03x18 - In the Dreamtime/The Unfair Pair

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Rugrats". Aired: August 11, 1991 - August 1, 2004.*
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`Rugrats' reveals the world from a baby's point of view where it's bigger, more mysterious and uncontrollable.
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03x18 - In the Dreamtime/The Unfair Pair

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Gasps]

[ Kids giggling]

What are we going to do now?

We can go play
in spike's house.

Maybe we'll get fleas.


Gee, tommy, spike's house

Isn't very far away.

Wouldn't you rather take us
on some adventure

Where we can get into
all kinds of trouble

And maybe
never get home?

No, not today.

Phew. That's a relief.

This is great,

Really great.

I'm having lots of fun.

Nothing bad's

Going to happen today.

You guys, is it just me

Or do things seem
a little strange around here?

What do you mean, chuckie?

Everything looks normal to me.

Look, spike's doghouse.


Wait, tommy.

I don't remember spike's house
being so big.

Sure, it is.

Come on, chuckie.

[ Gasping]

was spike's house

so funny-looking?

Of course.

Hey, look, it's spike.

Hello there.

Just in time
for a spot of tea, eh, what?

Hey, spike's
not a-posed to talk.

What's going on, tommy?

I'm not tommy.

[ Laughing]

[ Yelling]

Chuckie, did you have
a bad dream?

Oh. Uh...

You know, chuckie

You don't have to be scared

Of your dreams.

They're just pictures
in your head.

Nothing in a dream
can ever hurt you

Because it isn't real.


[ Sighing]

I had the strangest dream
last night, tommy.

I dreamed you was a clown.

A clown?


Was I a funny clown?

Uh, not really.

I wish tommy was a clown.

Then we could feed him peanuts.

That's elephants,

Oh, yeah.

At least, there was
no elephants in my dream.

Oh. Too bad.

Yeah. Can't have
everything, chuckie.

And spike was in my dream.

He was really big

And he lived
in this really big house

And he could talk.


That must have been great.

Well, it was at first.

Then it was just too strange.

I didn't like it
when you was a clown.

I didn't like it at all.

It was just a dream.

Let's go see if grandpa's room
smells funny.

Great idea, tommy.

Yeah, let's go.

Last time,
it smelled like cheese.

I'm getting tired.

Don't worry, chuckie.

We're almost there.

Uh, tommy, are you sure

This is the way
to your grandpa's room?

Sure. I've done it
a jillion times.

[ Gasping]

[ Babies laughing]

[ Yelling]

[ Panting]

Oh, it's just a dream.

Come on, seabiskee!

Go, man o' w*r!

Go, go, go!

Guys, these worms
aren't racing too good.

Gee. And worm racing

Sounded so fun.

I got a idea.

We'll see if ants

Like to swim.

Yeah. And after

We can eat them.

wait a minute,
you guys.

This is how it started.

How what started?

My dream.

Dream?what dream?

I already told you.

Oh, yeah.

That was a dream too.

What are you talking about?

I had a dream last night.

This is exactly
how it started.

Then we went to spike's house,
and it was huge.

Spike was huge, too,
and he could talk

And then you

Turned into a clown.

A clown?


Was I a funny clown?

Uh, not really.

I wish tommy was a clown.

Then we could feed him peanuts.

That's elephants, lillian.

Oh, yeah.

Hey, wait a sec.

I know what's going on.

You do?

Yup. I'm dreaming again.

You can't be dreaming
if you're not asleep.

I guess you're right

But how do I know
I'm not asleep?

that's easy, chuckie.

If you was asleep,
we could hear you snoring.

Well, maybe.

Let's go play
in spike's house.

Wait a sec!

Now I know I'm dreaming!

What do you mean?

That's exactly where we went
in my dream.

You told us.

That's where
I got the idea.

Oh, I don't know
if I can believe you.

Well, look around.

the way

It's supposed to be.

you know, things do look

A little funny,
like this

Green stuff
growing out of the ground.

Chuckie, that's grass.

It's always been there.

That's what you
want me to think.

Chuckie, this can't be a dream,
'cause in dreams, you can fly.


If this was a dream

You could walk on top

Of the water.

yeah, chuckie

And in dreams,
the ground is made

Of chocolate ice cream.

chocolate ice cream?

Good, but not
chocolate ice cream.

See? This isn't a dream.

It's just plain old real life.

I can't listen to you.

You're not really tommy.

You're just a dream baby.

Why can't I just wake up?

Do you think chuckie's
really dreaming, tommy?

Maybe he dreamed us all up.

I don't feel like
somebody else's dream.

Maybe the whole world
is just chuckie's dream.

Nah. If it was,
it would be a lot weirder.

And scarier.

you're not dreaming.

I wish I could believe you,
dream tommy

But you're just not real.

Come on, you guys.

Let's go explore
spike's house.

You want to come,

No, thanks.

I'm going to sit here
and try to wake up.

[ Yelling]

Hey, you can't hurt me.

[ Chuckling]

Hi, guys.

Did you finally figure out
that you're not dreaming?

I'm dreaming, all right.

Look at those
weird things

In the sky.

Those are birds.

Call them whatever
you want, dream lil

But in real life

There's no way they could
stay up in the air.

Dream babies,
I figured something out.

Since this is a dream,
I can do anything I want.


See, in real life

You could get into trouble
or get hurt

But in a dream,
nothing can ever hurt you

'Cause it isn't real.

So let's go find

That talking spike.

And dream tommy

Don't try to scare me
with that clown face again.

It's just silly.

Look, spike's house.

Phil and lil:

That's it?

What about
all the pointy towers

And drawbridges
and everything?

Hey, spike

How about some tea?

What's the matter, spike?

How come
you're not talking?

let's go in.

Ah, this is too boring.

I'm not spending my dream

Doing dumb things I can do
any day.

You dream babies
do what you want.

I'm going to do
something really fun.

What are you going
to do, chuckie?

Go stupid diving for treasure?

Eat a entire ant farm?

Nah. I'm going to...

I'm going to go
into the next yard!

Chuckie, there's
a big, mean

Monster dog in there.

You could get hurt.

Don't worry,
dream tommy.

If worse comes to worser

I'll wake up
in my own bed.


I understand

If you don't want to go.

It's my dream.

But, chuckie...

Sorry, dream tommy.

I got to hurry.

I could wake up any minute.

Hello, mr. Monster dog.

Long time no see.

[ Growling]

[ Gasping]

Who never knowed
chuckie was so brave?

Guess you never
really know another baby

Till you been in his dreams.

You guys,
chuckie isn't dreaming.

We got to get him out of there.



Ow! Hey, that hurt.

Chuckie, are you okay?

Yeah, I'm okay.

My dad said, in dreams,
you can't get hurt.


I'm awake, I'm awake!

[ Panting]

Run, chuckie, run!

[ Grunting]

[ Gasping]

Hey, doggie.

Fetch, doggie,

[ Grunting and panting]

You made it!

So I guess I'm not dreaming
after all, huh?

Hey, wait a minute!

If I'm not dreaming

Then I really went
into the next yard

Where the dog is.

Yeah, chuckie.

You was real brave.

Yeah. That dog
could have eated you.

You guys,
I don't feel so good.

Good night, chuckie.

Sleep tight.

[ Sighing]

Ah, for the untroubled sleep
of the innocent.

That's it.

A little more here, I think.

Oh, no. Too much.

Oh, great.

Can you believe it?

I tore
philly's jammies.

Oh, don't worry, betty.

There's another pair
in the top drawer.

I guess these are about even.

Here you go, lil.

Nighty-night, phil.

Good night, lil.

'Night, phil.

Good night, lil.

Hi, guys.

Thanks for
looking after angelica.

She and the twins
will get along fine this time.

Mommy said she'd
buy me a new toy

If I didn't hurt the babies.











Don't you babies
have any manners?


What's wrong?

Only two people
can go on the seesaw

But there's three people.

Don't you know what that means?

Yup. Last one on the seesaw's
a rotten egg.

[ Twins giggling]


No! You dumb babies.

It means we got to play
another game--

One for three people.

Want to play reptar
with us, angelica?

see, reptar's trying

To destroy the city

But only the other reptar
can stop him.

Watch. I'm reptar.

And I'm the other reptar.

[ Both roaring]


Oh, you babies
are so incontinent.

That's also a two-people game.

This time, we'll play
a three-people game.

Like what?

Let's play with your ball.



You're doing it again.

Doing what?

Ah, forget it.

You babies
are hopeless.

Everything's always
phil and lil, phil and lil

Phil and lil.

As long as those two
got each other

There will never be room for me.

Unless I could find a way to...

Pull them apart.

[ Laughing fiendishly]

Lil, you're the favorite kid
around here, right?


Oh, I forgot.

Phil's the favorite,
isn't he?

What do you mean?

Oh, nothing.
I just forgot

Which of you
was the favorite

But it came to me.

How silly of me.

It's so obvious.

The favorite?

What are you talking about?

Every family
has a favorite kid.

They do?

Sure. Look at my family.

I'm the favorite.

In tommy's family,
he's the favorite

And chuckie's the favorite
in his family.

But, angelica,
our family has two kids.

That's right.

How can we both
be the favorite?

You can't, of course.

What it comes down to is

Your family's not big enough
for the both of you.

You mean..?


One's the favorite,
the other is the reject.


The favorite
gets all the attention

And the reject, um...

Has to live in the basement
all by hisself.

[ Gulping]

Well, which one of us
is the reject?

That isthe question, isn't it?

You'll just have to figure
it out for yourselves.

[ Angelica humming]

Do you think angelica
was right about the favorite?

Nah, she couldn't be.

If daddy or mommy
had a favorite

They'd be much nicer to him.

You're right.

She'dbe treated a lot better.

Mommy and daddy
treat us the same.

Right. 'Zackly the same.

[ Gasps]

There. Perfect.

Here, kid.

[ Whimpers]

Here you are, phillip.

[ Burps]

There's more
where that come from.

Nighty-night... Favorite.

Nah, can't be.

[ Gasps]

[ Gurgling]

If you need
anything else

Just let us know.

Nighty-night... Favorite.

No, it can't be.

Can it?
Can it?

You're the favorite,
aren't you?

You always get the best stuff.

Then how come your reptar doll
has all his teeth?

Yours does too.

Oh, yeah.

How come you got purple

And I only gots green?

'Cause green's
your favorite color.

Oh, yeah.


We got to figure out
who the favorite is.

But how?

So I marched myself in

And said, "mr. Macdougal

There will be some changes
or I'm walking."

Great! Then what happened?

I woke up.

Howard, you're a p*stol.

Those dumb babies will believe
anything, huh, cynthia?

I'll teach them to leave me
out of their games.

From now on,
I'll be the favorite.

Here you go, kids.


I told you daddy liked you best.

You gots more.


Your cookie's
way bigger, phillip.


Yours is, lillian.

Perhaps I could be
of some help.

Tell us whose cookie's bigger.


I knew it.

That's not fair.

You're right.

There. Now phil's is bigger.

Hey, that's not fair, either.


There. Now, you're even.

Great.thanks, angelica.

Any time, guys. Any time.

But we still don't know
who the favorite is.

Hmm. Good point.

Hey, I got an idea.

Why don't you guys

Go play with the telephone?

We're not a-posed to play
with the hello-phone.



When your mommy and daddy

Find you playing
with the telephone

What do you think's

Going to happen?

They'll get really, really mad.

Who are they
going to get mad at?

[ Gasping]

The reject!
The reject!

[ Laughing]

Howard, you missed a spot
over on the side there.

mr. And mrs. Deville.

What is it?

I told them not to

But phil and lil
are playing with the telephone.

Oh! I better go take a gander.

Howard, keep scrubbing.


...americains sont stupide!

On ne parle pas francais.

Allo? Qu'est que vous..?

Hello? Hello?

Oh, yeah?
Well, same to you, fella.

Aren't the babies in trouble?

They're just babies.

They didn't know
what they were doing.

You go and play, ange.

Did you see that?

We bothdidn't get in trouble

For playing with
the hello-phone.

That means we're both
the favorites.

Come on, lil.

Let's go play.

Lil, wait.

Got something
to tell you.

It's about the favorite.

But we was both
the favorite.

Sorry, lil.

Don't tell phil I told you

But the favorite is...



Afraid so.

You're the reject.


Tough break, huh?

You probably want to pack

And get to the basement.

I guess so.

Hey, where's lil?

Phil, I got something
to tell you.


You ought to know

Who the favorite is.

I thought we was both
the favorite.

Nope. Now, don't tell lil
I told you

But the favorite is...


Wow. Really?

Yup. You're the reject,
all right.

Well, that explains a lot.

I guess I'll be seeing you
around, angelica.

[ Laughing]

Boy, I'm good.

Phil, i...
Lil, i...

I know who the favorite is.

Yeah, me too.

I don't know how I missed it.

Me neither.

Well, I got to go.


You don't have to leave.

I'mthe reject.

No, angelica said
I was the reject.

No, me.

No, me.

No, me.
No, me.



Wait! I get it now.

It's both of us.

That's right.

You get the picture.
You're both rejects.

But then who's
the favorite?

Me, of course.

I thought you guys
figured that out.

Why don't you two
go off to the basement

So's I can move in
and take all your stuff?

it sure looks dark.

And there's not
much light, either.

Bet there's all kinds
of reject stuff.

Like bugs.

And snails.

And slimy toads.

And basement monsters.


Let's go.

Wait. It's not neat.

You guys will be miserable.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Whatever you say, angelica.

Come on, lil.

It's icky and cold
and full of muck

And you have to stay there

[ Phil and lil laughing]

Phil, lil, come back!

[ Phil and lil laughing]

Wait for me!
I want to be a reject too!

So you made it all up, angelica?

Yup. Fooled you.

But why, angelica?

I was tired of you

Playing with each other

And not me.

It was
a pretty good joke.

I'm glad there's
no favorites or rejects.

Me too.

These polyester blends
are practically indestructible.

I'm just stuck in the past.

My favorite's always
going to be angora.

Who's angora?
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