03x07 - When Wishes Come True/Angelica Breaks a Leg

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x07 - When Wishes Come True/Angelica Breaks a Leg

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Snoring]

[ Gasps]

[ Kids laughing]

Wow, it's neat!

It's pretty!


What is it?

I call it "three
babies and a guitar."


Oh, yeah?

Well, you want to know
what icall it?

A mess!

Ruined! My work is ruined!

Sometimes she makes me so mad.

I wish... I wish something
really bad would happen to her.


Don't say that!

You should never wish
bad things on people.

What if they came true?

He's right, tommy.

Something really bad
might happen
to angelica.


Like maybe her hair
could turn into worms.

Or maybe her nose could get
bigger and bigger

Until she couldn't
move without bumping
into walls.


I wish something
really bad would
happen to angelica

Something so bad that...

Well, I can't
even think of it yet.

But tommy...

I mean it, chuckie.

I wish that the baddest thing
in the whole world happens

To angelica.

I wish... I wish... I wish!

[ All scream]

That mosquito must have been
the size of a b- .

This here bug zapper
sure does the trick.

[ Buzzer sounds]

Hey, little bro'.

Hey, big bro'.

And how is my
little angel today?

Just as sweet

And loveable
as ever.

That's right, daddy.

What else could she be?

Say, stu, could I
ask you a favor?

Sure, bro'.

Today is the anniversary

Of charlotte's
first leveraged buyout

So I got her
a surprise present.

Could you
look after it?

What is it?

It's a work
of art, stu--

The most beautiful
masterpiece you've
ever seen.

You've never seen
anything like it.


It's brilliant, it's stunning

It's masterful.

It's angelica.

Isn't it special?

A perfect representation

Of my little angel.

It's special all right.

Let's put it
in the backyard.

The backyard? Why?

Well, you know, we got
those rug mites.

Wouldn't want them
to wreck the base.

If you think
it's safe out there.

oh, yeah.

Easy, easy.

[ Sighs]

[ Sighs]

Thanks a lot, stu.

Angelica and I will be back
in a bit to pick it up.

You shouldn't
have wished

That something bad

Would happen
to angelica.

Just wishing

Can't hurt

[ All gasp]

it's angelica.

She turned
into a rock.

Look what you've
done, tommy.

Look what
you've done.

I... I...
Didn't mean to.

Yes, you
did, tommy.


You wished that the baddest
thing in the whole world

Would happen to angelica

And it did, tommy,
it really did.

But I didn't mean
something like this.

You should have thought
about that before, tommy.

There's nothing worser
than turning into a rock...

Except maybe turning
into mashed peas.

Or bat drool.

Or mashed peas andbat drool!

I'm sorry, angelica.

I'm really sorry.

I don't think
she can hear you.

She's rock solid.

What am I going to do, chuckie?


Better do
something fast.

hey, deed!

Have you seen
my underwear?

[ Sighing]:
have you checked
your underwear drawer?

I swear, I love him

But sometimes I think
he couldn't find his nose

If he had his finger...

Oh, hi,

I thought your daddy

Came to pick you up.

He must be coming back later.

You're always welcome
to stay with us...

hey, deed!

I still can't find them!

[ Sighs]

Coming, dear!

Come on! We got
to hide angelica

Before my mom comes back.

But how, tommy?

She's made
out of rock.

Help! Help! I'm stuck!

Get me out of here!

Not now, chuckie.

We got to find
another place for angelica.

Even when she's a rock
she makes me miserable.

Well, at least thatcrisis
is under control.

Hey, deed, have
you seen my socks?

I kind of
like her this way.

Me, too.

She can't pick
on us anymore.

let's keep her this way.

You guys, we can't
just leave angelica
like this forever.

Why not?

Because angelica's

Not just a big, old, mean kid

Who pulls our hair

And makes us eat
old green stuff

From under the couch.

she's not?

No! She's a lotmore
than that.

She's the one who's
been there before us.

She's the one who
shows us the way.

Sure she's hard on us.

She's got to be hard.

But she's our friend
and we got to help her.

Plus, if we don't turn her back
into real, we'll be in trouble.

whatever you say.

All right.

But how, tommy?

How can we turn her back?

Well, I'm the one who
made her like this, right?


So now I got
to make a wish

For her to turn
back into real again

Then everything
will be okay.

Do it.
All right!
Do it.

I wish that angelica
turns back to real.

I reallywish that angelica
turns back to real.

I really, reallywish that
angelica turns back to real.

It's no use, tommy.

Angelica is rock, and
rock she shall remain.

[ Grandpa humming]

[ Humming]

Read my clips:

No new branches.

[ Laughing]

Oh, no!

We're in trouble now.

oh, pop!

Now what?

I'm on a mission!

You've got a phone call--
it's a woman.

Ooh! Why didn't you say so?

Come on, we got
to move angelica

Before grandpa

Comes back.

Oh, no!

I'm not getting back up
on that wagon again--

Not no way, not no how.

Oh, why me?

Why always me?

Maybe we could
squirt milk
all over her

So she gets
real messy.

How would that
make her real?

I'd just like to do it.

Maybe we could give her
a nice bubble bath.

How would thatmake her real?

I don't know, but it
would wash off the milk.

I got an idea.

Maybe we haven't turned
angelica back into a real girl

Because we wasn't treating
her like a real girl.

What you talking
about, phil?

It's like in that
story "pinnochlio."

He had to learn
how to be a real boy

Before he could
bea real boy.

So we got to act like
angelica's a real girl

And then she'll bereal.

Let's do it!

hey, deed!

Have you seen my work clothes
for raking the leaves?

oh, no!

[ Sighs]

Okay, push her on me.

more juice,

How about some nice apple sauce?

It's not working.

You know what, guys?

Think this applesauce
will do the job.

We need
something better.

Like what, tommy?

Just think.

What's angelica's
favorite food?

What's she always
trying to trick us
into getting for her?

What would
she'd always eat

Even if she
was made of rock?


Okay, chuckie,
you keep a lookout.

We're going
after them.

[ Grunting]

Hey, dude, back so soon?

Couldn't wait to pick up
my little angel.


What is it?


Spit it out.


Spill it!

Your uncle drew's here

To get angelica!

Let's go!

so excited about it.

Oh, no!

What are we
going to do?
Hurry, get in the wagon.

[ Grunting]

[ Screaming]

We broke angelica!

Oh, angelica!

My poor, poor

This was your hand,
your little hand.

Oh, why did I ever make
that wish?

Why did I ever say
the baddest thing?

Why didn't I say the next
to the baddest thing

Or the not-so-baddest thing?

Why? Why? Why?

hey, what are
you babies doing?


[ All laughing]

[ Kissing]


Peewee germs! Get away!

What are all those rocks
down there and what...?

Hey, wait a minute.

Those aren't rocks.

[ Screaming]:
they're me...

What is it,

[ Screams]

Something wrong?

"Something wrong?"

Stu, that's my statue--
my $ . Statue!

That's too bad, but your little
brother is a class "a" inventor.

I'll fix it before
you can say "hokey pokey."

Hokey pokey.

I call it

Angelica descending
a staircase.

I call it a mess.

[ Wails]


I guess I
learned mylesson.

Be careful what you wish for.

It might come true.

Yeah, somebody you know
might turn into a statue.

Or eyeballs...

Or worm guts...

or eyeballs andworm guts.

[ Both laugh]

like I've always said,
"a bigelow on the floor

Rates a name on the door,"
or something like that.

It's not your place
to question me, is it?

You know exactly
what I'm saying...

We have to drop off
angelica and run.

Bye, sweetie.

Bye, daddy.

We'll take

Good care of angelica
while you're rafting.

Why do they call it
power rafting?

It's great for networking.

Will you be
all right, princess?

I'll be fine.

We'll be gone
a whole week.

The sooner you leave

The sooner you can come
back with presents.

They called our
offer a joke?

If they can't take
a joke, they...

Hold on.


Bye, mommy.

Hurry, drew, I'm getting a fax.

Have a great time!


Uncle stu, I want
to go to the zoo.

I'm sorry, I've got
a lot of work to do today.

Maybe on saturday.

Aunt didi, uncle
stu won't take me

To the zoo.

Will you take me?

I can't today, sweetie.

But I'm the guest.

[ Sighs]

Grandpa, what do
you say we get
out of here

And go do

Well, my calendar's
pretty full.

Fishing with stan and
orvilleis on at : .

Want to watch it?

I think I'm kind of busy.

Your loss!

I never want to get old.

Look, uncle stu!

It's me, angelica

The famous ballerina dancer.

Not now-- I got to finish
this hippo-copter.

Hi, aunt didi,
how'd you like

To hear some 'pressions?

Um... I'm kind
of busy, sweetheart.

First, popeye the sailor:

"I yam what I yam and
that's all that I yam."

Thank you! Thank you very much!

Angelica, i...

For my next

Mr. Arnold schwartzenogger:

"Hasta la vista,baby."

Not right now, sweetie.

I'm working.

Hi, tommy.

Want to play

I'm kind of tired.

I think I'm going
to take a nap.

Why do you want
to take a nap?

Nobody's making you.

I always take a nap after
I watch captain blasto.

I just get tired...

And fall asleep.

No, tommy!

Tommy, tommy,
speak to me, tommy!

He's gone.

Minutes to fishing
with stan and orville!

Sure you won't join me?

Yeah, right, I'm really
going to watch a fishing show.

looks like jim's using
a five-pound test line there...

Guess the excitement
was too much for him.

With a - - dash bay lure.

Boy, nobody wants
to do anything.

Nobody pays any attention
to me.

I'mthe guest.

They're supposed to do
what iwant.

and after you bring
the bouillabaisse

You can fluff
my pillows.

Anything for you,
my darling.

I'll wait on you night and day.

I'll cater to
your every whim

Until that leg of yours
is entirely healed.

Look at that.

Because she's
got a broken leg

He's doing everything
she tells him to.

Say, that's not a bad idea.

I just can't get this
hippo-copter to fly.

Stu, if hippos were
meant to fly

They wouldn't weigh
, pounds.


Ow! Ow!

[ Moaning]

what happened?

Oh, my leg!

I think it's broke!

[ Gasps]

Mr. And mrs.

Uh, it's pickles.

Yes, of course.

I'm doctor hogie dooser.

Will angelica
be okay?

She's in x-ray now.

We'll know soon.

Hi, I'm bob.

I'll be your x-ray technician.

What will you do?

Take pictures of your insides.

Say "cheese"!

It's kind of
strange at first

But after a while you
get to like it.

peaches, peaches...

Ah, here it is.

Angelica sustained

A massive fracture
of the left fibula.

I did?

Oh, yeah, ow!

I recommend
we put her in a leg cast.

Doctor, are you sure?

Maybe we should get
a second opinion.

I may be young, but I can
recognize a broken leg!

I'm a highly trained

Here's your
chocolate milk, doctor.

Thank you.

[ Slurping]

doctor dooser said

To keep you in bed
and do all we can

To help keep
you comfortable.

I've rigged up
this call buzzer.

If you need anything

You just push here.

[ Buzzing]

We can hear it
anywhere in the house.

We'll come
right away.

Are you
in any pain, dear?

A little.

What a trouper.

What are you looking at?

Is your leg really broken?


Why'd they put a cast on?

How do I know?

Go figure grown-ups.

All's I know is I got this.

What does that do?


[ Buzzing]

Yes, angelica?

You can take the baby away.

I'm tired of playing with it.

All right, sweetheart.

Tommy, it's past
your bedtime anyway.

This is going to be great.

[ Buzzing]

'Morning, aunt didi.

Could you please get me
a cold drink?

Of course, dear,
I'll be right back.

There you are, angelica.

Thank you, aunt didi.

[ Buzzing]

Aunt didi

I wanted a cold drink.

That is a cold drink.

It isn't really cold.

[ Sighs]

Thank you,
aunt didi.

[ Buzzing]

Yes, angelica?

Uncle stu,
I want to watch tv.

But the only television
in the house

Is the big, -inch
console downstairs.

I know.

[ Grunting, groaning]

[ Buzzer sounds]

Aunt didi

Fluff my pillows.

[ Buzzer sounds]

Uncle stu

Would you open my window?

I'd do it myself,
but my leg's broke.

[ Buzzing]

What is it, angelica?

I need a tissue.

[ Buzzing]

It's a little cold here.

Could you shut my window?

[ Buzzing]

What is it, angelica?

Mmm... I can't remember.

[ Buzzing]

[ Panting]

I remember now,
uncle stu.

It's getting
kind of stuffy here.

Could you open my window?

[ Buzzer sounds]

Um, that's a
little too open.

There, that's better.

Thank you, uncle stu.

You're the bestest
uncle there is.

she's starting
to get to me, deed.

We've been waiting
on her hand and foot.

I'm going to disconnect
that buzzer.

Stu, you can't.

Sure, I can.

One little snip and...

exhausted too

But you remember that dr. Dooser
said she needs our care.

[ Sighs]

Uh, yeah, I guess
you're right.

I've been trying
to reach charlotte

But her phone
is busy.

...a counteroffer?

Hold on,
we're coming to a rapid.

[ Buzzer sounds]

Your turn.

[ Buzzer continues]

Aunt didi,
tell me a story.

How about
"the three little pigs"?


Okay, how about
"the little engine that could"?


"Hansel and gretel"?

No, tell me a story
about an angel.

I don't think

I know any stories
about angels, honey.

Then make one up.

I'm not very good
at making up stories.

Ow, ow! My fibula!

Once upon a time
there was an angel.

And what was
the angel's name?

Um... Beth?





That's right, aunt didi.

Go on.

[ Snoring]

I don't know how
much more of this

I can take, didi.

Boy, am I beat.

[ Buzzer sounds]

Uncle stu

I want some pudding.

It's : a.m., I'm tired
and we don't have any pudding.

Ow! The pain!

Angelica, we don't
have any pudding.

There must be a store open

I'm not going out
at : in the morning

To buy you pudding
and that's final.

Where's the chocolate pudding?

We're out of the
ready-made stuff.

We got pudding mix.

Stu, what are you doing?

chocolate pudding.

It's :
in the morning.

Why on earth are
you making

Chocolate pudding?

Because I've lost
control of my life.

[ sh**t out on tv]

[ Laughing]

your pudding.

Oh, that's okay, uncle stu,
I'm not hungry anymore.

[ Stu screaming]

[ Birds twittering]

If I hear that buzzer
one more time

I'm liable to crack.

[ Phone ringing]

Stu, it's
all right.

It's just
the telephone.


Of course.

The telephone.


Yes, doctor?

We've had a slight mix-up
with the x-rays.

Angelica's leg
isn't broken after all.

You can bring her down
to remove the cast.

I'm terribly sorry
for the mistake.

Mr. Peaches, I guess I
owe you an apology, too.

Stu, the hospital
made a mistake.

Angelica's fine.

We can bring her down

To take the cast
off right away.

[ Crying]


What's the matter?

I'm just so happy.

[ Doorbuzzer sounds]


What are you
doing back so soon?

We had to come back.

Charlotte had a little
run-in with a kayak.

You mean...?

Broken leg.

[ Buzzing]

Oh, it's just... You know...

I can't get any cooperation
around here.

[ Buzzing]

Drew? Angelica?

What's taking so long?

[ Persistent buzzing]

But daddy, I want
to do something fun.

Look, angelica

As long as mommy is in her cast

We have to make her
as comfortable as possible.

Anything mommy wants,
mommy gets.

[ Buzzer sounds]

drew! Angelica!

I need you now!

Can you make
chocolate pudding?

[ Buzzer sounds]

[ And sounds]

[ And sounds]
[ and sounds]
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