02x07 - Let There Be Light/The Bank Trick

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x07 - Let There Be Light/The Bank Trick

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Squealing and giggling]


what are you doing

Up there?

You're supposed to be
in beddy-bye

By now.

You too, chuckie.

Here's your little night-light.


[ Smacking]

Sweet dreams.

[ Yawning]

oh, no.

It's happening again.

What is it, chuckie?

It happens every time
the lights go off.

First, the air gets black

And the scary shadows
come out

And all the monsters
crawl out of the closet.

Chuckie, there are no monsters
in the closet.

Besides, not allthe light
went off.

We still got the night-light.

Yeah. I guess
you're right, tommy.

The night-light will keep
the monsters away.

Yes, sir.

This new anti-gravity playpen

Is going to put pickles toys

On the map.


[ Chuckie screaming]


stu, honey

All the lights in the house
are off.

I'm aware of that, deed.

[ Thumping]


It's never been
this dark before.

Where did the light go?

I don't know.

Tommy, the closet monsters
are going to get us!

Come on, chuckie.

There's no closet monsters.

Are you sure?

Of course I am.

There's no such thing
as closet monsters.

Every baby knows that.

There's definitely
no closet monsters.

[ Thumping]

[ Both gasp]

[ Screaming]

It's the closet monster!

Pretty wild, deed.

Power's out

All over town.

Figured I'd bring
the tots.

We can have java.

We can?

Always be prepared.

I got a battery-operated

It will brew
a mean pot of espresso.

Let's put the kids

And try her out.

[ Screaming]

phil? Lil?

tommy? Chuckie?

Why are you
under your blanket?

'Cause it's dark
out there.

But it's dark
under there too.

Gee, I never
thought of that.

Don't you guys know?

All the lights is gone.

The light's gone
from our house too.

Aren't you

No. Why should we
be scared?

Because... Closet monsters.


Over there!

There's a ghost!

And a witch!

And a giant hand!

[ All gasping]

It's going to get us!

Hey, you guys

I don't think
there are closet monsters.


Yeah. I think

They're something else.

Let me just get my flashlight.

Tommy, don't.

I wonder if there's
any light in here.

[ Electric crackling]


[ Rattles]

[ All gasping]




See? It's just a bunch
of little clothes and junk.

Boy, I guess those weren't
closet monsters after all.

You know, I'm not as scared

In fact, I can't believe
I ever was scared.


[ Screaming]

Candles, flashlight, first aid,
water bottles, and...

[ Barks]

No time

For a walk now, spike.

This is
an emergency.

[ Whimpering]

Come on. That wasn't
a real monster.

I don't care.

I'm not coming out
until the light comes back.

What are we
going to do?

We got to get the light back.

But how?

the light's hiding.

Oh, great!

If he's hiding, we'll never
find him in the dark.

We'll find him.

I wonder where
the light goes every night

When it gets dark.

Hey, you guys, I know.

I remember once,
a long time ago

When I was really little

My mom took me in the kitchen
to get some milk.

It was real late--
way past my regular bedtime.

That's when I saw the light!

That must be where
the light hides at night--

In the refrigerator!

Yeah, I've seen it too!

He sure has been
in there

A long time.

Maybe he's stuck in there
and he can't get out.

we're the only ones

In the whole world
who can help him.

We got to go to the kitchen

And get the light
out of the refrigerator.



I'm not going.

Not this time.

This isn't just
regular old scary, tommy.

This is the dark!

No light at all,
not even a night-light.

No, tommy.

I'm staying
right here.

Okay, chuckie.

Whatever you say.

Wait! Wait!
You're not going to leave me!

I'm coming too!



how's it going down there, dear?

Any minute now, deed.

This ought to do it.

I'll just twist this
a little bit tighter.



The light! It came back!

Oh, no.

It's okay, chuckie.

We just saw
the whole room lighted up

And there's no monsters.

[ Screams]

What do you call that!

[ Gasping]

[ Screaming]

[ Tommy screaming]

Spike! It's you.

See, you guys?

It was just his glow-in-the-dark
flea collar.

[ Barking]

[ Tommy giggling]


Don't worry, chuckie.

Now that we got spike

We got no reason
to be afraid.

Why, in my day

We did all our schoolin'
by firelight.

Nothing wrong with good,
old-fashioned firelight.

And I can tell ya

They built them fires
the real way--

Not with these
newfangled magic logs.

Shoo! Shoo!


Where is it, tommy?

I can't see anything!




[ Gasping]

Come on, you guys.


[ Grunting]

[ Groaning]


We got to get up there
and grab the door.

But how?

[ Whimpering]

Hey! Great idea, spike.

Come on, you guys.

Help me up.

[ Grunting]

[ Hiccuping]

We better get
the light out soon.

He must be getting cold.


Not this one...

[ All grunting]

Not this one...

[ Groaning]

Must be this one.

And stu said,
let there be light!

[ Gasping and giggling]


I just about had
the darn thing going too.

Didi! Didi!

I did it! I did it!

Phil and lil:
we did it!

Why do you think
the light was hiding

In the fridge
in the first place?

I don't know.

Maybe he was afraid

Of the dark too.

Tommy! Hey, deed

Look who's rummaging
for a midnight snack.

How in the world
did you kids get here?

Would have thought they
would be afraid of the dark.

Not these kids.

They're not afraid

Of anything.

We better get you kids
off to sleep.

It's way past
your bedtime.

Well, since you

Brave babies aren't afraid
of the dark, I guess it's okay

If I unplug this awful
little night-light.

[ Gasping]

[ Door closing]

[ Both screaming]

[ Both laughing]

Let's see. "Queen's knight
takes king's bishop."

Walked right into another
lou pickles trap.

I got him right where...

Ah! What in tarnation
have you sprouts done?

Pop? What's wrong?

I've been playing
this chess game by mail

For months

And they went and destroyed it
in seconds!

Come on, pop.

It's just a game.

You can put it back together.

How many different

Can those
little pieces make?

[ Grandpa sobbing]

Come on, kids.

I think grandpa needs
some time out.

You two can come with me
while I do my errands.

Hey, did you hear
what my mom said?

We're going with her
when she does her harems.

Don't you know
what harems is?

Uh... No.

That's when grown-ups
take you to big buildings

Where there's nothing
to play with

And make you sit still forever.

That's boring.

The boringest

Thing in the world.

Even more boring
than when my dad

Watches the stupor bowl.

What are we
going to do, tommy?

♪ We're here, kids.

First stop of the day,
the atm machine.

Did you hear that?

The m&m machine.

M&ms. Maybe this won't
be so bad after all.

Mommy doesn't think
this is very funny.

Oh, you are just
a little ball of fire.

Oh, no.

The machine ate my card.

Now we're going
to have to go inside.

We had a minor accident.

If it's not too much trouble.

I'm so sorry, mrs... Prinklers.

Let's get the proper forms.

It's pickles, actually.

This won't take
long, will it?

Just a few questions,
mrs. Pritklers

And you'll be
on your way.

Okay, now.



Well, this seems simple enough.

Didi pridklers.



Did you see that?


I got to the machine

But I couldn't
get the m&ms.

You know what
we got to do.

Wait quietly while your mom
finishes writing?

No. We get back
to the m&m machine

And get our candy.

But I really don't want
to get in any trouble today.

If you don't
want any m&ms...

See you later.

M&ms... Trouble.

M&ms... Trouble.
M&ms. Tommy, wait!

Blood type. Hmm.

I think I'm "a" negative,
but I'm not positive.

And these

Are our friendly
tellers, gentlemen.

Friendly tellers--
not a good sign.

You forget your job.

Then trouble starts.

We've seen it before.

Part of our security system
is these red buttons

Connected directly

To the police station.

A swat team can surround
the bank in five minutes.

Hardly record-breaking.


Hey, what's the matter
with this thing?

There it is, tommy

But how are we going
to get the candy?

there's how.

This must be where

They keep all the m&ms.

Where, tommy?

Up there.

Come on.

Great-- broken,
like everything else

In this miserable world
these days.

What? Hey, hey, hey,
come on, baby!

Daddy needs a new
cellular phone.

Aw, no m&ms in here.

None here either.

Maybe the man who was here
ate them.

Move aside!

Mint shipment
coming through.

Hear that, chuckie?

A whole ship
of mints.

I knew this place
had candy.

Let's go.

Oh, good.
Our mint shipment is here.

You can see
our vault team in action.

During business hours.

Highly irregular.


This triple-reinforced door
is built

Of titanium-kryptonite alloy.

This electric eye creates
an impenetrable laser shield.

If the beam is broken,
the door slams closed

Sealing the intruder inside.

A fly couldn't get
into this vault undetected.

A fly? No.

A corrupt bank official?
Who knows.

Wow, tommy.

How much candy
you think they keep here?

Chuckie, look!
Those must be the mints.

[ Giggling]

What's this stuff, tommy?

Doesn't look
like candy.

Doesn't taste
like candy either.

Maybe the candy's in the bottom,
like the prize in reptar cereal.


Keep looking.

I don't see any, tommy.

This just looks like
green wrapping paper.

Chuckie, look.



[ Gasping]

Oh, no.

[ Electrical crackling]

Bruno, you clumsy oaf.

You walked
through the laser beam.

Help! Help!

Let me out!

Mr. Richter, mr. Simms,
this is mrs. Trencherman

One of our bank's
most valued depositors.

Mrs. Trencherman,
these are...

We're federal bank examiners,

Oh, my goodness.

No need to be alarmed,
mrs. Trencherman.

Just a routine investigation.

They all
start outroutine.

You're telling me.

Nice rubies, ma'am.

Obtained legally,
I presume?

Well, of course.
It makes me sick when I think

How criminal types
have infiltrated

The country's
banking system.

Criminal types?!

Why, mr. Loew

I don't know who
these gentlemenare

But no one speaks

To mrs. Harriet trencherman
that way.

Gentlemen, please.

Mrs. Trencherman
is one of our oldest customers.

Old?! Why, i-i...

Mrs. Trencherman,
when I say old

I didn't mean to imply...

It's true, I'm no giggling
schoolgirl, mr. Loew

But I hardly
consider myself old.

Hey, these aren't candies.

They're rocks.

Old indeed.

At least I'm old enough to know

The best way
to hang onto my money--

Not in cockamamie
stocks and bonds

But in diamonds and rubies
that will last forever.

[ Screaming]

Hmm. Must be
her nap time.

Chuckie, look-- a lollipop.

I bet she knows
where the candy is.

Oh, here we go again.

Great-grandmother's maiden name.


We always just
called her bubbi.

Excuse me, mr. Poltax.

Miss haze, I've told you
a million times!

Don't interrupt me when I'm
reviewing loan applications.

I'm sorry, mr. Poltax.

Futures are at stake.

These are
life-and-death decisions.

Don't let it happen again.


Aw... Rejected.

Miss haze, I thought...

Mr. Poltax,
mrs. Trencherman's fainted!

I hope the old bat's all right.

She's worth millions!

Wow, chuckie,
look at this place.

I don't know, tommy--
it doesn't look

Like any candy store

I ever sawed.

There's got to be candy
in here someplace.

Look around.



I wonder what kind
of tv this is.

[ Gasps]

Barney! Pork belly prices

Are going up like crazy.

Buy! Buy! Buy!

Eh. That's not a good channel.

Barney! There's been a change.

Sell! Sell! Sell!

This is the worstest tv
I ever sawed.

Tommy, stop.

There's no candy in here.

Maybe you're right,

Wherever they hide it,
they hide it good.

I guess
they don't want to share.

Or else
they don't have

As much candy
as you think.

Come on.

Let's go find your mom.

You know, tommy

Maybe they don't have
any candy here.

But if they don't have
any candy

What's all the fuss about?

[ Siren wailing]

Calling all cars!
Calling all cars!

In progress,
rd and main.

Your weight on the moon
in kilograms.



Sorry that was
so boring, kids.

All finished now?

Yes. That certainly
was a challenge.

I know, but rules arerules.

You know, I must say,
your kids are little angels--

So well-behaved.

Let me give you two
a little reward.


You two were great.

It's such a relief

To know I can bring you
when I do my errands.

But, agent richter, agent simms

Our bank has
a spotless reputation.

I'm sorry, mr. Loew.

Until your security procedures
are improved

We'll be taking this money
to headquarters.

[ Sirens wailing]

Hold it right there, you two!

But, but...

what's the meaning of this?

These men
are bank examiners.

Bank examiners, ha!

These two are the most notorious
bank robbers

In the whole country.

[ Gasps]

Thank goodness someone
had the foresight

To trip the alarm or we
might never have caught them.


I don't know
where we went wrong.

It should have been like
taking candy from a baby.
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