything floating
near the surface.

Oh, we'll find that key
in no time.

This is definitely
not good for me.

Okay, Zach-bot, time to get them
out of my key-finding way.

Do what I told you to do.
Cut it down.



Oh, no. Fluffy Flier isn't ready
to fly.


He'll fall right into the water
and drown.

Not if I can help it.

To the creature rescue!


Fluffy Flier!


Got you, Fluffy Flier.

Great save, bro.

And now I'll take care
of the Zach-bot.

Talon grab.

(Both sighing)

Oh, no!


(Speaking Spanish)

We'll take care
of Fluffy Flier.

I made some calculations.

And, with the historical

and today's winds
for this location,

there is an % probability that
the Tortuga key floated west.

That way.

(Metal detectors beeping)

You guys get back out there
and find the key.

We're on it.

Whoa! Our osprey sight
is amazing

with this anti-glare

Bass, sunfish,


Wait a sec.
That fish looks strange.

It's a fish with...

a key dangling
from its tail!

Uh-oh, the Zach-bot is heading
right towards it.

Dive, bro, dive!

(Detector beeping)

Ha-ha! My Zach-bot
found it first.

Nope. The Wild Kratts did.

What? Well, don't just
stand there.

Grab the key!

(Zach-bot beeping)

Well, when it comes
to grabbing,

nobody grabs
like an osprey.

Go, Wild Kratts, go!

Hey, not so grabby.

That's our fishy key.


Okay, let's see what these
osprey powers can do.


Talon grab toe stick.

Ha! And I got the fish
with the key to the Tortuga.


The key!
He's got the key!

Hang onto it, Jimmy.

Createrra, the Mantis Sled,


The key! Ha-ha!

(Engine whirring)


Hey, Zach, did I ever show you

my new angry turtle ship



Oh! Aah!

Turtle attack!

Retreat! Retreat!

Full reverse thrusters!

Oh, yeah.

Nothing beats
osprey powers

for finding and grabbing

from the surface
of the water.

Uh, guys?

We're not done yet.
What about Fluffy Flier?

Oh, yeah. We've got
to get him back

to nesting free
and in the wild.

Nobody can cut
this tree down,

because it's made of ironwood
with a titanium infusion.

Looks cool, too.

And the nest fits on it

Hey, here comes Slip Grip.

Looks like it's fish for dinner.

I think Slip Grip and Fluffy
Flier will be pretty cozy here.

They're back where they belong,
living free and in the wild.

Oh, look over there!
Osprey! Diving!

All right!

Osprey powers.

Whoa! Ha!

Did he get one?

Yes! He got a fish.

All right, another
hunting osprey, o'clock.

Okay, let's break down
the osprey fishing technique.

First, the osprey flies high,
scanning for fish silhouettes.

Then when he sees one
near the surface,

he tucks those wings in,

diving, coming in
at a low angle.

Then, when he's close,
reaching those talons out,

hitting the water, grab,
swinging those legs back

as he pulls that fish
out of the water.

And with a fish
in his talons

the osprey
is so much heavier.

He also has to have really
powerful chest muscles,

so he can beat those wings
and fly off with the fish.

When ospreys are picking a spot
to build their nest,

the most important thing
is to be near water.

And this osprey has picked
a spot surrounded by water.

An osprey nest can be
high up in the trees

or really low,
like this one.

As long as the nest
is close to the water,

so the osprey can easily catch
lots of fish

to bring back to the nest
for the chicks to eat.

An osprey nest is made
of sticks and Spanish moss.

And a pair of osprey come back
every year and add to it,

making it bigger and bigger.

Here's how you tell
the difference

between a male osprey
and a female osprey.

The male osprey
has a bright white chest.

The female has
a white chest too,

but she also has dapplings
of brown and grey

that kind of look like
a necklace.

When we were kids,

osprey were almost extinct,

k*lled off by the pollution
of the water

and the fish they ate.

But now, because we've begun
cleaning up the water

and doing things
to help the osprey,

like building
nesting platforms,

the osprey are making
a great comeback.

Keep on creature

We'll see you
on the creature trail.

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