02x12 - Aunt Miriam/The Inside Story

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x12 - Aunt Miriam/The Inside Story

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Men and women screaming]

How could it
have happened, professor?

How could a regular house ant
grow to such an incredible size?

That's no regular
house ant, general.

That ant is from
outer space.

It could destroy

The entire world.

what a dog.
[ Doorbell ringing]

Telegram for
mr. And mrs. Stuart pickles.

Oh boy!
Is it a singing telegram?

No, sir. Just a regular,
ordinary, everyday telegram.

I never got a telegram before.

This is silly,
but could you sing it

For me anyway?

Believe it or not,
I get a lot of this.

[ Clearing throat]

♪ Dear, stu and didi

♪ Stop

♪ I'm coming to visit

♪ Looking forward
to seeing you ♪

♪ Stop

♪ Especially baby tommy

♪ Stop

♪ Love, aunt miriam.

Aunt miriam?

I haven't seen her
since our wedding.

She is such a sweet woman.


That woman's been the bane
of my existence for years.


I'll be hogtied
if I'll spend two minutes

Let alone two days
in her company.

Pop, wait.

Gee, tommy

Why is your grandpa so mad?

I don't know, chuckie,
but it's got something to do

With a ant.

You don't think..?

I hope not.

I really hope not.

[ Humming "red river valley"]

If that woman's moving in,
I'm moving out.

I'll just get a room
at the motel styx.


They've got cable

And they don't have aunt mim.

I never heard of anything
so ridiculous.

You're staying, and that's
all there is to it.

You can't

Do this to me.
Put your suitcases
in tommy's room.

We're letting aunt miriam
stay in yours.

In my room?

This ant must be
really scary.

I've never seen grandpa
act like this before.

What are we going to do, tommy?

Don't worry

Maybe it won't be
so bad.

[ Tires screeching]

That must be her.

The ant!
The ant!

Aunt miriam,
are you all right?

Yes and no.

Had a hip replaced last summer.

But I can't find a doctor
for my lumbago.

Why, stu, is that you?

Never did fill out

Did you?

Are you

Feeding him, dolly?

It's didi, actually.

Looks like
you're eating, all right.

Let's go see your kid.

That must be the ant.

Tommy, she doesn't
look like a ant.

She looks like a person.

Maybe she's from outer space
like that ant on tv.

Great mcginty,
you got two of them.

[ Screaming]

Tommy's usually
so good with strangers.

is one thing.

Family is what you got
to watch out for.

Louis, is that you?

It ain't

The pope.

Louis, you're a sight
for sore eyes.

My favorite cousin.

When we were kids

We were thick
as thieves.

The only thief around
was you, mim.

all my toys.

Stealing your toys?

You're a card.

Time to meet your aunt miriam.

Oh, sally.

It's didi.

He's just adorable.

He's just the cutest thing
I've ever seen.

That red hair,
those freckles

Those adorable
buck teeth.

He's not ours, actually.

His name is chuckie.

He's visiting.

This is tommy.

Oh, tommy!

He's the spitting image
of you as a baby, louis

And stu.

I'm afraid
it's the pickles women

Who get the looks,

It's didi.

Come on, kids, it's time
to go into your playpen.

I'll show you
to your room.

This is nice of you.

I hope I'm not
putting anyone out.


Boy, chuckie,
that ant sure is scary.

She's smells funny,
and she's got blue hair.

And when she kisses you...

No wonder grandpa

Doesn't like her.

Your mommy and daddy
like her.

Maybe she's nice.

There's only one way
to find out for sure.

Oh no. Here it comes.

We go in her room

Look at her stuff
and find out if she's

A bad ant
from outer space.

It's the only way, chuckie.

Ginny, when will you give up
this teaching nonsense

And become

A full-time mother?

It's didi.

And shouldn't you put
more garlic in those potatoes?

Another time, she took

My favorite ball
and threw it into the next yard.

She's a monster.

Now, pop.

She is.

We got to get to
the top of the stairs.

[ Doorbell ringing]

I'll get it.

What are you kids
doing here?

Hi, big bro.

Hi, angelica.

Hello, uncle stu.

I brought these flowers
for aunt miriam.

She's not
just my aunt.

She's my great-aunt,
once removed.

If she can be
removed once...

How thoughtful, angelica.

Isn't she just the sweetest?


Wish you'd taken my advice
on the potatoes, fifi.

It's didi.

Now what was I saying?

Louis was always
making mischief.

Remember when you snuck
into my room

And opened the window
and I got sick?

I did no such thing!

That was you, mim.

You opened my window
and got me sick.

His memory must be going.

It's sad, really.

Pickles men have
always been a little...

Tell us another story
about when you and grandpa

Were little, aunt miriam.

Isn't she just a darling?

Drew, this child
is a wonder.

She's so smart

And polite and well-behaved.

She reminds me

Of someone.

I know.

She's just like me.

[ Both gulping]

[ Snoring]

Give me back my ball, mim.

It's mine.

Mine, I tell you.

[ Snoring]



Let's go.

I've helped other people
with your problem...

And I need to know...

, , .

That ought to do it.

Now, where's that bathroom?

First get rid of this old thing.

She was listening

To this.

You will take over.

Nothing will stop you.

Did you hear that?

She's getting messages
from outer space.

Look at this!

Looks like
a space blaster.

And tommy, look at that.

[ Gasps]

It's her hair.

But it's not
on her head, tommy.

It's not on her head!

Hey, what are
you kids doing here?

[ Screaming]


Lou, wake up.

What is it, colonel?

Are we under attack?

The kids are gone.

The kids?

I don't understand it, louis.

They took one look at me
and ran away

And I'm usually
so good with kids.

Yeah, right.

When we were growing up,
you adored me.

You got me into trouble

And you were constantly

To pound
the daylights out of me.

I was terrified of you.

Louis, I had no idea
you felt that way about me.

I don't know what to say.

Don't say nothing.

Just help me find the kids.

Not in here either.

The only reason
I did those things to you was...

Well, I was a little jealous.

Jealous of me?

Remember when you got stuck
in that hole

In your mom's garden

And those kids, bill and jill,
pulled you out?

Nobody would have
done that for me.

All the other kids liked you.

But they respected you.

No they didn't.

They were afraid of me.

You were the leader

And since I was older

I was a bit jealous.


Gee, mim

I never would
have known.

Oh, louis.

Mim, I got to admit

You always were
my favorite cousin.

Louis, I was your only cousin.


Look who's here.

Come see your aunt miriam.

Are you sure you can't stay
a couple more days, miriam?

I put you folks out
quite enough.

But I haven't

Had so much fun
in years.

Good-bye, louis.

Good-bye, everybody.

It's nice
to make a new friend

Even when you've known them
for years.

I'm going to miss her.

She sure is a great aunt,
huh, fifi?

It's didi!

[ Gasps]


What a melon!

[ Giggles]


[ All giggling]


Uncle stu, grandpa, come quick!

The babies

Are eating watermelon!

Sorry, kids.

Eating watermelon's something
you can't do

Till you're a little older.

Wouldn't want
to swallow a seed

Would you?

[ Chuckling]

You don't want a watermelon

Growing in your tummy.


What's the matter,

You guys, I swallowed a seed.

[ All gasp]

If we don't get that thing

Out of him,
it's going to explode.

I miss anything?

They found out about
the miniaturized atom b*mb

In the president's stomach.

The only way

We can save him
is to shrink down

With a laser beam
and go inside his body.

[ Groaning]

Chuckie, it's just
one little seed.

Only this seed's
not in the ground.

It's in my tummy.

What if it starts growing?

It willstart growing.

It will grow into
a whole watermelon

And it will get
bigger and bigger

And bigger, and then...


[ Hysterical laughter]

Jumpin' jehoshaphat!

They shrunk them
with that laser beam!

Yes, yes, all goes
according to plan.

We'll go into
the president's body, all right

But what those fools don't know

Is that I'm not going to remove
the device.

I'm going to detonate it!

[ Maniacal laughter]


We got to get that seed
out of you, chuckie.

But how?

Well, maybe you
could throw up.


I'm not good
at throwing up, tommy.

What do you mean?

You throw up
all the time.

But I never did it
on purpose before.

It always just happens.

Like last time I was riding

In the backseat of the car

And my dad
was singing "old macdonald"

And then all of a sudden

[ Retching]

♪ old macdonald had a farm...

Stop! You're making me sick.

I don't want to throw up.

We got to find
another way.

Oh, there

You babies are.

Still scared about
that tiny little seed?

Well, I know how to get it out.

You do?!

How, angelica? How?


Come on, angelica,
you got to tell us.

Okay, I'll tell you.

We got to get little.

But we are little.


Really, really little.

Then we can go inside chuckie
and get the seed.

How are we supposed to do that?

We use a lazy beam.

A lazy beam?

Yep. It's
the only way.

This doesn't sound
like such a good idea.

[ Grunting]

It might be dark
inside, chuckie

Especially if he's got
his eyes closed.

I bet it's wet in there too.


[ Humming]


Everybody ready?

Okay, let's get small.

Wait a minute.

What am I supposed
to do?

Hmm... We got to put
you to sleep.

Sleep? Sleep?!

You inspect me to sleep
at a time like this?

I know.

This always

Makes me go to sleep.

Forget it, tommy.

It will never work.

It will never make me go to...

[ Snoring]

Everyone stand

Under the lazy beam.

Ready or not,
here we come!

[ Gasps]

[ All screaming]

[ Snoring]

Aww, he's nothing
but a big baby.

But a really,
really big baby.

Angelica's right.

There's nothing
to be afraid of.

It's just chuckie.


Yes. All goes accordion to plan.

We'll go inside chuckie,
all right

But what those babies don't know

Is that I'm not going to get rid
of that old seed.

I'm going to make it grow.

[ Laughing]

come on, angelica.

Are we going to go
inside chuckie now?

Coming, tommy!

[ All screaming]


[ Echoing:]

Come on!

[ Squeaking]

hey, tommy.

I'm stuck.

Me too.

What is this stuff?



[ All screaming]


I'm sinking!

It's the soocase, angelica.

It's too heavy.

It's making you sink.

Throw it away!

My suitcase?


[ All gasp]

[ Snorting]

[ All screaming]


[ Grunting]

Where are we?

I think this is
chuckie's lungs.

I thought we were

Were supposed to be
in chuckie's tummy.

We are.

This is just a little detour.

How are we going to get
out of here?

I think we can go
through this stuff.

[ Grunting]


The blood stream!

Let's go for a ride.

[ All laughing]


[ All screaming]

Help! Help!

Tough current today.

Oh, no!

I think we're going into

Chuckie's heart!

[ All screaming]

[ All screaming]

[ All screaming]

That was a close one.

Yeah. I didn't think
we'd make it.

Where are we now?

We should be close
to the tummy.


this is it!

How are we going to get in?


[ All grunting]

See you later, suckers.

[ Laughing]


Why did she do that?

Yeah. It's almost like she
wanted to get away from us.

Come on,
we got to get that seed.

[ Screaming]

Where is she?


[ Humming]

Oh, no!



What are you doing?

I'm watering the seed, stupid,
so it will grow better.

Grow better?

But we don't want it
to grow at all.

Maybe you don't

But I want to see
chuckie's tummy go kaboom!

[ Laughing]

[ Both grunting]

Hey, you guys

It's growing.

Look, angelica.

See what you did.

And I'm glad too.

Yeah, well, you won't be
if chuckie's tummy explodes

While you're inside it.

Uh-oh. I never thought of that.

We better get out of here.


[ All screaming]

Run, you guys!


[ Burping]

You did it, chuckie.

I did?


You burped up the seed.

But... But... Hey

How come you guys
aren't little anymore?


We never got little.

Yeah, you did.

You shrunk yourselves
with the lazy beam

Then you went up my nose
and got stuck

In my boogers,
and then you were in my blood...

We didn't do anything,

Yeah, we were about to.

We were just going to turn on

The lazy beam
when you woke up.


[ Gulping]

Hey, you guys,
spike ate the seed!

[ All gasp]

Anyone ever been
inside a dog before?

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