02x21 - Feeding Hubert/Spike the Wonder Dog

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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02x21 - Feeding Hubert/Spike the Wonder Dog

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

[ Vehicle approaching]

[ Gasps]

hold it,

Got a couple of
them over here.


Okay, chew it up, hubert.

[ Whirring]

That's it, hubert,
a little further.





Yes, chuckie?

I had the
scariest dream.


It was real early
in the morning.

I looked out my window

And there was
a big green monster

Coming down the street.

What'd you do?

Did you attack it?

Nah, I hid until it went away.

But the weird part is
I had the same dream last week

And again the week before that.

It was no dream.

I saw it, too.

You did?

Uh-huh, the monster's name
is hubert

And every house puts out cans
full of monster food for him.


He doesn't eat
little kids?

Nah, I think that's
why they put out cans

But he has a big,
wide mouth that goes...

[ Groans]

We got to meet hubert.

Tomorrow, let's all
get up and see him.


Boy, I was really hoping
it was just a dream.

Well... I guess he's not coming.

I really appreciate
your help

With this
recycling petition.

It's about time
somebody woke up
those bureaucrats

Down at city hall.

We didn't see any
monster, tommy.

I know.

I hope nothing
happened to him.

Hey, maybe I

Maybe you were
both dreaming.

Maybe there is
no monster.

There is too
a monster.

It's okay, tommy.

Sometimes dreams
can seem real.

I'm going
to prove it.

I'm going to prove
hubert is real.

Come on.

They got to be
around here somewhere.

I don't like this place, tommy.

It reminds me of when
we went to your garage.

Chuckie, this
isour garage.



Those are the food cans
I told you about.

I saw my dad put
them back in here.

Let's see if there's
any monster food in 'em.

Come on, phil,
help me up.

[ Grunts]

What do you
see, lil?

Does it look yummy?

Yes, i...

Get us some, lil.

Yeah, we want to
eat monster food.

I don't know, you guys.

I can't get it.

[ Grunting]

Just a little more.

Now look
what you did.

hey, you guys, I don't know
if we want to eat this stuff.

this petition drive has
energized the community.

People are really interested

In the solid
waste crisis.

But it took you to get
the ball... Holy catfish!


Oh, dear.

[ Phone rings]

Stu, can you get that?

Uh, okay.

[ Phone ringing]

Hello-- this is the
pickles residence.

This is tiffany bright
at channel .

Yes, the one with the hair.

We've heard about your
wife's recycling petition

And we'd love
to do an interview.

Would mrs. Pickles
be interested?

Just a minute,
I'll ask her-- didi!

Not now, stu.

Channel four wants
to interview you.


Oh, I don't know,

She says she'd be delighted.

Now do you believe
in hubert?

Nothing but a
monster'd eat
that stuff.

I'm sorry
we never
got a taste.

Speak for yourself.

If there really is a monster

That means he's more
likely to come back.


And soon, I bet.

That can is
pretty full.

Oh, boy.

Stu, what were
you thinking?

I don't want a bunch of
tv newspeople over here.

You said
it was okay.

Besides, some
publicity would
help your petition.

We haven't recycled
in months.

How will that look on tv?

Relax, I'll recycle everything
this afternoon.

But what about the five cans of
garbage we put out every week?

We'll look so wasteful.

I'll take
care of it.

On monday, we'll have
one can of garbage.

[ Muffles cry]

You guys, I think
we're in trouble.

Oh, no,
I hate trouble.

My dad's only putting out
one can of monster food.


Don't you get it?
Hubert will be hungry.


If he's hungry, he could
eat my strained spinach.

He won't want
your spinach.
He'll want to eat you.

[ Gulps]

I wouldn't be surprised
if he ate all of us.

Why don't your mom and dad
just put out more food?

Grown-ups don't
understand monsters.

I don't like this.

This doesn't sound good.

You mean the monster

That makes those noises
in the morning?


And eats out of
those big cans?

His name's hubert

And every house is supposed
to feed him lots of cans.

We're doomed.

There's lots of things that
monsters like hubert love to eat

Things you can find
all around the house.

It's easy to make
a can of monster food.

How, angelica?

You guys just do what I tell you

And everything's
going to be okay.

[ Whispering]

[ Snoring]



You said you would
recycle this.

I am.

Tiffany bright is
coming tomorrow.


The one with the hair.

Don't worry,
there's time.

Hey, my slippers.

Our trophy-- who put
this stuff out here?

I'm worried, tommy.

will be fine.

We put out
plenty of food.

What if something
goes wrong?

What could go wrong?

I am a wreck.

Stu, calm down.

It's no big deal.

We should put out our can.

Oh, yeah, right.

[ Gasps]


The recycling.


That hair lady
will be here soon.

Don't worry.

I got it covered.

What about
the rest of it?

They don't have to go
inside our garage.

All they'll see is
this one little can.

Oh, no!

hey, stu, deed.

Hope you don't mind us.

Uh, er, no.

Where's tiffany bright?

Be here soon.

Great, I'll take
these kids inside.

[ Groans]

Now, you just stay here

While your folks
become tv stars.

We're in big trouble.

There's only one can
of monster food.

Hubert'll be mad.

When monsters are mad...

They go away?

No, chuckie, they eat people.

What can we do?

Come on--

We got to find
some monster food.

How's my hair?

The pickles have been
recycling since .

Isn't that
right, didi?

Uh, uh...

Recycling since --
that's right.

When did you bring
your waste output

Down to a single
weekly can?

We're not going
back in there.

We got to, chuckie.

That's where all
the monster food is.

so stu, didi--

During an average week

How many times
do you recycle?

Uh, what would
you say, deed...?

Oh, uh, uh...

Let's just say on average.

Oh, yeah, on average.

Uh, that would be,
well, give or take...

We usually pick up the...

This one, tommy?

And i, i... I, i...

[ Gasps]

[ Screaming]

My hair!

[ All gasp]

Looks like hubert's not
going to go hungry now.

One week ago we saw
environmental disaster

Right here at
this very home.

Cans, bottles,

A flood of filth
and pestilence.

Now the pickles'
home is the site

For the inaugural run

Of the city's new curbside
recycling trucks.

And what a sight they are.

[ Snoring]

Look, baby huberts.


♪ Lassie was classy,
old yeller was sassy ♪

♪ But then there was
rin tin tin ♪

♪ But here is a poodle
who really uses his noodle ♪

♪ It's oodles...

♪ Oodles the talking poodle.

Look, billy--

It's oodles.

It looks like
something's wrong.

Billy, tallulah--

Uncle lyle's locked
in the barn

And it's on fire.

Oh, no!
Oh, no!

Wait a minute.

We don't have
an uncle lyle.

We don't have
a barn either.

♪ When there is trouble,
he'll come on the double ♪

♪ He's one dog
who knows his tricks ♪

♪ He's oodles...

♪ Oodles the talking poodle.

Uncle lyle, wake up, uncle lyle.

What? What happened?

You were hit

By a falling beam

After the heater
sparked a fire

In the hay loft.

I put out the fire
and saved you.

Oh, thanks.

Hey, wait a minute.

You can't talk,
you're a dog.

♪ He's oodles...

♪ Oodles the talking poodle.


That oodles is
the bestest dog

In the whole world.

I like oodles
because he saves
people in trouble.

I like oodles
because he never gets scared.

I like oodles

Because he can talk.

Too bad spike can't talk.

Hey, maybe he cantalk.

Spike can't talk, tommy.

He can't even
roll over.

What are you doing?

Hi, angelica.

We were watching
oodles the
talking dog.

A talking dog?

That's the stupidest
thing I ever heard.

I'm playing with
big-girl toys.

This is my junior miss c.e.o.
Cellular two-way telephone

Just like mommy's.

And you babies are too
little to play with it.

Ha! Ha! Cynthia, get
mcelroy on the phone!

Order me sushi!

And don't forget to
pick up my laundry!

Talking dog, huh!

Angelica's wrong.

Dogs can talk
just like oodles.

I bet we can
make spike talk.

Yeah, tommy.

Let's do it!

Hi, spike.

Sure is a nice
day, isn't it?

Eat any good bones lately?

I don't think he's
going to talk, tommy.

Well, maybe we got to move
his mouth to get him started.

He sure gots bad smells
coming out of his mouth.

Ask him a question, tommy.

How come you got bad smells
coming out of your mouth?

Move his mouth so he can talk.

Talk, spike.

[ Burps]

He talked.

He said, "oop!"

No, phillip,
he said, "up."

You guys, I don't
think that
was talking.

That was just a burp.

Don't you have
anything to say?

Spike's not talking

Because nobody's
in trouble.

Oodles only talks
when somebody's in trouble.

Hey, that's right.

Come on.

I don't know if this
is going to work.

Now we pretend we
don't hear phil
yell for help.

Then spike'll tell us
phil's in trouble.

Help! Help!

I'm tied to a tree.

I'm in trouble just
like uncle lyle.

Help! Help!

Look, spike's
getting up.

Help! Help!

There he goes.

Oh, help, I'm in trouble.

Here he comes.

He's going to talk.

He's going to tell us
phil's in trouble.

[ All sigh]

[ Urinates]

[ Phil struggling]

Oh, it's not
going to work.

We just don't know how
to make spike a talking dog.

hey, you guys, help!

I'm still tied to this tree.

So what do you guys
want to do now?

Tommy, what do
you want to do?

Let's go get
some juice.


Hey, what about me?

Oops, we
forgot phil.


Oh, yeah, him.

Those dumb babies.

Look at this, cynthia.

They really think
they can make a dog talk.

Make a dog talk.

That's the dumbest thing
I ever heard.

Hey, maybe not.

Oh, I guess
it didn't work.

I was in trouble and
he didn't say anything.

[ Growls]

[ Laughs]

This is going to be good.

Maybe spike
isn't a wonder
dog after all.

I told you it
wouldn't work.

Yeah, spike's
just a regular dog.

We should forget about it.

Angelica [ as spike]:
hey, tommy.

Who said that?

Me, over here.

Spike, he talked.

Say something
else, spike.

Hi, it's me, spike the dog.

He really talked.

I don't believe it.

Believe it, chuckie.

I'm talking.

I'm a talking dog.


Hey, spike, how
come you never
talked before?

I just didn't
feel like it.

How come?

Yeah, how come?

What's with all the questions?

You were
right, tommy.

Spike can talk,
just like oodles.


He's spike the
wonder poodle.

That's right--
I'm spike the wonder poodle.

Heh! Those babies'll fall
for anything.

Come on, let's take
spike inside to play.

Hi, aunt didi,
it's me, spike.

I'm a talking dog.

I'll have your dinner soon.

Shake a leg, lady, I'm starving.


[ Gasps]

No, no, that's silly.

Hey, uncle stu,
it's me, spike.

I did a doodle
on the carpet.

You better clean it up.

Oh, not again.

I'll be right there.

Hey, wait a minute.

Spike, what's it like

To be a dog?

It's okay.

Aren't you bored just
eating and sleeping?

How come you always
lick yourself?

That's enough questions!

There's something
you can do for me.

You babies go get me
some cookies.

But my mommy says those cookies
were for after dinner.

Do you do everything
your mommy says?


Cut it out! Get me
those cookies!

But spike...

Either you get me those
cookies right now

Or I'll eat you all!

You better
do it, tommy.

He means it.

Look at
those teeth.

Okay, spike, we'll
get the cookies.

That's better.

It looks awful high, spike.

Don't be a baby.

Get those cookies.

Help me up, chuckie.

[ All grunt]

I can't look.

I got it.

Can I look now?

[ Exhales]

Bring the cookie jar outside,
put it on the table

Then leave the cookie jar there

And take spike... I mean,
take me and go away.

But why, spike?

You wanted to eat the cookies.

Just do it!

[ Both gasp]

We did what you
said, spike.

Good, now get back
in the house!

I don't think
I like spike anymore.

He sure is
a funny wonder dog.

He's not
like oodles.

He didn't save
uncle lyle or nothing.

I liked him better when
he wasn't a wonder dog

When he was
regular old spike.

Why did he want us to put
the cookies outside?

[ Angelica munching cookies]

Sounds like
spike's eating.

But he's not.

He's just
lying there.

Then where's that
sound coming from?

[ Munching furiously]

Those stupid babies.

I can't believe they really
thought spike was a talking dog.

All I had to do was tell them
to get the cookies

And they got them.

And they thought it was spike
the whole time. Hah!

Tommy, that's
angelica's two-way
executive telephone.

You guys, I think
angelica tricked us.

I don't think
spike was talking.

Why'd she do that?

She's mean.

Because she's nasty.

Nope, because she's hungry.

She wanted the cookies
all for herself.

Come on.

Hah, hah.


What a bunch of suckers.



Oh, it's
the babies.

What do you want?

You tricked us.

You made us think
spike could talk

And then get the
cookies for you.

Big deal-- what are you
going to do about it

Throw me in prism?

[ Barks]


What is it?

Trouble, what kind
of trouble?

What's going on, stu?

I think spike's
trying to tell
us something.

He wants us
to follow him.

[ Laughs demonically]



Did you eat those?

Uh, I don't remember.

They were for after dinner.

I don't remember that either.

You're a mess.

We'll clean you up.

And then we'll
call your daddy
about what you did.

Could you just clean me up
and not tell my daddy?

Well, maybe spike's
not a wonder dog

But he's a pretty
good regular dog.

[ All laugh]

[ Growls]

♪ He's oodles...

♪ Oodles the talking poodle.
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